Trump orders fbi investigation.

...Since Dems are threatening to impeach Kavanaugh BEFORE the FBI investigation they demanded has even begun what's the point of the FBI investigation?
To gather as much reliable information on the matter as is practicable before passing judgment or taking action, by either side.
ROFL! You mean to stall his confirmation as long as possible. You've already passed judgement. Quit pretending your mind is open.
I am sick to death of Liberal SCOTUS Justices generating Liberal legislation by judicial fiat.

I think that having a Conservative -centric Supreme Court is the perfect antidote to pro-Illegals and pro-Gay-Mafia decisions.

It's just that the Republicans must not be seen taking sides with an accused sexual assault perpetrator.

At least, not until a competent and neutral Federal investigative body has cleared him of such allegations.

The Womens' Vote is far to large a bloc to risk offending five weeks before important mid-terms.

And that's what you fools were in the process of doing - shooting yourselves in the foot.

This fixes that.

Get it now?
True... him and a handful of other more righteous Republican Senators.

The other sons of bitches who were willing to vote for K before a thorough investigation had been conducted don't count.

It took someone with a sliver of actual conscience to shake those bastards up and make 'em climb down.

Their inability to sense the gawdawful optics they were generating makes me wonder how they ever got elected or reelected.

Arrogant retards.
Nonsense. Kavanaugh has already been vetted by the FBi as all candidates for federal court appointments always are and they did not find even a whisper of any kind of sexual misconduct. Feinstein received the letter from Ford back in May and through 45 days of committee hearings did not think this allegation was worth mentioning and made no attempt to have the FBI investigate further.

It wasn't until the hearings ended and the committee was moving to a vote that the Democrats began to feign concern over Ford's allegations. Flake (aptly named) is just trying to cover his political ass amid the MeToo hysteria sweeping the country as are the few other Republicans who want the new FBI investigation.

Clearly, the Democrats never took Ford's allegations seriously until they needed her as a prop for their effort to try to delay the committee vote and in a week when the floor vote comes around they will try again to delay the vote with Ford or with some one else willing to be used by them. Flake and some other Republicans, and probably some right leaning Democrats, are just trying to defend themselves against the utter, shameful lack of conscience displayed by the Democrats on the committee.
Flake hates Trump and will do anything just to piss him off. He's not up for reelection, so there's nothing to cover.
Flake is not running for reelection to the Senate, but that doesn't mean he has no further political ambitions or that he doesn't want to be an influence in the Party. There were already several Republicans whose votes were in doubt and imo, Flake's proposal is likely to make these Republican feel safer in voting for Kavanaugh after the FBI makes its report.
Flake has no future in politics. He shot his wad. Flake is the only RINO on the judiciary committee.
He may not see it that way, and since we are talking about his motivation, it is what he believes that determines his actions.
I can't help it if Flake is an idiot. If he was smart he wouldn't have poked Republicans in the eye every chance he got.
...Since Dems are threatening to impeach Kavanaugh BEFORE the FBI investigation they demanded has even begun what's the point of the FBI investigation?
To gather as much reliable information on the matter as is practicable before passing judgment or taking action, by either side.
ROFL! You mean to stall his confirmation as long as possible. You've already passed judgement. Quit pretending your mind is open.
I am sick to death of Liberal SCOTUS Justices generating Liberal legislation by judicial fiat.

I think that having a Conservative -centric Supreme Court is the perfect antidote to pro-Illegals and pro-Gay-Mafia decisions.

It's just that the Republicans must not be seen taking sides with an accused sexual assault perpetrator.

At least, not until a competent and neutral Federal investigative body has cleared him of such allegations.

The Womens' Vote is far to large a bloc to risk offending five weeks before important mid-terms.

And that's what you fools were in the process of doing - shooting yourselves in the foot.

This fixes that.

Get it now?
Oh puhleeze. They would have voted to confirm two weeks ago if it wasn't for Jeff Flake. Anyone with a brain can see that Christine Ford is a lying wack-a-doodle.
...Nonsense. Kavanaugh has already been vetted by the FBi as all candidates for federal court appointments always are and they did not find even a whisper of any kind of sexual misconduct...

The FBI did not uncover such allegations in any of their prior background investigations because they had not yet come to light.

The agency cannot reach out to such persons and deal with such charges if the agency was unaware of their existence.


In any event, none of that $hit matters any longer.

The FBI is now on the case.

We must all now wait to learn of their findings.

Tick... tick... tick.
...Since Dems are threatening to impeach Kavanaugh BEFORE the FBI investigation they demanded has even begun what's the point of the FBI investigation?
To gather as much reliable information on the matter as is practicable before passing judgment or taking action, by either side.
ROFL! You mean to stall his confirmation as long as possible. You've already passed judgement. Quit pretending your mind is open.
I am sick to death of Liberal SCOTUS Justices generating Liberal legislation by judicial fiat.

