Trump orders immediate declassification of key documents in Russia hoax

Given that the 'deep state' is purely imaginary....I'd be deeply concerned if Trump 'saw' it.

Yeah, there's no mention of 'seeing' the imaginary 'deep state' in any of what you posted.

But instead, Trump blinking.

Let's see a few days ago TRUMP called for declassifying FBI/DOJ documents including memos from McCabe and today we have a leak of a damaging memo from McCabe of comments made by RR, a memo that the IG never received.

Last Friday Manafort flipped on Trump. Trump shits his pants and the very next Monday impusively tries to distract with selective declassifications to forward a bullshit narrative Trump knows full declassification won't support to try and discredit an active criminal investigation investigating Trump personally.

By Friday.......Trump blinks and backs down.

And Manafort is still flipped.

TRUMP blinked just like he did with tariffs, NAFTA, the Iran deal...

Laughing.......he insisted he was going to have the documents released immediately. Now he has an 'review' by the Inspector General for an indefinite period of time with some documents not to be released at all.

Trump blinked. He shit his pants when Manafort flipped, overreacted, and is now trying to backpedal.

Yeah, there's no mention of 'seeing' the imaginary 'deep state' in any of what you posted.

But instead, Trump blinking.

Let's see a few days ago TRUMP called for declassifying FBI/DOJ documents including memos from McCabe and today we have a leak of a damaging memo from McCabe of comments made by RR, a memo that the IG never received.

Last Friday Manafort flipped on Trump. Trump shits his pants and the very next Monday impusively tries to distract with selective declassifications to forward a bullshit narrative Trump knows full declassification won't support to try and discredit an active criminal investigation investigating Trump personally.

By Friday.......Trump blinks and backs down.

And Manafort is still flipped.

TRUMP blinked just like he did with tariffs, NAFTA, the Iran deal...

Laughing.......he insisted he was going to have the documents released immediately. Now he has an 'review' by the Inspector General for an indefinite period of time with some documents not to be released at all.

Trump blinked. He shit his pants when Manafort flipped, overreacted, and is now trying to backpedal.

Yeah, there's no mention of 'seeing' the imaginary 'deep state' in any of what you posted.

But instead, Trump blinking.

Let's see a few days ago TRUMP called for declassifying FBI/DOJ documents including memos from McCabe and today we have a leak of a damaging memo from McCabe of comments made by RR, a memo that the IG never received.

Last Friday Manafort flipped on Trump. Trump shits his pants and the very next Monday impusively tries to distract with selective declassifications to forward a bullshit narrative Trump knows full declassification won't support to try and discredit an active criminal investigation investigating Trump personally.

By Friday.......Trump blinks and backs down.

And Manafort is still flipped.

TRUMP blinked just like he did with tariffs, NAFTA, the Iran deal...

Laughing.......he insisted he was going to have the documents released immediately. Now he has an 'review' by the Inspector General for an indefinite period of time with some documents not to be released at all.

Trump blinked. He shit his pants when Manafort flipped, overreacted, and is now trying to backpedal.

And now you just blinked.

Thank you conceding the point.

Can you believe it?

Pu$$y Trump backs off release of documents in Russian probe. When he was asked if he ever read them he said no.

That dumb a$$ fuktard didn't even read the documents he tried to declassify.

And now he pu$$ied out on that.

And this mess is the leader of the Republican Party.


He blinked.

The full 412 pages of the FISA application has already made the rounds. 30 members of congress have already seen it. The debunked Nunes Memo ploy was already tried and epicly failed. Selective declassification to forward a narrative that Trump *knows* that full disclosure doesn't support leaves Trump open to all sorts of Obstruction of Justice implications personally.

As Trump was dumb enough to eliminate his cut-out man Nunes from the process. It all comes right to Trump's doorstep.

I called the stupidity of this move by Trump the same day he did it. It took a few days for Trump's people to convince Trump of the impulsive stupidity of his move.
No, it looks like he was called by leaders from a couple of our former friends. They wouldn't say who. But apparently, it would compromise their own agents.
My bet is on Great Britain and Israel.

Possibly. And they have every reason to be concerned.

Imagine if we were to share sensative intel with say, Australia. And then the Austrialian Prime Minister made that intel public for partisan political purposes. Or as part of some conspiracy theory?

