Trump orders immediate declassification of key documents in Russia hoax

The ignorance, the hate, and the lies, are slowly doing the Right in.

No, it isn't.

Your ignorance, hate and lies are incessant. Still, you Communists have lost over 1000 elected positions since corrupt Barry was elected in 2008.

So your hate is not hurting the right.

This civil war you've started will eventually turn hot, you get ever more shrill and ever more violent at every loss. When you get highly violent then we will quickly do you Stalinists in.
The Civil war of voter suppression with the illegal help from Russia, is the battle for the salvation of this country. That is the Civil war the Left is going to have.

The Civil war will be if the left pulls off a coup.

Yep, if the Khmer Rouge somehow remove our president, then all hell breaks loose.

and we have the guns, the military, and the police. They have pussy hats and safe spaces. It will be a very short war.

Hopefully the casualties will be extremely high.

democrats are worse than the Nazis were. They can't be coddled, they must be defeated and the evil of them utterly destroyed.
If the GOP keeps the Senate nothing will happen even if the House impeaches Trump. The Senate won't convict. Even if the dems take the House, if Trump replaces Sessions to manage Mueller's report, even less would happen since he would not accept the Mueller report without examining the dems crimes as well. Maybe Huber has that covered with his Grand Jury, lets hope so.

The GOP will gain 6 seats in the Senate. I've explained why several times. Beto will be slaughtered in Texas, regardless of Hollywood carpetbaggers and the near billion dollars they have spent.

Still, even if the Stalinists did take the Senate, it takes a 2/3rds vote to remove a president, that will never happen. The consequence of losing the Senate would be that not a single more judge could be confirmed to any court.
The thread is about how Comey claimed that ignorance of the law let Hillary off the hook.
No idiot, it isn't. Damn you are an insufferable moron.

By the way, your cult leader backed off, once his lawyer convinced him that he was assisting the case for obstruction against himself.
...and still no Russian connection
Wrong! Trump tower meeting is proof of a conspiracy with Russia connections. Dozens of indictments of Russians in connection to the election. Cambridge Analytica involvement with election meddling, paid for by Trump, and admitted to by Cambridge, with the help of Russians. Do you have information disputing those facts?

"Wrong! Trump tower meeting is proof of a conspiracy with Russia connections"

ROFL! So talking to a Russian is a crime? Seriously? Hiring Cambridge Analytica is a crime, but Hillary hiring actual Russian spies is perfectly legal?

It's impossible for me to state how colossal of a moron you are.
You're too stupid to back quote.

Hey, I get it traitor - it's all falling down around you. Your masters told you that Trump would be driven from office and your party would usher in paradise like Venezuela has.

Now it's all crumbling down around you.

Newly revealed text messages between FBI paramours Peter Strzok and Lisa Page include an exchange about preparing talking points for then-FBI Director James Comey to give to President Obama, who wanted “to know everything we’re doing."

The message, from Page to Strzok, was among thousands of texts between the lovers reviewed by Fox News. The pair both worked at one point for Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe of alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Page wrote to Strzok on Sept. 2, 2016, about prepping Comey because "potus wants to know everything we're doing." According to a newly released Senate report, this text raises questions about Obama's personal involvement in the Clinton email investigation.

In texts previously revealed, Strzok and Page have shown their disdain for Republicans in general, as well as Trump, calling him a "f---ing idiot," among other insults.

Among the newly disclosed texts, Strzok also calls Virginians who voted against then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe's wife for a state Senate seat "ignorant hillbillys." (sic)

That text came from Strzok to Page on Nov. 4, 2015, the day after Jill McCabe lost a hotly contested Virginia state Senate election. Strzok said of the result, "Disappointing, but look at the district map. Loudon is being gentrified, but it's still largely ignorant hillbillys. Good for her for running, but curious if she's energized or never again."}

FBI lovers' latest text messages: Obama 'wants to know everything'

All the treason of you Marxist pigs declassified for the world to see..
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:You're too stupid to know what Obama was asking for.
Ha liar, we're still waiting?

Don’t pretend you GAF about National Security.

