Trump outperforms previous presidents

OK, so,

1. The economy is doing very well, all things considered.

2. The American people themselves are giving Trump virtually no credit for number 1, as is clearly indicated by his falling JOB approval numbers.

3. If Trump can't get credit for a good economy, what can he get credit for?
That is Trumps biggest failure. With the robust economy given to him by Obama, no wars, low unemployment ......Trump should be riding a wave of popularity

Instead, Trump creates crisis of his own making and demonstrates daily that he is unsuited for the job
An actual story in the msm that isn't bashing Trump. Unfuckinbelievable. I didn't think any of these people had it inside of them to actually say something positive.
Of course when you read on, they manage to give him very little actual credit.

One way Trump is outperforming other presidents

Six months into his presidency, Donald Trump has one big thing going for him: a robust job market.

Employers added 209,000 jobs in July, while the unemployment rate fell to a remarkably low 4.3%. During Trump’s first six months in office, the US economy added nearly 1.1 million jobs, earning Trump a B+ for the state of the economy under his watch on the Yahoo Finance Trumponomics Report Card.

Before Trump critics freak out—yes, it’s obviously true Trump inherited an improving economy from his predecessor, Barack Obama. Underlying factors such as strong corporate profits, low interest rates and an improving global economy explain most of the job gains, rather than any policies Trump has put into place. Trump, in fact, has faltered on virtually every major policy issue he’s undertaken, with few accomplishments to crow about so far.

One way Trump is outperforming other presidents

which really pisses off the leftards and "uniparty republicans"
An actual story in the msm that isn't bashing Trump. Unfuckinbelievable. I didn't think any of these people had it inside of them to actually say something positive.
Of course when you read on, they manage to give him very little actual credit.

One way Trump is outperforming other presidents

Six months into his presidency, Donald Trump has one big thing going for him: a robust job market.

Employers added 209,000 jobs in July, while the unemployment rate fell to a remarkably low 4.3%. During Trump’s first six months in office, the US economy added nearly 1.1 million jobs, earning Trump a B+ for the state of the economy under his watch on the Yahoo Finance Trumponomics Report Card.

Before Trump critics freak out—yes, it’s obviously true Trump inherited an improving economy from his predecessor, Barack Obama. Underlying factors such as strong corporate profits, low interest rates and an improving global economy explain most of the job gains, rather than any policies Trump has put into place. Trump, in fact, has faltered on virtually every major policy issue he’s undertaken, with few accomplishments to crow about so far.

One way Trump is outperforming other presidents

which really pisses off the leftards and "uniparty republicans"

So do you credit Obama because he outperformed Trump in the first 6 months in the performance of the stock market?
An actual story in the msm that isn't bashing Trump. Unfuckinbelievable. I didn't think any of these people had it inside of them to actually say something positive.
Of course when you read on, they manage to give him very little actual credit.

One way Trump is outperforming other presidents

Six months into his presidency, Donald Trump has one big thing going for him: a robust job market.

Employers added 209,000 jobs in July, while the unemployment rate fell to a remarkably low 4.3%. During Trump’s first six months in office, the US economy added nearly 1.1 million jobs, earning Trump a B+ for the state of the economy under his watch on the Yahoo Finance Trumponomics Report Card.

Before Trump critics freak out—yes, it’s obviously true Trump inherited an improving economy from his predecessor, Barack Obama. Underlying factors such as strong corporate profits, low interest rates and an improving global economy explain most of the job gains, rather than any policies Trump has put into place. Trump, in fact, has faltered on virtually every major policy issue he’s undertaken, with few accomplishments to crow about so far.

One way Trump is outperforming other presidents

which really pisses off the leftards and "uniparty republicans"

So do you credit Obama because he outperformed Trump in the first 6 months in the performance of the stock market?

the stock market


any other day a leftard like you says the stock market is not representative of the economy


thanks for playing retard
Trump hasnt passed one single piece of legislation that would account for increasing jobs much less the bull market that been on fire for several years.

to his credit, he hasnt done anything to actually harm our economy ... yet. Be patient, he's trying like hell.

he's done NOTHING.

