Trump ordered Security Clearances be issued to Kuchner and Ivanka

Donald Trump ordered his security officials to give Jared and Ivanka top secret security clearances, despite both of them failing the requisite security investigations. Both Donald and Ivanka have previously denied that Trump had anything to do with these clearances.

Trump ordered officials to give Kushner security clearance despite concerns, report says - live

Trump routinely disregards what his security officials tell them. Like Kim's denial in the death of Otto Warbier. Trump believes MBS, Putin and Kim over his own security people. What could possible go wrong.
Our enimies got classified information without security clearences under Obama, thanks to his girl Hillary.

No they didn't. They got nothing because Hillary wasn't hacked.

Clinton Emails: China Reportedly Hacked Her State Dept. Emails — Did The FBI Cover That Up, Too?
Reportedly? By who? Rush Limbaugh? Cato Institute.

The FBI found no evidence of Clinton's server being hacked.
Comey stated different, he said she wouldn't be prosecited because they couldn't prove she intended to do it. But more than likely our enemies got classified information. Translation we won't prosecute her, because if we do. We all will go to jail.

  • Information about Benghazi being used as a weapons and cash depot to Arm Al Queda to assassinate Qaddafi was on her server.
  • Information about Egypt, and arming and paying The Muslim Brotherhood to overthrown The Egyptian Government was on her server.
  • Information regarding Obama's little illegal war in Syria, was on Clinton's server
  • There was information regarding Obama's financing terrorist groups to attempt to start a COUP in Syria. ISIS may have gotten a good portion of that funding. That too was on Clinton's secret server.
  • Information about the F-35 and some of it's components and who all the manufacturers were were on her server
  • Information about our Hypersonic Missile program were on her server.

Hillary Clinton is a notorious Insider Trader. She was selling and sharing classified information. She was also colluding and coordinating with Barak Obama during her campaign, and was giving access to wiretapped conversations going on in The Trump Administration.

This is why Comey allowed her to bleach bit her server of 33,000 emails, despite the fact it was against the law to do so, and despite the fact there were two date preservation orders Ordered by Federal Courts to not touch The Emails.

Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama were the biggest threats to our National Security, and there is not even a close second.

If you want to know why Obama, Comey, Clinton and all of their political cronies wanted to sweep Clinton's crimes under the rug, it's because she and Obama put The United States at risk. At serious risk

China stole some of the plans for the F-35 from Clinton's server back in 2009.

Here's what China plans to do with the J-31 stealth fighter — its copy of the F-35

The US was already developing Hypersonic Weapons in 2003.

DARPA Falcon Project - Wikipedia

Lockhead was already given a contract for Hypersonic Weapons in 2016.

Lockheed to Build a Mach 20 Hypersonic Weapon System
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Thread derail with bullshit conspiracy nonsense.

Please stop or be reported
NEPOTISM if fine , i think that Nepotism that i am aware of happens in families andPrivate Business where DAD hires his kids over anyone else and mostly i'm talking about PRIVATE Business Ben .
No it's not. It happens. But Jared should not have bailed out his business by selling favor to the Saudis.
In return for an embargo against Qatar for God;s Sake
Donald Trump ordered his security officials to give Jared and Ivanka top secret security clearances, despite both of them failing the requisite security investigations. Both Donald and Ivanka have previously denied that Trump had anything to do with these clearances.

Trump ordered officials to give Kushner security clearance despite concerns, report says - live

Adam Schiff says entrusting these 2 with classified information is a risk.



Trump routinely disregards what his security officials tell them. Like Kim's denial in the death of Otto Warbier. Trump believes MBS, Putin and Kim over his own security people. What could possible go wrong.


Let us know when there is evidence that the President, Ivanka, or Kuchner committs / has committed ESPIONAGE, like it has been proven with evidence that Hillary did.
NEPOTISM if fine , i think that Nepotism that i am aware of happens in families andPrivate Business where DAD hires his kids over anyone else and mostly i'm talking about PRIVATE Business Ben .
No it's not. It happens. But Jared should not have bailed out his business by selling favor to the Saudis.
In return for an embargo against Qatar for God;s Sake
Pismo's sucking some YUUUGE trump ... sucking Yuuugely anyway LOL
We have 22 million illegals in America and democrats are worried about security clearances?? Lol haha
Ok....check off security clearances as even being a thing with CRCs now.
Hillary Clinton’s aids that misused classified information still have security clearance.. GO AWAY DERANGED LOL
Obama & Clinton put the entire United States at risk and gave away our technological advantage, and they still have their clearances.