If it was Obama calling for the release of the texts and documents, you would be slurping his junk.
Obama would never in a million years, do it!

Releasing classified information of an on going investigation on himself and his campaign,


Have at it, baby....

Obama had all his loyal cronies infesting the FBI and the DOJ. They are participating in this coup against Trump.

Declassifying those documents is in no way impeachable.

Sadly, Trump has folded, thus ensuring the democrats take the house.

What the fuck is he thinking?

All the Republicans need to do to win is stand and fight, but they are too fucking scared to do it.
[And who is the enemy again,

You are. You are the Khmer Rouge. You seek to destroy this nation and the Constitution it's founded on.

and how would you know who they are? Lol! Can't wait to see your war against random people, and what that's going to look like. The Right definitely has a big inventory of retards.

Once again evil commie, we will wait until you pigs become violent, And you will when Kavanaugh is confirmed.

You're fucking Nazis. You know it, I know it, we all know it. You're evil to the core.
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:You're too stupid to know what Obama was asking for.
Ha liar, we're still waiting?

Don’t pretend you GAF about National Security.

If it was Obama calling for the release of the texts and documents, you would be slurping his junk.
Obama would never in a million years, do it!

Releasing classified information of an on going investigation on himself and his campaign,


Have at it, baby....

Obama had all his loyal cronies infesting the FBI and the DOJ. They are participating in this coup against Trump.

Declassifying those documents is in no way impeachable.

There's no evidence that the FBI and DOJ are participating in a coup against Trump.

You're such a fucking liar.

: McCabe, the second highest ranking FBI official, emphatically declared at the invite-only gathering with raised voice: “Fuck Flynn and then we Fuck Trump,” according to direct sources. Many of his top lieutenants applauded and cheered such rhetoric. A scattered few did not.

This was one of several such meetings held in seclusion among key FBI leaders since Trump was elected president, FBI sources confirm. At the congregation where McCabe went off the political rails and vowed to destroy Flynn and Trump, there were as many as 16 top FBI officials, inside intelligence sources said. No lower-level agents or support personnel were present.

If you are among the millions of Americans who have pondered in recent months whether the Obama-era “Deep State” intelligence apparatus and FBI are working for or against Trump, this is the first definitive proof that the country’s once-premiere law enforcement agency has gone rogue.

The non-elected hierarchy that steer the FBI have declared war on President Trump and his White House inner circle. Make no mistake.

Days after the McCabe tirade, Flynn was forced to resign. That was no coincidence. This is how secret coups waged by the top law enforcement personnel in the top law enforcement agency in any country operate. Efficiently. If the FBI wants you silenced or out of a job, you’ll be unemployed. Ask Michael Flynn and countless others.

Part of the plan hatched at that gathering was to make sure Flynn’s wiretapped conversations were leaked to the media, FBI and intelligence sources said. They were. Did the FBI leak this classified intelligence to the news media? Isn’t that a question President Trump and Congress should be posing? If nothing else, McCabe and his FBI secret council are certainly now suspects of who possibly leaked the intelligence. Seems that a number of polygraphs should be in order.

Embattled FBI Director James Comey did not attend these private meetings of his interoffice revolutionaries, sources said, though he was aware of the gatherings yet did not discourage them or McCabe’s inflammatory and dangerous rhetoric. Some FBI agents have questioned if the Anti-Trump attitude shared in the secret sit downs with the bureau’s top brass is now the official platform of the FBI. The FBI, many agents quietly agree, has proven no friend to the newly minted US president. And they are beginning to understand why.}

FBI Bosses Conspired To Wage Coup Against Trump & Flynn
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:You're too stupid to know what Obama was asking for.
Ha liar, we're still waiting?

Don’t pretend you GAF about National Security.

If it was Obama calling for the release of the texts and documents, you would be slurping his junk.
Obama would never in a million years, do it!

Releasing classified information of an on going investigation on himself and his campaign,


Have at it, baby....

Obama had all his loyal cronies infesting the FBI and the DOJ. They are participating in this coup against Trump.

