Trump: Only fools and haters object US/Russia good relationship

'm only presenting the facts your Media fails to present and also posting Putin's opinion about the events inside and outside Russia. Is that what you call trolling?

BTW, not everybody in your country prefers to stay ignorant and I think it's pretty good. When you decide to climb out of your cave, give me a note and we'll talk like two adults.

I heard that you guys were being paid about a buck a post. How much ya knockin' down? ;)
'm only presenting the facts your Media fails to present and also posting Putin's opinion about the events inside and outside Russia. Is that what you call trolling?

BTW, not everybody in your country prefers to stay ignorant and I think it's pretty good. When you decide to climb out of your cave, give me a note and we'll talk like two adults.

I heard that you guys were being paid about a buck a post. How much ya knockin' down? ;)
Oh, I'm sure Soros has been paying you liberals a lot more than that for posting your BS.
Oh, I'm sure Soros has been paying you liberals a lot more than that for posting your BS.

I wish dude. Now seriously, how much ya knockin' down - 10,000 rubles a day?
Are you sure you want to be serious? Who do you think may pay me? I'm from Ukraine and Russia doesn't even know about my existence. Besides, do you think everybody who posts here has been paid? My award will be when the truth about Russia and the crimes of Ukrainian junta is officially revealed. Until then I'll keep informing those who care about it regardless if you like it or not.

P.S. It's not my fault your Media keeps stuffing you guys with alleged stories instead of delivering real news. You should blame them for misinforming you, not me.
Oh, I'm sure Soros has been paying you liberals a lot more than that for posting your BS.

I wish dude. Now seriously, how much ya knockin' down - 10,000 rubles a day?
Are you sure you want to be serious? Who do you think may pay me? I'm from Ukraine and Russia doesn't even know about my existence. Besides, do you think everybody who posts here is paid? My award will be when the truth about Russia and the crimes of Ukrainian junta is revealed. Until then I'll keep informing those who care about it regardless if you like it or not.

P.S. It's not my fault your Media keeps stuffing you guys with alleged stories instead delivering real news. You should blame them for misinforming you, not me.

If I was you I'd just say I get paid....that way you look professional instead of just plain silly.
Oh, I'm sure Soros has been paying you liberals a lot more than that for posting your BS.

I wish dude. Now seriously, how much ya knockin' down - 10,000 rubles a day?
Are you sure you want to be serious? Who do you think may pay me? I'm from Ukraine and Russia doesn't even know about my existence. Besides, do you think everybody who posts here has been paid? My award will be when the truth about Russia and the crimes of Ukrainian junta is officially revealed. Until then I'll keep informing those who care about it regardless if you like it or not.

P.S. It's not my fault your Media keeps stuffing you guys with alleged stories instead of delivering real news. You should blame them for misinforming you, not me.

Don't worry, a defamation as a paid agent is normal here.
'm only presenting the facts your Media fails to present and also posting Putin's opinion about the events inside and outside Russia. Is that what you call trolling?

BTW, not everybody in your country prefers to stay ignorant and I think it's pretty good. When you decide to climb out of your cave, give me a note and we'll talk like two adults.

I heard that you guys were being paid about a buck a post. How much ya knockin' down? ;)
Oh, I'm sure Soros has been paying you liberals a lot more than that for posting your BS.

Yep, libs post only BS, I agree with you 100%
Oh, I'm sure Soros has been paying you liberals a lot more than that for posting your BS.

I wish dude. Now seriously, how much ya knockin' down - 10,000 rubles a day?
Are you sure you want to be serious? Who do you think may pay me? I'm from Ukraine and Russia doesn't even know about my existence. Besides, do you think everybody who posts here has been paid? My award will be when the truth about Russia and the crimes of Ukrainian junta is officially revealed. Until then I'll keep informing those who care about it regardless if you like it or not.

P.S. It's not my fault your Media keeps stuffing you guys with alleged stories instead of delivering real news. You should blame them for misinforming you, not me.

Don't worry, a defamation as a paid agent is normal here.
Thanks, Baron, I don't really worry what brainwashed people say about me. 3 years ago, when I just joined this forum, almost everybody (except for 5 or 6 people who could differ sh*t from Shinola) called me "a Kremlin agent". Now only half of the forum (mainly liberals) do. So, if that tendency stays, there is a chance for the whole country to get their brains back during the next 3 years. Let's hope...
Thanks, Baron, I don't really worry what brainwashed people say about me. 3 years ago, when I just joined this forum, almost everybody (except for 5 or 6 people who could differ sh*t from Shinola) called me "a Kremlin agent". Now only half of the forum (mainly liberals) do. So, if that tendency stays, there is a chance for the whole country to get their brains back during the next 3 years. Let's hope...