I think that having a Conservative -centric Supreme Court is the perfect antidote to pro-Illegals and pro-Gay-Mafia decisions.

It's just that the Republicans must not be seen taking sides with an accused sexual assault perpetrator.

At least, not until a competent and neutral Federal investigative body has cleared him of such allegations.

The Womens' Vote is far to large a bloc to risk offending five weeks before important mid-terms.

And that's what you fools were in the process of doing - shooting yourselves in the foot.

This fixes that.

Get it now?
So what if he is cleared of these ridiculous allegations by this FBI investigation and the Democrats are able to dig up a few more shills to accused of sexual misconduct, do you want an new investigation and then another one if there are more accusations until after the mid term elections?
...Oh puhleeze. They would have voted to confirm two weeks ago if it wasn't for Jeff Flake. Anyone with a brain can see that Christine Ford is a lying wack-a-doodle.
Your myopia and regarding the Womens' Vote and the impact this was having is not my cross to bear.
Nonsense. Kavanaugh has already been vetted by the FBi as all candidates for federal court appointments always are and they did not find even a whisper of any kind of sexual misconduct. Feinstein received the letter from Ford back in May and through 45 days of committee hearings did not think this allegation was worth mentioning and made no attempt to have the FBI investigate further.

It wasn't until the hearings ended and the committee was moving to a vote that the Democrats began to feign concern over Ford's allegations. Flake (aptly named) is just trying to cover his political ass amid the MeToo hysteria sweeping the country as are the few other Republicans who want the new FBI investigation.

Clearly, the Democrats never took Ford's allegations seriously until they needed her as a prop for their effort to try to delay the committee vote and in a week when the floor vote comes around they will try again to delay the vote with Ford or with some one else willing to be used by them. Flake and some other Republicans, and probably some right leaning Democrats, are just trying to defend themselves against the utter, shameful lack of conscience displayed by the Democrats on the committee.
Flake hates Trump and will do anything just to piss him off. He's not up for reelection, so there's nothing to cover.
Flake is not running for reelection to the Senate, but that doesn't mean he has no further political ambitions or that he doesn't want to be an influence in the Party. There were already several Republicans whose votes were in doubt and imo, Flake's proposal is likely to make these Republican feel safer in voting for Kavanaugh after the FBI makes its report.
Flake has no future in politics. He shot his wad. Flake is the only RINO on the judiciary committee.
He may not see it that way, and since we are talking about his motivation, it is what he believes that determines his actions.
I can't help it if Flake is an idiot. If he was smart he wouldn't have poked Republicans in the eye every chance he got.
I don't like Flake either, but in this particular instance, he may have actually helped Kavanaugh's chances.
Trump orders new FBI probe into Brett Kavanaugh following Senate request

He had no other choice. I will bet he is seething right now.

He who laughs last.
Im not laughing at trump. I am laughing at a system that can be turned into a circus so easily.
So are we. Too bad we can't throw acid on them.
Oh look....not so subtle threats of physical violence.....must be a trumpanzee. Yep.
...Oh puhleeze. They would have voted to confirm two weeks ago if it wasn't for Jeff Flake. Anyone with a brain can see that Christine Ford is a lying wack-a-doodle.
Your myopia and regarding the Womens' Vote and the impact this was having is not my cross to bear.
It's having no impact because intelligent women know she's lying, especially the kind who have been the targets of sexual assault.
Flake hates Trump and will do anything just to piss him off. He's not up for reelection, so there's nothing to cover.
Flake is not running for reelection to the Senate, but that doesn't mean he has no further political ambitions or that he doesn't want to be an influence in the Party. There were already several Republicans whose votes were in doubt and imo, Flake's proposal is likely to make these Republican feel safer in voting for Kavanaugh after the FBI makes its report.
Flake has no future in politics. He shot his wad. Flake is the only RINO on the judiciary committee.
He may not see it that way, and since we are talking about his motivation, it is what he believes that determines his actions.
I can't help it if Flake is an idiot. If he was smart he wouldn't have poked Republicans in the eye every chance he got.
I don't like Flake either, but in this particular instance, he may have actually helped Kavanaugh's chances.
You must be joking.
...Nonsense. Kavanaugh has already been vetted by the FBi as all candidates for federal court appointments always are and they did not find even a whisper of any kind of sexual misconduct...

The FBI did not uncover such allegations in any of their prior background investigations because they had not yet come to light.

The agency cannot reach out to such persons and deal with such charges if the agency was unaware of their existence.


In any event, none of that $hit matters any longer.

The FBI is now on the case.

We must all now wait to learn of their findings.

