Trump orders immediate declassification of key documents in Russia hoax


Are you and Skylar the same person?

Nah, even Walter White's wife is smarter than WTP.


Skylar White
But not too dumb as to not catch you in a bucket full of lies. Keep them coming liar. We are all enjoying seeing you make a fool of yourself getting caught.
What a bunch of weak fucks who say and debate nothing.

This isn't about you, Comrade. Yes, you are weak, stupid, and evil.

This is about the declassification of the treason documents.

We all know what this is about; the documents prove criminal culpability of Barack Obama in rigging the 2016 election.

Sack up Mr. President. Give the traitor Obama a pardon if you must, but sack up and declassify ALL of the related documents.
"Treason documents"? :777:You don't even know what's in them dumb ass. And Trump now backed off from them. You are a proven liar. Lol! Everyone of your posts is a lie. How do we know? Because no one comes to your rescue to prove us different.
ya got it backwards, dude. Its the left that is doing itself in. The truth is coming out, the FISA warrants are being declassified, the dem/media/FBI corrupt cabal is being outted, its over, the American people are fed up with your lying socialist bullshit.
If you actually knew what the truth was, you wouldn't honestly be able to call it "corrupt". So you lied. And, as proof, four judges are already calling you a liar.

the president has the authority to declassify any government document. If the DOJ and FBI defy his orders they are subject to prosecution and removal from their jobs. The corruption has been demonstrated and verified by the Strzok emails and comey's testimony under oath. the deep state/dem house of cards is collapsing and the USA is the winner.
The Strzok emails were not illegal and no corruption was uncovered by Comey. Those two claims are both lies, and you can't prove otherwise. You are a liar.

I also noticed how you avoided the fact that the four judges approved the FISA warrants, and did their job, and you couldn't dispute that fact. In the meantime, while Trump orders the documents to be declassified, authority or not, he is committing obstruction.

the judges approved the FISA warrants because they were lied to. Once the truth comes out expect those judges to go after the liars.

So Nunes said with his Nunes Memo. Until it was revealed that Nunes' entire narrative was horseshit and that the FBI did disclose the origin of the Steele Dossier. Including its political motivations.

With Nunes forced to admit as much. But this time its different, huh? me. Don't tell me. Your hysteric ilk have cried wolf dozens of times. You'll understand if your latest round of empty predictions based on jack shit don't inspire much confidence.
They can't show you anything. Their intellectually bankrupt, and they are nothing more than ad hominem cowards..
If you actually knew what the truth was, you wouldn't honestly be able to call it "corrupt". So you lied. And, as proof, four judges are already calling you a liar.

the president has the authority to declassify any government document. If the DOJ and FBI defy his orders they are subject to prosecution and removal from their jobs. The corruption has been demonstrated and verified by the Strzok emails and comey's testimony under oath. the deep state/dem house of cards is collapsing and the USA is the winner.
The Strzok emails were not illegal and no corruption was uncovered by Comey. Those two claims are both lies, and you can't prove otherwise. You are a liar.

I also noticed how you avoided the fact that the four judges approved the FISA warrants, and did their job, and you couldn't dispute that fact. In the meantime, while Trump orders the documents to be declassified, authority or not, he is committing obstruction.

the judges approved the FISA warrants because they were lied to. Once the truth comes out expect those judges to go after the liars.

sending emails is not illegal, trying to set up a conspiracy to impact an election or bring down a sitting president is illegal. Your heroes are going down, its just a matter of time.

You’ve just described Trump’s deal with Putin and why he shouldn’t be President.

Ok, dragonfly, if trump has a deal with Putin, why did he increase economic sanctions on Russia? Second, where is your proof that there was any kind of deal with Russia on the election? Heir Mewler has been looking for over a year and has found nothing, deep throat Woodward has written a book saying he found nothing, So if you know something I'm sure those guys would like to hear from you.

Now, if you are really interested in Russian collusion (and I know you aren't), how about looking into the DNC and Clinton campaign paying Russian liars to create a fake anti-Trump dossier and how about looking into who leaked it to the media?

then we can look into the woman who is trying to destroy Cavanaugh but cant remember when or where the alleged attack took place.

the dem/lib attempts to attack trump are looking more idiotic with each new one. the desperation is making them more stupid by the minute and they are destroying the dem party in the process.
We will do this over and over, because there are those who make claims, yet lack the intellectual capacity to challenge the facts. The Trump Tower meeting was/is a proven conspiracy. All anyone needs to do with a minimum high school education, is to read the statute, and the law is crystal clear. It's the same for Cambridge Analytica, and it's the same for the Sam Patten admission. As for obstruction, there are too many to count at this point. We also have multiple proven campaign finance viloationas proven, plus more investigations into charity and Emoluments violations. There is a cocktail full of criminal activity surrounding Trump.

And we didn't even get into the number of indictments, convictions, and immunity deals of other folks, surrounding Trump and his activities.
Not worth a substantive response. It's too stupid for words, and I've already responded to all this horseshit hundreds of times.

Translation: You've got jack shit to refute me. And I caught you gaslighting yet again.

My statements remain, unopposed.

Trying to collect dirt from the Russian Government who is atteping to support your candidate by attacking the United States? With Trump's campaign fully aware that the Russian government is trying to support Trump?

With Trump publicly declaring that he hopes the Russians will conduct MORE attacks on the United States?

And then Trump lying his ass off to cover it up, compelling others to lie and trying to shut down the investigation looking into him personally?

Good luck with that.

Laughing....and even Trump's most rabid and deluded supporters can't defend the collusion of his campaign.

You're done, kiddo.
It's even more hilarious than that.
Trump backed off release of documents that idiotard didn't even bother reading.
Can you believe it?

Pu$$y Trump pu$$ies out.

