Trump Plans To Bite Off More Than Our Military Can Chew

The day after the Big Orange Idiot placed more sanctions on North Korea, he tweeted another insult aimed at Kim Jong Un, stating he, “ ‘is obviously a madman who doesn't mind starving or killing his people,’ and he, ‘will be tested like never before.’ “

Anyone familiar with the insanity of the two childish leaders understands the Big Orange Idiot’s tweet can apply to both Kim Jong-un AND the Big Orange Idiot himself.

It’s no wonder the Big Orange Idiot has become laughing stock to the world. He consistently made an a$$ of himself during his presidential campaign, so had lost all credibility as a world leader long before his inauguration last January. Sadly, he continues to consistently make an a$$ of himself to this day.

Kim Jong-un knows he can eventually goad the Big Orange Idiot into making the first move. And, Republicans being Republicans, congress will immediately rubber stamp any stupidity the Big Orange Idiot proposes that bites off more than our military can chew. This will bring both China and Russia to North Korea’s defense.

Nations that have been the United States' allies since WWII will have no cause to support the Big Orange Idiot’s first strike strategy, so the U.S. military will be in it alone. A decade-and-a-half spent fighting to a stalemate in Afghanistan is more than enough proof our armed forces are no match for the North Korean, Russian, and Chinese military forces combined, in conventional warfare.

Conservative denial cannot change this fact, any more than conservative stupidity can alter the devastating reality of nuclear war. Laugh that off conservatives....

Just wondering, where you one of the lefty mob whining 6 months ago that Trump was not being aggressive enough in foreign policy?

So, making childish threats on Twitter is your idea of being aggressive?

My God you people are dumber than shit.

There is a crazy fuck in NK & your crazy fuck keeps poking him in the eye with a stick. The more your crazy fuck pokes, the more the NK crazy fuck escalates his actions.

You assholes think that is accomplishing something?

When your crazy fucks launches a strike The NK crazy fucks explodes a nuke, I wonder which way the radioactive cloud drifts?

i asked a simple question.

ONe you replied to, but did not answer.

Were you one of those bitching up a storm, ONLINE, about Trump not being aggressive enough?
The day after the Big Orange Idiot placed more sanctions on North Korea, he tweeted another insult aimed at Kim Jong Un, stating he, “ ‘is obviously a madman who doesn't mind starving or killing his people,’ and he, ‘will be tested like never before.’ “

Anyone familiar with the insanity of the two childish leaders understands the Big Orange Idiot’s tweet can apply to both Kim Jong-un AND the Big Orange Idiot himself.

It’s no wonder the Big Orange Idiot has become laughing stock to the world. He consistently made an a$$ of himself during his presidential campaign, so had lost all credibility as a world leader long before his inauguration last January. Sadly, he continues to consistently make an a$$ of himself to this day.

Kim Jong-un knows he can eventually goad the Big Orange Idiot into making the first move. And, Republicans being Republicans, congress will immediately rubber stamp any stupidity the Big Orange Idiot proposes that bites off more than our military can chew. This will bring both China and Russia to North Korea’s defense.

Nations that have been the United States' allies since WWII will have no cause to support the Big Orange Idiot’s first strike strategy, so the U.S. military will be in it alone. A decade-and-a-half spent fighting to a stalemate in Afghanistan is more than enough proof our armed forces are no match for the North Korean, Russian, and Chinese military forces combined, in conventional warfare.

Conservative denial cannot change this fact, any more than conservative stupidity can alter the devastating reality of nuclear war. Laugh that off conservatives.


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It won't be much longer before the taunts by Kim Jong-in make the Big Orange Idiot do something stupid.

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The Big Orange Idiot is, indeed, one dumb fuck, so,

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it won't matter how much he kisses up to Putin or kisses Putin's a$$.

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