Presidents can't pass any legislation. He signs them.
He has done plenty in executive orders on regulations and dismantling most of Obama executive orders.
So you are either going to give credit to the performance of the economy of the sitting president or you are not for ANY president. You can't have it both ways.

I've said that if you give me $10T in debt, I promise you I would have the economy BOOMING. Would it be a legitimate economy or a paper tiger in which I toss future generations under the bus for todays trip to the trough? Obama lost hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs while Trump added. This is not a coincidence based on Trumps focus on manufacturing. With high consumer and business confidence comes investment in actually making things.

Performance is measured by performing. Trump has done almost nothing that can be directly linked, as cause and effect, to the creation of hundreds of thousands of jobs.

And exactly what is it that Obama did to improve the economy? As Romney said in his campaign against Obama, it's not the governments job to create jobs...that is precisely what he tried to do, with money he didn't have! The establishment knows it, but they want some of this money to hand out too, Trump isn't going to follow that.

I will tell you how Obama's policies helped...his friends and donors. He took all of the debt that the former entire history of American presidents had taken to accumulate and he doubled it. Yes, that's right, doubled the entire National debt in eight short years, what took a couple of hundred to create.

Then, rather than invest in infrastructure and improving American efficiency he gave the money to failed businesses and others who couldn't compete against China or were skirting the rules. He invested in pet projects and propping up failed businesses. He didn't want to confront the cash cow that is China while Americans were having their jobs exported, no, that would take leadership and tell company leaders that empowering the enemy is not good for America. So he simply borrowed like a drunk sailor and handed the money out. This is the biggest threat to American sovereignty, it's National debt. It jeopardizes everything, including maintaining the U.S greenback as the global standard, we already saw B.R.I.C try and push an alternative global dollar standard.

So, I do not dislike Obama, I don't think he was a bad man, but he was a poor economist. His first couple of years he righted a ship, but he didn't address the underlying problems, not at all. The economy was heavily regulate and inefficient, not allowed to let loose. He did this because his choices were nothing more than borrowing to his hearts content while holding noone to account. Bush had his DOJ go after crooked CEO's, did Obama? I hope he did.

In short, he was not responsible at all for the economy artificially looking good, your grandkids were responsible, after all, they were funding it.
Trump hasnt passed one single piece of legislation that would account for increasing jobs much less the bull market that been on fire for several years.

to his credit, he hasnt done anything to actually harm our economy ... yet. Be patient, he's trying like hell.

he's done NOTHING.

Presidents can't pass any legislation. He signs them.
He has done plenty in executive orders on regulations and dismantling most of Obama executive orders.
A President sets the agenda, the direction the country is going
It is called leadership

Trump just tweets what he wants and makes no effort to actually get anything done

No repeal Obamacare, no Mexico paying for the wall, no balanced budget

Trump is a nothing burger
So you are either going to give credit to the performance of the economy of the sitting president or you are not for ANY president. You can't have it both ways.

I've said that if you give me $10T in debt, I promise you I would have the economy BOOMING. Would it be a legitimate economy or a paper tiger in which I toss future generations under the bus for todays trip to the trough? Obama lost hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs while Trump added. This is not a coincidence based on Trumps focus on manufacturing. With high consumer and business confidence comes investment in actually making things.

Performance is measured by performing. Trump has done almost nothing that can be directly linked, as cause and effect, to the creation of hundreds of thousands of jobs.

And exactly what is it that Obama did to improve the economy? As Romney said in his campaign against Obama, it's not the governments job to create jobs...that is precisely what he tried to do, with money he didn't have! The establishment knows it, but they want some of this money to hand out too, Trump isn't going to follow that.