Declassifying those documents is in no way impeachable.
And you are lying, because there is no evidence Obama was infesting the FBI and DOJ. Care to prove me wrong? Of course not! That's why they are called lies. Thanks for your help liar. We need all we can get.

Oh look, you've circled around and told the same lie that was refuted multiple times once again.

Rules for Radicals.
Don’t pretend you GAF about National Security.

If it was Obama calling for the release of the texts and documents, you would be slurping his junk.
Obama would never in a million years, do it!

Releasing classified information of an on going investigation on himself and his campaign,


Have at it, baby....

Obama had all his loyal cronies infesting the FBI and the DOJ. They are participating in this coup against Trump.

Declassifying those documents is in no way impeachable.

There's no evidence that the FBI and DOJ are participating in a coup against Trump.
There is abundant evidence, moron. The coup conspirators are trying desperately to prevent a whole new batch of it from being released.
Keep those lies coming. We get a kick out of you making a total idiot of yourself.
what lies?
The thread is about how Comey claimed that ignorance of the law let Hillary off the hook.
No idiot, it isn't. Damn you are an insufferable moron.

By the way, your cult leader backed off, once his lawyer convinced him that he was assisting the case for obstruction against himself.
...and still no Russian connection
Wrong! Trump tower meeting is proof of a conspiracy with Russia connections. Dozens of indictments of Russians in connection to the election. Cambridge Analytica involvement with election meddling, paid for by Trump, and admitted to by Cambridge, with the help of Russians. Do you have information disputing those facts?

"Wrong! Trump tower meeting is proof of a conspiracy with Russia connections"

ROFL! So talking to a Russian is a crime? Seriously? Hiring Cambridge Analytica is a crime, but Hillary hiring actual Russian spies is perfectly legal?

It's impossible for me to state how colossal of a moron you are.
And how grossly ignorant you are of the law.
what lies?

The lies that you told at a party in 1985, or maybe 1986, or maybe 1993; at a house somewhere in the United States, or maybe it was Canada, or Mexico. Remember? You had a bathing suit on, or maybe it was a tuxedo.

But you're guilty because I believe her....
The thread is about how Comey claimed that ignorance of the law let Hillary off the hook.
No idiot, it isn't. Damn you are an insufferable moron.

By the way, your cult leader backed off, once his lawyer convinced him that he was assisting the case for obstruction against himself.
...and still no Russian connection
Wrong! Trump tower meeting is proof of a conspiracy with Russia connections. Dozens of indictments of Russians in connection to the election. Cambridge Analytica involvement with election meddling, paid for by Trump, and admitted to by Cambridge, with the help of Russians. Do you have information disputing those facts?

"Wrong! Trump tower meeting is proof of a conspiracy with Russia connections"

ROFL! So talking to a Russian is a crime? Seriously? Hiring Cambridge Analytica is a crime, but Hillary hiring actual Russian spies is perfectly legal?

It's impossible for me to state how colossal of a moron you are.

Trump's campaign team meeting with a Russian government Operative at Trump Tower to get dirt on Hillary, where the campaign is informed that the information is to come from 'high level' sources as part of the Russian Government's effort to support Trump?

While the same Russian Government is ATTACKING the United States to support Trump? With the President publicly declaring he hopes there are MORE attacks from the Russians on the United States?

That's collusion.

With Trump lying his ass off to cover it up. And Trump compelling others to lie to cover it up. And Trump trying to shut down the investigation looking into that meeting. And when Trump predictably abandoned his 'there was no collusion' narrative for 'collusion isn't a crime', Trump finally admitted to the meeting between his campaign and the Russians to collect dirt on Hillary.

After months of Trump lying to try to cover up the collusion of his campaign with the Russian government.
And how grossly ignorant you are of the law.

The LAW, you fucking scumbag?


How DARE a Nazi pile of shit like you speak of LAW. You who demands that one is guilty based on accusations that not only lack proof, but are insanely absurd.

You who claims that the accused must prove innocence to vague and unformed claims.

Fuck you.
[And who is the enemy again,

You are. You are the Khmer Rouge. You seek to destroy this nation and the Constitution it's founded on.

and how would you know who they are? Lol! Can't wait to see your war against random people, and what that's going to look like. The Right definitely has a big inventory of retards.

