Trump Please Stop Making A Mockery Of Our Elections!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
It is time for Donald Trump to stop being just an impresario of a traveling carnival show teasing the public with claims to show them amazing sights! It is time for Mr. Trump to stop making a mockery of our Presidential election system and tell the American people his specific stance on policy issues for the stakes now are really high for the American people the country has been on a bad downward spiral for this entire century, the country needs the next President to bring major changes for good not just a bunch of provocative rhetoric!
Mr. Trump if you want to know the hard truth you have a decision to make are you going to be a Republican that stands for conscience depraved conservatism, that gives red meat to the far right base, or a Republican that stands for good conservatism, that models himself after the many great Republicans the nation has seen in its history! To put it another way are you going to be a Republican that stands for policies that reflect conservative ideals in a vacuum that obstruct or oppose the good or are you going to be a Republican that stands for policies that consider all sides of an issue and apply conservative values but are fair to all the interests affected by the issue. Are you going to cowl to the far right blocs of the Republican Party that want to purge non-far right Republican candidates from the party or are you going to not be affected by these extremists and stand-up for what is right and lead the mass of the Republican electorate and the mass of the American people to a better future!
It is not acceptable for Mr. Trump to say that he will replace Obamacare with something wonderful, healthcare is way too important the American people need specifics here on policy. Mr. Trump if you want a truly good analysis of Obamacare or its official name The Affordable Care Act it is as follows. The problem with the ACA is it makes health insurance and the out-of-pocket cost of healthcare for the consumer way way too expensive! The Republican idea to allow the purchase of health insurance across state lines will help but won't be enough to solve the problem. A large part of the solution is simply that many of the ACA mandates need to be rolled back or eliminated because they all have a cost connected with them and an unaffordable one at that at this time in our country's history. The free preventive care mandate needs to be eliminated it certainly isn't free to insurance providers (however the law should mandate such care be excluded from the deductible). The mandate that mental health and substance abuse care be on par with regular health care needs to be eliminated at this time in the country's history mandates should be minimal coverage requirements not ideal coverage (mandate coverage of only "crisis" mental health care that is if an enrollee is a danger to themselves or others). The free birth control and reproductive services mandate should be eliminated have this be a rider that people can pay for themselves if they want it the nature of this coverage is too controversial it is too morally offensive to pro-life Americans the Federal Government doesn't need to be the arbiter on morality here. Eliminate the dental health care coverage mandates again should be minimal requirements this doesn't meet the threshhold. Roll back the yearly coverage limit mandate to $300,000 and the life-time coverage limit mandate to $1,000,000 (these mandates are too costly) - enrollees needing more coverage than this can be automatically enrolled in the Medicaid program where the Federal government will pick-up both the state and Federal tab!
There is a lot of good things about the Affordable Care Act that should be kept as law in America, here's some. The medical loss ratio mandates should be kept these are requirements that health insurance companies spend at least specific amount of money they take in as premiums for paying medical provider claims that enrollees incur; this mandate is critical otherwise America will see undue amounts of premiums the American people pay to their health insurance company go to big pay packages for health insurance executives and big dividends for health insurance company stock holders and it will incentivize health insurance company staff to unfairly deny claim coverage for enrollees. The ACA's mandate that health insurance companies cannot drop coverage when enrollees get sick like they did in the past is good and should be kept. The ACA's overall design is a good one, it is a market based design in fact it is a design that the Republican Party initially very early on embraced; it is the optimally good design because it uses a market based solution and community pricing as opposed to individual underwriting of plans to solve the super expensive and thus difficult problem of how to cover people with pre-existing health conditions which is the King size dilemma with America's healthcare system - it does it by creating large pools of enrollees so the expense of these sick enrollees is spread among many people so it results in lower individual costs. The ACA exchanges and individual mandates are absolutely necessary to implement this overall design. It is easy for Republican Party candidates to criticize and call for repeal of the individual mandate but if you do this you collapse the whole market based private health insurance system; Republican candidates choosing a whole different direction calling for a separate insurance program in each state for these Americans with pre-existing conditions is selling out the American people because long-term and probably short-term the cost of these programs will be unaffordable and long-term especially so because as time goes buy people with vested interests will cause the pre-existing condition parameters for these programs to be broadened to include more people jacking up these programs' costs big-time. In short Mr. Trump needs to decide if he is going to be a clueless Republican that adopts the party platform of repeal and replace Obamacare with a replace that is essentially nothing or offer the American people a great solution to the problem so the nation can put this problem behind us and focus on prospering!
