Trump picks new FBI Director

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Trump Picks Christopher Wray to Be F.B.I. Director

Good background in Law, former Assistant Attorney General under GW.

More info:

Christopher A. Wray - Wikipedia


My thoughts are, how long will he last?

The funniest thing is he worked under Comey when he worked for Bush. Hahaha.
Yeah that's disturbing since that pile of shit is so obviously corrupt for sure. Hopefully he hated him.

Who isn't corrupt?

OK, get ready for it.


You watch. The left don't have a color test, just look at Thomas. But they will use the race card in fighting him.

LOL- you watch- Weatherman will be one of the first to bring up race.

You watch- Weatherman always brings up the race card.........

Agree with Weatherman. So paraphrasing here when saying he is simply pointing out liberals will always deflect and resort to silly name calling flinging terms such as racist, bigot, xenophobe, Islamophobe, and every other phobe imaginable whenever they themselves hit a brick wall and can no longer debate issues on an intelligent level. Sound about right?

Actually this happens across the board. To suggest it's just liberals who deflect and call names is ridiculous. I have plenty of people on ignore who do just that. In fact I've just written a post to a guy who thinks that insulting and attacking is "doing something right".
Trump Picks Christopher Wray to Be F.B.I. Director

Good background in Law, former Assistant Attorney General under GW.

More info:

Christopher A. Wray - Wikipedia


My thoughts are, how long will he last?

The funniest thing is he worked under Comey when he worked for Bush. Hahaha.
Yeah that's disturbing since that pile of shit is so obviously corrupt for sure. Hopefully he hated him.

Who isn't corrupt?

OK, get ready for it.


You watch. The left don't have a color test, just look at Thomas. But they will use the race card in fighting him.

LOL- you watch- Weatherman will be one of the first to bring up race.

You watch- Weatherman always brings up the race card.........

Agree with Weatherman. So paraphrasing here when saying he is simply pointing out liberals will always deflect and resort to silly name calling flinging terms such as racist, bigot, xenophobe, Islamophobe, and every other phobe imaginable whenever they themselves hit a brick wall and can no longer debate issues on an intelligent level. Sound about right?

Actually this happens across the board. To suggest it's just liberals who deflect and call names is ridiculous. I have plenty of people on ignore who do just that. In fact I've just written a post to a guy who thinks that insulting and attacking is "doing something right".
Don't drag us into your swamp. Only the left play the race card.
My thoughts are, how long will he last?

The funniest thing is he worked under Comey when he worked for Bush. Hahaha.
Yeah that's disturbing since that pile of shit is so obviously corrupt for sure. Hopefully he hated him.

Who isn't corrupt?

OK, get ready for it.


You watch. The left don't have a color test, just look at Thomas. But they will use the race card in fighting him.

LOL- you watch- Weatherman will be one of the first to bring up race.

You watch- Weatherman always brings up the race card.........

Agree with Weatherman. So paraphrasing here when saying he is simply pointing out liberals will always deflect and resort to silly name calling flinging terms such as racist, bigot, xenophobe, Islamophobe, and every other phobe imaginable whenever they themselves hit a brick wall and can no longer debate issues on an intelligent level. Sound about right?

Actually this happens across the board. To suggest it's just liberals who deflect and call names is ridiculous. I have plenty of people on ignore who do just that. In fact I've just written a post to a guy who thinks that insulting and attacking is "doing something right".
Only the left play the race card.

This entire thread is you playing the race card.

Are you part of the left?

Nope- you are part of the snowflake right- who always brings up the race card.
My thoughts are, how long will he last?

The funniest thing is he worked under Comey when he worked for Bush. Hahaha.
Yeah that's disturbing since that pile of shit is so obviously corrupt for sure. Hopefully he hated him.

Who isn't corrupt?

OK, get ready for it.


You watch. The left don't have a color test, just look at Thomas. But they will use the race card in fighting him.

LOL- you watch- Weatherman will be one of the first to bring up race.

You watch- Weatherman always brings up the race card.........

Agree with Weatherman. So paraphrasing here when saying he is simply pointing out liberals will always deflect and resort to silly name calling flinging terms such as racist, bigot, xenophobe, Islamophobe, and every other phobe imaginable whenever they themselves hit a brick wall and can no longer debate issues on an intelligent level. Sound about right?

Actually this happens across the board. To suggest it's just liberals who deflect and call names is ridiculous. I have plenty of people on ignore who do just that. In fact I've just written a post to a guy who thinks that insulting and attacking is "doing something right".
Don't drag us into your swamp. Only the left play the race card.
Although I've personally witnessed racism from ALL RACES and across all party affiliations, it truly does seem much more prevalent on the left. And that comes from someone who used to be a democrat but after voting for Obama his first term and realizing what an obvious traitor he was, I've since switched to the other side.

