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Trump picks bigot pastor who claims Jews are going to Hell to lead prayer at new embassy

Jews who converted to Christianity are the main people responsible for the New Testament, so it's Jews faults that people read this shit about Jews burning in Hell for being Jews, or that Jews like Judas Iscariot snitched on Jesus to get him killed.

There was no Poland when the New Testament was written.

Poland was fighting the Holy Roman Empire of (Germans) too.

New Testament - Wikipedia

the New Testament are believed to have been written no later than around 120 AD,.[2][3][better source needed] John A. T. Robinson, Dan Wallace, and William F. Albright dated all the books of the New Testament before 70 AD.[4] Others give a final date of 80 AD,[5] or at 96 AD.[6]

Collections of related texts such as letters of the Apostle Paul (a major collection of which must have been made already by the early 2nd century)[7] and the Canonical Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John (asserted by Irenaeus of Lyon in the late-2nd century as the Four Gospels) gradually were joined to other collections and single works in different combinations to form various Christian canons of Scripture.
Christianity as you know it today did not exist until after Constantine, the Butcher. I mean, The Great.

If true, or not true.

Admit it Irosie is the #1 retard on this forum, blaming Poland for the Holy Roman Empire, the Holocaust, and the New Testament.
And, you do indeed whitewash what the Poles and many other Slaves did in cooperating with the Nazis, so maybe you have a big hole in your head as well. Maybe you and Rosie can get married. You're very much alike when it comes to fake history, just some very slight differences in word choices.

Why did Jewish historian Emanuel Ringelblum say that Jewish Ghetto Police Nazi collaborators were not only worse than Polish Nazi collaborators, but at times worse than Ukrainian, Latvian Nazi collaborators, and even Nazi Germans themselves?

Because maybe they were. So what? You think that absolves millions of Poles cheering along the Nazi roundups or something? What percentage of Jews collaborated compared to some 90% of Poles?

Maybe we should stop White-washing Jews from the fact they have played a big role in their own suffering, be it the Jewish Nazi collaborators, to the fact that the Jews invented Christianity, and it's texts against Jews, which promote Jewish suffering.

I don't whitewash anybody or anything, and never have, here or anywhere else, and neither in fact to many Jewish historians. Take that complaint to Polish colleges and universities that are fine with turning out grade school teachers happy to lie to Polish children about their grandparents and their support of Nazis.

It's pretty sad how retarded people are in Zionist strongholds like America, and Israel.

Zionism goes hand, and hand with primitiveness, and stupidity.

Just look at Zionist Protestants looking to use an anti-Semite Pastor to push in a possible WW3, just because the Zionist Bible says so.

What do they even teach you Monkeys anyways?

They don't teach you that Poland was an Allied Power, and the first to fight the Nazis?

You know the biggest Polish army to fight the Nazis had 1,000,000, and the biggest Nazi collaborators out of Poland only had approx 15,000.

That means more like 90% of Poles involved in the biggest pro, or anti-Nazi orgs were actually more like fighting the Nazis?

What's wrong with Zionist Monkey countries?
I hope we have a Catholic Pope, perhaps this Pope, or not this Pope who calls on every Catholic to defeat the evil of our times.

That evil of our times is Zionism, not only is Zionism threatening Palestinians, it's threatening the World into a possible Apocalypse.

Our enemies aren't in Iran, or even Russia, today.

The enemies are the Himey - LImey alliances in America, and Israel itching for a Nuclear Holocaust Sampson Option.
Paul was a Pharisee, and like most of the privileged Jews of the day far more interested in racist BS and genealogies than ideological Judaism, and saw the light as did all the Jews who converted to Christianity and rejected the dead end tribalists to pursue real Judaism, as opposed to legalistic hubris and shallow phoniness that stagnated the culture form around 300 B.C. on. Most Jews that didn't convert to the new covenant were no longer ideologically Jewish, just racists devoted to whatever the tribes were that Abraham came from; the covenants made them Jewish, not their race or anything else, so when they abandoned their prophets they also abandoned Judaism. As we know, they converted to Christianity in waves, by the thousands upon thousands, and this put a real crimp in the 'racial purists', they lost a lot of money and prestige on top of their stupid arrogant wars against the Romans, and were angry at having to compete with the new Way for converts dumb enough to devote themselves to worthless priests who kept insisting they were 'born' to their high positions, and you peasants owe us money and respect. lol didn't work out for them then or over the next 600 hundred years.

