Trump ordered Security Clearances be issued to Kuchner and Ivanka

Donald Trump ordered his security officials to give Jared and Ivanka top secret security clearances, despite both of them failing the requisite security investigations. Both Donald and Ivanka have previously denied that Trump had anything to do with these clearances.

Trump ordered officials to give Kushner security clearance despite concerns, report says - live

Trump routinely disregards what his security officials tell them. Like Kim's denial in the death of Otto Warbier. Trump believes MBS, Putin and Kim over his own security people. What could possible go wrong.

So security officials, as part of the executive branch of the United States, can override the elected President?

Who works for who?

There are no records of a President making such an absurd demand.

Just another example of his putting family over country.

There is no record of a civil service so hostile to a previous president either. You can't say "it hasn't happened before" when you have the current new situation because of the "resistance"

I thought the civil service, independent of gov't, is supposed to vet people for security clearance. I thought it was their job to do so to protect national security. Silly me.

Kushner's initial filing contained at least 100 errors or omissions that he later had to correct. That should have nixed all his chances at a clearance from the get-go. But The Orange Virus just does what he wants.
-------------------------------- i don't think that ' civil service employees ' can be trusted any more than their bosses . 'civil service' employees work for 'mrobama and other past 'dems' plus traitorous 'repub' rinos TTumbler .
So Clinton is also to blame, since he said the same as Bush?
Correct, to a degree. So are you condemning both or approving of both? You forgot to say.
No i supported the Iraq war, Sadaam had to be taken out. The part i didn't agree with is we didn't go in and do it and leave. To many soldiers died and got hurt for no reason. We don't fight wars to win anymore.
---------------------------------- just a comment on not Fighting Wars to WIN anymore . ------ yeah , thats a fact eh JKGood .
Donald Trump ordered his security officials to give Jared and Ivanka top secret security clearances, despite both of them failing the requisite security investigations. Both Donald and Ivanka have previously denied that Trump had anything to do with these clearances.

Trump ordered officials to give Kushner security clearance despite concerns, report says - live

Trump routinely disregards what his security officials tell them. Like Kim's denial in the death of Otto Warbier. Trump believes MBS, Putin and Kim over his own security people. What could possible go wrong.

So security officials, as part of the executive branch of the United States, can override the elected President?

Who works for who?

There are no records of a President making such an absurd demand.

Just another example of his putting family over country.

There is no record of a civil service so hostile to a previous president either. You can't say "it hasn't happened before" when you have the current new situation because of the "resistance"

I thought the civil service, independent of gov't, is supposed to vet people for security clearance. I thought it was their job to do so to protect national security. Silly me.

Kushner's initial filing contained at least 100 errors or omissions that he later had to correct. That should have nixed all his chances at a clearance from the get-go. But The Orange Virus just does what he wants.
-------------------------------- i don't think that ' civil service employees ' can be trusted any more than their bosses . 'civil service' employees work for 'mrobama and other past 'dems' plus traitorous 'repub' rinos TTumbler .

There is also the possibility of burrowing, as in this article from 2016.

Obama’s Appointees Will Remain in Government Posts
Donald Trump ordered his security officials to give Jared and Ivanka top secret security clearances, despite both of them failing the requisite security investigations. Both Donald and Ivanka have previously denied that Trump had anything to do with these clearances.

Trump ordered officials to give Kushner security clearance despite concerns, report says - live

Trump routinely disregards what his security officials tell them. Like Kim's denial in the death of Otto Warbier. Trump believes MBS, Putin and Kim over his own security people. What could possible go wrong.

So security officials, as part of the executive branch of the United States, can override the elected President?

Who works for who?

There are no records of a President making such an absurd demand.

Just another example of his putting family over country.

There is no record of a civil service so hostile to a previous president either. You can't say "it hasn't happened before" when you have the current new situation because of the "resistance"

I thought the civil service, independent of gov't, is supposed to vet people for security clearance. I thought it was their job to do so to protect national security. Silly me.

Kushner's initial filing contained at least 100 errors or omissions that he later had to correct. That should have nixed all his chances at a clearance from the get-go. But The Orange Virus just does what he wants.

The original reason was to create an IMPARTIAL civil service, and to reduce the need for appointments, and thus the opportunity for corruption. Now we have entrenched Democratic operatives. inside the supposed "neutral" civil service.

Is 100 "errors and omissions" a lot compared to average, and by how much? Is it something that's not a big deal if you are a friend of the deep state, but something that can be nickled and dimed if you are not?

