Trump plans 20,000 more Baby Cages

America's true emo snowflakes see threats in brown baby mommas...

...meanwhile excusing the KGB sabotage of US institutions! :eusa_clap:

They are a threat. They will blead this country dry.


i bet most of them could even learn to spell BLEED correctly.

1,500 economists to Trump: Immigrants are good for the U.S. economy
Harping on spelling errors is the mark of an asshole. The question is whether they are good for American workers and native born Americans, period. "The economy" is an abstraction.
Fucking Orange Idiot - What possibly for - to charge them with a misdemeanor and back up the courts from here to kingdom come? Just deport them and be done. Place the REALLY young ones in foster homes.

The Defense Department will house up to 20,000 unaccompanied migrant children on military bases in coming months, a Pentagon official said Thursday, the latest twist in the Trump administration’s immigration enforcement effort.​

Here's what you hardliners don't understand. Every second you tie up border security with processing women and children who represent NO THREAT is a minute they aren't concentrating on catching the REAL "bad hombres" - Terrorists, gang members and drug runners.

Pentagon will make room for up to 20,000 migrant children on military bases
I bet money the illegal aliens will be living better than the actual Military personnel assigned to these posts.
Check - it's about the browning of America and your chronic insecurity about demographic shifts that will, in a decade or two; make white people the minority ...

PROBABLY within my lifetime - So thanks for admitting it!
It's about stopping America from turning into a shit hole. If you want to refer to it as keeping it "white", OK.

Their are many MANY mostly brown and black countries that are not "shitholes".

You qualify as a Deplorable btw - Congrats!

Name them....


Is Hawaii a shithole - was it ever?
Is Japan a shithole?
Is North Korea a shithole?
Are Bermuda or Jamaica (majority black) shitholes?
Is Thailand a shithole?
Is Costa Rica a shithole?
Is Panama City a shithole?
Is Dubai a shithole?
Is Puerto Rico a shithole?

Nope to all of the above - There was a shitHEAD who flipped paper towels at my final pick.

Democrats won't allow the children to be deported immediately. Why do turds like you constantly propose solutions that Democrats will vote down?

No, US LAW & the CONSTITUTION give them due process rights. Your Orange God has violated those at every imaginable turn.

Get ready to pay hundreds of million dollars in settlements to the parents who's babies Trump lost track of.
Americans don’t owe them little motherfuckers anything. So shut the fuck up
dude, i'm not even registered with either party.

ALL decent people agree the new baby snatching protocol is deplorable policy.
These are just illegal aliens, worthless pieces of shit...
It's been the law of the land for decades what agenda are you trying to push?

A person goes to jail, they are separated from their parent's..simple.

you continue to ignore facts.

it is not a crime to seek amnesty at legal port of entry...

"Most of the parents who have been impacted by Trump's "zero tolerance" policy have presented themselves as political asylum-seekers at a U.S. port-of-entry, from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. Rather than processing their claims, they have been taken into custody on the spot and had their children ripped from their arms.

The ACLU alleges that this practice violates the Asylum Act, and the UN asserts that it violates the UN Treaty on the State of Refugees, one of the few treaties the US has ratified. This is an illegal act on the part of the United States government, not to mention morally and ethically reprehensible."
These illegal aliens have no constitutional rights… So fuck them
Spending 30 billion on a dumb wall is hardly "conservative".
Just in health care costs for uninsured deadbeat wetbacks alone, the lack of a secure southern border costs American taxpayers a hell of a lot more than $30 billion. Therefore, yes, a wall in the southern border is very conservative spending.

The huge infrastructure project would also stimulate the American economy and strengthen the job market.
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Spending 30 billion on a dumb wall is hardly "conservative".
Just in health care costs for uninsured deadbeat wetbacks alone, the lack of a secure southern border costs American taxpayers a hell of a lot more than $30 billion. Therefore, yes, a wall in the southern border is very conservative spending.

The huge infrastructure project would also stimulate the American economy and strengthen the job market.

Why not just hire "wetbacks" and pay them a dollar a day to dig ditches and fill them back up all day.

