Trump orders fbi investigation.

...The fbi will find nothing...
We will know for sure - one way or another - in about a week.

I can see it now.

"Sir or madam, approximately 36 years ago, you may have been at a party with these two people, (shows picture).

if you were, do you remember seeing these two people doing anything, such as leaving the common areas to go somewhere private?"

"Why are we asking this?, Oh, so we can drag you into the middle of a witch hunt, where you will become hated by millions and you and your family will receive death threats, and be social ostracized by significant portions of the country for the rest of your life"

Yeah, that's going to get a lot of positive responses.
We will know for sure - one way or another - in about a week.

Given the optics, this close to important mid-terms, you (Republicans) had no choice.

Even Trump was obliged to backpedal.

Ya'll could have saved yourselves a lot of trouble by manning-up and engaging the FBI at the outset.

Instead of being perceived as stupidly and insensitively resisting until circumstances (oh-so-predictably) backed you into a corner.

Not exactly brightest-crayon-in-the-box behavior, that.
...Wrong. It's being done to placate Jeff Flake, and for no other reason.
True... him and a handful of other more righteous Republican Senators.

The other sons of bitches who were willing to vote for K before a thorough investigation had been conducted don't count.

It took someone with a sliver of actual conscience to shake those bastards up and make 'em climb down.

Their inability to sense the gawdawful optics they were generating makes me wonder how they ever got elected or reelected.

Arrogant retards.

Flake lived up to his name. He has been a Trump hater from the beginning. This Kavanaugh fiasco is about two things in the dem party

1. Trump hate
2. Abortion

Face reality, folks, that's all this is about.
Flake recognized just how terrible the optics had become.

Buried in that decision someplace was the comfort that he was doing the respectful and righteous and politically savvy thing.

Saving the Republicans from opening their stomachs five weeks before the mid-terms.

Flake did you guys a huge favor by saving you from that... ya'll are just so myopic that ya can't see it, right in front of your nose.
...The FBI will clear him...
Quite possible. But I'm glad that the FBI is engaging long enough to give us a shot at learning or confirming The Truth.

...and I believe he will be confirmed with even a few Democrats voting for him...
Quite possible. If it happens, it will be after the FBI was engaged, and I, for one, will be content.

...but it is bizarre to suggest the Democrats acted in any way honorably...
I was mostly referring to Flake and the other Republicans who were threatening to vote "No" unless the FBI re-engaged.

...after ignoring Ford's allegations for months and then pretending to be concerned about them in order to try to delay the vote. What we have seen here is the lowest kind of gutter politics from the Democrats.
You may be right... me, I'm still pondering that one.

The fbi will find nothing. There is nothing to find. At best, half remembered tales of drunken party from over 35 years ago?

No one will remember anything, and if they think they do, their recollection will not be trustworthy.
They also will have no desire to speak up because they won't want a 10,000 TV cameras pointed in their faces.

And if they say they don't remember a party, which they can't even clearly identify, with lots of heavy drinking, over 35 years ago, the FBI agents will not be able to do anything but accept it.
Some people say they remember the party, but while they all knew Kavanaugh, no one remembers him being there. It is not clear that he was even there, let alone did any of the things Ford claims he did.
...The fbi will find nothing...
We will know for sure - one way or another - in about a week.

I can see it now.

"Sir or madam, approximately 36 years ago, you may have been at a party with these two people, (shows picture).

if you were, do you remember seeing these two people doing anything, such as leaving the common areas to go somewhere private?"

"Why are we asking this?, Oh, so we can drag you into the middle of a witch hunt, where you will become hated by millions and you and your family will receive death threats, and be social ostracized by significant portions of the country for the rest of your life"

Yeah, that's going to get a lot of positive responses.
We will know for sure - one way or another - in about a week.

Given the optics, this close to important mid-terms, you (Republicans) had no choice.

Even Trump was obliged to backpedal.

Ya'll could have saved yourselves a lot of trouble by manning-up and engaging the FBI at the outset.

