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Trump picks bigot pastor who claims Jews are going to Hell to lead prayer at new embassy

I would say he does not respect people of faith unlike Bush or Obama. He respects peopke of SOME faiths.

Edited to add, you are right on about faith however!

Like most Americans, it's quite simple to make a distinction between Islam and folks from brutal tyrannical Arab Theocracies that can't seem to survive without state sanctioned PERSONAL and inter-tribal and international violence.

If you're RIGHT and you believe that ISIS and Al-Queada and the 47 other radicalized sects of ravaging zealots are not good practicing Muslims, you should go TELL THEM that.. :ack-1:

Just kidding. :2up: But if you believe that -- then you can take steps to counter their destruction WITHOUT being anti-Muslim. Just logic and reason.. Just like a lot of Arab countries have to deal with also...

Can't ignore the extremists.
You cant ignore the extremists anywhere, like the Bhuddists slaughtering religious minorities in Burma. But you can respect good people of faith where ever you find them instead or denigrating an entire faith and its followers as Trump did and Bush did not. Bush is a man of deep faith, I do not think Trump is. He will say, of the white supremacists, that there are some good people, but not of Muslims.

I'll just tell you that Trump has more Muslim support worldwide for countering the extremists than you recognize. THEY don't think he hates Muslims. He's gotten warm welcomes from them. As many of those countries have their own "Muslim bans" in place to protect THEIR people. Saudi is being bombed weekly by "extremists" and Egypt has them organizing in the Sinai. THEY have the same "Muslim problem" that Trump was addressing. But he clearly was PANDERING to folks on the campaign that don't draw those distinctions.

"I love the poorly educated".. I think he does. Most every egotistical maniac power whore does.

I am not sure of that. Obama countered extremists, just less noisily and self congratualatory. Trump is supported by the Saudi’s and Egypt, who else? He demonizes Muslim AMERICANS. I don’t think he is pandering. I think he hates them. He thinks that, even Mexicans who he villafies, and white supremacists have “some fine people” but not Muslims. His original Muslim ban and the directions he gave to Giuliani to come up with it are very clear in what he wanted, to keep Muslims out and give special preference to non Muslim refugees. There is too much there to call it pandering.

You're selectively conscious on this. He doesn't demonize American muslims unless they are supporting the extremists.

You ever read the history of Mara Lago? How Trump fought the racist city council to remove the "white only/no Jews" rules for Club membership? How there were gay weddings held there in the 80s? He's actually a social Liberal. At least towards American citizens.

The "fine people" remark was aimed at ME... Not white supremacists. Folks LIKE ME who hate govt PURGES of history and heritage. THEY were also there in Charlotesville. The press didn't show them to you. I'd be out there also if they were Purging monuments from the Civil War battlefields in my neighborhood.

Lots of baggage here. Not much of it about the embassy..

This "pastor" is a nut case. He coughs up stuff without any sensitivity to anyone. But Jews dont' give a damn about him believing they are "going to hell".. It's actually comical to them. But here also -- the leftists are DESPERATE to twist and distort and misunderstand the story. There's not really a story here at all. Christians believe in "original sin" and had to invent Hell to enforce their rules. Jews believe in "original virtue" and chastize their flock to make "repentance" an annual High Holy event. End of story. No harm -- NO foul.. Just a lot of political partisan noise..

THE REAL STORY --- is that not a single Dem ATTENDED the event as a leadership token. Even AFTER pledging for 35 years or so that THEY would make this happen... How come the hysteria about a porn star covers that completely in lefty news today??

Independent-----I have known lots of educated muslims
in my life. The fact that STORMY gets to libel Trump
is AMUSING TO THEM-------in Islamic ethos----whores
do not get to complain
Like most Americans, it's quite simple to make a distinction between Islam and folks from brutal tyrannical Arab Theocracies that can't seem to survive without state sanctioned PERSONAL and inter-tribal and international violence.