They probably love Islam over the real Jews because it appears Islam saved them from extinction and gave them good livings in return for their devotion to Allah. Even today there are many racist sects who cheer every act of terror committed in Europe against Da Evul Xians, and want Israel to align with Islam. Most racist are of course insane, and it's no different with these fake Chasidic and liberal Jews of the sort who subscribe to Tikkun.

PIC-------got bad news for you-------most jews did not convert to YOUR FILTH. They preferred to
DIE BTW--what does racist people who subscribe to TIKKUN who are "OF COURSE INSANE" actually mean? You use words that you do not understand. What does "islam saved jews
from extinction" mean? My dhimmi is right here-------you want to ask him how well islam
saved him from "extincition"
Christianity as you know it today did not exist until after Constantine, the Butcher. I mean, The Great.

If true, or not true.

Admit it Irosie is the #1 retard on this forum, blaming Poland for the Holy Roman Empire, the Holocaust, and the New Testament.
And, you do indeed whitewash what the Poles and many other Slaves did in cooperating with the Nazis, so maybe you have a big hole in your head as well. Maybe you and Rosie can get married. You're very much alike when it comes to fake history, just some very slight differences in word choices.

Why did Jewish historian Emanuel Ringelblum say that Jewish Ghetto Police Nazi collaborators were not only worse than Polish Nazi collaborators, but at times worse than Ukrainian, Latvian Nazi collaborators, and even Nazi Germans themselves?

Because maybe they were. So what? You think that absolves millions of Poles cheering along the Nazi roundups or something? What percentage of Jews collaborated compared to some 90% of Poles?

Maybe we should stop White-washing Jews from the fact they have played a big role in their own suffering, be it the Jewish Nazi collaborators, to the fact that the Jews invented Christianity, and it's texts against Jews, which promote Jewish suffering.

I don't whitewash anybody or anything, and never have, here or anywhere else, and neither in fact to many Jewish historians. Take that complaint to Polish colleges and universities that are fine with turning out grade school teachers happy to lie to Polish children about their grandparents and their support of Nazis.

It's pretty sad how retarded people are in Zionist strongholds like America, and Israel.

Zionism goes hand, and hand with primitiveness, and stupidity.

Just look at Zionist Protestants looking to use an anti-Semite Pastor to push in a possible WW3, just because the Zionist Bible says so.

What do they even teach you Monkeys anyways?

They don't teach you that Poland was an Allied Power, and the first to fight the Nazis?

You know the biggest Polish army to fight the Nazis had 1,000,000, and the biggest Nazi collaborators out of Poland only had approx 15,000.

That means more like 90% of Poles involved in the biggest pro, or anti-Nazi orgs were actually more like fighting the Nazis?

What's wrong with Zionist Monkey countries?

try again POLACK PIG------Of course poles opposed Nazis----german Nazis hated poles-----
SO? Poles fight lots-------they are a very barbaric people and have been fighting lots of
HOWEVER whilst hating Nazis they also murdered jews
I hope we have a Catholic Pope, perhaps this Pope, or not this Pope who calls on every Catholic to defeat the evil of our times
Good luck with that, with this Communist pope. He seems to understand the teachings of "your" church about as well as you do.

Nothing's worse than you Zionist Neocons of today.

You're even using Israel, as this anti-Semitic Pastor displays.

You are maniacs who want to destroy the World, we can not tolerate you Zionists, anymore.
If true, or not true.

Admit it Irosie is the #1 retard on this forum, blaming Poland for the Holy Roman Empire, the Holocaust, and the New Testament.
And, you do indeed whitewash what the Poles and many other Slaves did in cooperating with the Nazis, so maybe you have a big hole in your head as well. Maybe you and Rosie can get married. You're very much alike when it comes to fake history, just some very slight differences in word choices.