Republicans used to have faith in law enforcement, but now that you have a criminal President sitting in the Oval office, who has been under investigation for years, "entrenched Democratic operatives" are out to get him.

Trump, his reckless and utterly stupid obstruction of justice via Twitter, the open cesspool of lies, and the incessant abuse of the public purse, is the author of his own misfortune.
what MISFORTUNE has the TRUMP suffered . He just seems to be 'keeing on' keeping on DLady . And just this morning you woke up to the TRUMP still being your boss DLady .
So security officials, as part of the executive branch of the United States, can override the elected President?

Who works for who?

There are no records of a President making such an absurd demand.

Just another example of his putting family over country.

There is no record of a civil service so hostile to a previous president either. You can't say "it hasn't happened before" when you have the current new situation because of the "resistance"

I thought the civil service, independent of gov't, is supposed to vet people for security clearance. I thought it was their job to do so to protect national security. Silly me.

Kushner's initial filing contained at least 100 errors or omissions that he later had to correct. That should have nixed all his chances at a clearance from the get-go. But The Orange Virus just does what he wants.

The original reason was to create an IMPARTIAL civil service, and to reduce the need for appointments, and thus the opportunity for corruption. Now we have entrenched Democratic operatives. inside the supposed "neutral" civil service.

Is 100 "errors and omissions" a lot compared to average, and by how much? Is it something that's not a big deal if you are a friend of the deep state, but something that can be nickled and dimed if you are not?

Republicans used to have faith in law enforcement, but now that you have a criminal President sitting in the Oval office, who has been under investigation for years, "entrenched Democratic operatives" are out to get him.

Trump, his reckless and utterly stupid obstruction of justice via Twitter, the open cesspool of lies, and the incessant abuse of the public purse, is the author of his own misfortune.

When law enforcement is used as an excuse for political fighting, it's the side that starts it that is at fault. Your side.

You just can't wait the few years until a new election, because you just can't get it through your head that your saviour lost the election.

How does a tweet "obstruct justice"?

The rest is just the partisan bleating of a statist sheep.

Baa Baa Baa, bitch.
There are no records of a President making such an absurd demand.

Just another example of his putting family over country.

There is no record of a civil service so hostile to a previous president either. You can't say "it hasn't happened before" when you have the current new situation because of the "resistance"

I thought the civil service, independent of gov't, is supposed to vet people for security clearance. I thought it was their job to do so to protect national security. Silly me.

Kushner's initial filing contained at least 100 errors or omissions that he later had to correct. That should have nixed all his chances at a clearance from the get-go. But The Orange Virus just does what he wants.

The original reason was to create an IMPARTIAL civil service, and to reduce the need for appointments, and thus the opportunity for corruption. Now we have entrenched Democratic operatives. inside the supposed "neutral" civil service.

Is 100 "errors and omissions" a lot compared to average, and by how much? Is it something that's not a big deal if you are a friend of the deep state, but something that can be nickled and dimed if you are not?

Republicans used to have faith in law enforcement, but now that you have a criminal President sitting in the Oval office, who has been under investigation for years, "entrenched Democratic operatives" are out to get him.

Trump, his reckless and utterly stupid obstruction of justice via Twitter, the open cesspool of lies, and the incessant abuse of the public purse, is the author of his own misfortune.

When law enforcement is used as an excuse for political fighting, it's the side that starts it that is at fault. Your side.

You just can't wait the few years until a new election, because you just can't get it through your head that your saviour lost the election.

How does a tweet "obstruct justice"?

The rest is just the partisan bleating of a statist sheep.

Baa Baa Baa, bitch.

You stupid clown! You elected an agent of the Government of Russia as your President. The rest of the government is busy doing what the Constitution requires them to do - investigate him, have a trial and remove the treasonous asshole from office.
There is no record of a civil service so hostile to a previous president either. You can't say "it hasn't happened before" when you have the current new situation because of the "resistance"

I thought the civil service, independent of gov't, is supposed to vet people for security clearance. I thought it was their job to do so to protect national security. Silly me.

Kushner's initial filing contained at least 100 errors or omissions that he later had to correct. That should have nixed all his chances at a clearance from the get-go. But The Orange Virus just does what he wants.

The original reason was to create an IMPARTIAL civil service, and to reduce the need for appointments, and thus the opportunity for corruption. Now we have entrenched Democratic operatives. inside the supposed "neutral" civil service.