If you're RIGHT and you believe that ISIS and Al-Queada and the 47 other radicalized sects of ravaging zealots are not good practicing Muslims, you should go TELL THEM that.. :ack-1:

Just kidding. :2up: But if you believe that -- then you can take steps to counter their destruction WITHOUT being anti-Muslim. Just logic and reason.. Just like a lot of Arab countries have to deal with also...

Can't ignore the extremists.
You cant ignore the extremists anywhere, like the Bhuddists slaughtering religious minorities in Burma. But you can respect good people of faith where ever you find them instead or denigrating an entire faith and its followers as Trump did and Bush did not. Bush is a man of deep faith, I do not think Trump is. He will say, of the white supremacists, that there are some good people, but not of Muslims.

I'll just tell you that Trump has more Muslim support worldwide for countering the extremists than you recognize. THEY don't think he hates Muslims. He's gotten warm welcomes from them. As many of those countries have their own "Muslim bans" in place to protect THEIR people. Saudi is being bombed weekly by "extremists" and Egypt has them organizing in the Sinai. THEY have the same "Muslim problem" that Trump was addressing. But he clearly was PANDERING to folks on the campaign that don't draw those distinctions.

"I love the poorly educated".. I think he does. Most every egotistical maniac power whore does.

I am not sure of that. Obama countered extremists, just less noisily and self congratualatory. Trump is supported by the Saudi’s and Egypt, who else? He demonizes Muslim AMERICANS. I don’t think he is pandering. I think he hates them. He thinks that, even Mexicans who he villafies, and white supremacists have “some fine people” but not Muslims. His original Muslim ban and the directions he gave to Giuliani to come up with it are very clear in what he wanted, to keep Muslims out and give special preference to non Muslim refugees. There is too much there to call it pandering.

You're selectively conscious on this. He doesn't demonize American muslims unless they are supporting the extremists.

You ever read the history of Mara Lago? How Trump fought the racist city council to remove the "white only/no Jews" rules for Club membership? How there were gay weddings held there in the 80s? He's actually a social Liberal. At least towards American citizens.

The "fine people" remark was aimed at ME... Not white supremacists. Folks LIKE ME who hate govt PURGES of history and heritage. THEY were also there in Charlotesville. The press didn't show them to you. I'd be out there also if they were Purging monuments from the Civil War battlefields in my neighborhood.

Lots of baggage here. Not much of it about the embassy..

This "pastor" is a nut case. He coughs up stuff without any sensitivity to anyone. But Jews dont' give a damn about him believing they are "going to hell".. It's actually comical to them. But here also -- the leftists are DESPERATE to twist and distort and misunderstand the story. There's not really a story here at all. Christians believe in "original sin" and had to invent Hell to enforce their rules. Jews believe in "original virtue" and chastize their flock to make "repentance" an annual High Holy event. End of story. No harm -- NO foul.. Just a lot of political partisan noise..

THE REAL STORY --- is that not a single Dem ATTENDED the event as a leadership token. Even AFTER pledging for 35 years or so that THEY would make this happen... How come the hysteria about a porn star covers that completely in lefty news today??

Per your first paragraph. How do you explain Trumps propagating of the fake claim of American Muslims celebrating 911? Or his statements that he would make AMERICAN Muslims register with a database and carry special I’d cards? Or this?

None of this should come as a surprise. Trump has been associating with anti-Muslim bigots, and parroting their arguments, since before he launched his presidential campaign. In May 2015, a month before he entered the race, Trump journeyed to Iowa to speak at a forum hosted by Frank Gaffney’s Center for Security Policy (CSP), a think tank that specializes in in arguing that devout Muslims cannot be loyal Americans because Islamic law, or Sharia, violates the Constitution. During his speech, Trump mentioned that he had been chatting backstage with “some experts,” one of whom was a woman named Ann who was “so good, she was telling things that you wouldn’t even believe.” Two months earlier, Ann Corcoran had published a CSP report that urged Americans to “speak up against the opening of more mosques in your neighborhoods,” to “say no” to requests for “special Halal food section,” and to oppose efforts to require “local government to pay for a Muslim cemetery.” Citing Corcoran, Trump fumed that “if you come from Europe, you’re European, you’ve done great in school, you want to come, you want to come to the United States, you can’t get in, but if you’re Muslim, you can get in.” According to the Huffington Post, Trump would go on to cite “research from the Center for Security Policy dozens of times in press releases and speeches during his presidential campaign.”