Tell tRump and Putin to give you your GD brains back Poot Stooge. ;-)
(1). Putin did NOT direct his intelligence community to work toward a Donald Trump win in the 2016 election. Remember? Trump had NO CHANCE even up until the day before the election.


Declassified report says Putin ‘ordered’ effort to undermine faith in U.S. election and help Trump

Do you get paid to spread Russian propaganda? Come clean.

Was Obama lying?

Retard, no one ever claimed that Russians hacked actual vote tallies.

They committed gross acts of wire fraud against our political and electoral institutions with a side of a huge propaganda and disinformation campaign.

Huge propaganda, really?

The Guardian:

A small office of Russian trolls could derail 241 years of US political history with a handful of dank memes and an advertising budget that would barely buy you a billboard in Brooklyn.

Silicon Valley helped Russia sway the US election. So now what? | Emily Bell


Yea? :rolleyes: Is that were RT operates from too?

And here is what "small operation" did:

Facebook: Up to 126 million people saw Russian-planted posts

Out of 324 million in the country... How many of those 126 million were actually able to vote? How many of them were "individuals" vs "repeat" viewers? How many /disagreed/ with the sentiments being presented? (Considering that the various troll ads covered the entire gambit of "American" beliefs, ideals, and goals, plus were both for and against the major candidates)

Are we really going to say that NO group outside this nation can have, and voice, similar opinions to Americans during election time? It's not like American's didn't already have issues with things they "advertised"; US capitalism vs US socialism, abortion vs pro-choice, LGBT issues, and immigration issues, foreign relations - these are all valid issues that effect the entire planet, why shouldn't foreigners have the right to voice their opinions on these matters and even to try to convince the global population, including Americans, that their opinion is the "correct" one? Then when you expand that to the various candidate, it makes sense that those same foreign activists (groups) would have a "favored" candidate that would hugely effect global policy. I mean the only ad meme you can even point at that's purely "American" would be 2nd amendment vs gun control (I think I saw something about ads for that, though I may be wrong.)

What's the "numerical threshold" of American's that a foreign group or individual is allowed to influence before it becomes a problem in ya'lls eyes?

Does the UN need to stop talking to us, they're almost all foreigners too, why should they be allowed to influence our elections?

Why weren't the 60+ foreign politicians flipped out at for voicing their disapproval of Trump to the media during the election?

Can we arrest/deport/silence illegal immigrants who are massively influencing our elections and have been for like three decades? Even if you want to argue that they didn't vote, they still massively effect our politics - how do you think we ended up DACA and sanctuary cities?

At what point do you lefties open your eyes and see how fucking hypocritical you're being?
(1). Putin did NOT direct his intelligence community to work toward a Donald Trump win in the 2016 election. Remember? Trump had NO CHANCE even up until the day before the election.


Declassified report says Putin ‘ordered’ effort to undermine faith in U.S. election and help Trump

Do you get paid to spread Russian propaganda? Come clean.

Was Obama lying?

Retard, no one ever claimed that Russians hacked actual vote tallies.

They committed gross acts of wire fraud against our political and electoral institutions with a side of a huge propaganda and disinformation campaign.

BTW, Ukraine meddled in your election


BTW Lets start with he fact that Ukraine didn't break our laws.

They didn't hack our political organizations and they didn't have a campaign to spread fake stories here in the states..

Just another ridiculous attempt at equivalency.

There is no way to prove whom hacked shit, IPs are not traceable on the dark web, the software used was over 2 years old (and I highly doubt the Russian government would be using freely available hacking software when they can write their own "brand new" software that would get around way more security protocols.)

I think it's far more realistic to argue that "someone" hacked Clinton; then they sold/gave it to Wikileaks (who is not a Russian group, but rather Australian) or maybe they gave it to Russia who gave it to Wikileaks.

As for the DNC thing, Wikileaks said it was an inside job and came from a disgruntled Bernie supporter. Why would he lie about that? I mean you'd have to argue that he had some ties to Russia, except they went after Putin and tried to stop him from becoming president - I mean seriously most of the shit ya'll spout about Putin being some kind of KGB sleeper who wants to bring back the USSR comes from Wikileaks publications back in 2000; Assange thinks Putin's a smuck for the Crimea thing. He also think's that President Trump is an idiot. Assange was against both of them, but you folks are "seriously" arguing that he's de facto working for them both - it's a fantasy that you folks would rather believe than the truth. It's not healthy, its not good for the nation, it's not good for justice, nor America's reputation. Ya'll need to just stop with the uninformed bullshit and let the investigation finish.