I will tell you how Obama's policies helped...his friends and donors. He took all of the debt that the former entire history of American presidents had taken to accumulate and he doubled it. Yes, that's right, doubled the entire National debt in eight short years, what took a couple of hundred to create.

Then, rather than invest in infrastructure and improving American efficiency he gave the money to failed businesses and others who couldn't compete against China or were skirting the rules. He invested in pet projects and propping up failed businesses. He didn't want to confront the cash cow that is China while Americans were having their jobs exported, no, that would take leadership and tell company leaders that empowering the enemy is not good for America. So he simply borrowed like a drunk sailor and handed the money out. This is the biggest threat to American sovereignty, it's National debt. It jeopardizes everything, including maintaining the U.S greenback as the global standard, we already saw B.R.I.C try and push an alternative global dollar standard.

So, I do not dislike Obama, I don't think he was a bad man, but he was a poor economist. His first couple of years he righted a ship, but he didn't address the underlying problems, not at all. The economy was heavily regulate and inefficient, not allowed to let loose. He did this because his choices were nothing more than borrowing to his hearts content while holding noone to account. Bush had his DOJ go after crooked CEO's, did Obama? I hope he did.

In short, he was not responsible at all for the economy artificially looking good, your grandkids were responsible, after all, they were funding it.
Obama stopped a depression. Obama saved the auto sector in this country.
Stimulus worked. It's only failure was it was not big enough

Obama's biggest accomplishment on the economy was he managed to save it in spite of Republican efforts to sabotage the recovery
Trump hasnt passed one single piece of legislation that would account for increasing jobs much less the bull market that been on fire for several years.

to his credit, he hasnt done anything to actually harm our economy ... yet. Be patient, he's trying like hell.

he's done NOTHING.

Presidents can't pass any legislation. He signs them.
He has done plenty in executive orders on regulations and dismantling most of Obama executive orders.
A President sets the agenda, the direction the country is going
It is called leadership

Trump just tweets what he wants and makes no effort to actually get anything done

No repeal Obamacare, no Mexico paying for the wall, no balanced budget

Trump is a nothing burger

Not when the élites in both parties refuse to give up their power, they won't go out without a fight.
At least he's meeting with them unlike past presidents.
So you are either going to give credit to the performance of the economy of the sitting president or you are not for ANY president. You can't have it both ways.

I've said that if you give me $10T in debt, I promise you I would have the economy BOOMING. Would it be a legitimate economy or a paper tiger in which I toss future generations under the bus for todays trip to the trough? Obama lost hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs while Trump added. This is not a coincidence based on Trumps focus on manufacturing. With high consumer and business confidence comes investment in actually making things.

Performance is measured by performing. Trump has done almost nothing that can be directly linked, as cause and effect, to the creation of hundreds of thousands of jobs.

And exactly what is it that Obama did to improve the economy? As Romney said in his campaign against Obama, it's not the governments job to create jobs...that is precisely what he tried to do, with money he didn't have! The establishment knows it, but they want some of this money to hand out too, Trump isn't going to follow that.

I will tell you how Obama's policies helped...his friends and donors. He took all of the debt that the former entire history of American presidents had taken to accumulate and he doubled it. Yes, that's right, doubled the entire National debt in eight short years, what took a couple of hundred to create.

Then, rather than invest in infrastructure and improving American efficiency he gave the money to failed businesses and others who couldn't compete against China or were skirting the rules. He invested in pet projects and propping up failed businesses. He didn't want to confront the cash cow that is China while Americans were having their jobs exported, no, that would take leadership and tell company leaders that empowering the enemy is not good for America. So he simply borrowed like a drunk sailor and handed the money out. This is the biggest threat to American sovereignty, it's National debt. It jeopardizes everything, including maintaining the U.S greenback as the global standard, we already saw B.R.I.C try and push an alternative global dollar standard.