I don’t understand how claim he doesn’t have an issue with American Muslims when he so clearly demonizes them.

Trump does have an issue with American muslims----and he is very honest about that fact. He does not demonize
them. A more accurate statement is "THE UMMAH"
has an issue with the United States
I have read that part in the Talmud myself so YES it is mentioned in the Talmud. Among other disgusting things.

Yes, he indeed is. Muslims aren't the only ones who practice taqiyya, and there is the censored Talmud for those that will be read by gentiles and the Talmud for those like Rosie who will not spill the beans on her favorite Chassidics, the Jewish version of Nazi 'Master Race' ideologues.

I am fascinated by islamo Nazi use of PRONOUNS
and IDEFINITE article in an attempt to cover their
lying asses ----an excellent example ----
"yes IT is mentioned in the Talmud---among other
disgusting THINGS. so now WE know-----IT and THINGS in the talmud
Well, Rosie has a giant gaping hole in her head, literally, and most post-Holocaust Jews are dilettante types, influenced by the hardcore racist Chasidics, also largely a 1950's phenomenon, and they learn their Xian bashing rubbish from them. And, you do indeed whitewash what the Poles and many other Slaves did in cooperating with the Nazis, so maybe you have a big hole in your head as well. Maybe you and Rosie can get married. You're very much alike when it comes to fake history, just some very slight differences in word choices.

PIC. I AM INFLUENCED BY CHASSIDICS?-------nope----nobody in my ancestry was
Chassidic, nor are the Chassidic people "RACIST" YOU DISGUSTING PIG!!!!. Chassidism ---
by their actual history are a REACTION AGAINST YOUR DISGUSTING FITH. They sought
refuge in mysticism over the DEAD BODIES OF THEIR OWN PEOPLE WHOM YOU AND
in the 19th century. My ancestors did leave your FILTH------during the time that----the
Chassidic movement was in development ---- A REACTION AGAINST YOUR FILTH and STINK

Ah ... Rosie having another one of her frequent 'personal history' changes, according to the topic. Sometimes she likes to point out how she liked living among chassidics and 'felt safe with them' n stuff, and learned at their knees all about Evul Xians and the hapless hobbit-like innocence of all Jews everywhere, suffering at the hands of Constantine, assorted Romans, Evul Spaniards, ad nauseam..

filthy lying disgusting PIG!!!!!! I never discussed Christians with the very pleasant chassids with
whom I lived for several years. As to the HISTORY of the world------the disgusting dog
YOUR VICTIMS. --------People who actually experience YOUR STINK. My hubby does not know
shit like you-------he was born in a shariah shit hole-----HOWEVER----the laws of dhimmia under which
HIS COMMUNITY lived were actually invented BY DOG CONSTANTINE (he does not really know----
he does not care) ---did you know that dog Constantine----the mass murderer is called a SAINT
by shit just like you

Oh my, poor Rosie doesn't want you goyim to know the facts about Jewish collaboration with Islamist invaders, like how several cities in Spain were occupied by Jewish soldiers, and were not 'very nice' at all, for instance. And of course her obsession with Constantine and the typical racist BS racist Jews aim at him is merely because he put a brief halt to persecuting Christians, something racist bigot Jews like Rosie think they're entitled to do.

I would be interested in where anybody here ever called him a 'Saint', except Rosie here making one of her Freudian slips.

