Trump Pleaded The Fifth 97 Times To Avoid Admitting To Adultery

Wow, I knew you guys on the left were getting desperate, but this really takes the cake. Say, do you have any stories about how Trump tied a dog carrier to the top of his car when he took a vacation, or how he played a prank on a fellow classmate in high school by giving him a haircut in the 60's, or even a DUI that he got over 20 years ago? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

It is Trump who is bringing up the issue of marital infidelity

Glass Houses Donny, Glass Houses
No, you douche bag piece of shit, he isn't. He's bringing up the issue that Bill Clinton is a sexual predator who committed sexual assault numerous times and Hillary covered it up for him.
'Reportedly?" In other words, it never happened. Do you douche bags have anything other than 2nd hand gossip? You claim Trum doesn't have the temperament to be president, but the Clinton campaign is constantly engaging in these cheap baseless smears. I'm sure that's all we're going to hear from it until the election.

And it's usually "reportedly" by an "anonymous" source
'Reportedly?" In other words, it never happened. Do you douche bags have anything other than 2nd hand gossip? You claim Trum doesn't have the temperament to be president, but the Clinton campaign is constantly engaging in these cheap baseless smears. I'm sure that's all we're going to hear from it until the election.

And it's usually "reportedly" by an "anonymous" source
Yep, and then they boast that Hillary and Slick have never been indicted for anything. That's their standard of proof for any accusation about the Clintons. However, anything any disgruntled employee ever said about Trump is automatically the God's honest truth.

Then these douche bags believe they are entitled to be treated with respect.
'Reportedly?" In other words, it never happened. Do you douche bags have anything other than 2nd hand gossip? You claim Trump doesn't have the temperament to be president, but the Clinton campaign is constantly engaging in these cheap baseless smears. I'm sure that's all we're going to hear from it until the election.

I don't know how you can say that Hillary doesn't have the temperament.


by boedicca on US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Bill and Chelsea.jpg
'Reportedly?" In other words, it never happened. Do you douche bags have anything other than 2nd hand gossip? You claim Trum doesn't have the temperament to be president, but the Clinton campaign is constantly engaging in these cheap baseless smears. I'm sure that's all we're going to hear from it until the election.

And it's usually "reportedly" by an "anonymous" source
Yep, and then they boast that Hillary and Slick have never been indicted for anything. That's their standard of proof for any accusation about the Clintons. However, anything any disgruntled employee ever said about Trump is automatically the God's honest truth.

Then these douche bags believe they are entitled to be treated with respect.
This is because they have no SUBSTANCE that they can put in front of the American people, without politically hanging themselves. What are they going to say ? That thy have been supporting an doing all THESE THINGS ? >>>>

1. Approval of Mexican & Chinese imperialism, raiding America's economy.
2. Approval of Amnesty for illegal aliens. (anything less than deportation is amnesty)
3. Approval of Sanctuary Cities.
4. Approval of Birthright Citizenship.
5. Approval of gun-free zones.
6. Banning guns - opposition to nationwide CCW.
7. Approval of Muslim Brotherhood (has Huma Abedin-close aide)
8. Approval of Muslim immigration (including the ISIS trojan horse)
9. Approval of racist Affirmative Action
10. Damaged national security by her unsecured email server.
11. Allowed 4 men to die in Benghazi
12. Killed 50 people in the Clinton Body Count
13. Scammed millions of good-hearted people out of millions$ in her phony "Foundation"
14. Judicial watch conflict of interest report on the Clinton "Foundation"
15. Numerous scandals (Filegate, Travelgate, Whitewater, Speaking fees, etc)
16. Corporate tax increase
17. Excessive business regulation
18. Long history of support for Free Trade (NAFTA, CAFTA, TPP, etc)
19. BOUGHT by Wall St. and other special interests (over $200 Million)
20. Atrocious pro-Muslim Brotherhood record in the State Dept.
Trump Pleaded The Fifth 97 Times To Avoid Admitting To Adultery | Huffington Post.

Donald Trump may or may not attack Hillary Clinton over Bill's adultery. Donny's 3:00 A.M. Miss Universe Meltdown fizzled. Though Donnie did encourage his supporters to look at porn, a first in a Presidential Election.

But what Donny's supporters need to remember is that Trump has been married three times and cheated on two of his wives.

Even better is the fact that Trump pleaded the 5th. Amendment no less than 97-Times to avoid admitting to Adultery ding his divorce from wife Ivana.

I know that Donny's Dummies are licking their chops at the very thought of Trump bringing Hillary to the verge of tears at the very thought bringing up Bill's Adultery.

Remember Trump Lovers, Trump has been married to 3-Different Women and cheated on two of them. Hillary has been married to the same man for over 30-Years.

Trump is a misogynist and touches his daughter in some very inappropriate ways.

Be very careful of what you wish Donny Dummies. He has already had you chasing around the internet for porn. You may want him attack Hillary, but after over 25+years of attacks Ms. Clinton is far better prepared for another attack by a man whose idea marital fidelity is touching his daughter's ass in public.

He isn't going to attack her on bill's adultery....he is going to attack her on her role covering up the rapes and sexual assaults against at least a dozen you guys not understand this, or do you just not care?