Is 100 "errors and omissions" a lot compared to average, and by how much? Is it something that's not a big deal if you are a friend of the deep state, but something that can be nickled and dimed if you are not?

Republicans used to have faith in law enforcement, but now that you have a criminal President sitting in the Oval office, who has been under investigation for years, "entrenched Democratic operatives" are out to get him.

Trump, his reckless and utterly stupid obstruction of justice via Twitter, the open cesspool of lies, and the incessant abuse of the public purse, is the author of his own misfortune.

When law enforcement is used as an excuse for political fighting, it's the side that starts it that is at fault. Your side.

You just can't wait the few years until a new election, because you just can't get it through your head that your saviour lost the election.

How does a tweet "obstruct justice"?

The rest is just the partisan bleating of a statist sheep.

Baa Baa Baa, bitch.

You stupid clown! You elected an agent of the Government of Russia as your President. The rest of the government is busy doing what the Constitution requires them to do - investigate him, have a trial and remove the treasonous asshole from office.

So he's an agent now?


Sore loser, sore loser, sore loser.

Want some preparation H for that?
you canooks are 'cwazy' , are ALL of you 'canooks' cwazy . By the way , the Trump is still President of the USA and is the most powerful and important man in the world and he is yer BOSS DLady ,
They still work for the president,
But don't owe him any loyalty and don't follow his rules.

We can do this all day, you know. You think they should show fealty to the president, because...trump cult. No need to look for any deeper meaning in all this.
you canooks are 'cwazy' , are ALL of you 'canooks' cwazy . By the way , the Trump is still President of the USA and is the most powerful and important man in the world and he is yer BOSS DLady ,
Yep, like putting the fox in the chicken coop
We have 22 million illegals in America and democrats are worried about security clearances?? Lol haha
And republicans are worried about a wall when we already have those 22 million here???Why not take care of that first?
We have 22 million illegals in America and democrats are worried about security clearances?? Lol haha
And republicans are worried about a wall when we already have those 22 million here???Why not take care of that first?
Did you ever call a plumber to stop a leak? First thing, stop the flow. Then deal with the damage. No plumber, no person of ordinary intelligence would propose dealing with the cause of the flood last.
Donald Trump ordered his security officials to give Jared and Ivanka top secret security clearances, despite both of them failing the requisite security investigations. Both Donald and Ivanka have previously denied that Trump had anything to do with these clearances.

Trump ordered officials to give Kushner security clearance despite concerns, report says - live

Trump routinely disregards what his security officials tell them. Like Kim's denial in the death of Otto Warbier. Trump believes MBS, Putin and Kim over his own security people. What could possible go wrong.

So security officials, as part of the executive branch of the United States, can override the elected President?

Who works for who?

There are no records of a President making such an absurd demand.

Just another example of his putting family over country.

There is no record of a civil service so hostile to a previous president either. You can't say "it hasn't happened before" when you have the current new situation because of the "resistance"

I thought the civil service, independent of gov't, is supposed to vet people for security clearance. I thought it was their job to do so to protect national security. Silly me.

Kushner's initial filing contained at least 100 errors or omissions that he later had to correct. That should have nixed all his chances at a clearance from the get-go. But The Orange Virus just does what he wants.
-------------------------------- i don't think that ' civil service employees ' can be trusted any more than their bosses . 'civil service' employees work for 'mrobama and other past 'dems' plus traitorous 'repub' rinos TTumbler .

What you think isn't important. You thumb your nose about the process because it affects someone in Cult45. Pure partisan hackery. Just like Orange Virus, you just want the Cult to do whatever it wishes.
what MISFORTUNE has the TRUMP suffered . He just seems to be 'keeing on' keeping on DLady . And just this morning you woke up to the TRUMP still being your boss DLady .

The President work for US, you partisan incompetent. I'll remind you everyday if I have to.
We have 22 million illegals in America and democrats are worried about security clearances?? Lol haha
And republicans are worried about a wall when we already have those 22 million here???Why not take care of that first?
Did you ever call a plumber to stop a leak? First thing, stop the flow. Then deal with the damage. No plumber, no person of ordinary intelligence would propose dealing with the cause of the flood last.
What you say makes some sense but with those 22 million here doing so much damage why not get them out first ?Will your plumber save a drowning lady first or fix the problem?
Kushner had to amend his security clearance paperwork ONE HUNDRED times
and that AMENDING must been Acceptable if he still got his Sec Clearance Lesh .

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