Besides your idiot allegation that powerful jewish armies
attacked Christian cities in Spain-----the only actual
complaint you seem to have is that I have stated that some
sects of Christianity name CONSTANTINE---the mass murderer, ---the man who INSTITUTED the vulgar oppressive laws upon jews which so delighted "saint
adolf" that he RECYCLED THEM into the Nuremburg
laws (the holy roman laws which legalized genocide)-----
a SAINT. Anyone interested in knowing just what a PILE OF SHIT is PIC----just search SAINT CONSTANTINE.

for you gun enthusiasts----the history of disarming people is also a HOLY ROMAN CANON LAW PILE OF SHIT.

lol please do quote where I said 'powerful Jewish armies? Thanks in advance for your typical smears and idiotic raving. And, we all already know Jews had several revolts, couldn't get enough of getting their asses stomped by Romans, apparently they obviously were no longer 'Chosen' for anything but mindless idiocy and letting their racism go to their heads when they started losing their Best and Brightest to Christianity. Now the 'Left Behind' sit around sniveling about Constantine, for some silly reason, even though their revival of Fun Times under Julian allowed to get back to their butchery and persecution for another round of Jews Behaving Badly. This is how we know tht Monty Python movie portraying them all as feckless loons was actually a documentary, and not intentionally a comedy.
Well, Rosie has a giant gaping hole in her head, literally, and most post-Holocaust Jews are dilettante types, influenced by the hardcore racist Chasidics, also largely a 1950's phenomenon, and they learn their Xian bashing rubbish from them. And, you do indeed whitewash what the Poles and many other Slaves did in cooperating with the Nazis, so maybe you have a big hole in your head as well. Maybe you and Rosie can get married. You're very much alike when it comes to fake history, just some very slight differences in word choices.

PIC. I AM INFLUENCED BY CHASSIDICS?-------nope----nobody in my ancestry was
Chassidic, nor are the Chassidic people "RACIST" YOU DISGUSTING PIG!!!!. Chassidism ---
by their actual history are a REACTION AGAINST YOUR DISGUSTING FITH. They sought
refuge in mysticism over the DEAD BODIES OF THEIR OWN PEOPLE WHOM YOU AND
in the 19th century. My ancestors did leave your FILTH------during the time that----the
Chassidic movement was in development ---- A REACTION AGAINST YOUR FILTH and STINK

Ah ... Rosie having another one of her frequent 'personal history' changes, according to the topic. Sometimes she likes to point out how she liked living among chassidics and 'felt safe with them' n stuff, and learned at their knees all about Evul Xians and the hapless hobbit-like innocence of all Jews everywhere, suffering at the hands of Constantine, assorted Romans, Evul Spaniards, ad nauseam..

filthy lying disgusting PIG!!!!!! I never discussed Christians with the very pleasant chassids with
whom I lived for several years. As to the HISTORY of the world------the disgusting dog
YOUR VICTIMS. --------People who actually experience YOUR STINK. My hubby does not know
shit like you-------he was born in a shariah shit hole-----HOWEVER----the laws of dhimmia under which
HIS COMMUNITY lived were actually invented BY DOG CONSTANTINE (he does not really know----
he does not care) ---did you know that dog Constantine----the mass murderer is called a SAINT
by shit just like you

Oh my, poor Rosie doesn't want you goyim to know the facts about Jewish collaboration with Islamist invaders, like how several cities in Spain were occupied by Jewish soldiers, and were not 'very nice' at all, for instance. And of course her obsession with Constantine and the typical racist BS racist Jews aim at him is merely because he put a brief halt to persecuting Christians, something racist bigot Jews like Rosie think they're entitled to do.

I would be interested in where anybody here ever called him a 'Saint', except Rosie here making one of her Freudian slips.
Do you know why everyone called him Constantine, The Great?
If you didn’t, he had you executed.
Such a nice guy.

According to Rosie, he was called The Great specifically to piss her off and make Chasidics want to spit on Jackie Evancho.
I have read that part in the Talmud myself so YES it is mentioned in the Talmud. Among other disgusting things.

Yes, he indeed is. Muslims aren't the only ones who practice taqiyya, and there is the censored Talmud for those that will be read by gentiles and the Talmud for those like Rosie who will not spill the beans on her favorite Chassidics, the Jewish version of Nazi 'Master Race' ideologues.