Instead of being perceived as stupidly and insensitively resisting until circumstances (oh-so-predictably) backed you into a corner.

Not exactly brightest-crayon-in-the-box behavior, that.

Actually, they should have dismissed a last minute utterly unsupported accusation as too little too late, and just did it.

This type of bullshit politics of personal destruction, deserves no credibility and those that practice it should be held in contempt.

As to the investigation it will discover nothing, and the left will pretend that fails to clear Kavanaugh's name.

As though the burden of proof is on him.
...The FBI will clear him...
Quite possible. But I'm glad that the FBI is engaging long enough to give us a shot at learning or confirming The Truth.

...and I believe he will be confirmed with even a few Democrats voting for him...
Quite possible. If it happens, it will be after the FBI was engaged, and I, for one, will be content.

...but it is bizarre to suggest the Democrats acted in any way honorably...
I was mostly referring to Flake and the other Republicans who were threatening to vote "No" unless the FBI re-engaged.

...after ignoring Ford's allegations for months and then pretending to be concerned about them in order to try to delay the vote. What we have seen here is the lowest kind of gutter politics from the Democrats.
You may be right... me, I'm still pondering that one.

The fbi will find nothing. There is nothing to find. At best, half remembered tales of drunken party from over 35 years ago?

No one will remember anything, and if they think they do, their recollection will not be trustworthy.
They also will have no desire to speak up because they won't want a 10,000 TV cameras pointed in their faces.

And if they say they don't remember a party, which they can't even clearly identify, with lots of heavy drinking, over 35 years ago, the FBI agents will not be able to do anything but accept it.
Some people say they remember the party, but while they all knew Kavanaugh, no one remembers him being there. It is not clear that he was even there, let alone did any of the things Ford claims he did.

I was a young man who attended parties and drank at approximately that timeframe.

If you were to ask me, who was at which particular party and what they did, I would laugh in your face.
Quite possible. But I'm glad that the FBI is engaging long enough to give us a shot at learning or confirming The Truth.

Quite possible. If it happens, it will be after the FBI was engaged, and I, for one, will be content.

I was mostly referring to Flake and the other Republicans who were threatening to vote "No" unless the FBI re-engaged.

You may be right... me, I'm still pondering that one.

The fbi will find nothing. There is nothing to find. At best, half remembered tales of drunken party from over 35 years ago?

No one will remember anything, and if they think they do, their recollection will not be trustworthy.
They also will have no desire to speak up because they won't want a 10,000 TV cameras pointed in their faces.

And if they say they don't remember a party, which they can't even clearly identify, with lots of heavy drinking, over 35 years ago, the FBI agents will not be able to do anything but accept it.
Some people say they remember the party, but while they all knew Kavanaugh, no one remembers him being there. It is not clear that he was even there, let alone did any of the things Ford claims he did.

I was a young man who attended parties and drank at approximately that timeframe.

If you were to ask me, who was at which particular party and what they did, I would laugh in your face.
I hope you have had some success in dealing with your drinking problems, but everyone knew Kavanaugh and according to Ford's own testimony, he was downstairs talking with several people when she left, so it is likely that at least some of them would remember him there. Even her friends don't remember him being there.
The fbi will find nothing. There is nothing to find. At best, half remembered tales of drunken party from over 35 years ago?

No one will remember anything, and if they think they do, their recollection will not be trustworthy.
They also will have no desire to speak up because they won't want a 10,000 TV cameras pointed in their faces.

And if they say they don't remember a party, which they can't even clearly identify, with lots of heavy drinking, over 35 years ago, the FBI agents will not be able to do anything but accept it.
Some people say they remember the party, but while they all knew Kavanaugh, no one remembers him being there. It is not clear that he was even there, let alone did any of the things Ford claims he did.

I was a young man who attended parties and drank at approximately that timeframe.

