Trump Pleaded The Fifth 97 Times To Avoid Admitting To Adultery

But he has no problem attacking Clinton over her husband’s infidelity.

In the summer of 1990, at the height of his bitter divorce from his first wife, Donald Trump was carrying on a very public extramarital affair with a former beauty queen, Marla Maples.

As part of the couple’s divorce proceedings, Ivana Trump’s lawyers asked him under oath about his dealings with other women and whether he had been faithful to his wife.

Instead of answering, Donald Trump invoked his Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination. Over the course of five depositions that summer, he was asked approximately 100 questions related to marital infidelity. He pleaded the Fifth on 97 of them.

“Donald preaches about his devotion to the Second Amendment, but it was the Fifth Amendment that was his favorite when he was deposed in the divorce with Ivana,” wrote biographer Wayne Barrett in his 1992 book, Trump: The Greatest Show on Earth. A New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement report later verified Barrett’s reporting on those depositions, which are still sealed.

For Trump, taking the Fifth seemed to work out well. He later bragged that he managed to settle the divorce without giving his first wife a penny more than required by the prenuptial agreement.

Now, with less than six weeks to go until Election Day, Trump is again focused on questions of marital infidelity and invoking Fifth Amendment rights. Only this time, the GOP presidential nominee has cast himself as the judge.

And everything looks different. Inside the moral and ethical bubble that Trump has created for himself, taking the Fifth 97 times is a savvy move, and powerful men aren’t constrained by marital vows. Outside that bubble, the Fifth Amendment is apparently used only by criminals, and adultery is a sin to be blamed on both spouses.

Following Trump’s disappointing debate performance Monday night, he said he deserved credit for not attacking his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, over her husband’s infidelity. His advisers and campaign surrogates fanned out across the airwaves to make the same case.

Campaign manager Kellyanne Conway said Trump was “polite and a gentleman” because he did not follow through on his threat to seat Gennifer Flowers, a former girlfriend of Bill Clinton, in the front row at the debate.

Rudy Giuliani, one of Trump’s closest advisers, said Hillary Clinton was “too stupid to be president” if she hadn’t realized all along that Monica Lewinsky, a White House intern, was telling the truth. As mayor of New York, Giuliani carried on his own very public extramarital affair, which cast a shadow over his administration.

Trump even holds Hillary Clinton, who has maintained her marriage for 41 years, partly to blame for her husband’s misdeeds. “She was an unbelievably nasty, mean enabler, and what she did to a lot of those women is disgraceful,” he said in May.

On Wednesday, Trump likened anyone who takes the Fifth to a criminal. “So there are five of them taking the Fifth Amendment, like you see on the mob, right?” he said at another rally in Iowa, inflating the number by two. “The mob takes the Fifth Amendment. If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?”

This was precisely the question that Ivana Trump’s lawyer posed to her husband during those depositions 26 years ago, according to Barrett the biographer. The lawyer, Michael Kennedy, also warned Donald Trump that by taking the Fifth so many times, he was giving the court grounds to draw a reasonable “inference” that he had committed adultery.

More: Trump Pleaded The Fifth 97 Times To Avoid Admitting To Adultery

Trump obviously doesn't believe that what is good for the goose is also good for the gander.

LMAO Seems to me that what goes on in his marriage is between he and his wife.

Oh and who the fuck cares except a "Lets dig up any and all dirt we can on Trump and ignore any and all dirt on our hero HRC" idiot like you.

Grow the fuck up you biased hack.
How many of them did he RAPE??



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But he has no problem attacking Clinton over her husband’s infidelity.

In the summer of 1990, at the height of his bitter divorce from his first wife, Donald Trump was carrying on a very public extramarital affair with a former beauty queen, Marla Maples.

As part of the couple’s divorce proceedings, Ivana Trump’s lawyers asked him under oath about his dealings with other women and whether he had been faithful to his wife.

Instead of answering, Donald Trump invoked his Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination. Over the course of five depositions that summer, he was asked approximately 100 questions related to marital infidelity. He pleaded the Fifth on 97 of them.

“Donald preaches about his devotion to the Second Amendment, but it was the Fifth Amendment that was his favorite when he was deposed in the divorce with Ivana,” wrote biographer Wayne Barrett in his 1992 book, Trump: The Greatest Show on Earth. A New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement report later verified Barrett’s reporting on those depositions, which are still sealed.

For Trump, taking the Fifth seemed to work out well. He later bragged that he managed to settle the divorce without giving his first wife a penny more than required by the prenuptial agreement.

Now, with less than six weeks to go until Election Day, Trump is again focused on questions of marital infidelity and invoking Fifth Amendment rights. Only this time, the GOP presidential nominee has cast himself as the judge.