People usually face a firing squad for what Clinton and Obama did.
Our enimies got classified information without security clearences under Obama, thanks to his girl Hillary.

No they didn't. They got nothing because Hillary wasn't hacked.

Clinton Emails: China Reportedly Hacked Her State Dept. Emails — Did The FBI Cover That Up, Too?
Reportedly? By who? Rush Limbaugh? Cato Institute.

The FBI found no evidence of Clinton's server being hacked.
Comey stated different, he said she wouldn't be prosecited because they couldn't prove she intended to do it. But more than likely our enemies got classified information. Translation we won't prosecute her, because if we do. We all will go to jail.

  • Information about Benghazi being used as a weapons and cash depot to Arm Al Queda to assassinate Qaddafi was on her server.
  • Information about Egypt, and arming and paying The Muslim Brotherhood to overthrown The Egyptian Government was on her server.
  • Information regarding Obama's little illegal war in Syria, was on Clinton's server
  • There was information regarding Obama's financing terrorist groups to attempt to start a COUP in Syria. ISIS may have gotten a good portion of that funding. That too was on Clinton's secret server.
  • Information about the F-35 and some of it's components and who all the manufacturers were were on her server
  • Information about our Hypersonic Missile program were on her server.

Hillary Clinton is a notorious Insider Trader. She was selling and sharing classified information. She was also colluding and coordinating with Barak Obama during her campaign, and was giving access to wiretapped conversations going on in The Trump Administration.

This is why Comey allowed her to bleach bit her server of 33,000 emails, despite the fact it was against the law to do so, and despite the fact there were two date preservation orders Ordered by Federal Courts to not touch The Emails.

Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama were the biggest threats to our National Security, and there is not even a close second.

If you want to know why Obama, Comey, Clinton and all of their political cronies wanted to sweep Clinton's crimes under the rug, it's because she and Obama put The United States at risk. At serious risk

China stole some of the plans for the F-35 from Clinton's server back in 2009.

Here's what China plans to do with the J-31 stealth fighter — its copy of the F-35

The US was already developing Hypersonic Weapons in 2003.

DARPA Falcon Project - Wikipedia

Lockhead was already given a contract for Hypersonic Weapons in 2016.

Lockheed to Build a Mach 20 Hypersonic Weapon System

What the heck is with you and your BOLD TYPE bullshit?

Are you desperate for attention? Making up for a small dick? Just an asshole?

My guess is at least two of the three.
Ya havta wonder what was SO bad about Kushner's file that Kelley not only stood up to Trump as long as he could but wrote e memo detailing the reasons he thought Kushner was compromised.

Apparently in this Administration being compromised is not a bug but a feature
Reportedly? By who? Rush Limbaugh? Cato Institute.

The FBI found no evidence of Clinton's server being hacked.
Comey stated different, he said she wouldn't be prosecited because they couldn't prove she intended to do it. But more than likely our enemies got classified information. Translation we won't prosecute her, because if we do. We all will go to jail.

  • Information about Benghazi being used as a weapons and cash depot to Arm Al Queda to assassinate Qaddafi was on her server.
  • Information about Egypt, and arming and paying The Muslim Brotherhood to overthrown The Egyptian Government was on her server.
  • Information regarding Obama's little illegal war in Syria, was on Clinton's server
  • There was information regarding Obama's financing terrorist groups to attempt to start a COUP in Syria. ISIS may have gotten a good portion of that funding. That too was on Clinton's secret server.
  • Information about the F-35 and some of it's components and who all the manufacturers were were on her server
  • Information about our Hypersonic Missile program were on her server.

Hillary Clinton is a notorious Insider Trader. She was selling and sharing classified information. She was also colluding and coordinating with Barak Obama during her campaign, and was giving access to wiretapped conversations going on in The Trump Administration.

This is why Comey allowed her to bleach bit her server of 33,000 emails, despite the fact it was against the law to do so, and despite the fact there were two date preservation orders Ordered by Federal Courts to not touch The Emails.

Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama were the biggest threats to our National Security, and there is not even a close second.

If you want to know why Obama, Comey, Clinton and all of their political cronies wanted to sweep Clinton's crimes under the rug, it's because she and Obama put The United States at risk. At serious risk

China stole some of the plans for the F-35 from Clinton's server back in 2009.

Here's what China plans to do with the J-31 stealth fighter — its copy of the F-35

The US was already developing Hypersonic Weapons in 2003.

DARPA Falcon Project - Wikipedia

Lockhead was already given a contract for Hypersonic Weapons in 2016.