Tick... tick... tick.
lol Nonsense. The Democrats had Ford's letter in May and clearly dismissed it as worthless until they needed to use her as a prop to try to delay the committee.
...So what if he is cleared of these ridiculous allegations by this FBI investigation...
Let's burn that bridge when we come to it.

...and the Democrats are able to dig up a few more shills to accused of sexual misconduct...
Unless this is a Cosby-style 30-women-waiting-in-the-wings kind of deal, I think the Dems have shot their wad with the current three. you want an new investigation and then another one if there are more accusations until after the mid term elections?
No... if K is cleared of the current range of allegations, that's it... time for an up-or-down vote on the Senate Floor.

By that time, the Dems will have lost credibility, and be outed for undeniable Obstructionism, and may be safely ignored.

But this first time around, the Pubs will have given the Dems what they want, and be seen to have resolved the matter honorably.

That puts them in a Safe Zone in this matter that they would not have enjoyed had they failed to pursue an FBI investigation.
Flake is not running for reelection to the Senate, but that doesn't mean he has no further political ambitions or that he doesn't want to be an influence in the Party. There were already several Republicans whose votes were in doubt and imo, Flake's proposal is likely to make these Republican feel safer in voting for Kavanaugh after the FBI makes its report.
Flake has no future in politics. He shot his wad. Flake is the only RINO on the judiciary committee.
He may not see it that way, and since we are talking about his motivation, it is what he believes that determines his actions.
I can't help it if Flake is an idiot. If he was smart he wouldn't have poked Republicans in the eye every chance he got.
I don't like Flake either, but in this particular instance, he may have actually helped Kavanaugh's chances.
You must be joking.
Not at all. The FBI has already investigated Kavanaugh as they do all candidates for federal court appointments, and they did not find even a whisper of any sexual misconduct and since there is no corroboration of any of the allegations, the new investigation will of necessity investigate the credibility of the accusers, and this can only help Kavanaugh. Once the FBI clears him, the Democrats will have to attack the integrity and competence of the FBI in order to continue their ridiculous stalling tactics.
...Since Dems are threatening to impeach Kavanaugh BEFORE the FBI investigation they demanded has even begun what's the point of the FBI investigation?
To gather as much reliable information on the matter as is practicable before passing judgment or taking action, by either side.

I just told you Dem's have already made up there mind, the FBI investigation is pointless so lets vote.
You may purchase a tube of Preparation-H at any corner neighborhood drug store.

Ah, liberal can't debate the issues so he plays the troll card.
...So what if he is cleared of these ridiculous allegations by this FBI investigation...
Let's burn that bridge when we come to it.

...and the Democrats are able to dig up a few more shills to accused of sexual misconduct...
Unless this is a Cosby-style 30-women-waiting-in-the-wings kind of deal, I think the Dems have shot their wad with the current three. you want an new investigation and then another one if there are more accusations until after the mid term elections?
No... if K is cleared of the current range of allegations, that's it... time for an up-or-down vote on the Senate Floor.

By that time, the Dems will have lost credibility, and be outed for undeniable Obstructionism, and may be safely ignored.

But this first time around, the Pubs will have given the Dems what they want, and be seen to have resolved the matter honorably.

That puts them in a Safe Zone in this matter that they would not have enjoyed had they failed to pursue an FBI investigation.
The FBI will clear him, and I believe he will be confirmed with even a few Democrats voting for him, but it is bizarre to suggest the Democrats acted in any way honorably after ignoring Ford's allegations for months and then pretending to be concerned about them in order to try to delay the vote. What we have seen here is the lowest kind of gutter politics from the Democrats.
Lets cut to the chase, I HATE DEMOCRATS MORE THAN EVER. I'll vote in every election, vote against every Dem, and vote no on every Dem initiative.
Trump orders new FBI probe into Brett Kavanaugh following Senate request

He had no other choice. I will bet he is seething right now.

He who laughs last.
Im not laughing at trump. I am laughing at a system that can be turned into a circus so easily.

Any system fails if half the people in it, are not operating in good faith..

This is certainly a failure of our system, indeed our nation.

We know what they will find.

...The FBI will clear him...
Quite possible. But I'm glad that the FBI is engaging long enough to give us a shot at learning or confirming The Truth.

...and I believe he will be confirmed with even a few Democrats voting for him...
Quite possible. If it happens, it will be after the FBI was engaged, and I, for one, will be content.

...but it is bizarre to suggest the Democrats acted in any way honorably...
I was mostly referring to Flake and the other Republicans who were threatening to vote "No" unless the FBI re-engaged.

...after ignoring Ford's allegations for months and then pretending to be concerned about them in order to try to delay the vote. What we have seen here is the lowest kind of gutter politics from the Democrats.
You may be right... me, I'm still pondering that one.

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