I realize claiming the left is the racists and not the right probably comes as a big surprise to most since the narrative the liberals are always pushing is that racism derived from the Republican party which is NOT true. It was the Democratic party that formed the KKK in 1866 for the purpose of fighting against the republicans because they were advocating for equality among all races.
Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary -

"Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders."

And the recent neo nazi fascists white supremacists that came out of the woodwork during Trump's campaign believed the democrats who were claiming conservatives were the racist party and therefore they tried to jump on Trump's bandwagon. Since then upon learning that wasn't true they've since pretty much gone back into the shadows. Fact is the right doesn't agree with anything they stand for.
Yeah that's disturbing since that pile of shit is so obviously corrupt for sure. Hopefully he hated him.

Who isn't corrupt?

OK, get ready for it.


You watch. The left don't have a color test, just look at Thomas. But they will use the race card in fighting him.

LOL- you watch- Weatherman will be one of the first to bring up race.

You watch- Weatherman always brings up the race card.........

Agree with Weatherman. So paraphrasing here when saying he is simply pointing out liberals will always deflect and resort to silly name calling flinging terms such as racist, bigot, xenophobe, Islamophobe, and every other phobe imaginable whenever they themselves hit a brick wall and can no longer debate issues on an intelligent level. Sound about right?

Actually this happens across the board. To suggest it's just liberals who deflect and call names is ridiculous. I have plenty of people on ignore who do just that. In fact I've just written a post to a guy who thinks that insulting and attacking is "doing something right".
Don't drag us into your swamp. Only the left play the race card.

I realize claiming the left is the racists and not the right probably comes as a big surprise to most since the narrative the liberals are always pushing is that racism derived from the Republican party which is NOT true. It was the Democratic party that formed the KKK in 1866 for the purpose of fighting against the republicans because they were advocating for equality among all races.
Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary -

"Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders.".

So you were a racist until President Obama took office- and thats when you decided to no longer be a racist?

And why were you a member of the DNC for all of those years even though you believed the Democratic Party started the KKK?

So lets set the record straight here:
  1. The Democratic Party didn't start the KKK
  2. The Confederacy though consisted almost entirely of Democrats.
  3. Those waving the Confederate flag today are not Democrats
  4. Which indicates that those who are Confederate fan-boys today don't believe that the Democratic Party represents the spirit of the Confederate slave states.
I don't believe that 'racism' is derived from either the Democratic Party or Republican Party- by our standards virtually everyone of both parties in 1860 were racists. Hell most were- by our standards- racists even in 1960. Racism is a condition that America has always struggled with, but we are far, far less racists than we were even 50 years ago.

Finally- I think that those who have suffered the most from racism are probably the best judges of racism. The Republican Party is now the party of mostly white dudes. Those who have suffered the most from racism in the United States have chosen sides- and they have sided with the Democratic Party.

Now- lets go back to Weatherboy's claim- that the 'left plays the race card'- and I will point out again that Weatherboy was the one who brought up race- it was Weatherboy- one of your fine GOP specimens that wanted to make this appointment about race.

Not a Democrat- not a 'liberal'- Weatherboy.
Who isn't corrupt?

LOL- you watch- Weatherman will be one of the first to bring up race.

You watch- Weatherman always brings up the race card.........

Agree with Weatherman. So paraphrasing here when saying he is simply pointing out liberals will always deflect and resort to silly name calling flinging terms such as racist, bigot, xenophobe, Islamophobe, and every other phobe imaginable whenever they themselves hit a brick wall and can no longer debate issues on an intelligent level. Sound about right?

Actually this happens across the board. To suggest it's just liberals who deflect and call names is ridiculous. I have plenty of people on ignore who do just that. In fact I've just written a post to a guy who thinks that insulting and attacking is "doing something right".
Don't drag us into your swamp. Only the left play the race card.

I realize claiming the left is the racists and not the right probably comes as a big surprise to most since the narrative the liberals are always pushing is that racism derived from the Republican party which is NOT true. It was the Democratic party that formed the KKK in 1866 for the purpose of fighting against the republicans because they were advocating for equality among all races.
Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary -

"Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders.".

So you were a racist until President Obama took office- and thats when you decided to no longer be a racist?

And why were you a member of the DNC for all of those years even though you believed the Democratic Party started the KKK?

So lets set the record straight here:
  1. The Democratic Party didn't start the KKK
  2. The Confederacy though consisted almost entirely of Democrats.
  3. Those waving the Confederate flag today are not Democrats
  4. Which indicates that those who are Confederate fan-boys today don't believe that the Democratic Party represents the spirit of the Confederate slave states.
I don't believe that 'racism' is derived from either the Democratic Party or Republican Party- by our standards virtually everyone of both parties in 1860 were racists. Hell most were- by our standards- racists even in 1960. Racism is a condition that America has always struggled with, but we are far, far less racists than we were even 50 years ago.