Declassified report says Putin ‘ordered’ effort to undermine faith in U.S. election and help Trump

Do you get paid to spread Russian propaganda? Come clean.

Was Obama lying?

Retard, no one ever claimed that Russians hacked actual vote tallies.

They committed gross acts of wire fraud against our political and electoral institutions with a side of a huge propaganda and disinformation campaign.

BTW, Ukraine meddled in your election


BTW Lets start with he fact that Ukraine didn't break our laws.

They didn't hack our political organizations and they didn't have a campaign to spread fake stories here in the states..

Just another ridiculous attempt at equivalency.

There is no way to prove whom hacked shit, IPs are not traceable on the dark web, the software used was over 2 years old (and I highly doubt the Russian government would be using freely available hacking software when they can write their own "brand new" software that would get around way more security protocols.)

I think it's far more realistic to argue that "someone" hacked Clinton; then they sold/gave it to Wikileaks (who is not a Russian group, but rather Australian) or maybe they gave it to Russia who gave it to Wikileaks.

As for the DNC thing, Wikileaks said it was an inside job and came from a disgruntled Bernie supporter. Why would he lie about that? I mean you'd have to argue that he had some ties to Russia, except they went after Putin and tried to stop him from becoming president - I mean seriously most of the shit ya'll spout about Putin being some kind of KGB sleeper who wants to bring back the USSR comes from Wikileaks publications back in 2000; Assange thinks Putin's a smuck for the Crimea thing. He also think's that President Trump is an idiot. Assange was against both of them, but you folks are "seriously" arguing that he's de facto working for them both - it's a fantasy that you folks would rather believe than the truth. It's not healthy, its not good for the nation, it's not good for justice, nor America's reputation. Ya'll need to just stop with the uninformed bullshit and let the investigation finish.


Such a young, handsome guy lost his life just because somebody in DNC didn't want Americans to know the dirty truth about DNC and Hillary.
Was Obama lying?

Retard, no one ever claimed that Russians hacked actual vote tallies.

They committed gross acts of wire fraud against our political and electoral institutions with a side of a huge propaganda and disinformation campaign.

BTW, Ukraine meddled in your election


BTW Lets start with he fact that Ukraine didn't break our laws.

They didn't hack our political organizations and they didn't have a campaign to spread fake stories here in the states..

Just another ridiculous attempt at equivalency.

There is no way to prove whom hacked shit, IPs are not traceable on the dark web, the software used was over 2 years old (and I highly doubt the Russian government would be using freely available hacking software when they can write their own "brand new" software that would get around way more security protocols.)

I think it's far more realistic to argue that "someone" hacked Clinton; then they sold/gave it to Wikileaks (who is not a Russian group, but rather Australian) or maybe they gave it to Russia who gave it to Wikileaks.

As for the DNC thing, Wikileaks said it was an inside job and came from a disgruntled Bernie supporter. Why would he lie about that? I mean you'd have to argue that he had some ties to Russia, except they went after Putin and tried to stop him from becoming president - I mean seriously most of the shit ya'll spout about Putin being some kind of KGB sleeper who wants to bring back the USSR comes from Wikileaks publications back in 2000; Assange thinks Putin's a smuck for the Crimea thing. He also think's that President Trump is an idiot. Assange was against both of them, but you folks are "seriously" arguing that he's de facto working for them both - it's a fantasy that you folks would rather believe than the truth. It's not healthy, its not good for the nation, it's not good for justice, nor America's reputation. Ya'll need to just stop with the uninformed bullshit and let the investigation finish.

View attachment 160951

Such a young, handsome guy lost his life just because somebody in DNC didn't want Americans to know the dirty truth about DNC and Hillary.

Rich's family has pleaded for you nutters to stop spreading conspiracy theories about their dead son.

So how about you show a bit of respect towards them and STFU already.

We’re Seth Rich’s parents. Stop politicizing our son’s murder.
Retard, no one ever claimed that Russians hacked actual vote tallies.

They committed gross acts of wire fraud against our political and electoral institutions with a side of a huge propaganda and disinformation campaign.

BTW, Ukraine meddled in your election


BTW Lets start with he fact that Ukraine didn't break our laws.

They didn't hack our political organizations and they didn't have a campaign to spread fake stories here in the states..

