Trump orders fbi investigation.

...The FBI will clear him...
Quite possible. But I'm glad that the FBI is engaging long enough to give us a shot at learning or confirming The Truth.

...and I believe he will be confirmed with even a few Democrats voting for him...
Quite possible. If it happens, it will be after the FBI was engaged, and I, for one, will be content.

...but it is bizarre to suggest the Democrats acted in any way honorably...
I was mostly referring to Flake and the other Republicans who were threatening to vote "No" unless the FBI re-engaged.

...after ignoring Ford's allegations for months and then pretending to be concerned about them in order to try to delay the vote. What we have seen here is the lowest kind of gutter politics from the Democrats.
You may be right... me, I'm still pondering that one.

The fbi will find nothing. There is nothing to find. At best, half remembered tales of drunken party from over 35 years ago?

No one will remember anything, and if they think they do, their recollection will not be trustworthy.
...The FBI will clear him...
Quite possible. But I'm glad that the FBI is engaging long enough to give us a shot at learning or confirming The Truth.

...and I believe he will be confirmed with even a few Democrats voting for him...
Quite possible. If it happens, it will be after the FBI was engaged, and I, for one, will be content.

...but it is bizarre to suggest the Democrats acted in any way honorably...
I was mostly referring to Flake and the other Republicans who were threatening to vote "No" unless the FBI re-engaged.

...after ignoring Ford's allegations for months and then pretending to be concerned about them in order to try to delay the vote. What we have seen here is the lowest kind of gutter politics from the Democrats.
You may be right... me, I'm still pondering that one.

The fbi will find nothing. There is nothing to find. At best, half remembered tales of drunken party from over 35 years ago?

No one will remember anything, and if they think they do, their recollection will not be trustworthy.
They also will have no desire to speak up because they won't want a 10,000 TV cameras pointed in their faces.
Trump is as inconsistent as he is ignorant and incompetent.

Trump is POTUS you are well lets be honest, a nobody. :itsok:
The US does not currently have a legitimate president.

Trump was lawfully elected by the American people. I get the irony after you filth flapped your big mouths about respecting the results of an election then after you lost you immediately tried to undermine the election.
The "lawfully" thing is still in doubt. That's what this whole investigation thing is about.

Or did you forget?
No, it isn't.
Trump orders new FBI probe into Brett Kavanaugh following Senate request

He had no other choice. I will bet he is seething right now.

There is always that dutiful GOP vote to stop conservatives.


If I were Trump, when Kav gets rejected I'd pick someone even more conservative.

And when they reject them, I'd pick someone even more conservative.

And when they reject them, I'd do it again and again, and again to show the world what asses they are.
Your courts are hopelessly politicized and that works against justice. You are fucked.
...Your courts are hopelessly politicized and that works against justice. You are fucked.
Perhaps... but I'll take my chance with American courts, rather than the Sharia Law you'll seen be dealing with in Londonistan.
You should provide a link to that because I live here and dont recognise the fantasy you are painting.
Trump orders new FBI probe into Brett Kavanaugh following Senate request

He had no other choice. I will bet he is seething right now.

The same FBI that hasn't been able to get to the bottom of Las Vegas shooting in a year, who investigates Russian collusion for over year and a half, is going to uncover new information about 1982 high school party in a week. :bang3:
Do you think more time is needed ?

Based on a year, time and place of alleged assault, and witness list, there is nothing more to uncover.

The called FBI investigation is just an attempt to drag the confirmation past the elections.
It's a supplemental background investigation.
It is limited to the accusation.
That limits it to 5 people.
Kavanaugh - I stand by my previous sworn statement
Ford - Not available for interview until Nov. 7th.
Judge - I stand by my previous sworn statement.
Smyth - I stand by my previous sworn statement.
Keyser - My attorney has advised me to stand by my previous sworn statement or I could be charged with a felony.

and that is exactly what they will find, BUT they may also find that Ford was lying, that she was paid to lie, that the dems knew it, and that the dems conspired to do this to delay the process. They may also find out what was in the envelope that Jackson-Lee slipped to Ford's "pro-bono" lawyer.

Careful what you ask for, dems.
Sure, uh huh. That's why Bart O'Kavanaugh wouldn't say yes when cornered on an FBI investigation.

Why would he?
To please the scum in the democrat party?
To further the pain and suffering on his family?

