Trump ordered Security Clearances be issued to Kuchner and Ivanka

We have 22 million illegals in America and democrats are worried about security clearances?? Lol haha
She’s not even a democrat! She’s from another country! It don’t mean shit to her.
We have 22 million illegals in America and democrats are worried about security clearances?? Lol haha

Yes, well you have the Kuchner Family, who are in debt up to their necks on that big over-priced building in New York, recently bailed out by Qaatar, previous debt owed to Russians, Jared requesting private back channels to Russia - set up by the Russians, not the Americans, the Administration's support of Jared's besty, MBS, on the Khashoggi murder, all evidence to the contrary, and the 100 or so lies on Jared's security forms.

There are all kinds of perils to the country which are being ignored while Trump and his Russian pals keep deflecting to the question of illegal immigrants which is listed as item #43 on the list of greatest threats to the USA. The threat of Russian interference in elections, and the danger posed by selling nuclear technologies to the Saudis, pose much higher threats.

Try to stay on the very REAL threat to National Security posed by a President who listens to murderous dictators over his own national security staff.

He is not your President so why do we have to listen to your bullshit about every political topic? Worry about your own Prime Minister getting canned here very soon!
I'm sure the two, being family, are in the WH quite a bit. Security clearances will be needed.

Ain't rocket science although the lefty loons don't seem to have enough brains to figure it out.

You can't cure stupid.

They work in the White House.

That, in and of itself, is illegal, under the Nepotism Act, which was passed by Republicans after JFK nominated his brother as Attorney General. At one time Republicans believed that hiring family for White House jobs was WRONG.

Bullshit! They are not getting PAID!

Have a nice day Canuck!
Donald Trump ordered his security officials to give Jared and Ivanka top secret security clearances, despite both of them failing the requisite security investigations. Both Donald and Ivanka have previously denied that Trump had anything to do with these clearances.

Trump ordered officials to give Kushner security clearance despite concerns, report says - live

Trump routinely disregards what his security officials tell them. Like Kim's denial in the death of Otto Warbier. Trump believes MBS, Putin and Kim over his own security people. What could possible go wrong.
I would tend to be a little weary of security also.
Our FBI has not done the most forthright job.
Or CIA has been caught lieing to and spying on congress.
The NSA has spied on citizens without warrants.
When you look at things like the WMDs that we were assured were in Iraq, the fact that we were completely blindsided by 9/11 or agencies do not really have a stellar reputation.
Iraq was NOT a failure of the CIA.

"When will you assfucks get it that Bush cherry picked what intel he wanted & ignored all the intel that said Sadam had no active WMD program.
Jesus fuck you people are dumber than shit.
And who do you think brought up the idea that Iraq had WMDs? I realize for small brained uneducated fools it may be a very hard question. But try it anyway.
Not that bullshit again. There is a difference between claiming Iraq might have wmds to get access for inspections and another ro LIE TO GO TO FUCKING WAR & get 4600 soldiers killed you Gods damn asshole.
I know it is hard for what you claim to be a brain to wrap around facts. But the fact is the CIA claimed that Iraq had WMDs. It was not some psychic in Chicago, it was not someone on drugs in San Fransisco, it was not some crossing guard in bug tussle. It was the CIA. If you want to argue the number of how many go debate someone else. If you want to argue if it was nuclear, chemical or biological weapons go argue with someone else. If as you seem bent on arguing about taking out Saddam over it go argue with someone else.

The claim is that they told everyone that Iraq had WMDs. We spent a lot of resources looking for these CIA ghosts. It does not matter that they wanted to somehow have inspections, it does not matter if they wanted every country to just shrug their shoulders. It only matters that they made a fictitious claim. In most people's book if you assert something that is not true it is a falsehood. They also said that Russia would not invade the Crimea.

The claim is that they made the statement that Iraq had WMDs. We spent many resources looking for the CIA ghosts. They have been wrong a number of times. If anyone bases their decisions or policy on what the CIA claims then they or foolish. Especially when the head of the CIA had no problem lieing under oath.
I urge you folks to see Vice. I have read just about everything there is to read on the Iraq war and that depiction of events is accurate.

Do NOT claim that the CIA "got it wrong". The Bush Administration PERVERTED their findings for political purposes. They took "raw intel" that they could make sound like it bolstered their case for war and presented it as if it were fully vetted. It was not.

And asshole Tenant let them do it.

You wanna bitch about the intel failure that allowed the Iraq War...bitch at the Bush Admin and Tenant...NOT the CIA as a whole
And we ought to remember...on top of everything else regarding Kushner...he had to amend the FBI form detailing any contacts with foreign government, agents, or persons


Just about every other day they found a contact he had "forgotten" that he had to add to that form.

That's unprecedented. Let's remember...this creep is unelected and unconfirmed and has the kind of power that a Secretary of State would have.
We have 22 million illegals in America and democrats are worried about security clearances?? Lol haha

What a vacant and limited response, IMO.

So one murder does not matter to you if there are thousands more?
So one rape does not matter to you if their are millions more?

Good to know.

You see limited one, most decent, reasonably intelligent human beings don't like the President (no matter which party he/she is with) overriding security service experts and giving top security clearances to anyone he/she feels like.

We are not talking about clearance to serve lunch in the White House. We are talking about people with access to the most important secrets in the nation.

So, the next time a Dem is the WH and the POTUS grants top security clearance to someone the Reps don't like. I assume we will hear ZERO about it from you...unless you want to be branded a hypocrite on this subject.

Again, good to know.

We are done here.