Just another ridiculous attempt at equivalency.

There is no way to prove whom hacked shit, IPs are not traceable on the dark web, the software used was over 2 years old (and I highly doubt the Russian government would be using freely available hacking software when they can write their own "brand new" software that would get around way more security protocols.)

I think it's far more realistic to argue that "someone" hacked Clinton; then they sold/gave it to Wikileaks (who is not a Russian group, but rather Australian) or maybe they gave it to Russia who gave it to Wikileaks.

As for the DNC thing, Wikileaks said it was an inside job and came from a disgruntled Bernie supporter. Why would he lie about that? I mean you'd have to argue that he had some ties to Russia, except they went after Putin and tried to stop him from becoming president - I mean seriously most of the shit ya'll spout about Putin being some kind of KGB sleeper who wants to bring back the USSR comes from Wikileaks publications back in 2000; Assange thinks Putin's a smuck for the Crimea thing. He also think's that President Trump is an idiot. Assange was against both of them, but you folks are "seriously" arguing that he's de facto working for them both - it's a fantasy that you folks would rather believe than the truth. It's not healthy, its not good for the nation, it's not good for justice, nor America's reputation. Ya'll need to just stop with the uninformed bullshit and let the investigation finish.
View attachment 160951

Such a young, handsome guy lost his life just because somebody in DNC didn't want Americans to know the dirty truth about DNC and Hillary.

Rich's family has pleaded for you nutters to stop spreading conspiracy theories about their dead son.

So how about you show a bit of respect towards them and STFU already.

We’re Seth Rich’s parents. Stop politicizing our son’s murder.
I agree, this murder has to be investigated to stop being politicizing. And those who have done it and those who have ordered it must be locked up. Why nobody is investigating it, because everybody is afraid "to commit suicide"?

Last edited:
BTW, Ukraine meddled in your election


BTW Lets start with he fact that Ukraine didn't break our laws.

They didn't hack our political organizations and they didn't have a campaign to spread fake stories here in the states..

Just another ridiculous attempt at equivalency.

There is no way to prove whom hacked shit, IPs are not traceable on the dark web, the software used was over 2 years old (and I highly doubt the Russian government would be using freely available hacking software when they can write their own "brand new" software that would get around way more security protocols.)

I think it's far more realistic to argue that "someone" hacked Clinton; then they sold/gave it to Wikileaks (who is not a Russian group, but rather Australian) or maybe they gave it to Russia who gave it to Wikileaks.

As for the DNC thing, Wikileaks said it was an inside job and came from a disgruntled Bernie supporter. Why would he lie about that? I mean you'd have to argue that he had some ties to Russia, except they went after Putin and tried to stop him from becoming president - I mean seriously most of the shit ya'll spout about Putin being some kind of KGB sleeper who wants to bring back the USSR comes from Wikileaks publications back in 2000; Assange thinks Putin's a smuck for the Crimea thing. He also think's that President Trump is an idiot. Assange was against both of them, but you folks are "seriously" arguing that he's de facto working for them both - it's a fantasy that you folks would rather believe than the truth. It's not healthy, its not good for the nation, it's not good for justice, nor America's reputation. Ya'll need to just stop with the uninformed bullshit and let the investigation finish.
View attachment 160951

Such a young, handsome guy lost his life just because somebody in DNC didn't want Americans to know the dirty truth about DNC and Hillary.

Rich's family has pleaded for you nutters to stop spreading conspiracy theories about their dead son.

So how about you show a bit of respect towards them and STFU already.

We’re Seth Rich’s parents. Stop politicizing our son’s murder.
I agree, this murder has to be investigated

It was investigated you fucking dumb-ass.

Nutter claims that his murder had anything to do with politics ARE BASELESS, so do the right thing and stop spreading bullshit.

Aside from inconclusive official police findings, here is what private detective who was also looking into this story found himself in the middle of:
Lawsuit claims Trump involvement in retracted Fox story on Seth Rich

A basket of deplorables is exactly the right description of Trump and his useful tools.
Last edited:
Retard, no one ever claimed that Russians hacked actual vote tallies.

They committed gross acts of wire fraud against our political and electoral institutions with a side of a huge propaganda and disinformation campaign.

BTW, Ukraine meddled in your election


BTW Lets start with he fact that Ukraine didn't break our laws.

They didn't hack our political organizations and they didn't have a campaign to spread fake stories here in the states..

Just another ridiculous attempt at equivalency.