Why did Jewish historian Emanuel Ringelblum say that Jewish Ghetto Police Nazi collaborators were not only worse than Polish Nazi collaborators, but at times worse than Ukrainian, Latvian Nazi collaborators, and even Nazi Germans themselves?

Because maybe they were. So what? You think that absolves millions of Poles cheering along the Nazi roundups or something? What percentage of Jews collaborated compared to some 90% of Poles?

Maybe we should stop White-washing Jews from the fact they have played a big role in their own suffering, be it the Jewish Nazi collaborators, to the fact that the Jews invented Christianity, and it's texts against Jews, which promote Jewish suffering.

I don't whitewash anybody or anything, and never have, here or anywhere else, and neither in fact to many Jewish historians. Take that complaint to Polish colleges and universities that are fine with turning out grade school teachers happy to lie to Polish children about their grandparents and their support of Nazis.

It's pretty sad how retarded people are in Zionist strongholds like America, and Israel.

Zionism goes hand, and hand with primitiveness, and stupidity.

Just look at Zionist Protestants looking to use an anti-Semite Pastor to push in a possible WW3, just because the Zionist Bible says so.

What do they even teach you Monkeys anyways?

They don't teach you that Poland was an Allied Power, and the first to fight the Nazis?

You know the biggest Polish army to fight the Nazis had 1,000,000, and the biggest Nazi collaborators out of Poland only had approx 15,000.

That means more like 90% of Poles involved in the biggest pro, or anti-Nazi orgs were actually more like fighting the Nazis?

What's wrong with Zionist Monkey countries?

try again POLACK PIG------Of course poles opposed Nazis----german Nazis hated poles-----
SO? Poles fight lots-------they are a very barbaric people and have been fighting lots of
HOWEVER whilst hating Nazis they also murdered jews

What a retard, yeah Poles were so barbaric in fighting lots against people whom 9 times of out 10 were trying to steal their land.

We hate all your guts too, and nothing's worse in my eyes than you Zionist scums as of late.

Zionism is a threat to World peace, be it Pastor Protestants who think Jews go to Hell, or Zionist genocidal Bibi NuttyYahoo.

Zionism must be stopped by all means necessary.
Jews who converted to Christianity are the main people responsible for the New Testament, so it's Jews faults that people read this shit about Jews burning in Hell for being Jews, or that Jews like Judas Iscariot snitched on Jesus to get him killed.

There was no Poland when the New Testament was written.

Poland was fighting the Holy Roman Empire of (Germans) too.

New Testament - Wikipedia

the New Testament are believed to have been written no later than around 120 AD,.[2][3][better source needed] John A. T. Robinson, Dan Wallace, and William F. Albright dated all the books of the New Testament before 70 AD.[4] Others give a final date of 80 AD,[5] or at 96 AD.[6]

Collections of related texts such as letters of the Apostle Paul (a major collection of which must have been made already by the early 2nd century)[7] and the Canonical Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John (asserted by Irenaeus of Lyon in the late-2nd century as the Four Gospels) gradually were joined to other collections and single works in different combinations to form various Christian canons of Scripture.
Christianity as you know it today did not exist until after Constantine, the Butcher. I mean, The Great.

If true, or not true.

Admit it Irosie is the #1 retard on this forum, blaming Poland for the Holy Roman Empire, the Holocaust, and the New Testament.

Well, Rosie has a giant gaping hole in her head, literally, and most post-Holocaust Jews are dilettante types, influenced by the hardcore racist Chasidics, also largely a 1950's phenomenon, and they learn their Xian bashing rubbish from them. And, you do indeed whitewash what the Poles and many other Slaves did in cooperating with the Nazis, so maybe you have a big hole in your head as well. Maybe you and Rosie can get married. You're very much alike when it comes to fake history, just some very slight differences in word choices.