Have a nice day.
Haven't you figured out by now that being a "hypocrite" is a badge of "honor" for CRCs now?

We all know you wear you hypocrite badge of honor daily!
It's more about nepotism, isn't it? But that is the Trump biz model and his supporters want him to run the country like his biz, which is a lot scarier. I mean Kushner has gotten foreigners to bail him out of bankruptcy while he's working in the WH.

We have 22 million illegals in America and democrats are worried about security clearances?? Lol haha
We have people who failed the security checks handling classified information and your worried about immigrants?

I'd laugh but it not funny, it's sickening.
We dont have a country with out walls.. why do you care about security clearance??
So we haven't had a country for over 200 years?
Free speech was our wall, guns were out wall.. democrats created police states..

There is no such thing as "free speech". There is the legal right to speak out against the government. That's it. Speak out against your employer and you'll be fired, unless you work for the government.

This is just a perfect example of why you are a dumbass! Speaking out against the government while you work for the government is also restricted!
NEPOTISM is fine , USA was built by close relatives and confidants doing each other favors . Who is better and more trustworthy Ben ??
Actually have laws against nepotism

Jared Kushner And The Anti-Nepotism Statute That Might Keep Him From The White House
Nepotism is NOT fine. It is the anti-thesis of the founders view of meritocracy.

And in the end, it was what did in the Clintons. Hillary as healthcare czar was barely acceptable legally. But in the end the Clintons couldn't perceive a line between their Foundation, that they viewed as their tool to alter what happened in the world, and the Secretary of State's Office, that represents our interests in the world and not just the Clintons'

And there's very little room to argue that Jared didn't get bailed out of 666 by middle eastern despots.

IF asking me for link , i have no links . I just remember that on my job in the late 60s a lot of people were crying about Nepotism in my private industry and all over the USA . ME , i have no problem with Nepotism in Private industry or business Admiral .
We have 22 million illegals in America and democrats are worried about security clearances?? Lol haha
Damn right! The beloved legacy wall will not prevent the Kushners from disclosing secrets to Russia and Saudia Arabia. You remember Saudia Arabia don't you? They attacked us on 9/11!
We have 22 million illegals in America and democrats are worried about security clearances?? Lol haha
Damn right! The beloved legacy wall will not prevent the Kushners from disclosing secrets to Russia and Saudia Arabia. You remember Saudia Arabia don't you? They attacked us on 9/11!
We don’t have a country if we don’t have a wall
I don't think that it was Official Saudis Gov that attacked the USA in an act of War . I do think that it was 'saudi' nationals or citizens that attacked the USA though Astro .
We have 22 million illegals in America and democrats are worried about security clearances?? Lol haha

Yes, well you have the Kuchner Family, who are in debt up to their necks on that big over-priced building in New York, recently bailed out by Qaatar, previous debt owed to Russians, Jared requesting private back channels to Russia - set up by the Russians, not the Americans, the Administration's support of Jared's besty, MBS, on the Khashoggi murder, all evidence to the contrary, and the 100 or so lies on Jared's security forms.

There are all kinds of perils to the country which are being ignored while Trump and his Russian pals keep deflecting to the question of illegal immigrants which is listed as item #43 on the list of greatest threats to the USA. The threat of Russian interference in elections, and the danger posed by selling nuclear technologies to the Saudis, pose much higher threats.

Try to stay on the very REAL threat to National Security posed by a President who listens to murderous dictators over his own national security staff.
Someone suffers from a little trump derangement syndrome lol

No, someone suffers from A LOT of TDS.

Must be it because Trump has never lied about his Russia dealings or his campaign's contacts with Russia. Right Marty.

Russia Russia Russia!

Donald Trump ordered his security officials to give Jared and Ivanka top secret security clearances, despite both of them failing the requisite security investigations. Both Donald and Ivanka have previously denied that Trump had anything to do with these clearances.

Trump ordered officials to give Kushner security clearance despite concerns, report says - live

Trump routinely disregards what his security officials tell them. Like Kim's denial in the death of Otto Warbier. Trump believes MBS, Putin and Kim over his own security people. What could possible go wrong.

So security officials, as part of the executive branch of the United States, can override the elected President?

Who works for who?

There are no records of a President making such an absurd demand.

Just another example of his putting family over country.

There is no record of a civil service so hostile to a previous president either. You can't say "it hasn't happened before" when you have the current new situation because of the "resistance"
Donald Trump ordered his security officials to give Jared and Ivanka top secret security clearances, despite both of them failing the requisite security investigations. Both Donald and Ivanka have previously denied that Trump had anything to do with these clearances.

Trump ordered officials to give Kushner security clearance despite concerns, report says - live

Trump routinely disregards what his security officials tell them. Like Kim's denial in the death of Otto Warbier. Trump believes MBS, Putin and Kim over his own security people. What could possible go wrong.

So security officials, as part of the executive branch of the United States, can override the elected President?

Who works for who?

At the end of the day, they ALL work for US.

What he doesn't work for is the civil service. They work for him.
There is no record of a civil service so hostile to a previous president either.
Of course, that's completely madeup nonsense. But, to be clear, when the ignorant, child president who knows fuck all about anything takes the sides of foreign adversaries over them, they should get hostile.
There is no record of a civil service so hostile to a previous president either.
Of course, that's completely madeup nonsense. But, to be clear, when the ignorant, child president who knows fuck all about anything takes the sides of foreign adversaries over them, they should get hostile.

Yeah, just ignore most of the civil service is composed of democrats....

Ignorant twat.

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