And everything looks different. Inside the moral and ethical bubble that Trump has created for himself, taking the Fifth 97 times is a savvy move, and powerful men aren’t constrained by marital vows. Outside that bubble, the Fifth Amendment is apparently used only by criminals, and adultery is a sin to be blamed on both spouses.

Following Trump’s disappointing debate performance Monday night, he said he deserved credit for not attacking his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, over her husband’s infidelity. His advisers and campaign surrogates fanned out across the airwaves to make the same case.

Campaign manager Kellyanne Conway said Trump was “polite and a gentleman” because he did not follow through on his threat to seat Gennifer Flowers, a former girlfriend of Bill Clinton, in the front row at the debate.

Rudy Giuliani, one of Trump’s closest advisers, said Hillary Clinton was “too stupid to be president” if she hadn’t realized all along that Monica Lewinsky, a White House intern, was telling the truth. As mayor of New York, Giuliani carried on his own very public extramarital affair, which cast a shadow over his administration.

Trump even holds Hillary Clinton, who has maintained her marriage for 41 years, partly to blame for her husband’s misdeeds. “She was an unbelievably nasty, mean enabler, and what she did to a lot of those women is disgraceful,” he said in May.

On Wednesday, Trump likened anyone who takes the Fifth to a criminal. “So there are five of them taking the Fifth Amendment, like you see on the mob, right?” he said at another rally in Iowa, inflating the number by two. “The mob takes the Fifth Amendment. If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?”

This was precisely the question that Ivana Trump’s lawyer posed to her husband during those depositions 26 years ago, according to Barrett the biographer. The lawyer, Michael Kennedy, also warned Donald Trump that by taking the Fifth so many times, he was giving the court grounds to draw a reasonable “inference” that he had committed adultery.

More: Trump Pleaded The Fifth 97 Times To Avoid Admitting To Adultery

Trump obviously doesn't believe that what is good for the goose is also good for the gander.

The fifth doesn't apply in civil matters.
Under New York law, divorce records are normally sealed, but can be released if a judge decides that "special circumstances" justify disclosure.

Read more: Donald and Ivana Trump fight unsealing of divorce records
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I just cited the story that proves his divorce records are sealed, you fucking dumbass.

Judge won't unseal Donald, Ivana Trump divorce court file

They don't need to see the actual records. They prefer to make shit up. They are desperately trying to keep the focus off the many, many Clinton scandals.
Idiot Hillary is her own worst enemy.

She's given one and all plenty of ammo.

You can't cure stupid, careless and incompetent.
LMAO Seems to me that what goes on in his marriage is between he and his wife.

Oh and who the fuck cares except a "Lets dig up any and all dirt we can on Trump and ignore any and all dirt on our hero HRC" idiot like you.

Grow the fuck up you biased hack.

Agree. Clinton was accused of crimes. He lied to a grand jury regarding his affair with Monica. And the liberals blamed Monica for everything and shamed her for being fat. They shamed Jones for being ugly. She shamed Flowers for being a slut. You know, all the things they are now accusing Trump of doing, but his comments were directed toward one woman. A woman who the liberal newspapers had previously shamed for getting fat. And the woman was truly a slut. The left only goes to bat for liberal women, regardless of what they do. Other women mean nothing.

Hillary was never the injured wife and was more interested in covering Bill's ass to save his (and her) political careers. She needed him so she could ride his coattails to further her own career.

Cheating is bad enough, but Clintons went even further to attack victims and lie about under oath. Hillary claiming she couldn't remember things during the many times she was questioned were lies. Bill outright lied and then tried to weasel out of it by saying it depended on what the definition of "is" is. And the left allows them to get away with it.

You can accuse Trump of cheating but unless he attacked the women or lied about the affairs while under oath, it simply does not rise to the level of the Clinton scandals.

I don't think Trump is the greatest guy. I know Hillary is a corrupt bitch. Comes down to which one will appropriately address the most serious problems we face. Trump will secure the border and will stop allowing ISIS members to pour in the country. Hillary will sharply increase both, at great cost to tax payers.

Hillary's followers are angry over "problems" that have been created by the left. The supposed cop problem, for instance.
LMAO Seems to me that what goes on in his marriage is between he and his wife.

Oh and who the fuck cares except a "Lets dig up any and all dirt we can on Trump and ignore any and all dirt on our hero HRC" idiot like you.

Grow the fuck up you biased hack.

Agree. Clinton was accused of crimes. He lied to a grand jury regarding his affair with Monica. And the liberals blamed Monica for everything and shamed her for being fat. They shamed Jones for being ugly. She shamed Flowers for being a slut. You know, all the things they are now accusing Trump of doing, but his comments were directed toward one woman. A woman who the liberal newspapers had previously shamed for getting fat. And the woman was truly a slut. The left only goes to bat for liberal women, regardless of what they do. Other women mean nothing.