Once again evil commie, we will wait until you pigs become violent, And you will when Kavanaugh is confirmed.

You're fucking Nazis. You know it, I know it, we all know it. You're evil to the core.
Trump has surrounded himself with establishment douchebags that keep telling he can't do what it would take to win. He's lost touch with his instincts.
Ha liar, we're still waiting?

Don’t pretend you GAF about National Security.

If it was Obama calling for the release of the texts and documents, you would be slurping his junk.
Obama would never in a million years, do it!

Releasing classified information of an on going investigation on himself and his campaign,


Have at it, baby....

Obama had all his loyal cronies infesting the FBI and the DOJ. They are participating in this coup against Trump.

Declassifying those documents is in no way impeachable.
And you are lying, because there is no evidence Obama was infesting the FBI and DOJ. Care to prove me wrong? Of course not! That's why they are called lies. Thanks for your help liar. We need all we can get.

Oh look, you've circled around and told the same lie that was refuted multiple times once again.

Rules for Radicals.
And once again, as always, you are proving just how weak you are by not proving me wrong, and reinforcing the fact that everyone on this board can easily follow along with your failures and lies. If something was refuted, it's in your dreams. You've accomplished nothing. Carry on.
The thread is about how Comey claimed that ignorance of the law let Hillary off the hook.
No idiot, it isn't. Damn you are an insufferable moron.

By the way, your cult leader backed off, once his lawyer convinced him that he was assisting the case for obstruction against himself.
...and still no Russian connection
Wrong! Trump tower meeting is proof of a conspiracy with Russia connections. Dozens of indictments of Russians in connection to the election. Cambridge Analytica involvement with election meddling, paid for by Trump, and admitted to by Cambridge, with the help of Russians. Do you have information disputing those facts?

"Wrong! Trump tower meeting is proof of a conspiracy with Russia connections"

ROFL! So talking to a Russian is a crime? Seriously? Hiring Cambridge Analytica is a crime, but Hillary hiring actual Russian spies is perfectly legal?

It's impossible for me to state how colossal of a moron you are.

Trump's campaign team meeting with a Russian government Operative at Trump Tower to get dirt on Hillary, where the campaign is informed that the information is to come from 'high level' sources as part of the Russian Government's effort to support Trump?

While the same Russian Government is ATTACKING the United States to support Trump? With the President publicly declaring he hopes there are MORE attacks from the Russians on the United States?

That's collusion.

With Trump lying his ass off to cover it up. And Trump compelling others to lie to cover it up. And Trump trying to shut down the investigation looking into that meeting. And when Trump predictably abandoned his 'there was no collusion' narrative for 'collusion isn't a crime', Trump finally admitted to the meeting between his campaign and the Russians to collect dirt on Hillary.

After months of Trump lying to try to cover up the collusion of his campaign with the Russian government.

The problem is that you're a fucking liar, and none of that occurred.
The thread is about how Comey claimed that ignorance of the law let Hillary off the hook.
No idiot, it isn't. Damn you are an insufferable moron.

By the way, your cult leader backed off, once his lawyer convinced him that he was assisting the case for obstruction against himself.
...and still no Russian connection
Wrong! Trump tower meeting is proof of a conspiracy with Russia connections. Dozens of indictments of Russians in connection to the election. Cambridge Analytica involvement with election meddling, paid for by Trump, and admitted to by Cambridge, with the help of Russians. Do you have information disputing those facts?

"Wrong! Trump tower meeting is proof of a conspiracy with Russia connections"

ROFL! So talking to a Russian is a crime? Seriously? Hiring Cambridge Analytica is a crime, but Hillary hiring actual Russian spies is perfectly legal?

It's impossible for me to state how colossal of a moron you are.

Trump's campaign team meeting with a Russian government Operative at Trump Tower to get dirt on Hillary, where the campaign is informed that the information is to come from 'high level' sources as part of the Russian Government's effort to support Trump?

While the same Russian Government is ATTACKING the United States to support Trump? With the President publicly declaring he hopes there are MORE attacks from the Russians on the United States?

