Trump ordered Security Clearances be issued to Kuchner and Ivanka

Russian trolls are obsessed with showing their strength
You snowflakes continue to cling to the faux 'Russian Troll' narrative like an infant clings to a 'security blanket' ...

The only 'Russian Trolls' online are the ones that conned you snowflakes into organizing and marching for them back in 2016.

Ever since then, the only 'Russian Trolls' on-line have been those MANUFACTURED by the billionaire Hillary donor that got exposed a week or so ago for doing just that!

Whenever someone disagrees with your opinion or presents an argument that stumps you, you and your ilk fall back to personal attacks and calling people 'racist' or 'Russian Troll'.

While Mueller and the rest of the conspirators have given up the faux Russian Collusion Narrative long ago due to lack of legitimate evidence, that is still hilariously your fall-back crutch.


Can someone believing 'we got him now' please post the specific law President Trump supposedly broke this time?

Or are we just going to go several more pages notching, whining, and sharing 'our' opinionated feelings?
Donald Trump ordered his security officials to give Jared and Ivanka top secret security clearances, despite both of them failing the requisite security investigations. Both Donald and Ivanka have previously denied that Trump had anything to do with these clearances.

Trump ordered officials to give Kushner security clearance despite concerns, report says - live

Trump routinely disregards what his security officials tell them. Like Kim's denial in the death of Otto Warbier. Trump believes MBS, Putin and Kim over his own security people. What could possible go wrong.
Our enimies got classified information without security clearences under Obama, thanks to his girl Hillary.
There were no properly marked classified e-mails found, there was no evidence of her server being hacked.

Kushner would not be cleared for security clearance because of all the foreign debt he has. He has companies in charge of his felon father.
Donald Trump ordered his security officials to give Jared and Ivanka top secret security clearances, despite both of them failing the requisite security investigations. Both Donald and Ivanka have previously denied that Trump had anything to do with these clearances.

Trump ordered officials to give Kushner security clearance despite concerns, report says - live

Trump routinely disregards what his security officials tell them. Like Kim's denial in the death of Otto Warbier. Trump believes MBS, Putin and Kim over his own security people. What could possible go wrong.
Our enimies got classified information without security clearences under Obama, thanks to his girl Hillary.

No they didn't. They got nothing because Hillary wasn't hacked.
So no need to Investigate Trump since you say, Russia never hacked Clinton's Server, right?

You mean to tell me that her unsecured server that everyone knew about, that was built to circumvent protections on classified intelligence, and built to conceal communications with The President and members of his staff, so they could circumvent FOIA requests.....

That server was NEVER HACKED, while a much more secure server at THE DNC was?

Clinton server faced hacking from China, South Korea and Germany
WHOA: Multiple FBI Clinton Investigations Underway, New Emails Found, Evidence of Foreign Hacking
Chinese company reportedly hacked Clinton's server, got copy of every email in real-time
Hillary Clinton server hacking attempts were frequent, emails show
Clinton Emails: China Reportedly Hacked Her State Dept. Emails — Did The FBI Cover That Up, Too?
Hillary Clinton’s Email Was Probably Hacked, Experts Say
FBI: An Account on Clinton’s Private Email Server Was Hacked
There is no evidence hillary's e-mails were hacked.
We have 22 million illegals in America and democrats are worried about security clearances?? Lol haha

Yes, well you have the Kuchner Family, who are in debt up to their necks on that big over-priced building in New York, recently bailed out by Qaatar, previous debt owed to Russians, Jared requesting private back channels to Russia - set up by the Russians, not the Americans, the Administration's support of Jared's besty, MBS, on the Khashoggi murder, all evidence to the contrary, and the 100 or so lies on Jared's security forms.

There are all kinds of perils to the country which are being ignored while Trump and his Russian pals keep deflecting to the question of illegal immigrants which is listed as item #43 on the list of greatest threats to the USA. The threat of Russian interference in elections, and the danger posed by selling nuclear technologies to the Saudis, pose much higher threats.

