Trump ordered Security Clearances be issued to Kuchner and Ivanka

So if Trump is demanded to give his sever over, you would be okay with him deleting 30,000 emails?

First of a ll, you ignorant ass, learn the facts about the 30K e-mails.

Hillary had her lawyers weeded out the personal e-mails from the ones State needed to archive.

Then she told her IT guy to delete those personal e-mails.

This was way before any subpoena for them.

Her IT guy realized he had not deleted them & then did it.

Clinton had nothing to so with it.

This is a well known fact.

Evidently you need to pull your head out of Rush Limbaugh's fat ass & get informed.
Okay, if Trump did the same. You would be okay with it?

First of all, there is no comparison in the lying that Trump does and anyone else in the history of the planet.

As long as I had proof that Trump did that, then that would be prove him right.
Thanks for proving yourself a hypocrite.

Fuck you. If there was proof that Trump did that, then that would settle it.

If that fat assed orange POS just claimed it, fuck no would I belleve it.,

There was proof Hillary ordered those e-mails deleted long before any subpoena.

The only thing you proved is that you are dumbass Trumpeerte.
Lol, Hillary refused to give the emails up. She picked which ones she wanted to give the FBI. So if asked Trump should be able to do the same.
What he doesn't work for is the civil service. They work for him.
Wrong. They work for US. But thank you for that fine illutration of trump cultism.

The whole executive branch of the government starts with the President, and the Vice President. it then goes to the senate confirmed Officers of the cabinet.

Everyone technically "works" for the President, the Constitution does not have in it a permanent civil service as an independent branch.

The fact that the civil service ACTS like it is a mandated part of the government with it's own source of power is why we are in the situation we see ourselves right now.

But big government dick-suckers like you don't care.

Slurp Slurp Slurp.
Denying the security clearances had nothing to do with being a security threat. It was just throwing in another roadblock to the President. One more interference.
Donald Trump ordered his security officials to give Jared and Ivanka top secret security clearances, despite both of them failing the requisite security investigations. Both Donald and Ivanka have previously denied that Trump had anything to do with these clearances.

Trump ordered officials to give Kushner security clearance despite concerns, report says - live

Trump routinely disregards what his security officials tell them. Like Kim's denial in the death of Otto Warbier. Trump believes MBS, Putin and Kim over his own security people. What could possible go wrong.

So security officials, as part of the executive branch of the United States, can override the elected President?

Who works for who?

There are no records of a President making such an absurd demand.

Just another example of his putting family over country.

There is no record of a civil service so hostile to a previous president either. You can't say "it hasn't happened before" when you have the current new situation because of the "resistance"

That's because there's never been a President who attacked the CIA, the FBI, and the National Security Agency from the first day he took office like President Trump. He attacked Jim Comey for NOT prosecuting Hillary Clinton, and said that if he were elected President he would appoint a special counsel and have her investigated. He would LOCK HER UP.

Trump claimed that Clinton and Obama were involved in a rigging the election against him before he was elected, and gave every indication of trying to claim the results were a fraud in the event when he lost. Trump was never expected to win, not even by Putin. The idea was he would lose, then claim it was the Deep State who rigged the election against him. Putin would have totally discredited and disrupted the election process, and Trump would get to build Trump Tower Moscow. But it all went wrong when Trump was elected.

Hillary Clinton has spent all of her adult life being investigated. She would have to be a total idiot to do ANYTHING illegal because Judicial Watch, or one of the 17 investigations would have found it, or stumbled upon SOMETHING is there was anything to find. Nobody has struck a plea deal to "turn on" the Clintons in exchange for immunity. There are people who have been given immunity but it turned out they had nothing to give, and when they gave nothing, they still weren't charged with any crimes. Susan MacDougall spent a year in jail and has publically said she would have flipped to get out if she had anything at all to give them, but she didn't.

Trump is a multi-millionair con-artist who has bought or bullied his way out of dozens of legal, semi-legal and out illegal scams and charges. This was to be his ultimate con but it all went horribly wrong because he got elected President. And by the time he was elected President, the entire security apparatus of the nation, the FBI, the CIA, and the NSA, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff were all onto the fact that a Russian agent in the thrall of Vladimir Putin has been elected President.

What is about to happen, is that the rest of the country is about to find out what the collective heads of the American Security Agencies have known since before Trump was elected President. The Democratic House is now mitigating the damage being done by this President, and I think you'll find the tax cuts are pretty quickly going to be reversed.
Donald Trump ordered his security officials to give Jared and Ivanka top secret security clearances, despite both of them failing the requisite security investigations. Both Donald and Ivanka have previously denied that Trump had anything to do with these clearances.

Trump ordered officials to give Kushner security clearance despite concerns, report says - live

Trump routinely disregards what his security officials tell them. Like Kim's denial in the death of Otto Warbier. Trump believes MBS, Putin and Kim over his own security people. What could possible go wrong.

So security officials, as part of the executive branch of the United States, can override the elected President?

Who works for who?

There are no records of a President making such an absurd demand.

Just another example of his putting family over country.