How much more intel would we want to share with them?
None of this has any connection with any foreign country. It's all material that is embarrassing to FBI and DOJ officials. That's the only reason they want to redact it. No one is buying any claim that these demands are justified by security concerns. That's a con.

Can you believe it?

Pu$$y Trump backs off release of documents in Russian probe. When he was asked if he ever read them he said no.

That dumb a$$ fuktard didn't even read the documents he tried to declassify.

And now he pu$$ied out on that.

And this mess is the leader of the Republican Party.


He blinked.

The full 412 pages of the FISA application has already made the rounds. 30 members of congress have already seen it. The debunked Nunes Memo ploy was already tried and epicly failed. Selective declassification to forward a narrative that Trump *knows* that full disclosure doesn't support leaves Trump open to all sorts of Obstruction of Justice implications personally.

As Trump was dumb enough to eliminate his cut-out man Nunes from the process. It all comes right to Trump's doorstep.

I called the stupidity of this move by Trump the same day he did it. It took a few days for Trump's people to convince Trump of the impulsive stupidity of his move.
No, it looks like he was called by leaders from a couple of our former friends. They wouldn't say who. But apparently, it would compromise their own agents.
My bet is on Great Britain and Israel.

Possibly. And they have every reason to be concerned.

Imagine if we were to share sensative intel with say, Australia. And then the Austrialian Prime Minister made that intel public for partisan political purposes. Or as part of some conspiracy theory?

How much more intel would we want to share with them?
None of this has any connection with any foreign country. It's all material that is embarrassing to FBI and DOJ officials. That's the only reason they want to redact it. No one is buying any claim that these demands are justified by security concerns. That's a con.

Says who? Trump indicated that key allies raised concerned about dumping the material.

Yet once again, you offer your imagination as evidence. Remember, and this point is fundamental: you don't actually know what the fuck you're talking about.

Making your declarations about what connections Trump's statements have to be more meaningless made up clap trap from you.
Let's see a few days ago TRUMP called for declassifying FBI/DOJ documents including memos from McCabe and today we have a leak of a damaging memo from McCabe of comments made by RR, a memo that the IG never received.

Last Friday Manafort flipped on Trump. Trump shits his pants and the very next Monday impusively tries to distract with selective declassifications to forward a bullshit narrative Trump knows full declassification won't support to try and discredit an active criminal investigation investigating Trump personally.

By Friday.......Trump blinks and backs down.

And Manafort is still flipped.

TRUMP blinked just like he did with tariffs, NAFTA, the Iran deal...

Laughing.......he insisted he was going to have the documents released immediately. Now he has an 'review' by the Inspector General for an indefinite period of time with some documents not to be released at all.

Trump blinked. He shit his pants when Manafort flipped, overreacted, and is now trying to backpedal.

And now you just blinked.

Thank you conceding the point.

Can you believe it?

Pu$$y Trump backs off release of documents in Russian probe. When he was asked if he ever read them he said no.

That dumb a$$ fuktard didn't even read the documents he tried to declassify.

And now he pu$$ied out on that.

And this mess is the leader of the Republican Party.


He blinked.

The full 412 pages of the FISA application has already made the rounds. 30 members of congress have already seen it. The debunked Nunes Memo ploy was already tried and epicly failed. Selective declassification to forward a narrative that Trump *knows* that full disclosure doesn't support leaves Trump open to all sorts of Obstruction of Justice implications personally.

As Trump was dumb enough to eliminate his cut-out man Nunes from the process. It all comes right to Trump's doorstep.

I called the stupidity of this move by Trump the same day he did it. It took a few days for Trump's people to convince Trump of the impulsive stupidity of his move.
No, it looks like he was called by leaders from a couple of our former friends. They wouldn't say who. But apparently, it would compromise their own agents.
My bet is on Great Britain and Israel.

Possibly. And they have every reason to be concerned.

Imagine if we were to share sensative intel with say, Australia. And then the Austrialian Prime Minister made that intel public for partisan political purposes. Or as part of some conspiracy theory?

How much more intel would we want to share with them?
None of this has any connection with any foreign country. It's all material that is embarrassing to FBI and DOJ officials. That's the only reason they want to redact it. No one is buying any claim that these demands are justified by security concerns. That's a con.

The Art of War: How President Trump Gained Significant Leverage...

Can you believe it?

Pu$$y Trump backs off release of documents in Russian probe. When he was asked if he ever read them he said no.