Finally- I think that those who have suffered the most from racism are probably the best judges of racism. The Republican Party is now the party of mostly white dudes. Those who have suffered the most from racism in the United States have chosen sides- and they have sided with the Democratic Party.

Now- lets go back to Weatherboy's claim- that the 'left plays the race card'- and I will point out again that Weatherboy was the one who brought up race- it was Weatherboy- one of your fine GOP specimens that wanted to make this appointment about race.

Not a Democrat- not a 'liberal'- Weatherboy.
No actually I just learned TODAY that the KKK were from the democratic party...all along I believed the left's rhetoric as well about the so called alt right neo nazi fascists. So after someone in posts recently said white supremacy started from the democratic party, I did some searching today and found that was true..Whew was thankful to hear that because I hate all those racist pigs on the left. And Obama is one of the worst racist of all. When voting for him I had hoped he was planning to bring the country out of the dark ages and bring people of our nation together but to my dismay he did the exact opposite and THAT'S when I started seeing what a RACIST pile of crap he was and have since switched sides. At any rate I'm very glad to learn it wasn't conservatives.

So before you bring up those so called alt right nut jobs, I have come to realize there will always be those extremists who will try to glom on to which ever party they can. But rest assured most conservatives don't feel or want that affiliation because we harbor no ill will towards any race. The right judges not by skin color but rather by each individual's deeds.
Last edited:
Agree with Weatherman. So paraphrasing here when saying he is simply pointing out liberals will always deflect and resort to silly name calling flinging terms such as racist, bigot, xenophobe, Islamophobe, and every other phobe imaginable whenever they themselves hit a brick wall and can no longer debate issues on an intelligent level. Sound about right?

Actually this happens across the board. To suggest it's just liberals who deflect and call names is ridiculous. I have plenty of people on ignore who do just that. In fact I've just written a post to a guy who thinks that insulting and attacking is "doing something right".
Don't drag us into your swamp. Only the left play the race card.

I realize claiming the left is the racists and not the right probably comes as a big surprise to most since the narrative the liberals are always pushing is that racism derived from the Republican party which is NOT true. It was the Democratic party that formed the KKK in 1866 for the purpose of fighting against the republicans because they were advocating for equality among all races.
Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary -

"Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders.".

So you were a racist until President Obama took office- and thats when you decided to no longer be a racist?

And why were you a member of the DNC for all of those years even though you believed the Democratic Party started the KKK?

So lets set the record straight here:
  1. The Democratic Party didn't start the KKK
  2. The Confederacy though consisted almost entirely of Democrats.
  3. Those waving the Confederate flag today are not Democrats
  4. Which indicates that those who are Confederate fan-boys today don't believe that the Democratic Party represents the spirit of the Confederate slave states.
I don't believe that 'racism' is derived from either the Democratic Party or Republican Party- by our standards virtually everyone of both parties in 1860 were racists. Hell most were- by our standards- racists even in 1960. Racism is a condition that America has always struggled with, but we are far, far less racists than we were even 50 years ago.

Finally- I think that those who have suffered the most from racism are probably the best judges of racism. The Republican Party is now the party of mostly white dudes. Those who have suffered the most from racism in the United States have chosen sides- and they have sided with the Democratic Party.

Now- lets go back to Weatherboy's claim- that the 'left plays the race card'- and I will point out again that Weatherboy was the one who brought up race- it was Weatherboy- one of your fine GOP specimens that wanted to make this appointment about race.

Not a Democrat- not a 'liberal'- Weatherboy.
No actually I just learned TODAY that the KKK were from the democratic party...all along I believed the left's rhetoric as well about the so called alt right neo nazi fascists. So after someone in posts recently said white supremacy started from the democratic party, I did some searching today and found that was true..Whew was thankful to hear that because I hate all those racist pigs on the left. And Obama is one of the worst racist of all. When voting for him I had hoped he was planning to bring the country out of the dark ages and bring people of our nation together but to my dismay he did the exact opposite and THAT'S when I started seeing what a RACIST pile of crap he was and have since switched sides. At any rate I'm very glad to learn it wasn't conservatives.

So before you bring up those so called alt right nut jobs, I have come to realize there will always be those extremists who will try to glom on to which ever party they can. But rest assured most conservatives don't feel or want that affiliation because we harbor no ill will towards any race. The right judges not by skin color but rather by each individual's deeds.

The democrats were the right..... please tell me you're just being sarcastic here.
Actually this happens across the board. To suggest it's just liberals who deflect and call names is ridiculous. I have plenty of people on ignore who do just that. In fact I've just written a post to a guy who thinks that insulting and attacking is "doing something right".
Don't drag us into your swamp. Only the left play the race card.