Can you believe this delusional braindead is the leader of the Republican Party?

It just keeps getting better and better.

All TRUMP needed to see was the scramble from the deep state to try and keep him from declassifying and releasing the documents. The IG still has a report to come out, and with the leak from McCabe's memos of comments made by RR we now know the FBI/DOJ is withholding information from the IG. TRUMP is basically telling the FBI/DOJ to cooperate with the IG and for the IG to hold people accountable or TRUMP is going to declassifying the documents and revel corruption not only in the FBI/DOJ but also within the IG.
The only deep state here is the Trump works for Russia. And Republicans know it. They highly approve.
What a bunch of weak fucks who say and debate nothing.

This isn't about you, Comrade. Yes, you are weak, stupid, and evil.

This is about the declassification of the treason documents.

We all know what this is about; the documents prove criminal culpability of Barack Obama in rigging the 2016 election.

Sack up Mr. President. Give the traitor Obama a pardon if you must, but sack up and declassify ALL of the related documents.
"Treason documents"? :777:You don't even know what's in them dumb ass. And Trump now backed off from them. You are a proven liar. Lol! Everyone of your posts is a lie. How do we know? Because no one comes to your rescue to prove us different.
We know all the coup plotters and Trump haters are afraid to have them published.
.and still no Russian connection
Well, except for all of his cronies going to jail for lying about their Russian connections,heh heh
No one has gone to jail for that, moron.
You are total idiot. What do you think Flynn is going to jail about? Damn you're blob:
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What a bunch of weak fucks who say and debate nothing.

This isn't about you, Comrade. Yes, you are weak, stupid, and evil.

This is about the declassification of the treason documents.

We all know what this is about; the documents prove criminal culpability of Barack Obama in rigging the 2016 election.

Sack up Mr. President. Give the traitor Obama a pardon if you must, but sack up and declassify ALL of the related documents.
"Treason documents"? :777:You don't even know what's in them dumb ass. And Trump now backed off from them. You are a proven liar. Lol! Everyone of your posts is a lie. How do we know? Because no one comes to your rescue to prove us different.
We know all the coup plotters and Trump haters are afraid to have them published.
So is Trump apparently. :777:
.and still no Russian connection
Well, except for all of his cronies going to jail for lying about their Russian connections,heh heh
No one has gone to jail for that, moron.
You are total idiot. What do you think Flynn is going to jail about? Damn you're blob:
He's going to jail for getting his dates mixed up, not because he said anything illegal to a Russian, you thermonuclear moron. Everything he did while in the Trump administration was totally 100% legal.
.and still no Russian connection
Well, except for all of his cronies going to jail for lying about their Russian connections,heh heh
No one has gone to jail for that, moron.
You are total idiot. What do you think Flynn is going to jail about? Damn you're stupid.
Nothing to do with Trump
Wrong! Everything to do with Trump. The Flynn communications with Russians was over sanctions. Trump is dead in the middle of that. Flynn isn't going to discuss that without Trump. And guess who already told Mueller that?
What a bunch of weak fucks who say and debate nothing.

This isn't about you, Comrade. Yes, you are weak, stupid, and evil.

This is about the declassification of the treason documents.

We all know what this is about; the documents prove criminal culpability of Barack Obama in rigging the 2016 election.

Sack up Mr. President. Give the traitor Obama a pardon if you must, but sack up and declassify ALL of the related documents.
"Treason documents"? :777:You don't even know what's in them dumb ass. And Trump now backed off from them. You are a proven liar. Lol! Everyone of your posts is a lie. How do we know? Because no one comes to your rescue to prove us different.
We know all the coup plotters and Trump haters are afraid to have them published.
So is Trump apparently. :777:
Hmmmm, wrong.
.and still no Russian connection
Well, except for all of his cronies going to jail for lying about their Russian connections,heh heh
No one has gone to jail for that, moron.
You are total idiot. What do you think Flynn is going to jail about? Damn you're stupid.
Nothing to do with Trump
Wrong! Everything to do with Trump. The Flynn communications with Russians was over sanctions. Trump is dead in the middle of that. Flynn isn't going to discuss that without Trump. And guess who already told Mueller that?
He wasn't indicted for discussing sanctions with the Russian ambassador, moron.

Do you actually know anything about these events?
.and still no Russian connection
Well, except for all of his cronies going to jail for lying about their Russian connections,heh heh
No one has gone to jail for that, moron.
You are total idiot. What do you think Flynn is going to jail about? Damn you're stupid.
Nothing to do with Trump
Wrong! Everything to do with Trump. The Flynn communications with Russians was over sanctions. Trump is dead in the middle of that. Flynn isn't going to discuss that without Trump. And guess who already told Mueller that?
... and still no Russian connection
.and still no Russian connection
Well, except for all of his cronies going to jail for lying about their Russian connections,heh heh
No one has gone to jail for that, moron.
You are total idiot. What do you think Flynn is going to jail about? Damn you're blob:
He's going to jail for getting his dates mixed up, not because he said anything illegal to a Russian, you thermonuclear moron. Everything he did while in the Trump administration was totally 100% legal.
He lied to authorities dick head, and he got caught lying about his communications with Russia. He's going to jail for lying about Russia, and you are an uninformed bat shit crazy retard.
.and still no Russian connection
Well, except for all of his cronies going to jail for lying about their Russian connections,heh heh
No one has gone to jail for that, moron.
You are total idiot. What do you think Flynn is going to jail about? Damn you're blob:
He's going to jail for getting his dates mixed up, not because he said anything illegal to a Russian, you thermonuclear moron. Everything he did while in the Trump administration was totally 100% legal.
He lied to authorities dick head, and he got caught lying about his communications with Russia. He's going to jail for lying about Russia, and you are an uninformed bat shit crazy retard.
And still no Russian connection

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