Hillary was never the injured wife and was more interested in covering Bill's ass to save his (and her) political careers. She needed him so she could ride his coattails to further her own career.

Cheating is bad enough, but Clintons went even further to attack victims and lie about under oath. Hillary claiming she couldn't remember things during the many times she was questioned were lies. Bill outright lied and then tried to weasel out of it by saying it depended on what the definition of "is" is. And the left allows them to get away with it.

You can accuse Trump of cheating but unless he attacked the women or lied about the affairs while under oath, it simply does not rise to the level of the Clinton scandals.

I don't think Trump is the greatest guy. I know Hillary is a corrupt bitch. Comes down to which one will appropriately address the most serious problems we face. Trump will secure the border and will stop allowing ISIS members to pour in the country. Hillary will sharply increase both, at great cost to tax payers.

Hillary's followers are angry over "problems" that have been created by the left. The supposed cop problem, for instance.

Bingo and I couldn't agree more.
WRONG !!!!........If one of the parties in a divorce has offered an erroneous figure on the financial assets, and the opposing counsel demands a clarification, the fifth is commonly used.

It is? Because last I checked, financial assets are not an opinion or are decided on by testimony. Financial assets have fixed values. You either have X financial assets or you don't. The assets are worth X amount of money or they are not. There is nothing to plead the fifth to.
There is no such thing as pleading the 5th in a divorce or civil case. There isn't a possible jail sentence. There's no crime and no conviction.

But that's not the point. The point is that if adultery is bad, then who is worse, Hillary or Trump? One suffered it and one did it.

Trump was a private citizen, what's so hard to understand?


But now he's not a private citizen, and is running for President. What's so hard to understand?
The 97 times in response to inquiries about adulterous activity are not the only things to which the man has effectively "pled the fifth."

And truly, his being an adulterer, in terms of having an intimate relationship outside of his marriage, isn't all that much of a problem for me. I can easily overlook that for I believe the law does not rightly have a place in people's sexual interactions. Sure, a spouse can use adultery as a basis for seeking a divorce, but one can use all sorts of things as the basis for divorce, and even so, adultery is an issue between the parties who violated their promises to one another.

When I find someone is an adulterer, what I think about the person, once it becomes clear they are an adulterer, is this:

If s/he will outright lie to the person whom they professed they love most in the world and to whom they "promised to be true," why in the hell should I trust in anything they say to me? I know damn well I don't rank higher than their spouse did on their list of priorities and "most important people" to them.​

When I learn of someone having pled the fifth, or having said "I don't know," about questions about their own behavior, I think at least one of the following:
  • "They did it."
  • If they don't know whether they did it, they had better have been drugged or suffered from dementia when it happened.
I think that because one's private parts don't just "wander off" and encounter other folks' body parts of any sort. One knows when and whether one's "man/lady parts" have been involved with another person's "any parts."

Given that, "taking the 5th" re: adultery is just a pure lack of integrity. It's plain and simple, not "owing one's sh*t." I'm sorry, but I cannot respect a person who doesn't "own their sh*t." People like that are out for and care about one thing, and one thing only: themselves.
But now he's not a private citizen, and is running for President. What's so hard to understand?

A private citizen cannot run for President?

It would depend on your view of the term "private citizen".

Once you start running for president, are you private any more? Some might say you're not a private citizen once you have got an office, but the intensity of the presidential campaign would make me suggest that no, a candidate for the main two parties is not a private citizen any more.
I'm really sick and tired of talking about who people have sex with.

So Trump better stop talking about Bill then.
Yeah....he'd better stop or more ridiculous false allegations will surface.

What is false? He cheated not just on one wife but two! He was walking around in broad day light with his current wife when he was still married to lavna. What is false about this?? This guy has a real history of fucking around and doing shit that your party would of looked down on even 2 years ago.
It would depend on your view of the term "private citizen".

Once you start running for president, are you private any more? Some might say you're not a private citizen once you have got an office, but the intensity of the presidential campaign would make me suggest that no, a candidate for the main two parties is not a private citizen any more.

A politician is one who works IN politics.
What is false? He cheated not just on one wife but two! He was walking around in broad day light with his current wife when he was still married to lavna. What is false about this?? This guy has a real history of fucking around and doing shit that your party would of looked down on even 2 years ago.

And your candidate is one who has years of doing things your side DOES NOT look down on which is the sad thing.

Look at this thread. Six pages of discussing something about a candidate that has nothing to do with him taking the job as President.
It would depend on your view of the term "private citizen".

Once you start running for president, are you private any more? Some might say you're not a private citizen once you have got an office, but the intensity of the presidential campaign would make me suggest that no, a candidate for the main two parties is not a private citizen any more.

A politician is one who works IN politics.

And does Trump not work in politics?

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