I realize claiming the left is the racists and not the right probably comes as a big surprise to most since the narrative the liberals are always pushing is that racism derived from the Republican party which is NOT true. It was the Democratic party that formed the KKK in 1866 for the purpose of fighting against the republicans because they were advocating for equality among all races.
Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary -

"Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders.".

So you were a racist until President Obama took office- and thats when you decided to no longer be a racist?

And why were you a member of the DNC for all of those years even though you believed the Democratic Party started the KKK?

So lets set the record straight here:
  1. The Democratic Party didn't start the KKK
  2. The Confederacy though consisted almost entirely of Democrats.
  3. Those waving the Confederate flag today are not Democrats
  4. Which indicates that those who are Confederate fan-boys today don't believe that the Democratic Party represents the spirit of the Confederate slave states.
I don't believe that 'racism' is derived from either the Democratic Party or Republican Party- by our standards virtually everyone of both parties in 1860 were racists. Hell most were- by our standards- racists even in 1960. Racism is a condition that America has always struggled with, but we are far, far less racists than we were even 50 years ago.

Finally- I think that those who have suffered the most from racism are probably the best judges of racism. The Republican Party is now the party of mostly white dudes. Those who have suffered the most from racism in the United States have chosen sides- and they have sided with the Democratic Party.

Now- lets go back to Weatherboy's claim- that the 'left plays the race card'- and I will point out again that Weatherboy was the one who brought up race- it was Weatherboy- one of your fine GOP specimens that wanted to make this appointment about race.

Not a Democrat- not a 'liberal'- Weatherboy.
No actually I just learned TODAY that the KKK were from the democratic party...all along I believed the left's rhetoric as well about the so called alt right neo nazi fascists. So after someone in posts recently said white supremacy started from the democratic party, I did some searching today and found that was true..Whew was thankful to hear that because I hate all those racist pigs on the left. And Obama is one of the worst racist of all. When voting for him I had hoped he was planning to bring the country out of the dark ages and bring people of our nation together but to my dismay he did the exact opposite and THAT'S when I started seeing what a RACIST pile of crap he was and have since switched sides. At any rate I'm very glad to learn it wasn't conservatives.

So before you bring up those so called alt right nut jobs, I have come to realize there will always be those extremists who will try to glom on to which ever party they can. But rest assured most conservatives don't feel or want that affiliation because we harbor no ill will towards any race. The right judges not by skin color but rather by each individual's deeds.

The democrats were the right..... please tell me you're just being sarcastic here.
This conversation is going absolutely nowhere. It's like trying to beat a dead horse to the finish line and therefore I think we should just agree to disagree. Good luck to you, I'm moving on to address other posters.
Don't drag us into your swamp. Only the left play the race card.

I realize claiming the left is the racists and not the right probably comes as a big surprise to most since the narrative the liberals are always pushing is that racism derived from the Republican party which is NOT true. It was the Democratic party that formed the KKK in 1866 for the purpose of fighting against the republicans because they were advocating for equality among all races.
Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary -

"Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders.".

So you were a racist until President Obama took office- and thats when you decided to no longer be a racist?

And why were you a member of the DNC for all of those years even though you believed the Democratic Party started the KKK?

So lets set the record straight here:
  1. The Democratic Party didn't start the KKK
  2. The Confederacy though consisted almost entirely of Democrats.
  3. Those waving the Confederate flag today are not Democrats
  4. Which indicates that those who are Confederate fan-boys today don't believe that the Democratic Party represents the spirit of the Confederate slave states.
I don't believe that 'racism' is derived from either the Democratic Party or Republican Party- by our standards virtually everyone of both parties in 1860 were racists. Hell most were- by our standards- racists even in 1960. Racism is a condition that America has always struggled with, but we are far, far less racists than we were even 50 years ago.

Finally- I think that those who have suffered the most from racism are probably the best judges of racism. The Republican Party is now the party of mostly white dudes. Those who have suffered the most from racism in the United States have chosen sides- and they have sided with the Democratic Party.

Now- lets go back to Weatherboy's claim- that the 'left plays the race card'- and I will point out again that Weatherboy was the one who brought up race- it was Weatherboy- one of your fine GOP specimens that wanted to make this appointment about race.

Not a Democrat- not a 'liberal'- Weatherboy.
No actually I just learned TODAY that the KKK were from the democratic party...all along I believed the left's rhetoric as well about the so called alt right neo nazi fascists. So after someone in posts recently said white supremacy started from the democratic party, I did some searching today and found that was true..Whew was thankful to hear that because I hate all those racist pigs on the left. And Obama is one of the worst racist of all. When voting for him I had hoped he was planning to bring the country out of the dark ages and bring people of our nation together but to my dismay he did the exact opposite and THAT'S when I started seeing what a RACIST pile of crap he was and have since switched sides. At any rate I'm very glad to learn it wasn't conservatives.