There is no record of a civil service so hostile to a previous president either. You can't say "it hasn't happened before" when you have the current new situation because of the "resistance"

That's because there's never been a President who attacked the CIA, the FBI, and the National Security Agency from the first day he took office like President Trump. He attacked Jim Comey for NOT prosecuting Hillary Clinton, and said that if he were elected President he would appoint a special counsel and have her investigated. He would LOCK HER UP.

Trump claimed that Clinton and Obama were involved in a rigging the election against him before he was elected, and gave every indication of trying to claim the results were a fraud in the event when he lost. Trump was never expected to win, not even by Putin. The idea was he would lose, then claim it was the Deep State who rigged the election against him. Putin would have totally discredited and disrupted the election process, and Trump would get to build Trump Tower Moscow. But it all went wrong when Trump was elected.

Hillary Clinton has spent all of her adult life being investigated. She would have to be a total idiot to do ANYTHING illegal because Judicial Watch, or one of the 17 investigations would have found it, or stumbled upon SOMETHING is there was anything to find. Nobody has struck a plea deal to "turn on" the Clintons in exchange for immunity. There are people who have been given immunity but it turned out they had nothing to give, and when they gave nothing, they still weren't charged with any crimes. Susan MacDougall spent a year in jail and has publically said she would have flipped to get out if she had anything at all to give them, but she didn't.

Trump is a multi-millionair con-artist who has bought or bullied his way out of dozens of legal, semi-legal and out illegal scams and charges. This was to be his ultimate con but it all went horribly wrong because he got elected President. And by the time he was elected President, the entire security apparatus of the nation, the FBI, the CIA, and the NSA, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff were all onto the fact that a Russian agent in the thrall of Vladimir Putin has been elected President.

What is about to happen, is that the rest of the country is about to find out what the collective heads of the American Security Agencies have known since before Trump was elected President. The Democratic House is now mitigating the damage being done by this President, and I think you'll find the tax cuts are pretty quickly going to be reversed.

Sorry, but this is still all about the Washington Establishment being butthurt about someone outside the circle winning the election. It's about sore losers like you not being able to accept that your candidate ran a shit campaign and lost. It's about pro-government assholes in all levels of the federal government wanting nothing more for Trump to leave so they can continue amassing more power at the expense of the rest of us.

And its about collectivist dingbats like you thinking more power further away from the people being ruled is the best thing in the world.
I would tend to be a little weary of security also.
Our FBI has not done the most forthright job.
Or CIA has been caught lieing to and spying on congress.
The NSA has spied on citizens without warrants.
When you look at things like the WMDs that we were assured were in Iraq, the fact that we were completely blindsided by 9/11 or agencies do not really have a stellar reputation.
Iraq was NOT a failure of the CIA.

"When will you assfucks get it that Bush cherry picked what intel he wanted & ignored all the intel that said Sadam had no active WMD program.
Jesus fuck you people are dumber than shit.
And who do you think brought up the idea that Iraq had WMDs? I realize for small brained uneducated fools it may be a very hard question. But try it anyway.
Not that bullshit again. There is a difference between claiming Iraq might have wmds to get access for inspections and another ro LIE TO GO TO FUCKING WAR & get 4600 soldiers killed you Gods damn asshole.
I know it is hard for what you claim to be a brain to wrap around facts. But the fact is the CIA claimed that Iraq had WMDs. It was not some psychic in Chicago, it was not someone on drugs in San Fransisco, it was not some crossing guard in bug tussle. It was the CIA. If you want to argue the number of how many go debate someone else. If you want to argue if it was nuclear, chemical or biological weapons go argue with someone else. If as you seem bent on arguing about taking out Saddam over it go argue with someone else.

The claim is that they told everyone that Iraq had WMDs. We spent a lot of resources looking for these CIA ghosts. It does not matter that they wanted to somehow have inspections, it does not matter if they wanted every country to just shrug their shoulders. It only matters that they made a fictitious claim. In most people's book if you assert something that is not true it is a falsehood. They also said that Russia would not invade the Crimea.

The claim is that they made the statement that Iraq had WMDs. We spent many resources looking for the CIA ghosts. They have been wrong a number of times. If anyone bases their decisions or policy on what the CIA claims then they or foolish. Especially when the head of the CIA had no problem lieing under oath.
I urge you folks to see Vice. I have read just about everything there is to read on the Iraq war and that depiction of events is accurate.

Do NOT claim that the CIA "got it wrong". The Bush Administration PERVERTED their findings for political purposes. They took "raw intel" that they could make sound like it bolstered their case for war and presented it as if it were fully vetted. It was not.

And asshole Tenant let them do it.