Lockheed to Build a Mach 20 Hypersonic Weapon System

What the heck is with you and your BOLD TYPE bullshit?

Are you desperate for attention? Making up for a small dick? Just an asshole?

My guess is at least two of the three.
Russian trolls are obsessed with showing their strength
House panel demands Kushner clearance details from White House

A Democratic-led congressional panel on Friday demanded that the White House comply with requests for documents and witnesses for a probe into alleged security clearance abuses involving President Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner and others.

After weeks of White House stonewalling, House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings, in a letter to the White House, said “I am now writing a final time to request your voluntary cooperation.” Cummings panel has subpoena power.

Cummings highlighted in his letter a New York Times story that said Trump ordered his former chief of staff John Kelly to provide Kushner with clearance over objections from Kelly and Donald McGahn, then White House counsel.'

House panel demands Kushner clearance details from White House | Reuters

Ya havta wonder what was SO bad about Kushner's file that Kelley not only stood up to Trump as long as he could but wrote e memo detailing the reasons he thought Kushner was compromised.

Apparently in this Administration being compromised is not a bug but a feature

That's a good point I had not thought of.
You don’t need those. Hillary never worries about her emails. It’s all good.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Exactly what is Cummings going to base his Subpoena on?

You have to have evidence and probable cause to support a Subpoena.

You can't for instance make an announcement that you are going to use a Subpoena Cannon to harass The President in the run up to the 2020 election, like The Democrats did.

That is an abuse of power of that panel.
Exactly what is Cummings going to base his Subpoena on?

You have to have evidence and probable cause to support a Subpoena.

You can't for instance make an announcement that you are going to use a Subpoena Cannon to harass The President in the run up to the 2020 election, like The Democrats did.

That is an abuse of power of that panel.

Well since the 2020 election won't happen for two more years, you're obviously having visions.

I realize you clueless Russians have no idea what oversight looks like in a democracy, and Lord knows that the Republicans have done precious little of it in generations, but this is what actual oversight of the White House looks like. It's not 7 Benghazi investigations desperate to uncover wrongdoing where there is none, and it's not making up rumours about crimes that never happened and investigating them, it's taking actual shit and shennanigans going on at the White House, and looking into it.

Sometimes it actually leads to charges - see Iran Contra and Watergate. But it hasn't lead to charges against Democrats mainly because Democrats generally don't hire people on the take. They try hard to eliminate those on the take before they appoint them to cabinet..
Exactly what is Cummings going to base his Subpoena on?

You have to have evidence and probable cause to support a Subpoena.

You can't for instance make an announcement that you are going to use a Subpoena Cannon to harass The President in the run up to the 2020 election, like The Democrats did.

That is an abuse of power of that panel.

Well since the 2020 election won't happen for two more years, you're obviously having visions.

I realize you clueless Russians have no idea what oversight looks like in a democracy, and Lord knows that the Republicans have done precious little of it in generations, but this is what actual oversight of the White House looks like. It's not 7 Benghazi investigations desperate to uncover wrongdoing where there is none, and it's not making up rumours about crimes that never happened and investigating them, it's taking actual shit and shennanigans going on at the White House, and looking into it.

Sometimes it actually leads to charges - see Iran Contra and Watergate. But it hasn't lead to charges against Democrats mainly because Democrats generally don't hire people on the take. They try hard to eliminate those on the take before they appoint them to cabinet..
Half of Obama's Administration and half of Mueller's "team" is under criminal investigation for their criminal acts.

There are no clueless Russians except the ones who were paid by Clinton and Obama to rig the 2016 election.

So there are NO RUSSIANS associated with The Trump Campaign.

The IG said so.
Rosenstein said so.
The House Intelligence Committee said so.
The Senate Intelligence Committee said so.
And the man who said he knew President Trump best, COHEN, said there was NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION.

17 Investigations The Democrats have launched to examine every aspect of The President's life, and NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION has been found.

There is just you. You and your propaganda and 100% negative venom against our president and our country.

It's all in your head.

The only Russians that can be found sat on The Board of The Podesta Group, and who helped to write The Fake Russian Sourced Dirty Dossier to try to help Clinton and Obama rig the 2016 Election for The DemNazi Party.

Say hello to The Skirpals for me, will you?
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Pardon the sock puppet above. And I was wrong. Not only was Chief of Staff Kelly so concerned about Kushner getting a security clearance but WHite House Counsel Don McGahn was as well was freaked out by this and BOTH wrote memos detailing their concerns. Bth memos need to be presented to Congress.

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