So before you bring up those so called alt right nut jobs, I have come to realize there will always be those extremists who will try to glom on to which ever party they can. But rest assured most conservatives don't feel or want that affiliation because we harbor no ill will towards any race. The right judges not by skin color but rather by each individual's deeds.

The democrats were the right..... please tell me you're just being sarcastic here.
This conversation is going absolutely nowhere. It's like trying to beat a dead horse to the finish line and therefore I think we should just agree to disagree. Good luck to you, I'm moving on to address other posters.

Oh good, first post on a topic and.... this. Bye
Yeah that's disturbing since that pile of shit is so obviously corrupt for sure. Hopefully he hated him.

Who isn't corrupt?

OK, get ready for it.


You watch. The left don't have a color test, just look at Thomas. But they will use the race card in fighting him.

LOL- you watch- Weatherman will be one of the first to bring up race.

You watch- Weatherman always brings up the race card.........

Agree with Weatherman. So paraphrasing here when saying he is simply pointing out liberals will always deflect and resort to silly name calling flinging terms such as racist, bigot, xenophobe, Islamophobe, and every other phobe imaginable whenever they themselves hit a brick wall and can no longer debate issues on an intelligent level. Sound about right?

Actually this happens across the board. To suggest it's just liberals who deflect and call names is ridiculous. I have plenty of people on ignore who do just that. In fact I've just written a post to a guy who thinks that insulting and attacking is "doing something right".
Don't drag us into your swamp. Only the left play the race card.
Although I've personally witnessed racism from ALL RACES and across all party affiliations, it truly does seem much more prevalent on the left. And that comes from someone who used to be a democrat but after voting for Obama his first term and realizing what an obvious traitor he was, I've since switched to the other side.

I realize claiming the left is the racists and not the right probably comes as a big surprise to most since the narrative the liberals are always pushing is that racism derived from the Republican party which is NOT true. It was the Democratic party that formed the KKK in 1866 for the purpose of fighting against the republicans because they were advocating for equality among all races.
Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary -

"Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders."

And the recent neo nazi fascists white supremacists that came out of the woodwork during Trump's campaign believed the democrats who were claiming conservatives were the racist party and therefore they tried to jump on Trump's bandwagon. Since then upon learning that wasn't true they've since pretty much gone back into the shadows. Fact is the right doesn't agree with anything they stand for.
Remember the party ideologies switched at a point. You may want to read what the 1870s republican party believed in.
Agree with Weatherman. So paraphrasing here when saying he is simply pointing out liberals will always deflect and resort to silly name calling flinging terms such as racist, bigot, xenophobe, Islamophobe, and every other phobe imaginable whenever they themselves hit a brick wall and can no longer debate issues on an intelligent level. Sound about right?

Actually this happens across the board. To suggest it's just liberals who deflect and call names is ridiculous. I have plenty of people on ignore who do just that. In fact I've just written a post to a guy who thinks that insulting and attacking is "doing something right".
Don't drag us into your swamp. Only the left play the race card.

I realize claiming the left is the racists and not the right probably comes as a big surprise to most since the narrative the liberals are always pushing is that racism derived from the Republican party which is NOT true. It was the Democratic party that formed the KKK in 1866 for the purpose of fighting against the republicans because they were advocating for equality among all races.
Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary -

"Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders.".

So you were a racist until President Obama took office- and thats when you decided to no longer be a racist?

And why were you a member of the DNC for all of those years even though you believed the Democratic Party started the KKK?

So lets set the record straight here:
  1. The Democratic Party didn't start the KKK
  2. The Confederacy though consisted almost entirely of Democrats.
  3. Those waving the Confederate flag today are not Democrats
  4. Which indicates that those who are Confederate fan-boys today don't believe that the Democratic Party represents the spirit of the Confederate slave states.
I don't believe that 'racism' is derived from either the Democratic Party or Republican Party- by our standards virtually everyone of both parties in 1860 were racists. Hell most were- by our standards- racists even in 1960. Racism is a condition that America has always struggled with, but we are far, far less racists than we were even 50 years ago.

Finally- I think that those who have suffered the most from racism are probably the best judges of racism. The Republican Party is now the party of mostly white dudes. Those who have suffered the most from racism in the United States have chosen sides- and they have sided with the Democratic Party.

Now- lets go back to Weatherboy's claim- that the 'left plays the race card'- and I will point out again that Weatherboy was the one who brought up race- it was Weatherboy- one of your fine GOP specimens that wanted to make this appointment about race.