So, I do not dislike Obama, I don't think he was a bad man, but he was a poor economist. His first couple of years he righted a ship, but he didn't address the underlying problems, not at all. The economy was heavily regulate and inefficient, not allowed to let loose. He did this because his choices were nothing more than borrowing to his hearts content while holding noone to account. Bush had his DOJ go after crooked CEO's, did Obama? I hope he did.

In short, he was not responsible at all for the economy artificially looking good, your grandkids were responsible, after all, they were funding it.
Obama stopped a depression. Obama saved the auto sector in this country.
Stimulus worked. It's only failure was it was not big enough

Obama's biggest accomplishment on the economy was he managed to save it in spite of Republican efforts to sabotage the recovery

His biggest one was the Supreme Court nominations Sotomayor and Kagan.
So you are either going to give credit to the performance of the economy of the sitting president or you are not for ANY president. You can't have it both ways.

I've said that if you give me $10T in debt, I promise you I would have the economy BOOMING. Would it be a legitimate economy or a paper tiger in which I toss future generations under the bus for todays trip to the trough? Obama lost hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs while Trump added. This is not a coincidence based on Trumps focus on manufacturing. With high consumer and business confidence comes investment in actually making things.

Performance is measured by performing. Trump has done almost nothing that can be directly linked, as cause and effect, to the creation of hundreds of thousands of jobs.

And exactly what is it that Obama did to improve the economy? As Romney said in his campaign against Obama, it's not the governments job to create jobs...that is precisely what he tried to do, with money he didn't have! The establishment knows it, but they want some of this money to hand out too, Trump isn't going to follow that.

I will tell you how Obama's policies helped...his friends and donors. He took all of the debt that the former entire history of American presidents had taken to accumulate and he doubled it. Yes, that's right, doubled the entire National debt in eight short years, what took a couple of hundred to create.

Then, rather than invest in infrastructure and improving American efficiency he gave the money to failed businesses and others who couldn't compete against China or were skirting the rules. He invested in pet projects and propping up failed businesses. He didn't want to confront the cash cow that is China while Americans were having their jobs exported, no, that would take leadership and tell company leaders that empowering the enemy is not good for America. So he simply borrowed like a drunk sailor and handed the money out. This is the biggest threat to American sovereignty, it's National debt. It jeopardizes everything, including maintaining the U.S greenback as the global standard, we already saw B.R.I.C try and push an alternative global dollar standard.

So, I do not dislike Obama, I don't think he was a bad man, but he was a poor economist. His first couple of years he righted a ship, but he didn't address the underlying problems, not at all. The economy was heavily regulate and inefficient, not allowed to let loose. He did this because his choices were nothing more than borrowing to his hearts content while holding noone to account. Bush had his DOJ go after crooked CEO's, did Obama? I hope he did.

In short, he was not responsible at all for the economy artificially looking good, your grandkids were responsible, after all, they were funding it.
Obama stopped a depression. Obama saved the auto sector in this country.
Stimulus worked. It's only failure was it was not big enough

Obama's biggest accomplishment on the economy was he managed to save it in spite of Republican efforts to sabotage the recovery

Not big enough? You have to be kidding me. You would prefer he triple the debt? Do you want a free market, or government owned economy like Venezuela?

A stimulus is a short term, temporary solution, not a long term, systemic system. The auto industry has been exploited by foreign government, some of it willingly, others because the government didn't protect them against these abuses. Simply throwing money at the issue is not the answer. This is why shareholders take risks and invest, if management wasn't doing their job the Boards and shareholders should be making them answer, not the government bailing out their failures and lack of pressure to protect them.
So you are either going to give credit to the performance of the economy of the sitting president or you are not for ANY president. You can't have it both ways.

I've said that if you give me $10T in debt, I promise you I would have the economy BOOMING. Would it be a legitimate economy or a paper tiger in which I toss future generations under the bus for todays trip to the trough? Obama lost hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs while Trump added. This is not a coincidence based on Trumps focus on manufacturing. With high consumer and business confidence comes investment in actually making things.