The wall is not "infrastructure" - Spare us that nonsense.
Fucking Orange Idiot - What possibly for - to charge them with a misdemeanor and back up the courts from here to kingdom come? Just deport them and be done. Place the REALLY young ones in foster homes.

The Defense Department will house up to 20,000 unaccompanied migrant children on military bases in coming months, a Pentagon official said Thursday, the latest twist in the Trump administration’s immigration enforcement effort.​

Here's what you hardliners don't understand. Every second you tie up border security with processing women and children who represent NO THREAT is a minute they aren't concentrating on catching the REAL "bad hombres" - Terrorists, gang members and drug runners.

Pentagon will make room for up to 20,000 migrant children on military bases
There are no babies in cages....period.

Mayor DeBlasio toured the New York facility and would disagree with you. There was a NINE MONTH OLD baby - The workers don't have a name or any information about parent(s). Babies can't talk - No note in pocket. Mom may have already been deported and if so, that baby is likely an orphan.

Now there releasing some of them into foster care at night. Who's to know that these volunteers aren't kiddy diddlers? They're not running background checks or anything. This entire deal is a clusterfuck - Yay Trump :rolleyes-41:
Cages huh??

Well those detentions centers are really nice and they sure as shit don't need cages.

However, someone should stuff the Op's sorry ass in one. LOL
Putin should take advantage of this golden opportunity and have his military land on our beaches and march across the border as migrants. They can be in full uniform. Democrats don't care.
Spending 30 billion on a dumb wall is hardly "conservative".
Just in health care costs for uninsured deadbeat wetbacks alone, the lack of a secure southern border costs American taxpayers a hell of a lot more than $30 billion. Therefore, yes, a wall in the southern border is very conservative spending.

The huge infrastructure project would also stimulate the American economy and strengthen the job market.

Why not just hire "wetbacks" and pay them a dollar a day to dig ditches and fill them back up all day.

The wall is not "infrastructure" - Spare us that nonsense.
Fuck you. It is border security infrastructure, you idiot.
Spending 30 billion on a dumb wall is hardly "conservative".
Just in health care costs for uninsured deadbeat wetbacks alone, the lack of a secure southern border costs American taxpayers a hell of a lot more than $30 billion. Therefore, yes, a wall in the southern border is very conservative spending.

The huge infrastructure project would also stimulate the American economy and strengthen the job market.

Why not just hire "wetbacks" and pay them a dollar a day to dig ditches and fill them back up all day.

The wall is not "infrastructure" - Spare us that nonsense.
Fuck you. It is border security infrastructure, you idiot.


Infrastructure - noun
  1. the basic, underlying framework or features of a system or organization.
  2. the fundamental facilities and systems serving a country, city, or area, as transportation and communication systems, power plants, and schools.
  3. the military installations of a country.
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  1. the basic, underlying framework or features of a system or organization.
  2. the fundamental facilities and systems serving a country, city, or area, as transportation and communication systems, power plants, and schools.
  3. the military installations of a country.
That's a terrible definition of Nonsense.
Spending 30 billion on a dumb wall is hardly "conservative".
Just in health care costs for uninsured deadbeat wetbacks alone, the lack of a secure southern border costs American taxpayers a hell of a lot more than $30 billion. Therefore, yes, a wall in the southern border is very conservative spending.

The huge infrastructure project would also stimulate the American economy and strengthen the job market.

Why not just hire "wetbacks" and pay them a dollar a day to dig ditches and fill them back up all day.

The wall is not "infrastructure" - Spare us that nonsense.
Fuck you. It is border security infrastructure, you idiot.


Infrastructure - noun
  1. the basic, underlying framework or features of a system or organization.
  2. the fundamental facilities and systems serving a country, city, or area, as transportation and communication systems, power plants, and schools.
  3. the military installations of a country.
Your concession is accepted, jackass.
Fucking Orange Idiot - What possibly for - to charge them with a misdemeanor and back up the courts from here to kingdom come? Just deport them and be done. Place the REALLY young ones in foster homes.

The Defense Department will house up to 20,000 unaccompanied migrant children on military bases in coming months, a Pentagon official said Thursday, the latest twist in the Trump administration’s immigration enforcement effort.​

Here's what you hardliners don't understand. Every second you tie up border security with processing women and children who represent NO THREAT is a minute they aren't concentrating on catching the REAL "bad hombres" - Terrorists, gang members and drug runners.