Not a Democrat- not a 'liberal'- Weatherboy.
No actually I just learned TODAY that the KKK were from the democratic party..

Just today you read something from some right wing site that the "KKK were from the Democratic Party"- and that prompted you to claim that the Democratic Party started the KKK?

So you were ignorant before- and you are ignorant still.

The KKK was founded as a social club by former Confederate soldiers - who may have been Democrats- since the Confederacy was essentially made up of Democrats.

It was not founded by the Democratic Party.

So lets set the record straight here:
  1. The Democratic Party didn't start the KKK
  2. The Confederacy though consisted almost entirely of Democrats.
  3. Those waving the Confederate flag today are not Democrats
  4. Which indicates that those who are Confederate fan-boys today don't believe that the Democratic Party represents the spirit of the Confederate slave states.
I don't believe that 'racism' is derived from either the Democratic Party or Republican Party- by our standards virtually everyone of both parties in 1860 were racists. Hell most were- by our standards- racists even in 1960. Racism is a condition that America has always struggled with, but we are far, far less racists than we were even 50 years ago.

Finally- I think that those who have suffered the most from racism are probably the best judges of racism. The Republican Party is now the party of mostly white dudes. Those who have suffered the most from racism in the United States have chosen sides- and they have sided with the Democratic Party.

Now- lets go back to Weatherboy's claim- that the 'left plays the race card'- and I will point out again that Weatherboy was the one who brought up race- it was Weatherboy- one of your fine GOP specimens that wanted to make this appointment about race.

Not a Democrat- not a 'liberal'- Weatherboy.
He once water the Dukes of Hazzard and didn't protest the Confederate flag



I guess they are all Democrats since they have the stars and bars on the car........
Agree with Weatherman. So paraphrasing here when saying he is simply pointing out liberals will always deflect and resort to silly name calling flinging terms such as racist, bigot, xenophobe, Islamophobe, and every other phobe imaginable whenever they themselves hit a brick wall and can no longer debate issues on an intelligent level. Sound about right?

Actually this happens across the board. To suggest it's just liberals who deflect and call names is ridiculous. I have plenty of people on ignore who do just that. In fact I've just written a post to a guy who thinks that insulting and attacking is "doing something right".
Don't drag us into your swamp. Only the left play the race card.

I realize claiming the left is the racists and not the right probably comes as a big surprise to most since the narrative the liberals are always pushing is that racism derived from the Republican party which is NOT true. It was the Democratic party that formed the KKK in 1866 for the purpose of fighting against the republicans because they were advocating for equality among all races.
Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary -

"Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders.".

So you were a racist until President Obama took office- and thats when you decided to no longer be a racist?

And why were you a member of the DNC for all of those years even though you believed the Democratic Party started the KKK?

So lets set the record straight here:
  1. The Democratic Party didn't start the KKK
  2. The Confederacy though consisted almost entirely of Democrats.
  3. Those waving the Confederate flag today are not Democrats
  4. Which indicates that those who are Confederate fan-boys today don't believe that the Democratic Party represents the spirit of the Confederate slave states.
I don't believe that 'racism' is derived from either the Democratic Party or Republican Party- by our standards virtually everyone of both parties in 1860 were racists. Hell most were- by our standards- racists even in 1960. Racism is a condition that America has always struggled with, but we are far, far less racists than we were even 50 years ago.

Finally- I think that those who have suffered the most from racism are probably the best judges of racism. The Republican Party is now the party of mostly white dudes. Those who have suffered the most from racism in the United States have chosen sides- and they have sided with the Democratic Party.

Now- lets go back to Weatherboy's claim- that the 'left plays the race card'- and I will point out again that Weatherboy was the one who brought up race- it was Weatherboy- one of your fine GOP specimens that wanted to make this appointment about race.

Not a Democrat- not a 'liberal'- Weatherboy.
. So after someone in posts recently said white supremacy started from the democratic party, I did some searching today and found that was true..

You really believe this? What the hell are you using for your research- Michael Savage?

White Supremacy has been around since before the founding of the United States.

Virtually every white in 1860- Republican or Democrat would be considered a 'White supremacist' today. Everybody was a racist. That you drank the Right wing koolaid that told you that 'white supremacism' was created by the Democratic Party just shows you are gullible.
Agree with Weatherman. So paraphrasing here when saying he is simply pointing out liberals will always deflect and resort to silly name calling flinging terms such as racist, bigot, xenophobe, Islamophobe, and every other phobe imaginable whenever they themselves hit a brick wall and can no longer debate issues on an intelligent level. Sound about right?

Actually this happens across the board. To suggest it's just liberals who deflect and call names is ridiculous. I have plenty of people on ignore who do just that. In fact I've just written a post to a guy who thinks that insulting and attacking is "doing something right".
Don't drag us into your swamp. Only the left play the race card.