Performance is measured by performing. Trump has done almost nothing that can be directly linked, as cause and effect, to the creation of hundreds of thousands of jobs.

And exactly what is it that Obama did to improve the economy? As Romney said in his campaign against Obama, it's not the governments job to create jobs...that is precisely what he tried to do, with money he didn't have! The establishment knows it, but they want some of this money to hand out too, Trump isn't going to follow that.

I will tell you how Obama's policies helped...his friends and donors. He took all of the debt that the former entire history of American presidents had taken to accumulate and he doubled it. Yes, that's right, doubled the entire National debt in eight short years, what took a couple of hundred to create.

Then, rather than invest in infrastructure and improving American efficiency he gave the money to failed businesses and others who couldn't compete against China or were skirting the rules. He invested in pet projects and propping up failed businesses. He didn't want to confront the cash cow that is China while Americans were having their jobs exported, no, that would take leadership and tell company leaders that empowering the enemy is not good for America. So he simply borrowed like a drunk sailor and handed the money out. This is the biggest threat to American sovereignty, it's National debt. It jeopardizes everything, including maintaining the U.S greenback as the global standard, we already saw B.R.I.C try and push an alternative global dollar standard.

So, I do not dislike Obama, I don't think he was a bad man, but he was a poor economist. His first couple of years he righted a ship, but he didn't address the underlying problems, not at all. The economy was heavily regulate and inefficient, not allowed to let loose. He did this because his choices were nothing more than borrowing to his hearts content while holding noone to account. Bush had his DOJ go after crooked CEO's, did Obama? I hope he did.

In short, he was not responsible at all for the economy artificially looking good, your grandkids were responsible, after all, they were funding it.

First of all it's a big bit of rounding off to say that Obama doubled the debt. Secondly the budgets of the Obama terms were mostly just continuations of past budgets.

Thirdly, about 2 trillion of the debt accumulated on Obama's terms can be attributed to the cost the interest on the debt accumulated during past administrations.
Trump hasnt passed one single piece of legislation that would account for increasing jobs much less the bull market that been on fire for several years.

to his credit, he hasnt done anything to actually harm our economy ... yet. Be patient, he's trying like hell.

he's done NOTHING.

Presidents can't pass any legislation. He signs them.
He has done plenty in executive orders on regulations and dismantling most of Obama executive orders.
A President sets the agenda, the direction the country is going
It is called leadership

Trump just tweets what he wants and makes no effort to actually get anything done

No repeal Obamacare, no Mexico paying for the wall, no balanced budget

Trump is a nothing burger

Not when the élites in both parties refuse to give up their power, they won't go out without a fight.
At least he's meeting with them unlike past presidents.
We elected Donnie Dealmaker. A man outside of the Washington elite who knows how to get things done

Instead we got an ineffective leader who does not know how to get along with others. A man who believes belittling and bullying your opposition is the way to get them to support you

A President with 33 percent approval does not have much political capital in Washington
Trump hasnt passed one single piece of legislation that would account for increasing jobs much less the bull market that been on fire for several years.

to his credit, he hasnt done anything to actually harm our economy ... yet. Be patient, he's trying like hell.

he's done NOTHING.

Presidents can't pass any legislation. He signs them.
He has done plenty in executive orders on regulations and dismantling most of Obama executive orders.
A President sets the agenda, the direction the country is going
It is called leadership

Trump just tweets what he wants and makes no effort to actually get anything done

No repeal Obamacare, no Mexico paying for the wall, no balanced budget

Trump is a nothing burger

Not when the élites in both parties refuse to give up their power, they won't go out without a fight.
At least he's meeting with them unlike past presidents.
We elected Donnie Dealmaker. A man outside of the Washington elite who knows how to get things done

Instead we got an ineffective leader who does not know how to get along with others. A man who believes belittling and bullying your opposition is the way to get them to support you

A President with 33 percent approval does not have much political capital in Washington

All that tells us is the people are being lead by the news.
So you are either going to give credit to the performance of the economy of the sitting president or you are not for ANY president. You can't have it both ways.