Pentagon will make room for up to 20,000 migrant children on military bases
There are no babies in cages....period.

Mayor DeBlasio toured the New York facility and would disagree with you. There was a NINE MONTH OLD baby - The workers don't have a name or any information about parent(s). Babies can't talk - No note in pocket. Mom may have already been deported and if so, that baby is likely an orphan.

Now there releasing some of them into foster care at night. Who's to know that these volunteers aren't kiddy diddlers? They're not running background checks or anything. This entire deal is a clusterfuck - Yay Trump :rolleyes-41:
Do you know what "unaccompanied minors" means?

It means the loving family that so yearns to be together has entrusted their children to criminal cartels.
Fucking Orange Idiot - What possibly for - to charge them with a misdemeanor and back up the courts from here to kingdom come? Just deport them and be done. Place the REALLY young ones in foster homes.

The Defense Department will house up to 20,000 unaccompanied migrant children on military bases in coming months, a Pentagon official said Thursday, the latest twist in the Trump administration’s immigration enforcement effort.​

Here's what you hardliners don't understand. Every second you tie up border security with processing women and children who represent NO THREAT is a minute they aren't concentrating on catching the REAL "bad hombres" - Terrorists, gang members and drug runners.

Pentagon will make room for up to 20,000 migrant children on military bases

Adolph applauds from his grave....or wherever he ended up...
Fucking Orange Idiot - What possibly for - to charge them with a misdemeanor and back up the courts from here to kingdom come? Just deport them and be done. Place the REALLY young ones in foster homes.

The Defense Department will house up to 20,000 unaccompanied migrant children on military bases in coming months, a Pentagon official said Thursday, the latest twist in the Trump administration’s immigration enforcement effort.​

Here's what you hardliners don't understand. Every second you tie up border security with processing women and children who represent NO THREAT is a minute they aren't concentrating on catching the REAL "bad hombres" - Terrorists, gang members and drug runners.

Pentagon will make room for up to 20,000 migrant children on military bases

A, there is nothing in this article about cages. B, you can’t just deport them. We have this thing in the Constitution called Due Process.

If you prefer the term interment camps - that's fine. Trump has failed yet again to think this "keeping families together" deal through. "Flores Ruling" prevents holding adults with their children beyond 20 days.

This is what Donald refers to as Obama's "catch and release" policy. There is NO way if he has 20,000 people being held at once that the courts can keep up with it. Even under the more moderate policies of Obama, they'd get to the 20 day point without a court date and have to release them.

Unless he plans to fight Flores, he's gonna be out of luck.

The Flores settlement, the court order Trump blames for family separation, explained

His hatred for non-white people is astounding. He is a Slug...
Fucking Orange Idiot - What possibly for - to charge them with a misdemeanor and back up the courts from here to kingdom come? Just deport them and be done. Place the REALLY young ones in foster homes.

The Defense Department will house up to 20,000 unaccompanied migrant children on military bases in coming months, a Pentagon official said Thursday, the latest twist in the Trump administration’s immigration enforcement effort.​

Here's what you hardliners don't understand. Every second you tie up border security with processing women and children who represent NO THREAT is a minute they aren't concentrating on catching the REAL "bad hombres" - Terrorists, gang members and drug runners.

Pentagon will make room for up to 20,000 migrant children on military bases
There are no babies in cages....period.

Mayor DeBlasio toured the New York facility and would disagree with you. There was a NINE MONTH OLD baby - The workers don't have a name or any information about parent(s). Babies can't talk - No note in pocket. Mom may have already been deported and if so, that baby is likely an orphan.

Now there releasing some of them into foster care at night. Who's to know that these volunteers aren't kiddy diddlers? They're not running background checks or anything. This entire deal is a clusterfuck - Yay Trump :rolleyes-41:
Do you know what "unaccompanied minors" means?

It means the loving family that so yearns to be together has entrusted their children to criminal cartels.

Yes they CLAIM 80% unaccompanied minors - I'm not buying it and neither should you.

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