That dumb a$$ fuktard didn't even read the documents he tried to declassify.

And now he pu$$ied out on that.

And this mess is the leader of the Republican Party.


He blinked.

The full 412 pages of the FISA application has already made the rounds. 30 members of congress have already seen it. The debunked Nunes Memo ploy was already tried and epicly failed. Selective declassification to forward a narrative that Trump *knows* that full disclosure doesn't support leaves Trump open to all sorts of Obstruction of Justice implications personally.

As Trump was dumb enough to eliminate his cut-out man Nunes from the process. It all comes right to Trump's doorstep.

I called the stupidity of this move by Trump the same day he did it. It took a few days for Trump's people to convince Trump of the impulsive stupidity of his move.
No, it looks like he was called by leaders from a couple of our former friends. They wouldn't say who. But apparently, it would compromise their own agents.
My bet is on Great Britain and Israel.

Possibly. And they have every reason to be concerned.

Imagine if we were to share sensative intel with say, Australia. And then the Austrialian Prime Minister made that intel public for partisan political purposes. Or as part of some conspiracy theory?

How much more intel would we want to share with them?
None of this has any connection with any foreign country. It's all material that is embarrassing to FBI and DOJ officials. That's the only reason they want to redact it. No one is buying any claim that these demands are justified by security concerns. That's a con.

Says who? Trump indicated that key allies raised concerned about dumping the material.

Yet once again, you offer your imagination as evidence. Remember, and this point is fundamental: you don't actually know what the fuck you're talking about.

Making your declarations about what connections Trump's statements have to be more meaningless made up clap trap from you.

The "key allies" don't even know what's in the documents. The Republicans on the House intelligence committee do.
You're scared traitor.

You should be.

It all just blew up.

Fuck the blue wave, that's the least of your worries. All of the conspirators are going to prison.

I still urge the president to pardon that traitor Obama though.
The ignorance, the hate, and the lies, are slowly doing the Right in.

ya got it backwards, dude. Its the left that is doing itself in. The truth is coming out, the FISA warrants are being declassified, the dem/media/FBI corrupt cabal is being outted, its over, the American people are fed up with your lying socialist bullshit.
If you actually knew what the truth was, you wouldn't honestly be able to call it "corrupt". So you lied. And, as proof, four judges are already calling you a liar.

the president has the authority to declassify any government document. If the DOJ and FBI defy his orders they are subject to prosecution and removal from their jobs. The corruption has been demonstrated and verified by the Strzok emails and comey's testimony under oath. the deep state/dem house of cards is collapsing and the USA is the winner.
The Strzok emails were not illegal and no corruption was uncovered by Comey. Those two claims are both lies, and you can't prove otherwise. You are a liar.

I also noticed how you avoided the fact that the four judges approved the FISA warrants, and did their job, and you couldn't dispute that fact. In the meantime, while Trump orders the documents to be declassified, authority or not, he is committing obstruction.

the judges approved the FISA warrants because they were lied to. Once the truth comes out expect those judges to go after the liars.

sending emails is not illegal, trying to set up a conspiracy to impact an election or bring down a sitting president is illegal. Your heroes are going down, its just a matter of time.
No, it isn't.

Your ignorance, hate and lies are incessant. Still, you Communists have lost over 1000 elected positions since corrupt Barry was elected in 2008.

So your hate is not hurting the right.

This civil war you've started will eventually turn hot, you get ever more shrill and ever more violent at every loss. When you get highly violent then we will quickly do you Stalinists in.
The Civil war of voter suppression with the illegal help from Russia, is the battle for the salvation of this country. That is the Civil war the Left is going to have.

The Civil war will be if the left pulls off a coup.

Yep, if the Khmer Rouge somehow remove our president, then all hell breaks loose.

and we have the guns, the military, and the police. They have pussy hats and safe spaces. It will be a very short war.
And who is the enemy again, and how would you know who they are? Lol! Can't wait to see your war against random people, and what that's going to look like. The Right definitely has a big inventory of retards.

the enemy? traitors like you, Obama, the Clinton crime family, Comey, McCabe, Pelosi, Schumer, Waters, Jackson-Lee, Gillibrand, the left wing media, antifa, BLM, socialists, most of academia, flag burners, illegal invaders. the deep state, the establishment in both parties.