I realize claiming the left is the racists and not the right probably comes as a big surprise to most since the narrative the liberals are always pushing is that racism derived from the Republican party which is NOT true. It was the Democratic party that formed the KKK in 1866 for the purpose of fighting against the republicans because they were advocating for equality among all races.
Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary -

"Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders.".

So you were a racist until President Obama took office- and thats when you decided to no longer be a racist?

And why were you a member of the DNC for all of those years even though you believed the Democratic Party started the KKK?

So lets set the record straight here:
  1. The Democratic Party didn't start the KKK
  2. The Confederacy though consisted almost entirely of Democrats.
  3. Those waving the Confederate flag today are not Democrats
  4. Which indicates that those who are Confederate fan-boys today don't believe that the Democratic Party represents the spirit of the Confederate slave states.
I don't believe that 'racism' is derived from either the Democratic Party or Republican Party- by our standards virtually everyone of both parties in 1860 were racists. Hell most were- by our standards- racists even in 1960. Racism is a condition that America has always struggled with, but we are far, far less racists than we were even 50 years ago.

Finally- I think that those who have suffered the most from racism are probably the best judges of racism. The Republican Party is now the party of mostly white dudes. Those who have suffered the most from racism in the United States have chosen sides- and they have sided with the Democratic Party.

Now- lets go back to Weatherboy's claim- that the 'left plays the race card'- and I will point out again that Weatherboy was the one who brought up race- it was Weatherboy- one of your fine GOP specimens that wanted to make this appointment about race.

Not a Democrat- not a 'liberal'- Weatherboy.
And Obama is one of the worst racist of all. ..

And President Obama is one of the 'worst racist' of all - because......of what?
[Q But rest assured most conservatives don't feel or want that affiliation because we harbor no ill will towards any race. The right judges not by skin color but rather by each individual's deeds.

I actually agree with you- most Conservatives harbor no ill will towards any race.

And most Liberals harbor no ill will towards any race- despite the koolaid you have been drinking.

I will point out once again though the person bringing up race in this thread was a Conservative- not a liberal.
Actually this happens across the board. To suggest it's just liberals who deflect and call names is ridiculous. I have plenty of people on ignore who do just that. In fact I've just written a post to a guy who thinks that insulting and attacking is "doing something right".
Don't drag us into your swamp. Only the left play the race card.

I realize claiming the left is the racists and not the right probably comes as a big surprise to most since the narrative the liberals are always pushing is that racism derived from the Republican party which is NOT true. It was the Democratic party that formed the KKK in 1866 for the purpose of fighting against the republicans because they were advocating for equality among all races.
Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary -

"Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders.".

So you were a racist until President Obama took office- and thats when you decided to no longer be a racist?

And why were you a member of the DNC for all of those years even though you believed the Democratic Party started the KKK?

So lets set the record straight here:
  1. The Democratic Party didn't start the KKK
  2. The Confederacy though consisted almost entirely of Democrats.
  3. Those waving the Confederate flag today are not Democrats
  4. Which indicates that those who are Confederate fan-boys today don't believe that the Democratic Party represents the spirit of the Confederate slave states.
I don't believe that 'racism' is derived from either the Democratic Party or Republican Party- by our standards virtually everyone of both parties in 1860 were racists. Hell most were- by our standards- racists even in 1960. Racism is a condition that America has always struggled with, but we are far, far less racists than we were even 50 years ago.

Finally- I think that those who have suffered the most from racism are probably the best judges of racism. The Republican Party is now the party of mostly white dudes. Those who have suffered the most from racism in the United States have chosen sides- and they have sided with the Democratic Party.

Now- lets go back to Weatherboy's claim- that the 'left plays the race card'- and I will point out again that Weatherboy was the one who brought up race- it was Weatherboy- one of your fine GOP specimens that wanted to make this appointment about race.

Not a Democrat- not a 'liberal'- Weatherboy.
. So after someone in posts recently said white supremacy started from the democratic party, I did some searching today and found that was true..

You really believe this? What the hell are you using for your research- Michael Savage?

White Supremacy has been around since before the founding of the United States.

Virtually every white in 1860- Republican or Democrat would be considered a 'White supremacist' today. Everybody was a racist. That you drank the Right wing koolaid that told you that 'white supremacism' was created by the Democratic Party just shows you are gullible.
Sorry but that does it, gotta put you on ignore because you're simply too racist for my taste. Don't even want to see any of your hate mongering in the future.
Don't drag us into your swamp. Only the left play the race card.

I realize claiming the left is the racists and not the right probably comes as a big surprise to most since the narrative the liberals are always pushing is that racism derived from the Republican party which is NOT true. It was the Democratic party that formed the KKK in 1866 for the purpose of fighting against the republicans because they were advocating for equality among all races.
Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary -

"Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders.".