You wanna bitch about the intel failure that allowed the Iraq War...bitch at the Bush Admin and Tenant...NOT the CIA as a whole
So Clinton is also to blame, since he said the same as Bush? Based on the same intel.
Not a fan of nepotism, unless the person has shown that they have the experience and education needed for the job, and has passed the security clearance.
The whole executive branch of the government starts with the President, and the Vice President. it then goes to the senate confirmed Officers of the cabinet.
With all of them swearing fealty to the Constitution and the country. With none of them swearing fealty to the president or vice president. Your claims are embarraasing and unAmerican. And they are a fine illustration of what Trump done tp your brain .
There is no record of a civil service so hostile to a previous president either.
Of course, that's completely madeup nonsense. But, to be clear, when the ignorant, child president who knows fuck all about anything takes the sides of foreign adversaries over them, they should get hostile.
------------------------------ we Deplorables Elected the TRUMP due to his thinking , expertise , ideas and most importantly to me is / was his attitude . I / we didn't elect the TRUMP due to 'civil service' hangers on . So , feck them people and so called expurts and advisers at the Trumps Pleasure FFun .
Not a fan of nepotism, unless the person has shown that they have the experience and education needed for the job, and has passed the security clearance.
------------------------------- I think that TRUMP can give Security Clearance at his discretion SPlay ,
So Clinton is also to blame, since he said the same as Bush?
Correct, to a degree. So are you condemning both or approving of both? You forgot to say.
No i supported the Iraq war, Sadaam had to be taken out. The part i didn't agree with is we didn't go in and do it and leave. To many soldiers died and got hurt for no reason. We don't fight wars to win anymore.
So Clinton is also to blame, since he said the same as Bush?
Correct, to a degree. So are you condemning both or approving of both? You forgot to say.
No i supported the Iraq war, Sadaam had to be taken out. The part i didn't agree with is we didn't go in and do it and leave. To many soldiers died and got hurt for no reason. We don't fight wars to win anymore.
I don't disagree with too much of that. But disbanding the Iraqi army paved the way for isis, which, surely we agree, is no bueno.
So Clinton is also to blame, since he said the same as Bush?
Correct, to a degree. So are you condemning both or approving of both? You forgot to say.
No i supported the Iraq war, Sadaam had to be taken out. The part i didn't agree with is we didn't go in and do it and leave. To many soldiers died and got hurt for no reason. We don't fight wars to win anymore.
I don't disagree with too much of that. But disbanding the Iraqi army paved the way for isis, which, surely we agree, is no bueno.
I agree, but if we went in got right out of there. Bush could've told ISIS we would do it again if they tried. But he didn't which made us look week. I liked Bush, but he was far from perfect.
The whole executive branch of the government starts with the President, and the Vice President. it then goes to the senate confirmed Officers of the cabinet.
With all of them swearing fealty to the Constitution and the country. With none of them swearing fealty to the president or vice president. Your claims are embarraasing and unAmerican. And they are a fine illustration of what Trump done tp your brain .

They still work for the president, and as long as what he is proposing to do is legal under the constitution, they shouldn't try to torpedo his agenda.

and that is what is happening.
Donald Trump ordered his security officials to give Jared and Ivanka top secret security clearances, despite both of them failing the requisite security investigations. Both Donald and Ivanka have previously denied that Trump had anything to do with these clearances.

Trump ordered officials to give Kushner security clearance despite concerns, report says - live

Trump routinely disregards what his security officials tell them. Like Kim's denial in the death of Otto Warbier. Trump believes MBS, Putin and Kim over his own security people. What could possible go wrong.

So security officials, as part of the executive branch of the United States, can override the elected President?

Who works for who?

There are no records of a President making such an absurd demand.

Just another example of his putting family over country.

There is no record of a civil service so hostile to a previous president either. You can't say "it hasn't happened before" when you have the current new situation because of the "resistance"

I thought the civil service, independent of gov't, is supposed to vet people for security clearance. I thought it was their job to do so to protect national security. Silly me.

Kushner's initial filing contained at least 100 errors or omissions that he later had to correct. That should have nixed all his chances at a clearance from the get-go. But The Orange Virus just does what he wants.
Donald Trump ordered his security officials to give Jared and Ivanka top secret security clearances, despite both of them failing the requisite security investigations. Both Donald and Ivanka have previously denied that Trump had anything to do with these clearances.

Trump ordered officials to give Kushner security clearance despite concerns, report says - live

Trump routinely disregards what his security officials tell them. Like Kim's denial in the death of Otto Warbier. Trump believes MBS, Putin and Kim over his own security people. What could possible go wrong.

So security officials, as part of the executive branch of the United States, can override the elected President?

Who works for who?

There are no records of a President making such an absurd demand.

Just another example of his putting family over country.

There is no record of a civil service so hostile to a previous president either. You can't say "it hasn't happened before" when you have the current new situation because of the "resistance"

I thought the civil service, independent of gov't, is supposed to vet people for security clearance. I thought it was their job to do so to protect national security. Silly me.

Kushner's initial filing contained at least 100 errors or omissions that he later had to correct. That should have nixed all his chances at a clearance from the get-go. But The Orange Virus just does what he wants.

The original reason was to create an IMPARTIAL civil service, and to reduce the need for appointments, and thus the opportunity for corruption. Now we have entrenched Democratic operatives. inside the supposed "neutral" civil service.

Is 100 "errors and omissions" a lot compared to average, and by how much? Is it something that's not a big deal if you are a friend of the deep state, but something that can be nickled and dimed if you are not?

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