If you were to ask me, who was at which particular party and what they did, I would laugh in your face.
I hope you have had some success in dealing with your drinking problems, but everyone knew Kavanaugh and according to Ford's own testimony, he was downstairs talking with several people when she left, so it is likely that at least some of them would remember him there. Even her friends don't remember him being there.

Nothing to do with drinking too much, it just has been 36 YEARS.

If this was an investigation into my circle of friends and parties at that time, it would be very unlikely we could nail down which party it was, and if we did, I could not tell you who was precisely there.

We had hundreds of small parties, with mostly the same people, at the same few places, doing the same shit.
They also will have no desire to speak up because they won't want a 10,000 TV cameras pointed in their faces.

And if they say they don't remember a party, which they can't even clearly identify, with lots of heavy drinking, over 35 years ago, the FBI agents will not be able to do anything but accept it.
Some people say they remember the party, but while they all knew Kavanaugh, no one remembers him being there. It is not clear that he was even there, let alone did any of the things Ford claims he did.

I was a young man who attended parties and drank at approximately that timeframe.

If you were to ask me, who was at which particular party and what they did, I would laugh in your face.
I hope you have had some success in dealing with your drinking problems, but everyone knew Kavanaugh and according to Ford's own testimony, he was downstairs talking with several people when she left, so it is likely that at least some of them would remember him there. Even her friends don't remember him being there.

Nothing to do with drinking too much, it just has been 36 YEARS.

If this was an investigation into my circle of friends and parties at that time, it would be very unlikely we could nail down which party it was, and if we did, I could not tell you who was precisely there.

We had hundreds of small parties, with mostly the same people, at the same few places, doing the same shit.
That's odd since I can remember parties I went to fifty years ago, and I can remember which of my friends were there. Since Kavanaugh was such a well known figure in that crowd, people would surely remember if he were there.
...Wrong. It's being done to placate Jeff Flake, and for no other reason.
True... him and a handful of other more righteous Republican Senators.

The other sons of bitches who were willing to vote for K before a thorough investigation had been conducted don't count.

It took someone with a sliver of actual conscience to shake those bastards up and make 'em climb down.

Their inability to sense the gawdawful optics they were generating makes me wonder how they ever got elected or reelected.

Arrogant retards.

Flake lived up to his name. He has been a Trump hater from the beginning. This Kavanaugh fiasco is about two things in the dem party

1. Trump hate
2. Abortion

Face reality, folks, that's all this is about.
Flake recognized just how terrible the optics had become.

Buried in that decision someplace was the comfort that he was doing the respectful and righteous and politically savvy thing.

Saving the Republicans from opening their stomachs five weeks before the mid-terms.

Flake did you guys a huge favor by saving you from that... ya'll are just so myopic that ya can't see it, right in front of your nose.
Horseshit. Flake is simply stabbing Republicans in the back, as he has always done.
...Actually, they should have dismissed a last minute utterly unsupported accusation as too little too late, and just did it...
They chickened out.

With damned-good reason.

It beats losing the lion's share of the Womens Vote, five weeks ahead of the mid-terms.

...This type of bullshit politics of personal destruction, deserves no credibility and those that practice it should be held in contempt....
Both sides have done it in the past.

It's your turn in the barrel.

The only way it stops is if both sides come to such an agreement and then stick by it.

...As to the investigation it will discover nothing...
We will know in a week, won't we?

...and the left will pretend that fails to clear Kavanaugh's name...
Quite possibly.

They're every bit a collection of self-serving a$$holes as you guys (collectively) are.

But an FBI "All Clear" at this point will settle the matter sufficiently to make it safe to have that up-or-down vote on Kavanaugh.

...As though the burden of proof is on him.
In the Court of Public Opinion, that is oftentimes the case, when multiple accusers come forward.

Politics is all about Perception, isn't it?
And if they say they don't remember a party, which they can't even clearly identify, with lots of heavy drinking, over 35 years ago, the FBI agents will not be able to do anything but accept it.
Some people say they remember the party, but while they all knew Kavanaugh, no one remembers him being there. It is not clear that he was even there, let alone did any of the things Ford claims he did.