I've said that if you give me $10T in debt, I promise you I would have the economy BOOMING. Would it be a legitimate economy or a paper tiger in which I toss future generations under the bus for todays trip to the trough? Obama lost hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs while Trump added. This is not a coincidence based on Trumps focus on manufacturing. With high consumer and business confidence comes investment in actually making things.

Performance is measured by performing. Trump has done almost nothing that can be directly linked, as cause and effect, to the creation of hundreds of thousands of jobs.

And exactly what is it that Obama did to improve the economy? As Romney said in his campaign against Obama, it's not the governments job to create jobs...that is precisely what he tried to do, with money he didn't have! The establishment knows it, but they want some of this money to hand out too, Trump isn't going to follow that.

I will tell you how Obama's policies helped...his friends and donors. He took all of the debt that the former entire history of American presidents had taken to accumulate and he doubled it. Yes, that's right, doubled the entire National debt in eight short years, what took a couple of hundred to create.

Then, rather than invest in infrastructure and improving American efficiency he gave the money to failed businesses and others who couldn't compete against China or were skirting the rules. He invested in pet projects and propping up failed businesses. He didn't want to confront the cash cow that is China while Americans were having their jobs exported, no, that would take leadership and tell company leaders that empowering the enemy is not good for America. So he simply borrowed like a drunk sailor and handed the money out. This is the biggest threat to American sovereignty, it's National debt. It jeopardizes everything, including maintaining the U.S greenback as the global standard, we already saw B.R.I.C try and push an alternative global dollar standard.

So, I do not dislike Obama, I don't think he was a bad man, but he was a poor economist. His first couple of years he righted a ship, but he didn't address the underlying problems, not at all. The economy was heavily regulate and inefficient, not allowed to let loose. He did this because his choices were nothing more than borrowing to his hearts content while holding noone to account. Bush had his DOJ go after crooked CEO's, did Obama? I hope he did.

In short, he was not responsible at all for the economy artificially looking good, your grandkids were responsible, after all, they were funding it.
Obama stopped a depression. Obama saved the auto sector in this country.
Stimulus worked. It's only failure was it was not big enough

Obama's biggest accomplishment on the economy was he managed to save it in spite of Republican efforts to sabotage the recovery

Not big enough? You have to be kidding me. You would prefer he triple the debt? Do you want a free market, or government owned economy like Venezuela?

A stimulus is a short term, temporary solution, not a long term, systemic system. The auto industry has been exploited by foreign government, some of it willingly, others because the government didn't protect them against these abuses. Simply throwing money at the issue is not the answer. This is why shareholders take risks and invest, if management wasn't doing their job the Boards and shareholders should be making them answer, not the government bailing out their failures and lack of pressure to protect them.
Can you imagine Republicans insisting on austerity in the midst of the biggest recession in 75 years? I just lost my job and paying off my credit card is my highest priority

Republicans are either ridiculously stupid or were trying to sabotage the economic recovery.
Trump hasnt passed one single piece of legislation that would account for increasing jobs much less the bull market that been on fire for several years.

to his credit, he hasnt done anything to actually harm our economy ... yet. Be patient, he's trying like hell.

he's done NOTHING.