There is no way to prove whom hacked shit, IPs are not traceable on the dark web, the software used was over 2 years old (and I highly doubt the Russian government would be using freely available hacking software when they can write their own "brand new" software that would get around way more security protocols.)

I think it's far more realistic to argue that "someone" hacked Clinton; then they sold/gave it to Wikileaks (who is not a Russian group, but rather Australian) or maybe they gave it to Russia who gave it to Wikileaks.

As for the DNC thing, Wikileaks said it was an inside job and came from a disgruntled Bernie supporter. Why would he lie about that? I mean you'd have to argue that he had some ties to Russia, except they went after Putin and tried to stop him from becoming president - I mean seriously most of the shit ya'll spout about Putin being some kind of KGB sleeper who wants to bring back the USSR comes from Wikileaks publications back in 2000; Assange thinks Putin's a smuck for the Crimea thing. He also think's that President Trump is an idiot. Assange was against both of them, but you folks are "seriously" arguing that he's de facto working for them both - it's a fantasy that you folks would rather believe than the truth. It's not healthy, its not good for the nation, it's not good for justice, nor America's reputation. Ya'll need to just stop with the uninformed bullshit and let the investigation finish.
View attachment 160951

Such a young, handsome guy lost his life just because somebody in DNC didn't want Americans to know the dirty truth about DNC and Hillary.

Rich's family has pleaded for you nutters to stop spreading conspiracy theories about their dead son.

So how about you show a bit of respect towards them and STFU already.

We’re Seth Rich’s parents. Stop politicizing our son’s murder.
It's very fair to demand some respect to Seth's memory and to his family. And I think it would be same fair to demand some respect to Nemtsov's memory and to stop screaming "Putin is killing his opposition!!!", which you liberals have been enjoying doing. Also it would be fair to pay some respect to Trump and his family, whom you liberals keep trashing 24/7 for more than a year: calling his wife bad names, mocking his little son and even posting the threads about the size of Trump's d*ck (I remember that shameful thread very well from last year).

That would be fair to pay some respect to President and his family as well, don't you think? Let's respect everybody same way and stop politicizing murders same way.
BTW, Ukraine meddled in your election


BTW Lets start with he fact that Ukraine didn't break our laws.

They didn't hack our political organizations and they didn't have a campaign to spread fake stories here in the states..

Just another ridiculous attempt at equivalency.

There is no way to prove whom hacked shit, IPs are not traceable on the dark web, the software used was over 2 years old (and I highly doubt the Russian government would be using freely available hacking software when they can write their own "brand new" software that would get around way more security protocols.)

I think it's far more realistic to argue that "someone" hacked Clinton; then they sold/gave it to Wikileaks (who is not a Russian group, but rather Australian) or maybe they gave it to Russia who gave it to Wikileaks.

As for the DNC thing, Wikileaks said it was an inside job and came from a disgruntled Bernie supporter. Why would he lie about that? I mean you'd have to argue that he had some ties to Russia, except they went after Putin and tried to stop him from becoming president - I mean seriously most of the shit ya'll spout about Putin being some kind of KGB sleeper who wants to bring back the USSR comes from Wikileaks publications back in 2000; Assange thinks Putin's a smuck for the Crimea thing. He also think's that President Trump is an idiot. Assange was against both of them, but you folks are "seriously" arguing that he's de facto working for them both - it's a fantasy that you folks would rather believe than the truth. It's not healthy, its not good for the nation, it's not good for justice, nor America's reputation. Ya'll need to just stop with the uninformed bullshit and let the investigation finish.
View attachment 160951

Such a young, handsome guy lost his life just because somebody in DNC didn't want Americans to know the dirty truth about DNC and Hillary.

Rich's family has pleaded for you nutters to stop spreading conspiracy theories about their dead son.

So how about you show a bit of respect towards them and STFU already.

We’re Seth Rich’s parents. Stop politicizing our son’s murder.
It's very fair to demand some respect to Seth's memory and to his family. And I think would be same fair to demand some respect to Nemtsov's memory and stop screaming "Putin is killing his opposition", which you liberals have been enjoying doing. Also it would be fair to pay some respect to Trump and his family, whom you liberals keep trashing for more than a year: calling his wife bad names, mocking his little son and even posting the threads about the size of Trump's d*ck (i remember that shameful thread very well from last year).

That would be fair: to pay some respect to President and his family as well, don't you think? Let's respect everybody same way and stop politicizing murders same way.
After smearing Obama for eight years, and smearing the Clintons for 25, I can only laugh when karma comes back and bitch slaps those same tards in their mouth-breathing faces.

Payback's a bitch!

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