Now, that looks like a long list doesn't it? But all together its only about 20% of the US population, the other 80% are patriots.
The ignorance, the hate, and the lies, are slowly doing the Right in.

ya got it backwards, dude. Its the left that is doing itself in. The truth is coming out, the FISA warrants are being declassified, the dem/media/FBI corrupt cabal is being outted, its over, the American people are fed up with your lying socialist bullshit.
If you actually knew what the truth was, you wouldn't honestly be able to call it "corrupt". So you lied. And, as proof, four judges are already calling you a liar.

the president has the authority to declassify any government document. If the DOJ and FBI defy his orders they are subject to prosecution and removal from their jobs. The corruption has been demonstrated and verified by the Strzok emails and comey's testimony under oath. the deep state/dem house of cards is collapsing and the USA is the winner.
The Strzok emails were not illegal and no corruption was uncovered by Comey. Those two claims are both lies, and you can't prove otherwise. You are a liar.

I also noticed how you avoided the fact that the four judges approved the FISA warrants, and did their job, and you couldn't dispute that fact. In the meantime, while Trump orders the documents to be declassified, authority or not, he is committing obstruction.

the judges approved the FISA warrants because they were lied to. Once the truth comes out expect those judges to go after the liars.

sending emails is not illegal, trying to set up a conspiracy to impact an election or bring down a sitting president is illegal. Your heroes are going down, its just a matter of time.

You’ve just described Trump’s deal with Putin and why he shouldn’t be President.
ya got it backwards, dude. Its the left that is doing itself in. The truth is coming out, the FISA warrants are being declassified, the dem/media/FBI corrupt cabal is being outted, its over, the American people are fed up with your lying socialist bullshit.
If you actually knew what the truth was, you wouldn't honestly be able to call it "corrupt". So you lied. And, as proof, four judges are already calling you a liar.

the president has the authority to declassify any government document. If the DOJ and FBI defy his orders they are subject to prosecution and removal from their jobs. The corruption has been demonstrated and verified by the Strzok emails and comey's testimony under oath. the deep state/dem house of cards is collapsing and the USA is the winner.
The Strzok emails were not illegal and no corruption was uncovered by Comey. Those two claims are both lies, and you can't prove otherwise. You are a liar.

I also noticed how you avoided the fact that the four judges approved the FISA warrants, and did their job, and you couldn't dispute that fact. In the meantime, while Trump orders the documents to be declassified, authority or not, he is committing obstruction.

the judges approved the FISA warrants because they were lied to. Once the truth comes out expect those judges to go after the liars.

sending emails is not illegal, trying to set up a conspiracy to impact an election or bring down a sitting president is illegal. Your heroes are going down, its just a matter of time.

You’ve just described Trump’s deal with Putin and why he shouldn’t be President.

Ok, dragonfly, if trump has a deal with Putin, why did he increase economic sanctions on Russia? Second, where is your proof that there was any kind of deal with Russia on the election? Heir Mewler has been looking for over a year and has found nothing, deep throat Woodward has written a book saying he found nothing, So if you know something I'm sure those guys would like to hear from you.

Now, if you are really interested in Russian collusion (and I know you aren't), how about looking into the DNC and Clinton campaign paying Russian liars to create a fake anti-Trump dossier and how about looking into who leaked it to the media?

then we can look into the woman who is trying to destroy Cavanaugh but cant remember when or where the alleged attack took place.

the dem/lib attempts to attack trump are looking more idiotic with each new one. the desperation is making them more stupid by the minute and they are destroying the dem party in the process.
ya got it backwards, dude. Its the left that is doing itself in. The truth is coming out, the FISA warrants are being declassified, the dem/media/FBI corrupt cabal is being outted, its over, the American people are fed up with your lying socialist bullshit.
If you actually knew what the truth was, you wouldn't honestly be able to call it "corrupt". So you lied. And, as proof, four judges are already calling you a liar.

the president has the authority to declassify any government document. If the DOJ and FBI defy his orders they are subject to prosecution and removal from their jobs. The corruption has been demonstrated and verified by the Strzok emails and comey's testimony under oath. the deep state/dem house of cards is collapsing and the USA is the winner.
The Strzok emails were not illegal and no corruption was uncovered by Comey. Those two claims are both lies, and you can't prove otherwise. You are a liar.