Presidents can't pass any legislation. He signs them.
He has done plenty in executive orders on regulations and dismantling most of Obama executive orders.
A President sets the agenda, the direction the country is going
It is called leadership

Trump just tweets what he wants and makes no effort to actually get anything done

No repeal Obamacare, no Mexico paying for the wall, no balanced budget

Trump is a nothing burger

Not when the élites in both parties refuse to give up their power, they won't go out without a fight.
At least he's meeting with them unlike past presidents.
We elected Donnie Dealmaker. A man outside of the Washington elite who knows how to get things done

Instead we got an ineffective leader who does not know how to get along with others. A man who believes belittling and bullying your opposition is the way to get them to support you

A President with 33 percent approval does not have much political capital in Washington

All that tells us is the people are being lead by the news.
The news replays what Trump says and does
The American public are capable of seeing what is happening
Presidents can't pass any legislation. He signs them.
He has done plenty in executive orders on regulations and dismantling most of Obama executive orders.
A President sets the agenda, the direction the country is going
It is called leadership

Trump just tweets what he wants and makes no effort to actually get anything done

No repeal Obamacare, no Mexico paying for the wall, no balanced budget

Trump is a nothing burger

Not when the élites in both parties refuse to give up their power, they won't go out without a fight.
At least he's meeting with them unlike past presidents.
We elected Donnie Dealmaker. A man outside of the Washington elite who knows how to get things done

Instead we got an ineffective leader who does not know how to get along with others. A man who believes belittling and bullying your opposition is the way to get them to support you

A President with 33 percent approval does not have much political capital in Washington

All that tells us is the people are being lead by the news.
The news replays what Trump says and does
The American public are capable of seeing what is happening

It would be very nice if they did just do that
They have to put in their opinions of what they think he said and means.
Which has always been wrong so far.
Don't see any changes in the future either.
So you are either going to give credit to the performance of the economy of the sitting president or you are not for ANY president. You can't have it both ways.

I've said that if you give me $10T in debt, I promise you I would have the economy BOOMING. Would it be a legitimate economy or a paper tiger in which I toss future generations under the bus for todays trip to the trough? Obama lost hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs while Trump added. This is not a coincidence based on Trumps focus on manufacturing. With high consumer and business confidence comes investment in actually making things.

Performance is measured by performing. Trump has done almost nothing that can be directly linked, as cause and effect, to the creation of hundreds of thousands of jobs.

And exactly what is it that Obama did to improve the economy? As Romney said in his campaign against Obama, it's not the governments job to create jobs...that is precisely what he tried to do, with money he didn't have! The establishment knows it, but they want some of this money to hand out too, Trump isn't going to follow that.

I will tell you how Obama's policies helped...his friends and donors. He took all of the debt that the former entire history of American presidents had taken to accumulate and he doubled it. Yes, that's right, doubled the entire National debt in eight short years, what took a couple of hundred to create.

Then, rather than invest in infrastructure and improving American efficiency he gave the money to failed businesses and others who couldn't compete against China or were skirting the rules. He invested in pet projects and propping up failed businesses. He didn't want to confront the cash cow that is China while Americans were having their jobs exported, no, that would take leadership and tell company leaders that empowering the enemy is not good for America. So he simply borrowed like a drunk sailor and handed the money out. This is the biggest threat to American sovereignty, it's National debt. It jeopardizes everything, including maintaining the U.S greenback as the global standard, we already saw B.R.I.C try and push an alternative global dollar standard.

So, I do not dislike Obama, I don't think he was a bad man, but he was a poor economist. His first couple of years he righted a ship, but he didn't address the underlying problems, not at all. The economy was heavily regulate and inefficient, not allowed to let loose. He did this because his choices were nothing more than borrowing to his hearts content while holding noone to account. Bush had his DOJ go after crooked CEO's, did Obama? I hope he did.

In short, he was not responsible at all for the economy artificially looking good, your grandkids were responsible, after all, they were funding it.
90% of Obama's debt was to avert ANOTHER full blown, corrupt GOP DEPRESSION, and assisting the victims. UE and welfare- following existing rules, was up to 800 billion/year, STILL 2-300 now. Great job, dupe. The GOP obstructed everything he wanted (infrastructure etc), but the US economy works great on its own. No giant, typical corrupt GOP bubble/bust.

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