Try to stay on the very REAL threat to National Security posed by a President who listens to murderous dictators over his own national security staff.
Someone suffers from a little trump derangement syndrome lol

No, someone suffers from A LOT of TDS.

Must be it because Trump has never lied about his Russia dealings or his campaign's contacts with Russia. Right Marty.
Exactly what is Cummings going to base his Subpoena on?

You have to have evidence and probable cause to support a Subpoena.

You can't for instance make an announcement that you are going to use a Subpoena Cannon to harass The President in the run up to the 2020 election, like The Democrats did.

That is an abuse of power of that panel.
Because you assfucks never harassed Hillary, right?
Donald Trump ordered his security officials to give Jared and Ivanka top secret security clearances, despite both of them failing the requisite security investigations. Both Donald and Ivanka have previously denied that Trump had anything to do with these clearances.

Trump ordered officials to give Kushner security clearance despite concerns, report says - live

Trump routinely disregards what his security officials tell them. Like Kim's denial in the death of Otto Warbier. Trump believes MBS, Putin and Kim over his own security people. What could possible go wrong.
So what? Trump is the boss and the security officials all work for him. If he decides they are wrong, then it is his job to correct their mistake.
Donald Trump ordered his security officials to give Jared and Ivanka top secret security clearances, despite both of them failing the requisite security investigations. Both Donald and Ivanka have previously denied that Trump had anything to do with these clearances.

Trump ordered officials to give Kushner security clearance despite concerns, report says - live

Trump routinely disregards what his security officials tell them. Like Kim's denial in the death of Otto Warbier. Trump believes MBS, Putin and Kim over his own security people. What could possible go wrong.
Yet another example of Trump being reckless and irresponsible.

Trump believes he’s a dictator who can provide privileges to his family.
Donald Trump ordered his security officials to give Jared and Ivanka top secret security clearances, despite both of them failing the requisite security investigations. Both Donald and Ivanka have previously denied that Trump had anything to do with these clearances.

Trump ordered officials to give Kushner security clearance despite concerns, report says - live

Trump routinely disregards what his security officials tell them. Like Kim's denial in the death of Otto Warbier. Trump believes MBS, Putin and Kim over his own security people. What could possible go wrong.
Yet another example of Trump being reckless and irresponsible.

Trump believes he’s a dictator who can provide privileges to his family.
Actually, he believes he is President and the security officials made a mistake.
Donald Trump ordered his security officials to give Jared and Ivanka top secret security clearances, despite both of them failing the requisite security investigations. Both Donald and Ivanka have previously denied that Trump had anything to do with these clearances.

Trump ordered officials to give Kushner security clearance despite concerns, report says - live

Trump routinely disregards what his security officials tell them. Like Kim's denial in the death of Otto Warbier. Trump believes MBS, Putin and Kim over his own security people. What could possible go wrong.
Our enimies got classified information without security clearences under Obama, thanks to his girl Hillary.
There were no properly marked classified e-mails found, there was no evidence of her server being hacked.

Kushner would not be cleared for security clearance because of all the foreign debt he has. He has companies in charge of his felon father.
So if Trump is demanded to give his sever over, you would be okay with him deleting 30,000 emails?
Again...Jared tried to get loans from Qatar to cover his real estate DEBACLE at 666 Park Ave and got turned down. A few weeks later Saudi Arabia enacts a BLOCKADE against Qatar and now we hear that a Qatari bank associated with the Qatar government is going to fork over that loan.

Foreign policy as run by a MOB outfit.

Oh and we have our largest military base in the region in....yea...Qatar

If Jared doesn't make a 1.2 BILLION dollar payment really soon...he's BANKRUPT

Oh and just for shits and giggles...Qatar...again...where we have a very large military now beginnig to align itself with IRAN because of this.