Mr. Trump's vague solution on the nation's immigration problem is not acceptable this problem is dramatically hurting the nation's economy and something not often talked about it is hurting the diversity of American which is America's unique and great strength. To all you "just seal the border" Americans if this problem is not solved soon and this simpleton call won't solve it the "America we have known" will have had its time run out we will permanently be an Hispanic nation this is no put down on Hispanics but losing the nation's diversity will lose the injection of different ethnicities and cultures into America but most importantly is will lose the high standard of behavior and excellence that only a diverse society brings! On this problem Mr. Trump is right the nation needs walls along the southern border; walls have been greatly effective for the country of Israel for their border crossing problem so they will be greatly effective for America. By walls it is meant the Israel type of walls - prefabricated concrete walls that are two to three stories in height not these corrugated steel walls that can be penetrated with hand tools. No leader is credible on the issue when they say they want to stop illegal immigration in America unless they have a reliable plan to shut off the job spigot for illegals in America and no leader has such a reliable plan unless they have a mechanism to quickly reduce the number of illegals in this country by at least seventy percent, a number the system then can handle rounding up and deporting, and such reliability necessitates them supporting changing the law to mandate that the Social Security Administration inform the Immigration and Custom Enforcement Administration when and where workers across America are using a social security number that is already in use and ICE goes to these employers and checks the worker in questions status and if their illegal causes their termination to end. E-verify is not enough because the Federal Government cannot audit every employer every year and e-verify can be circumvented, the Social Security System is a system that already exists that will essentially screen out illegals why for heaven sakes don't we as a nation use it?
It is time for Donald Trump to stop being just an impresario of a traveling carnival show teasing the public with claims to show them amazing sights! It is time for Mr. Trump to stop making a mockery of our Presidential election system and tell the American people his specific stance on policy issues for the stakes now are really high for the American people the country has been on a bad downward spiral for this entire century, the country needs the next President to bring major changes for good not just a bunch of provocative rhetoric!
Mr. Trump if you want to know the hard truth you have a decision to make are you going to be a Republican that stands for conscience depraved conservatism, that gives red meat to the far right base, or a Republican that stands for good conservatism, that models himself after the many great Republicans the nation has seen in its history! To put it another way are you going to be a Republican that stands for policies that reflect conservative ideals in a vacuum that obstruct or oppose the good or are you going to be a Republican that stands for policies that consider all sides of an issue and apply conservative values but are fair to all the interests affected by the issue. Are you going to cowl to the far right blocs of the Republican Party that want to purge non-far right Republican candidates from the party or are you going to not be affected by these extremists and stand-up for what is right and lead the mass of the Republican electorate and the mass of the American people to a better future!
It is not acceptable for Mr. Trump to say that he will replace Obamacare with something wonderful, healthcare is way too important the American people need specifics here on policy. Mr. Trump if you want a truly good analysis of Obamacare or its official name The Affordable Care Act it is as follows. The problem with the ACA is it makes health insurance and the out-of-pocket cost of healthcare for the consumer way way too expensive! The Republican idea to allow the purchase of health insurance across state lines will help but won't be enough to solve the problem. A large part of the solution is simply that many of the ACA mandates need to be rolled back or eliminated because they all have a cost connected with them and an unaffordable one at that at this time in our country's history. The free preventive care mandate needs to be eliminated it certainly isn't free to insurance providers (however the law should mandate such care be excluded from the deductible). The mandate that mental health and substance abuse care be on par with regular health care needs to be eliminated at this time in the country's history mandates should be minimal coverage requirements not ideal coverage (mandate coverage of only "crisis" mental health care that is if an enrollee is a danger to themselves or others). The free birth control and reproductive services mandate should be eliminated have this be a rider that people can pay for themselves if they want it the nature of this coverage is too controversial it is too morally offensive to pro-life Americans the Federal Government doesn't need to be the arbiter on morality here. Eliminate the dental health care coverage mandates again should be minimal requirements this doesn't meet the threshhold. Roll back the yearly coverage limit mandate to $300,000 and the life-time coverage limit mandate to $1,000,000 (these mandates are too costly) - enrollees needing more coverage than this can be automatically enrolled in the Medicaid program where the Federal government will pick-up both the state and Federal tab!
