Trump Orders Removal Of Islamic Symbols, Practices In The White House

Okay, there's a possibility of no backup for the story. But. we can only hope and pray it's true. The removal of all Islamic paraphernalia from all federal buildings is a matter of national security.
Okay, there's a possibility of no backup for the story. But. we can only hope and pray it's true. The removal of all Islamic paraphernalia from all federal buildings is a matter of national security.


It's not just a "possibility of no backup", clown shoes. It's fiction. Not real. A lie. Bullshit. No basis in reality.

And you got suckered, again.
f there aren't going to be any religious considerations, there doesn't need to be a chapel there in the first place. At the very least, they have to take that cross down
You don't get a say.

Elections have consequences. If you want a say in your government, start winning elections--- Hussein Obama.

No' I don't get a say, but the constitution does. Having a cross with the exclusion of any other religions symbols is advancing a particular religion. That isn't allowed.
. Say's you, but I think that you are spreading fake interpretations of the Constitution.

I know, but you think a lot of dumb shit that is just wrong
The admin can be sued for religious harassment and abuse.

That would be fun.

Either all or none, hon.
. Your dam leftist suing days are ending or have since ended. The using of the government to strong are your opponent's into submission is over. You lost remember, now get used to it.
It's Trump's home for the next four years or more so he should have some say in how it's decorated.
f there aren't going to be any religious considerations, there doesn't need to be a chapel there in the first place. At the very least, they have to take that cross down
You don't get a say.

Elections have consequences. If you want a say in your government, start winning elections--- Hussein Obama.

No' I don't get a say, but the constitution does. Having a cross with the exclusion of any other religions symbols is advancing a particular religion. That isn't allowed.
. Say's you, but I think that you are spreading fake interpretations of the Constitution.

This is the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America. It clearly states that the government cannot promote one religion over the other.

First Amendment

The First Amendment guarantees freedoms concerning religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition. It forbids Congress from both promoting one religion over others and also restricting an individual’s religious practices. It guarantees freedom of expression by prohibiting Congress from restricting the press or the rights of individuals to speak freely. It also guarantees the right of citizens to assemble peaceably and to petition their government.
. Well the religion spoke of here in this thread has failed the test, because it has American patriots blood on it's hands. The Constitution doesn't cover religions that are anti-American. You must remember that these words were written for Americans, and for their American practiced religions, and not for religions that seek to change America or hurt America against Americans will.
Says Obozo was furious to see Trump staffers removing prayer rugs from the White House. They had no business being there in the first place. Is this the start of removing similar areas throughout the Executive branch?

Mr Trump doesn’t see the need to provide prayer rugs and false idols in a house built by Christians. Washington, DC offers a diverse cultural centre for the worship of any kind. You won’t find any special considerations for Judaism or crucifixes to appease Catholics, either. There is a simple chapel with a single cross on one wall that is suitable for prayer by anyone. Our government doesn’t need to be forcing prayer rituals down people’s throats just so we don’t “offend” apologising people looking to blow us up.

Patriots around the U.S. can rest assured that apologising for our faith has come to an end.

From Trump Orders Removal Of Islamic Symbols, Practices In The White House

no one believes that garbage.

well no one normal, anyway

You guys really are the gift that keeps on giving.

Catch up, folks. This story is a lie. It's not real.

You guys are cheering for something that didn't actually happen.
Not good if fake news, so hopefully everyone here will be on the look out for such things including the author's, the reporters, and the readers.

You guys really are the gift that keeps on giving.

Catch up, folks. This story is a lie. It's not real.

You guys are cheering for something that didn't actually happen.
. Won't be the 1st mis-informed fake news told here over the years, and it won't be the last. LOL.
LOL So you are going to pitch the First Amendment out. And what is to keep the Second Amendment from going next? You are one stupid hypocrite Av.

Learn how to present a coherent argument because your leap of logic makes no sense at all.
[ You people ordering people around is DONE, but what's hilarious is your denial of what has taken place, and how making America Great Again means restoring her strength, and part of that strength was her religious roots in Christianity.

What makes America great is its diversity. Including religion. You don't get to legislate religious dogma. Unless you don't believe in the Constitution...
Not good if fake news, so hopefully everyone here will be on the look out for such things including the author's, the reporters, and the readers.

Well, it comes via your local right-wing loon outlet...
Says Obozo was furious to see Trump staffers removing prayer rugs from the White House. They had no business being there in the first place. Is this the start of removing similar areas throughout the Executive branch?

Mr Trump doesn’t see the need to provide prayer rugs and false idols in a house built by Christians. Washington, DC offers a diverse cultural centre for the worship of any kind. You won’t find any special considerations for Judaism or crucifixes to appease Catholics, either. There is a simple chapel with a single cross on one wall that is suitable for prayer by anyone. Our government doesn’t need to be forcing prayer rituals down people’s throats just so we don’t “offend” apologising people looking to blow us up.

Patriots around the U.S. can rest assured that apologising for our faith has come to an end.

From Trump Orders Removal Of Islamic Symbols, Practices In The White House

Since this is not's interesting to see the number of people who applaud it.

For some reason, deliberately insulting and attacking Americans of a particular faith is..."good".

Sad :(
f there aren't going to be any religious considerations, there doesn't need to be a chapel there in the first place. At the very least, they have to take that cross down
You don't get a say.

Elections have consequences. If you want a say in your government, start winning elections--- Hussein Obama.

And you are being an ass. Elections don't mean you can simply attack people and act like a bigot using elections as a protection.
Considering that the US Constitution talk about freedom of religion maybe the best choice could be not having any religious symbol in the White house :)
Why? The first amendment affords us the right to practice religion and for the occupant to promote his own religion.

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