And then there's this

Officials from the United Arab Emirates, China, Israel and Mexico have privately talked about how they could use Kushner’s lack of foreign policy experience and business interests as leverage, The Washington Post reported on Tuesday.
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Donald Trump ordered his security officials to give Jared and Ivanka top secret security clearances, despite both of them failing the requisite security investigations. Both Donald and Ivanka have previously denied that Trump had anything to do with these clearances.

Trump ordered officials to give Kushner security clearance despite concerns, report says - live

Trump routinely disregards what his security officials tell them. Like Kim's denial in the death of Otto Warbier. Trump believes MBS, Putin and Kim over his own security people. What could possible go wrong.
Our enimies got classified information without security clearences under Obama, thanks to his girl Hillary.
There were no properly marked classified e-mails found, there was no evidence of her server being hacked.

Kushner would not be cleared for security clearance because of all the foreign debt he has. He has companies in charge of his felon father.
So if Trump is demanded to give his sever over, you would be okay with him deleting 30,000 emails?

First of a ll, you ignorant ass, learn the facts about the 30K e-mails.

Hillary had her lawyers weeded out the personal e-mails from the ones State needed to archive.

Then she told her IT guy to delete those personal e-mails.

This was way before any subpoena for them.

Her IT guy realized he had not deleted them & then did it.

Clinton had nothing to so with it.

This is a well known fact.

Evidently you need to pull your head out of Rush Limbaugh's fat ass & get informed.
Donald Trump ordered his security officials to give Jared and Ivanka top secret security clearances, despite both of them failing the requisite security investigations. Both Donald and Ivanka have previously denied that Trump had anything to do with these clearances.

Trump ordered officials to give Kushner security clearance despite concerns, report says - live

Trump routinely disregards what his security officials tell them. Like Kim's denial in the death of Otto Warbier. Trump believes MBS, Putin and Kim over his own security people. What could possible go wrong.

So security officials, as part of the executive branch of the United States, can override the elected President?

Who works for who?

There are no records of a President making such an absurd demand.

Just another example of his putting family over country.
Donald Trump ordered his security officials to give Jared and Ivanka top secret security clearances, despite both of them failing the requisite security investigations. Both Donald and Ivanka have previously denied that Trump had anything to do with these clearances.

Trump ordered officials to give Kushner security clearance despite concerns, report says - live

Trump routinely disregards what his security officials tell them. Like Kim's denial in the death of Otto Warbier. Trump believes MBS, Putin and Kim over his own security people. What could possible go wrong.
America is ran by a criminal family....and we laugh qt some dictatorships ? Lol
John Brennan is drinking heavily right now, throwing knives
at his life-size Trump mannequin in the back yard.


This should be a good "thread derailer".
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Again...Jared tried to get loans from Qatar to cover his real estate DEBACLE at 666 Park Ave and got turned down. A few weeks later Saudi Arabia enacts a BLOCKADE against Qatar and now we hear that a Qatari bank associated with the Qatar government is going to fork over that loan.

Foreign policy as run by a MOB outfit.

Oh and we have our largest military base in the region in....yea...Qatar

If Jared doesn't make a 1.2 BILLION dollar payment really soon...he's BANKRUPT

Oh and just for shits and giggles...Qatar...again...where we have a very large military now beginnig to align itself with IRAN because of this.

And then there's this

Officials from the United Arab Emirates, China, Israel and Mexico have privately talked about how they could use Kushner’s lack of foreign policy experience and business interests as leverage, The Washington Post reported on Tuesday.
Don't let the tards derail another thread
We have 22 million illegals in America and democrats are worried about security clearances?? Lol haha
We have people who failed the security checks handling classified information and your worried about immigrants?

I'd laugh but it not funny, it's sickening.
We dont have a country with out walls.. why do you care about security clearance??

Then you've never had a country, because you've never had walls.
So The Alamo was a myth?

7 Famous Border Walls

Building walls may have allowed civilization to flourish
Remember the end of the John Wayne movie about the Alamo? The mexicans all got ladders and climbed the walls of the Alamo.

Which was, just by the way, a fort, not a border wall.

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