That's collusion.

With Trump lying his ass off to cover it up. And Trump compelling others to lie to cover it up. And Trump trying to shut down the investigation looking into that meeting. And when Trump predictably abandoned his 'there was no collusion' narrative for 'collusion isn't a crime', Trump finally admitted to the meeting between his campaign and the Russians to collect dirt on Hillary.

After months of Trump lying to try to cover up the collusion of his campaign with the Russian government.
Wrong, dumbfuck. It's perfectly legal. It's called "opposition research."

Furthermore, Russia did not conduct any military attacks on the United States. That's pure snowflake hysteria. I can't believe I have to explain these idiocies to so-called adults.
[And who is the enemy again,

You are. You are the Khmer Rouge. You seek to destroy this nation and the Constitution it's founded on.

and how would you know who they are? Lol! Can't wait to see your war against random people, and what that's going to look like. The Right definitely has a big inventory of retards.

Once again evil commie, we will wait until you pigs become violent, And you will when Kavanaugh is confirmed.

You're fucking Nazis. You know it, I know it, we all know it. You're evil to the core.
Trump has surrounded himself with establishment douchebags that keep telling he can't do what it would take to win. He's lost touch with his instincts. now you're going to imagine that you know who Trump's Key Allies are better than Trump does because you imagine you can read Trump's mind, huh?

As I said, you have imagination in abundance.

A reason why any rational person would care what hapless dipshittery you try and convince yourself of? Not so much.
Don’t pretend you GAF about National Security.

If it was Obama calling for the release of the texts and documents, you would be slurping his junk.
Obama would never in a million years, do it!

Releasing classified information of an on going investigation on himself and his campaign,


Have at it, baby....

Obama had all his loyal cronies infesting the FBI and the DOJ. They are participating in this coup against Trump.

Declassifying those documents is in no way impeachable.
And you are lying, because there is no evidence Obama was infesting the FBI and DOJ. Care to prove me wrong? Of course not! That's why they are called lies. Thanks for your help liar. We need all we can get.

Oh look, you've circled around and told the same lie that was refuted multiple times once again.

Rules for Radicals.
And once again, as always, you are proving just how weak you are by not proving me wrong, and reinforcing the fact that everyone on this board can easily follow along with your failures and lies. If something was refuted, it's in your dreams. You've accomplished nothing. Carry on.

So you think you show strength by telling lies that have been refuted dozens of times?

It IS how you of the Khmer Rouge act.
Don’t pretend you GAF about National Security.

If it was Obama calling for the release of the texts and documents, you would be slurping his junk.
Obama would never in a million years, do it!

Releasing classified information of an on going investigation on himself and his campaign,


Have at it, baby....

Obama had all his loyal cronies infesting the FBI and the DOJ. They are participating in this coup against Trump.

Declassifying those documents is in no way impeachable.
And you are lying, because there is no evidence Obama was infesting the FBI and DOJ. Care to prove me wrong? Of course not! That's why they are called lies. Thanks for your help liar. We need all we can get.

Oh look, you've circled around and told the same lie that was refuted multiple times once again.

Rules for Radicals.
And once again, as always, you are proving just how weak you are by not proving me wrong, and reinforcing the fact that everyone on this board can easily follow along with your failures and lies. If something was refuted, it's in your dreams. You've accomplished nothing. Carry on.
He did prove you wrong, moron, multiple times.
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:You're too stupid to know what Obama was asking for.
Ha liar, we're still waiting?

Don’t pretend you GAF about National Security.

If it was Obama calling for the release of the texts and documents, you would be slurping his junk.
Obama would never in a million years, do it!

Releasing classified information of an on going investigation on himself and his campaign,


Have at it, baby....

Obama had all his loyal cronies infesting the FBI and the DOJ. They are participating in this coup against Trump.

Declassifying those documents is in no way impeachable.

Sadly, Trump has folded, thus ensuring the democrats take the house.

What the fuck is he thinking?

All the Republicans need to do to win is stand and fight, but they are too fucking scared to do it.
They've broken the law, and that is not a winning combination. The country is on to them, and reality will send them the bill.

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