So you were a racist until President Obama took office- and thats when you decided to no longer be a racist?

And why were you a member of the DNC for all of those years even though you believed the Democratic Party started the KKK?

So lets set the record straight here:
  1. The Democratic Party didn't start the KKK
  2. The Confederacy though consisted almost entirely of Democrats.
  3. Those waving the Confederate flag today are not Democrats
  4. Which indicates that those who are Confederate fan-boys today don't believe that the Democratic Party represents the spirit of the Confederate slave states.
I don't believe that 'racism' is derived from either the Democratic Party or Republican Party- by our standards virtually everyone of both parties in 1860 were racists. Hell most were- by our standards- racists even in 1960. Racism is a condition that America has always struggled with, but we are far, far less racists than we were even 50 years ago.

Finally- I think that those who have suffered the most from racism are probably the best judges of racism. The Republican Party is now the party of mostly white dudes. Those who have suffered the most from racism in the United States have chosen sides- and they have sided with the Democratic Party.

Now- lets go back to Weatherboy's claim- that the 'left plays the race card'- and I will point out again that Weatherboy was the one who brought up race- it was Weatherboy- one of your fine GOP specimens that wanted to make this appointment about race.

Not a Democrat- not a 'liberal'- Weatherboy.
. So after someone in posts recently said white supremacy started from the democratic party, I did some searching today and found that was true..

You really believe this? What the hell are you using for your research- Michael Savage?

White Supremacy has been around since before the founding of the United States.

Virtually every white in 1860- Republican or Democrat would be considered a 'White supremacist' today. Everybody was a racist. That you drank the Right wing koolaid that told you that 'white supremacism' was created by the Democratic Party just shows you are gullible.
Sorry but that does it, gotta put you on ignore because you're simply too racist for my taste. Don't even want to see any of your hate mongering in the future.

Run away, run away!

When did Conservatives become such cowardly snowflakes?
I realize claiming the left is the racists and not the right probably comes as a big surprise to most since the narrative the liberals are always pushing is that racism derived from the Republican party which is NOT true. It was the Democratic party that formed the KKK in 1866 for the purpose of fighting against the republicans because they were advocating for equality among all races.
Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary -

"Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders.".

So you were a racist until President Obama took office- and thats when you decided to no longer be a racist?

And why were you a member of the DNC for all of those years even though you believed the Democratic Party started the KKK?

So lets set the record straight here:
  1. The Democratic Party didn't start the KKK
  2. The Confederacy though consisted almost entirely of Democrats.
  3. Those waving the Confederate flag today are not Democrats
  4. Which indicates that those who are Confederate fan-boys today don't believe that the Democratic Party represents the spirit of the Confederate slave states.
I don't believe that 'racism' is derived from either the Democratic Party or Republican Party- by our standards virtually everyone of both parties in 1860 were racists. Hell most were- by our standards- racists even in 1960. Racism is a condition that America has always struggled with, but we are far, far less racists than we were even 50 years ago.

Finally- I think that those who have suffered the most from racism are probably the best judges of racism. The Republican Party is now the party of mostly white dudes. Those who have suffered the most from racism in the United States have chosen sides- and they have sided with the Democratic Party.

Now- lets go back to Weatherboy's claim- that the 'left plays the race card'- and I will point out again that Weatherboy was the one who brought up race- it was Weatherboy- one of your fine GOP specimens that wanted to make this appointment about race.

Not a Democrat- not a 'liberal'- Weatherboy.
No actually I just learned TODAY that the KKK were from the democratic party...all along I believed the left's rhetoric as well about the so called alt right neo nazi fascists. So after someone in posts recently said white supremacy started from the democratic party, I did some searching today and found that was true..Whew was thankful to hear that because I hate all those racist pigs on the left. And Obama is one of the worst racist of all. When voting for him I had hoped he was planning to bring the country out of the dark ages and bring people of our nation together but to my dismay he did the exact opposite and THAT'S when I started seeing what a RACIST pile of crap he was and have since switched sides. At any rate I'm very glad to learn it wasn't conservatives.

So before you bring up those so called alt right nut jobs, I have come to realize there will always be those extremists who will try to glom on to which ever party they can. But rest assured most conservatives don't feel or want that affiliation because we harbor no ill will towards any race. The right judges not by skin color but rather by each individual's deeds.

The democrats were the right..... please tell me you're just being sarcastic here.
This conversation is going absolutely nowhere. It's like trying to beat a dead horse to the finish line and therefore I think we should just agree to disagree. Good luck to you, I'm moving on to address other posters.

Oh good, first post on a topic and.... this. Bye

He is a rather pathetic little Right wing snowflake.
thread has gone off the rails.

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