I was a young man who attended parties and drank at approximately that timeframe.

If you were to ask me, who was at which particular party and what they did, I would laugh in your face.
I hope you have had some success in dealing with your drinking problems, but everyone knew Kavanaugh and according to Ford's own testimony, he was downstairs talking with several people when she left, so it is likely that at least some of them would remember him there. Even her friends don't remember him being there.

Nothing to do with drinking too much, it just has been 36 YEARS.

If this was an investigation into my circle of friends and parties at that time, it would be very unlikely we could nail down which party it was, and if we did, I could not tell you who was precisely there.

We had hundreds of small parties, with mostly the same people, at the same few places, doing the same shit.
That's odd since I can remember parties I went to fifty years ago, and I can remember which of my friends were there. Since Kavanaugh was such a well known figure in that crowd, people would surely remember if he were there.

That does not sound normal. Memories fade. Eyewitness accounts, IMMEDIATELY after events are notoriously unreliable, and you want US to put our trust in them, 36 years after the fact?

Some people say they remember the party, but while they all knew Kavanaugh, no one remembers him being there. It is not clear that he was even there, let alone did any of the things Ford claims he did.

I was a young man who attended parties and drank at approximately that timeframe.

If you were to ask me, who was at which particular party and what they did, I would laugh in your face.
I hope you have had some success in dealing with your drinking problems, but everyone knew Kavanaugh and according to Ford's own testimony, he was downstairs talking with several people when she left, so it is likely that at least some of them would remember him there. Even her friends don't remember him being there.

Nothing to do with drinking too much, it just has been 36 YEARS.

If this was an investigation into my circle of friends and parties at that time, it would be very unlikely we could nail down which party it was, and if we did, I could not tell you who was precisely there.

We had hundreds of small parties, with mostly the same people, at the same few places, doing the same shit.
That's odd since I can remember parties I went to fifty years ago, and I can remember which of my friends were there. Since Kavanaugh was such a well known figure in that crowd, people would surely remember if he were there.

That does not sound normal. Memories fade. Eyewitness accounts, IMMEDIATELY after events are notoriously unreliable, and you want US to put our trust in them, 36 years after the fact?

In other words, you don't trust Ford's memory.
...Actually, they should have dismissed a last minute utterly unsupported accusation as too little too late, and just did it...
They chickened out.

With damned-good reason.

It beats losing the lion's share of the Womens Vote, five weeks ahead of the mid-terms.

...This type of bullshit politics of personal destruction, deserves no credibility and those that practice it should be held in contempt....
Both sides have done it in the past.

It's your turn in the barrel.

The only way it stops is if both sides come to such an agreement and then stick by it.

...As to the investigation it will discover nothing...
We will know in a week, won't we?

...and the left will pretend that fails to clear Kavanaugh's name...
Quite possibly.

They're every bit a collection of self-serving a$$holes as you guys (collectively) are.

But an FBI "All Clear" at this point will settle the matter sufficiently to make it safe to have that up-or-down vote on Kavanaugh.

...As though the burden of proof is on him.
In the Court of Public Opinion, that is oftentimes the case, when multiple accusers come forward.

Politics is all about Perception, isn't it?

Name the last time the republicans sat on a hit piece or accusation and released it late in the process timed for maximum impact, like they vile dems did with this one.

Cause I can't recall the republicans playing this game, as you claim.
I was a young man who attended parties and drank at approximately that timeframe.

If you were to ask me, who was at which particular party and what they did, I would laugh in your face.
I hope you have had some success in dealing with your drinking problems, but everyone knew Kavanaugh and according to Ford's own testimony, he was downstairs talking with several people when she left, so it is likely that at least some of them would remember him there. Even her friends don't remember him being there.

Nothing to do with drinking too much, it just has been 36 YEARS.