Donny is a serial adulterer. How can he question one person's morals when his own can be called in question?
Trump Pleaded The Fifth 97 Times To Avoid Admitting To Adultery | Huffington Post.

Donald Trump may or may not attack Hillary Clinton over Bill's adultery. Donny's 3:00 A.M. Miss Universe Meltdown fizzled. Though Donnie did encourage his supporters to look at porn, a first in a Presidential Election.

But what Donny's supporters need to remember is that Trump has been married three times and cheated on two of his wives.

Even better is the fact that Trump pleaded the 5th. Amendment no less than 97-Times to avoid admitting to Adultery ding his divorce from wife Ivana.

I know that Donny's Dummies are licking their chops at the very thought of Trump bringing Hillary to the verge of tears at the very thought bringing up Bill's Adultery.

Remember Trump Lovers, Trump has been married to 3-Different Women and cheated on two of them. Hillary has been married to the same man for over 30-Years.

Trump is a misogynist and touches his daughter in some very inappropriate ways.

Be very careful of what you wish Donny Dummies. He has already had you chasing around the internet for porn. You may want him attack Hillary, but after over 25+years of attacks Ms. Clinton is far better prepared for another attack by a man whose idea marital fidelity is touching his daughter's ass in public.

He isn't going to attack her on bill's adultery....he is going to attack her on her role covering up the rapes and sexual assaults against at least a dozen you guys not understand this, or do you just not care?

Donny is a serial adulterer. How can he question one person's morals when his own can be called in question?

The clintons repaired their marriage! Trump completely cheated on two of his wife's and didn't even try either time to repair anything.

Yet, the conservatives attack clinton? lol Hypocrites.
He cheated on both of his wife's and walked away with a younger women each time. The guy needs to shut up.

not to mention the fact that he got his girlfriend pregnant and left his first wife with three young kids
Trump Pleaded The Fifth 97 Times To Avoid Admitting To Adultery | Huffington Post.

Donald Trump may or may not attack Hillary Clinton over Bill's adultery. Donny's 3:00 A.M. Miss Universe Meltdown fizzled. Though Donnie did encourage his supporters to look at porn, a first in a Presidential Election.

But what Donny's supporters need to remember is that Trump has been married three times and cheated on two of his wives.

Even better is the fact that Trump pleaded the 5th. Amendment no less than 97-Times to avoid admitting to Adultery ding his divorce from wife Ivana.

I know that Donny's Dummies are licking their chops at the very thought of Trump bringing Hillary to the verge of tears at the very thought bringing up Bill's Adultery.

Remember Trump Lovers, Trump has been married to 3-Different Women and cheated on two of them. Hillary has been married to the same man for over 30-Years.

Trump is a misogynist and touches his daughter in some very inappropriate ways.

Be very careful of what you wish Donny Dummies. He has already had you chasing around the internet for porn. You may want him attack Hillary, but after over 25+years of attacks Ms. Clinton is far better prepared for another attack by a man whose idea marital fidelity is touching his daughter's ass in public.

He isn't going to attack her on bill's adultery....he is going to attack her on her role covering up the rapes and sexual assaults against at least a dozen you guys not understand this, or do you just not care?

Donny is a serial adulterer. How can he question one person's morals when his own can be called in question?

The clintons repaired their marriage! Trump completely cheated on two of his wife's and didn't even try either time to repair anything.

Yet, the conservatives attack clinton? lol Hypocrites.

why do you think he hasn't cheated on the third?
Trump Pleaded The Fifth 97 Times To Avoid Admitting To Adultery | Huffington Post.

Donald Trump may or may not attack Hillary Clinton over Bill's adultery. Donny's 3:00 A.M. Miss Universe Meltdown fizzled. Though Donnie did encourage his supporters to look at porn, a first in a Presidential Election.

But what Donny's supporters need to remember is that Trump has been married three times and cheated on two of his wives.

Even better is the fact that Trump pleaded the 5th. Amendment no less than 97-Times to avoid admitting to Adultery ding his divorce from wife Ivana.

I know that Donny's Dummies are licking their chops at the very thought of Trump bringing Hillary to the verge of tears at the very thought bringing up Bill's Adultery.

Remember Trump Lovers, Trump has been married to 3-Different Women and cheated on two of them. Hillary has been married to the same man for over 30-Years.

Trump is a misogynist and touches his daughter in some very inappropriate ways.

Be very careful of what you wish Donny Dummies. He has already had you chasing around the internet for porn. You may want him attack Hillary, but after over 25+years of attacks Ms. Clinton is far better prepared for another attack by a man whose idea marital fidelity is touching his daughter's ass in public.

He isn't going to attack her on bill's adultery....he is going to attack her on her role covering up the rapes and sexual assaults against at least a dozen you guys not understand this, or do you just not care?

Donny is a serial adulterer. How can he question one person's morals when his own can be called in question?

The clintons repaired their marriage! Trump completely cheated on two of his wife's and didn't even try either time to repair anything.

Yet, the conservatives attack clinton? lol Hypocrites.

why do you think he hasn't cheated on the third?

He probably will have after the election is over and he loses. Who's to say he hasn't already?

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