I also noticed how you avoided the fact that the four judges approved the FISA warrants, and did their job, and you couldn't dispute that fact. In the meantime, while Trump orders the documents to be declassified, authority or not, he is committing obstruction.

the judges approved the FISA warrants because they were lied to. Once the truth comes out expect those judges to go after the liars.

sending emails is not illegal, trying to set up a conspiracy to impact an election or bring down a sitting president is illegal. Your heroes are going down, its just a matter of time.

You’ve just described Trump’s deal with Putin and why he shouldn’t be President.


You gotta let it go, sweetie.

There is no there, there....Strzok said it himself.

Trump won fairly.

Dems need to roll up their sleeves and run a better candidate in 2020. That’s our process in America.

Blame HIllary, don’t blame Putin.

Can you believe it?

Pu$$y Trump backs off release of documents in Russian probe. When he was asked if he ever read them he said no.

That dumb a$$ fuktard didn't even read the documents he tried to declassify.

And now he pu$$ied out on that.

And this mess is the leader of the Republican Party.


Trump is afraid that he will have to arrest and execute Barack Obama for treason once these documents are declassified.

BUT Trump is president, he just needs to issue a pardon to Obama. Once that is done, declassify the damned documents and restore integrity to this nation. If every GS-7 goes to prison, no problem. If the top 20% of the DOJ and FSB are executed for treason, no problem.

We elected Trump to restore honest government, declassifying the treason of Obama is the first step.
What a bunch of weak fucks who say and debate nothing.

This isn't about you, Comrade. Yes, you are weak, stupid, and evil.

This is about the declassification of the treason documents.

We all know what this is about; the documents prove criminal culpability of Barack Obama in rigging the 2016 election.

Sack up Mr. President. Give the traitor Obama a pardon if you must, but sack up and declassify ALL of the related documents.

Are you and Skylar the same person?

Nah, even Walter White's wife is smarter than WTP.


Skylar White
The ignorance, the hate, and the lies, are slowly doing the Right in.

ya got it backwards, dude. Its the left that is doing itself in. The truth is coming out, the FISA warrants are being declassified, the dem/media/FBI corrupt cabal is being outted, its over, the American people are fed up with your lying socialist bullshit.
If you actually knew what the truth was, you wouldn't honestly be able to call it "corrupt". So you lied. And, as proof, four judges are already calling you a liar.

the president has the authority to declassify any government document. If the DOJ and FBI defy his orders they are subject to prosecution and removal from their jobs. The corruption has been demonstrated and verified by the Strzok emails and comey's testimony under oath. the deep state/dem house of cards is collapsing and the USA is the winner.
The Strzok emails were not illegal and no corruption was uncovered by Comey. Those two claims are both lies, and you can't prove otherwise. You are a liar.

I also noticed how you avoided the fact that the four judges approved the FISA warrants, and did their job, and you couldn't dispute that fact. In the meantime, while Trump orders the documents to be declassified, authority or not, he is committing obstruction.

the judges approved the FISA warrants because they were lied to. Once the truth comes out expect those judges to go after the liars.

So Nunes said with his Nunes Memo. Until it was revealed that Nunes' entire narrative was horseshit and that the FBI did disclose the origin of the Steele Dossier. Including its political motivations.

With Nunes forced to admit as much. But this time its different, huh? me. Don't tell me. Your hysteric ilk have cried wolf dozens of times. You'll understand if your latest round of empty predictions based on jack shit don't inspire much confidence.
The Civil war of voter suppression with the illegal help from Russia, is the battle for the salvation of this country. That is the Civil war the Left is going to have.

The Civil war will be if the left pulls off a coup.

Yep, if the Khmer Rouge somehow remove our president, then all hell breaks loose.

and we have the guns, the military, and the police. They have pussy hats and safe spaces. It will be a very short war.
And who is the enemy again, and how would you know who they are? Lol! Can't wait to see your war against random people, and what that's going to look like. The Right definitely has a big inventory of retards.

the enemy? traitors like you, Obama, the Clinton crime family, Comey, McCabe, Pelosi, Schumer, Waters, Jackson-Lee, Gillibrand, the left wing media, antifa, BLM, socialists, most of academia, flag burners, illegal invaders. the deep state, the establishment in both parties.

Now, that looks like a long list doesn't it? But all together its only about 20% of the US population, the other 80% are patriots.

We're talking about actual criminals, actual convictions, actual guilty pleas. Not the hapless batshit that you imagine.

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