PIC. I AM INFLUENCED BY CHASSIDICS?-------nope----nobody in my ancestry was
Chassidic, nor are the Chassidic people "RACIST" YOU DISGUSTING PIG!!!!. Chassidism ---
by their actual history are a REACTION AGAINST YOUR DISGUSTING FITH. They sought
refuge in mysticism over the DEAD BODIES OF THEIR OWN PEOPLE WHOM YOU AND
in the 19th century. My ancestors did leave your FILTH------during the time that----the
Chassidic movement was in development ---- A REACTION AGAINST YOUR FILTH and STINK

Ah ... Rosie having another one of her frequent 'personal history' changes, according to the topic. Sometimes she likes to point out how she liked living among chassidics and 'felt safe with them' n stuff, and learned at their knees all about Evul Xians and the hapless hobbit-like innocence of all Jews everywhere, suffering at the hands of Constantine, assorted Romans, Evul Spaniards, ad nauseam..

filthy lying disgusting PIG!!!!!! I never discussed Christians with the very pleasant chassids with
whom I lived for several years. As to the HISTORY of the world------the disgusting dog
YOUR VICTIMS. --------People who actually experience YOUR STINK. My hubby does not know
shit like you-------he was born in a shariah shit hole-----HOWEVER----the laws of dhimmia under which
HIS COMMUNITY lived were actually invented BY DOG CONSTANTINE (he does not really know----
he does not care) ---did you know that dog Constantine----the mass murderer is called a SAINT
by shit just like you
And, you do indeed whitewash what the Poles and many other Slaves did in cooperating with the Nazis, so maybe you have a big hole in your head as well. Maybe you and Rosie can get married. You're very much alike when it comes to fake history, just some very slight differences in word choices.

Why did Jewish historian Emanuel Ringelblum say that Jewish Ghetto Police Nazi collaborators were not only worse than Polish Nazi collaborators, but at times worse than Ukrainian, Latvian Nazi collaborators, and even Nazi Germans themselves?

Because maybe they were. So what? You think that absolves millions of Poles cheering along the Nazi roundups or something? What percentage of Jews collaborated compared to some 90% of Poles?

Maybe we should stop White-washing Jews from the fact they have played a big role in their own suffering, be it the Jewish Nazi collaborators, to the fact that the Jews invented Christianity, and it's texts against Jews, which promote Jewish suffering.

I don't whitewash anybody or anything, and never have, here or anywhere else, and neither in fact to many Jewish historians. Take that complaint to Polish colleges and universities that are fine with turning out grade school teachers happy to lie to Polish children about their grandparents and their support of Nazis.

It's pretty sad how retarded people are in Zionist strongholds like America, and Israel.

Zionism goes hand, and hand with primitiveness, and stupidity.

Just look at Zionist Protestants looking to use an anti-Semite Pastor to push in a possible WW3, just because the Zionist Bible says so.

What do they even teach you Monkeys anyways?

They don't teach you that Poland was an Allied Power, and the first to fight the Nazis?

You know the biggest Polish army to fight the Nazis had 1,000,000, and the biggest Nazi collaborators out of Poland only had approx 15,000.

That means more like 90% of Poles involved in the biggest pro, or anti-Nazi orgs were actually more like fighting the Nazis?

What's wrong with Zionist Monkey countries?

try again POLACK PIG------Of course poles opposed Nazis----german Nazis hated poles-----
SO? Poles fight lots-------they are a very barbaric people and have been fighting lots of
HOWEVER whilst hating Nazis they also murdered jews

What a retard, yeah Poles were so barbaric in fighting lots against people whom 9 times of out 10 were trying to steal their land.

We hate all your guts too, and nothing's worse in my eyes than you Zionist scums as of late.

Zionism is a threat to World peace, be it Pastor Protestants who think Jews go to Hell, or Zionist genocidal Bibi NuttyYahoo.

Zionism must be stopped by all means necessary.

I think they should have given Poland to Germany in 1874, and stopped treating you retards like Euros, when you clearly weren't, and aren't now.
And, you do indeed whitewash what the Poles and many other Slaves did in cooperating with the Nazis, so maybe you have a big hole in your head as well. Maybe you and Rosie can get married. You're very much alike when it comes to fake history, just some very slight differences in word choices.

Why did Jewish historian Emanuel Ringelblum say that Jewish Ghetto Police Nazi collaborators were not only worse than Polish Nazi collaborators, but at times worse than Ukrainian, Latvian Nazi collaborators, and even Nazi Germans themselves?

Because maybe they were. So what? You think that absolves millions of Poles cheering along the Nazi roundups or something? What percentage of Jews collaborated compared to some 90% of Poles?