If this was an investigation into my circle of friends and parties at that time, it would be very unlikely we could nail down which party it was, and if we did, I could not tell you who was precisely there.

We had hundreds of small parties, with mostly the same people, at the same few places, doing the same shit.
That's odd since I can remember parties I went to fifty years ago, and I can remember which of my friends were there. Since Kavanaugh was such a well known figure in that crowd, people would surely remember if he were there.

That does not sound normal. Memories fade. Eyewitness accounts, IMMEDIATELY after events are notoriously unreliable, and you want US to put our trust in them, 36 years after the fact?

In other words, you don't trust Ford's memory.

Not just hers. Memories in general are a tricky thing, and so many years after the fact?

This accusation should never have been made, if this is all the woman has to bring to the table.
And if they say they don't remember a party, which they can't even clearly identify, with lots of heavy drinking, over 35 years ago, the FBI agents will not be able to do anything but accept it.
Some people say they remember the party, but while they all knew Kavanaugh, no one remembers him being there. It is not clear that he was even there, let alone did any of the things Ford claims he did.

I was a young man who attended parties and drank at approximately that timeframe.

If you were to ask me, who was at which particular party and what they did, I would laugh in your face.
I hope you have had some success in dealing with your drinking problems, but everyone knew Kavanaugh and according to Ford's own testimony, he was downstairs talking with several people when she left, so it is likely that at least some of them would remember him there. Even her friends don't remember him being there.

Nothing to do with drinking too much, it just has been 36 YEARS.

If this was an investigation into my circle of friends and parties at that time, it would be very unlikely we could nail down which party it was, and if we did, I could not tell you who was precisely there.

We had hundreds of small parties, with mostly the same people, at the same few places, doing the same shit.
That's odd since I can remember parties I went to fifty years ago, and I can remember which of my friends were there. Since Kavanaugh was such a well known figure in that crowd, people would surely remember if he were there.

I also remember everything. I don't know what these people's problem is, so I must assume dishonesty.
...Wrong. It's being done to placate Jeff Flake, and for no other reason.
True... him and a handful of other more righteous Republican Senators.

The other sons of bitches who were willing to vote for K before a thorough investigation had been conducted don't count.

It took someone with a sliver of actual conscience to shake those bastards up and make 'em climb down.

Their inability to sense the gawdawful optics they were generating makes me wonder how they ever got elected or reelected.

Arrogant retards.

Flake lived up to his name. He has been a Trump hater from the beginning. This Kavanaugh fiasco is about two things in the dem party

1. Trump hate
2. Abortion

Face reality, folks, that's all this is about.
Flake recognized just how terrible the optics had become.

Buried in that decision someplace was the comfort that he was doing the respectful and righteous and politically savvy thing.

Saving the Republicans from opening their stomachs five weeks before the mid-terms.

Flake did you guys a huge favor by saving you from that... ya'll are just so myopic that ya can't see it, right in front of your nose.
...The fbi will find nothing...
We will know for sure - one way or another - in about a week.

I can see it now.

"Sir or madam, approximately 36 years ago, you may have been at a party with these two people, (shows picture).

if you were, do you remember seeing these two people doing anything, such as leaving the common areas to go somewhere private?"

"Why are we asking this?, Oh, so we can drag you into the middle of a witch hunt, where you will become hated by millions and you and your family will receive death threats, and be social ostracized by significant portions of the country for the rest of your life"

Yeah, that's going to get a lot of positive responses.
We will know for sure - one way or another - in about a week.

Given the optics, this close to important mid-terms, you (Republicans) had no choice.

Even Trump was obliged to backpedal.

Ya'll could have saved yourselves a lot of trouble by manning-up and engaging the FBI at the outset.

Instead of being perceived as stupidly and insensitively resisting until circumstances (oh-so-predictably) backed you into a corner.

Not exactly brightest-crayon-in-the-box behavior, that.

Actually, Feinstein could have saved everyone a lot of trouble if she'd forwarded the allegation to the FBI when she got it two months ago.

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