I am fascinated by islamo Nazi use of PRONOUNS
and IDEFINITE article in an attempt to cover their
lying asses ----an excellent example ----
"yes IT is mentioned in the Talmud---among other
disgusting THINGS. so now WE know-----IT and THINGS in the talmud

Oh, Nazis had nothing on you and your Hasedics, nor a big demographic of your Orthodox, for that matter.

It's got to hurt knowing your heroic Hasedics actually prefer Hitler's favorite allies Islamic terrorists to Da Evul Xians or any Euro, atheist or not, and thus reminding us all of why liberal Jews got to be so unpopular among those who know their ethnic culture best; kind of like their stupid mindless idiotic support of black racists over what they perceive as 'white Protestant culture', while conservative Jews thrive in real professions, those other than law and 'education'.
Last edited:
PIC. I AM INFLUENCED BY CHASSIDICS?-------nope----nobody in my ancestry was
Chassidic, nor are the Chassidic people "RACIST" YOU DISGUSTING PIG!!!!. Chassidism ---
by their actual history are a REACTION AGAINST YOUR DISGUSTING FITH. They sought
refuge in mysticism over the DEAD BODIES OF THEIR OWN PEOPLE WHOM YOU AND
in the 19th century. My ancestors did leave your FILTH------during the time that----the
Chassidic movement was in development ---- A REACTION AGAINST YOUR FILTH and STINK

Ah ... Rosie having another one of her frequent 'personal history' changes, according to the topic. Sometimes she likes to point out how she liked living among chassidics and 'felt safe with them' n stuff, and learned at their knees all about Evul Xians and the hapless hobbit-like innocence of all Jews everywhere, suffering at the hands of Constantine, assorted Romans, Evul Spaniards, ad nauseam..

filthy lying disgusting PIG!!!!!! I never discussed Christians with the very pleasant chassids with
whom I lived for several years. As to the HISTORY of the world------the disgusting dog
YOUR VICTIMS. --------People who actually experience YOUR STINK. My hubby does not know
shit like you-------he was born in a shariah shit hole-----HOWEVER----the laws of dhimmia under which
HIS COMMUNITY lived were actually invented BY DOG CONSTANTINE (he does not really know----
he does not care) ---did you know that dog Constantine----the mass murderer is called a SAINT
by shit just like you

Oh my, poor Rosie doesn't want you goyim to know the facts about Jewish collaboration with Islamist invaders, like how several cities in Spain were occupied by Jewish soldiers, and were not 'very nice' at all, for instance. And of course her obsession with Constantine and the typical racist BS racist Jews aim at him is merely because he put a brief halt to persecuting Christians, something racist bigot Jews like Rosie think they're entitled to do.

I would be interested in where anybody here ever called him a 'Saint', except Rosie here making one of her Freudian slips.
Do you know why everyone called him Constantine, The Great?
If you didn’t, he had you executed.
Such a nice guy.

According to Rosie, he was called The Great specifically to piss her off and make Chasidics want to spit on Jackie Evancho.

the murdering pig was called "THE GREAT" because deluded people called "Christians" liked his barbarity.
Mussolini was called EL DULCE and ardent Christians hailed the EMPEROR OF THE THIRD HOLY ROMAN
EMPIRE-----remember? HEIL HITLER.
PIC. I AM INFLUENCED BY CHASSIDICS?-------nope----nobody in my ancestry was
Chassidic, nor are the Chassidic people "RACIST" YOU DISGUSTING PIG!!!!. Chassidism ---
by their actual history are a REACTION AGAINST YOUR DISGUSTING FITH. They sought
refuge in mysticism over the DEAD BODIES OF THEIR OWN PEOPLE WHOM YOU AND
in the 19th century. My ancestors did leave your FILTH------during the time that----the
Chassidic movement was in development ---- A REACTION AGAINST YOUR FILTH and STINK

Ah ... Rosie having another one of her frequent 'personal history' changes, according to the topic. Sometimes she likes to point out how she liked living among chassidics and 'felt safe with them' n stuff, and learned at their knees all about Evul Xians and the hapless hobbit-like innocence of all Jews everywhere, suffering at the hands of Constantine, assorted Romans, Evul Spaniards, ad nauseam..