Maybe we should stop White-washing Jews from the fact they have played a big role in their own suffering, be it the Jewish Nazi collaborators, to the fact that the Jews invented Christianity, and it's texts against Jews, which promote Jewish suffering.

I don't whitewash anybody or anything, and never have, here or anywhere else, and neither in fact to many Jewish historians. Take that complaint to Polish colleges and universities that are fine with turning out grade school teachers happy to lie to Polish children about their grandparents and their support of Nazis.

It's pretty sad how retarded people are in Zionist strongholds like America, and Israel.

Zionism goes hand, and hand with primitiveness, and stupidity.

Just look at Zionist Protestants looking to use an anti-Semite Pastor to push in a possible WW3, just because the Zionist Bible says so.

What do they even teach you Monkeys anyways?

They don't teach you that Poland was an Allied Power, and the first to fight the Nazis?

You know the biggest Polish army to fight the Nazis had 1,000,000, and the biggest Nazi collaborators out of Poland only had approx 15,000.

That means more like 90% of Poles involved in the biggest pro, or anti-Nazi orgs were actually more like fighting the Nazis?

What's wrong with Zionist Monkey countries?

try again POLACK PIG------Of course poles opposed Nazis----german Nazis hated poles-----
SO? Poles fight lots-------they are a very barbaric people and have been fighting lots of
HOWEVER whilst hating Nazis they also murdered jews

What a retard, yeah Poles were so barbaric in fighting lots against people whom 9 times of out 10 were trying to steal their land.

We hate all your guts too, and nothing's worse in my eyes than you Zionist scums as of late.

Zionism is a threat to World peace, be it Pastor Protestants who think Jews go to Hell, or Zionist genocidal Bibi NuttyYahoo.

Zionism must be stopped by all means necessary.

lol those 'pastor Protestants' are Jews, idiot. They are the only reason Zionism is even viable now, dummy. Threat to 'world peace'??? Now that's a laugh. What 'world peace' is that? The one where Poles are taken seriously??/ Nah, that's a world where the average IQ is 12, and ostriches are the 'Master Race'.
Zionism is a threat to World peace, be it Pastor Protestants who think Jews go to Hell, or Zionist genocidal Bibi NuttyYahoo.

Zionism must be stopped by all means necessary.
Heil Hitler!

A.) Israel resembles Hitler's Nazi Germany more than just about any other country... Just look at the sterlization of Black Jews by Israel, look at the Buffer Zone at Gaza where Jewish Israeli armed guards shoot at Gazans including children apporaching the buffer zone wall... Or Israel's Lebensraum living space for Jews in the West Bank in Israeli settlers.

B.) You admitted Jews are going to Hell to be tortured for eternity, therefor you're admitting your own God is no different than Hitler, so then why do you hate Hitler so much?

C.) Your words, and the words of this Protestant Pastor as many Zionists of British origins, proves 1 thing, you want to cause the apocalypse because the Bible says so.

Conclusion = Zionists are the FILFTH Column, you're a bunch of Vagabonds, and Destructive, wandering scumf*cks be it Jews who wandered all over, or Brits who wandered all over.

I think you're the 2 groups of Demonic blood-lines, (Limey + Himney) that's why you're so Autistic, destructive, and just a menace.
The best people - Only the BEST people! :rolleyes-41:

Pastor Jeffress, in a now infamous 2011 interview, also said that “every other religion in the world is wrong: Islam is wrong, it is a heresy from the pit of Hell; Mormonism is wrong, it is a heresy from the pit of Hell, and, “Judaism, you can’t be saved being a Jew.”​

Trump picks bigot pastor who claims Jews are going to Hell to lead prayer at new Jerusalem embassy

Well, that might be pretty nasty of him, but not as nasty as Jews snitching on Jesus to get him killed, and then the Jewish Talmud stating that Jesus is boiling in excrement in the Jewish version of Hell.

your catechism whore like------romans killed jesus, Jesus is not mentioned in the Talmud----and---
there is no "hell" in jewish ethos
I have read that part in the Talmud myself so YES it is mentioned in the Talmud. Among other disgusting things.
Why did Jewish historian Emanuel Ringelblum say that Jewish Ghetto Police Nazi collaborators were not only worse than Polish Nazi collaborators, but at times worse than Ukrainian, Latvian Nazi collaborators, and even Nazi Germans themselves?