Revel in your little delay.
There is nothing for the FBI to come back with.
It's not an investigation of a crime, it is a background check.
Ok, I'll speak slowly this time:

From false accusations, with no actual evidence with guilt assumed first.
Two undemocratic statements in a row.
You are nothing but a voice of a mob.
You aren't doing anything but making excuses and attempting to insult me.
...The FBI will clear him...
Quite possible. But I'm glad that the FBI is engaging long enough to give us a shot at learning or confirming The Truth.

...and I believe he will be confirmed with even a few Democrats voting for him...
Quite possible. If it happens, it will be after the FBI was engaged, and I, for one, will be content.

...but it is bizarre to suggest the Democrats acted in any way honorably...
I was mostly referring to Flake and the other Republicans who were threatening to vote "No" unless the FBI re-engaged.

...after ignoring Ford's allegations for months and then pretending to be concerned about them in order to try to delay the vote. What we have seen here is the lowest kind of gutter politics from the Democrats.
You may be right... me, I'm still pondering that one.

The fbi will find nothing. There is nothing to find. At best, half remembered tales of drunken party from over 35 years ago?

No one will remember anything, and if they think they do, their recollection will not be trustworthy.
They also will have no desire to speak up because they won't want a 10,000 TV cameras pointed in their faces.

And if they say they don't remember a party, which they can't even clearly identify, with lots of heavy drinking, over 35 years ago, the FBI agents will not be able to do anything but accept it.
...The fbi will find nothing...
We will know for sure - one way or another - in about a week.

I can see it now.

"Sir or madam, approximately 36 years ago, you may have been at a party with these two people, (shows picture).

if you were, do you remember seeing these two people doing anything, such as leaving the common areas to go somewhere private?"

"Why are we asking this?, Oh, so we can drag you into the middle of a witch hunt, where you will become hated by millions and you and your family will receive death threats, and be social ostracized by significant portions of the country for the rest of your life"

Yeah, that's going to get a lot of positive responses.
...they may also find that Ford was lying...
In that case, I'm fine with (metaphorically) crucifying Blasey-Ford in the criminal courts... I just want the Truth.

...that she was paid to lie, that the dems knew it, and that the dems conspired to do this to delay the process...
In that case, I"m fine with (metaphorically) crucifying Democratic participants of such a conspiracy in the criminal courts.

...They may also find out what was in the envelope that Jackson-Lee slipped to Ford's "pro-bono" lawyer...
In that case, I"m fine with (metaphorically) crucifying such participants in the criminal courts.

...Careful what you ask for, dems.
I don't think they have much to worry about in that respect, but, it's time to find out, eh?

I'm quite happy that (at least) a handful of Republicans finally "got it" with respect to the terrible pre-election Optics they were serving up.

I am with you on most of that, but the facts are that Kavanaugh was investigated by the FBI 6 times previously and held the highest security clearance available in this country. Having held TS and SAP clearances I know the extent of these investigations. They go back to high school, interview people who knew you, neighbors, friends, teachers, employers, et. al. Its very extensive. If this kind of crap was in his past it would have been found long ago.

This is nothing but a delaying tactic, at the end of the week we will not know anymore about Kavanaugh than we know today. But we may know more about Ford, who backed her, who paid her, and who leaked her letter to the media. This could very well backfire on the dems, and I hope it does.
...Wrong. It's being done to placate Jeff Flake, and for no other reason.
True... him and a handful of other more righteous Republican Senators.

The other sons of bitches who were willing to vote for K before a thorough investigation had been conducted don't count.

It took someone with a sliver of actual conscience to shake those bastards up and make 'em climb down.

Their inability to sense the gawdawful optics they were generating makes me wonder how they ever got elected or reelected.

Arrogant retards.

Flake lived up to his name. He has been a Trump hater from the beginning. This Kavanaugh fiasco is about two things in the dem party

1. Trump hate
2. Abortion

Face reality, folks, that's all this is about.
Trump orders new FBI probe into Brett Kavanaugh following Senate request

He had no other choice. I will bet he is seething right now.

There is always that dutiful GOP vote to stop conservatives.


If I were Trump, when Kav gets rejected I'd pick someone even more conservative.

And when they reject them, I'd pick someone even more conservative.

And when they reject them, I'd do it again and again, and again to show the world what asses they are.
Your courts are hopelessly politicized and that works against justice. You are fucked.
The left politicized them. So why are you whining about it?

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