filthy lying disgusting PIG!!!!!! I never discussed Christians with the very pleasant chassids with
whom I lived for several years. As to the HISTORY of the world------the disgusting dog
YOUR VICTIMS. --------People who actually experience YOUR STINK. My hubby does not know
shit like you-------he was born in a shariah shit hole-----HOWEVER----the laws of dhimmia under which
HIS COMMUNITY lived were actually invented BY DOG CONSTANTINE (he does not really know----
he does not care) ---did you know that dog Constantine----the mass murderer is called a SAINT
by shit just like you

Oh my, poor Rosie doesn't want you goyim to know the facts about Jewish collaboration with Islamist invaders, like how several cities in Spain were occupied by Jewish soldiers, and were not 'very nice' at all, for instance. And of course her obsession with Constantine and the typical racist BS racist Jews aim at him is merely because he put a brief halt to persecuting Christians, something racist bigot Jews like Rosie think they're entitled to do.

I would be interested in where anybody here ever called him a 'Saint', except Rosie here making one of her Freudian slips.

Besides your idiot allegation that powerful jewish armies
attacked Christian cities in Spain-----the only actual
complaint you seem to have is that I have stated that some
sects of Christianity name CONSTANTINE---the mass murderer, ---the man who INSTITUTED the vulgar oppressive laws upon jews which so delighted "saint
adolf" that he RECYCLED THEM into the Nuremburg
laws (the holy roman laws which legalized genocide)-----
a SAINT. Anyone interested in knowing just what a PILE OF SHIT is PIC----just search SAINT CONSTANTINE.

for you gun enthusiasts----the history of disarming people is also a HOLY ROMAN CANON LAW PILE OF SHIT.

lol please do quote where I said 'powerful Jewish armies? Thanks in advance for your typical smears and idiotic raving. And, we all already know Jews had several revolts, couldn't get enough of getting their asses stomped by Romans, apparently they obviously were no longer 'Chosen' for anything but mindless idiocy and letting their racism go to their heads when they started losing their Best and Brightest to Christianity. Now the 'Left Behind' sit around sniveling about Constantine, for some silly reason, even though their revival of Fun Times under Julian allowed to get back to their butchery and persecution for another round of Jews Behaving Badly. This is how we know tht Monty Python movie portraying them all as feckless loons was actually a documentary, and not intentionally a comedy.

Pic is still having trouble describing his pronouns
I have read that part in the Talmud myself so YES it is mentioned in the Talmud. Among other disgusting things.

Yes, he indeed is. Muslims aren't the only ones who practice taqiyya, and there is the censored Talmud for those that will be read by gentiles and the Talmud for those like Rosie who will not spill the beans on her favorite Chassidics, the Jewish version of Nazi 'Master Race' ideologues.

I am fascinated by islamo Nazi use of PRONOUNS
and IDEFINITE article in an attempt to cover their
lying asses ----an excellent example ----
"yes IT is mentioned in the Talmud---among other
disgusting THINGS. so now WE know-----IT and THINGS in the talmud

Oh, Nazis had nothing on you and your Hasedics, nor a big demographic of your Orthodox, for that matter.

It's got to hurt knowing your heroic Hasedics actually prefer Hitler's favorite allies Islamic terrorists to Da Evul Xians or any Euro, atheist or not, and thus reminding us all of why liberal Jews got to be so unpopular among those who know their ethnic culture best; kind of like their stupid mindless idiotic support of black racists over what they perceive as 'white Protestant culture', while conservative Jews thrive in real professions, those other than law and 'education'.

I read it-----but it makes no sense at all. Somewhere
buried in that pile of shit-----we come to the assertion
Pic was never in the same room with a "chassid" ---and
has no idea WHAT IT IS.

as to in what "jews thrive"-----it is not clear to me. They certainly DID NOT THRIVE in the THREE REICHS----
ordained by SAINT CONSTANTINE ----nor did they thrive
in the Constantine copy kat version "DHIMMIA"----nor in the next Kcpy Kat of Saint Constantine--- NUREMBURG

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