Because maybe they were. So what? You think that absolves millions of Poles cheering along the Nazi roundups or something? What percentage of Jews collaborated compared to some 90% of Poles?

Maybe we should stop White-washing Jews from the fact they have played a big role in their own suffering, be it the Jewish Nazi collaborators, to the fact that the Jews invented Christianity, and it's texts against Jews, which promote Jewish suffering.

I don't whitewash anybody or anything, and never have, here or anywhere else, and neither in fact to many Jewish historians. Take that complaint to Polish colleges and universities that are fine with turning out grade school teachers happy to lie to Polish children about their grandparents and their support of Nazis.

It's pretty sad how retarded people are in Zionist strongholds like America, and Israel.

Zionism goes hand, and hand with primitiveness, and stupidity.

Just look at Zionist Protestants looking to use an anti-Semite Pastor to push in a possible WW3, just because the Zionist Bible says so.

What do they even teach you Monkeys anyways?

They don't teach you that Poland was an Allied Power, and the first to fight the Nazis?

You know the biggest Polish army to fight the Nazis had 1,000,000, and the biggest Nazi collaborators out of Poland only had approx 15,000.

That means more like 90% of Poles involved in the biggest pro, or anti-Nazi orgs were actually more like fighting the Nazis?

What's wrong with Zionist Monkey countries?

try again POLACK PIG------Of course poles opposed Nazis----german Nazis hated poles-----
SO? Poles fight lots-------they are a very barbaric people and have been fighting lots of
HOWEVER whilst hating Nazis they also murdered jews

What a retard, yeah Poles were so barbaric in fighting lots against people whom 9 times of out 10 were trying to steal their land.

We hate all your guts too, and nothing's worse in my eyes than you Zionist scums as of late.

Zionism is a threat to World peace, be it Pastor Protestants who think Jews go to Hell, or Zionist genocidal Bibi NuttyYahoo.

Zionism must be stopped by all means necessary.

lol those 'pastor Protestants' are Jews, idiot. They are the only reason Zionism is even viable now, dummy. Threat to 'world peace'??? Now that's a laugh. What 'world peace' is that? The one where Poles are taken seriously??/ Nah, that's a world where the average IQ is 12, and ostriches are the 'Master Race'.

How is it Iran that's the main threat to World peace?

A.) Iran has no Nukes, Iran isn't exterminating anyone MUCH, it's Israel who HAS NUKES, and it's Israel WHO IS a genocide monstrosity in Palestinian lands.

B.) Zionists run to the U.S.A with even more Nukes, to cause more, and more tensions.... If the U.S.A gets involved, Russia probably will too on Iran's side... Thus WW3.

C.) Poles were the main factors to collapse the Soviet Union, with the likes of the Pope Jan Pawel II, Ryszard Kuklinski, Lech Walesa, and Zbigniew Brzezinski.

Now it's for us Poles, and other Catholics to defeat the Zionist Union.
A.) Israel resembles Hitler's Nazi Germany more than just about any other country... Just look at the sterlization of Black Jews by Israel, look at the Buffer Zone at Gaza where Jewish Israeli armed guards shoot at Gazans including children apporaching the buffer zone wall... Or Israel's Lebensraum living space for Jews in the West Bank in Israeli settlers.

B.) You admitted Jews are going to Hell to be tortured for eternity, therefor you're admitting your own God is no different than Hitler, so then why do you hate Hitler so much?

C.) Your words, and the words of this Protestant Pastor as many Zionists of British origins, proves 1 thing, you want to cause the apocalypse because the Bible says so.

Conclusion = Zionists are the FILFTH Column, you're a bunch of Vagabonds, and Destructive, wandering scumf*cks be it Jews who wandered all over, or Brits who wandered all over.

I think you're the 2 groups of Demonic blood-lines, (Limey + Himney) that's why you're so Autistic, destructive, and just a menace.
You have a very angry and poisonous soul. You should seek help

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