There is a lot of good things about the Affordable Care Act that should be kept as law in America, here's some. The medical loss ratio mandates should be kept these are requirements that health insurance companies spend at least specific amount of money they take in as premiums for paying medical provider claims that enrollees incur; this mandate is critical otherwise America will see undue amounts of premiums the American people pay to their health insurance company go to big pay packages for health insurance executives and big dividends for health insurance company stock holders and it will incentivize health insurance company staff to unfairly deny claim coverage for enrollees. The ACA's mandate that health insurance companies cannot drop coverage when enrollees get sick like they did in the past is good and should be kept. The ACA's overall design is a good one, it is a market based design in fact it is a design that the Republican Party initially very early on embraced; it is the optimally good design because it uses a market based solution and community pricing as opposed to individual underwriting of plans to solve the super expensive and thus difficult problem of how to cover people with pre-existing health conditions which is the King size dilemma with America's healthcare system - it does it by creating large pools of enrollees so the expense of these sick enrollees is spread among many people so it results in lower individual costs. The ACA exchanges and individual mandates are absolutely necessary to implement this overall design. It is easy for Republican Party candidates to criticize and call for repeal of the individual mandate but if you do this you collapse the whole market based private health insurance system; Republican candidates choosing a whole different direction calling for a separate insurance program in each state for these Americans with pre-existing conditions is selling out the American people because long-term and probably short-term the cost of these programs will be unaffordable and long-term especially so because as time goes buy people with vested interests will cause the pre-existing condition parameters for these programs to be broadened to include more people jacking up these programs' costs big-time. In short Mr. Trump needs to decide if he is going to be a clueless Republican that adopts the party platform of repeal and replace Obamacare with a replace that is essentially nothing or offer the American people a great solution to the problem so the nation can put this problem behind us and focus on prospering!
Mr. Trump's vague solution on the nation's immigration problem is not acceptable this problem is dramatically hurting the nation's economy and something not often talked about it is hurting the diversity of American which is America's unique and great strength. To all you "just seal the border" Americans if this problem is not solved soon and this simpleton call won't solve it the "America we have known" will have had its time run out we will permanently be an Hispanic nation this is no put down on Hispanics but losing the nation's diversity will lose the injection of different ethnicities and cultures into America but most importantly is will lose the high standard of behavior and excellence that only a diverse society brings! On this problem Mr. Trump is right the nation needs walls along the southern border; walls have been greatly effective for the country of Israel for their border crossing problem so they will be greatly effective for America. By walls it is meant the Israel type of walls - prefabricated concrete walls that are two to three stories in height not these corrugated steel walls that can be penetrated with hand tools. No leader is credible on the issue when they say they want to stop illegal immigration in America unless they have a reliable plan to shut off the job spigot for illegals in America and no leader has such a reliable plan unless they have a mechanism to quickly reduce the number of illegals in this country by at least seventy percent, a number the system then can handle rounding up and deporting, and such reliability necessitates them supporting changing the law to mandate that the Social Security Administration inform the Immigration and Custom Enforcement Administration when and where workers across America are using a social security number that is already in use and ICE goes to these employers and checks the worker in questions status and if their illegal causes their termination to end. E-verify is not enough because the Federal Government cannot audit every employer every year and e-verify can be circumvented, the Social Security System is a system that already exists that will essentially screen out illegals why for heaven sakes don't we as a nation use it?
On a message board, it's usually best to put spaces between paragraphs or thoughts. You won't get much traction out of this post. It's too hard to read.
The left's complaint is that we still have elections. Hillary was supposed to have been crowned by now.
the mockery was when some not even a full term Senator in our Congress, nobody ever heard of before...... but he gave a good speech at the DEMOCRAT convention. Who did nothing in their pathetic life but being a community AGITATOR and lowly State Senator for the one the most Corrupted State Governments in this country... ran for President and you fools put him in as President. so now they are all worried over a Civilian who is beholding to no one because he has own money and can't be bought like Hillary, Bernie Baby, etc.



the mockery was when some not even a full term Senator in our Congress, nobody ever heard of before...... but he gave a good speech at the DEMOCRAT convention. Who did nothing in their pathetic life but being a community AGITATOR and lowly State Senator for the one the most Corrupted State Governments in this country... ran for President and you fools put him in as President. so now they are all worried over a Civilian who is beholding to no one because he has own money and can't be bought like Hillary, Bernie Baby, etc.
I think the final insult would be if questions about his birthplace arose out of the natural discourse and then he ran a smoke and mirrors routine to hide his birth certificate. That would really piss off a lot of democrats.
the mockery was when some not even a full term Senator in our Congress, nobody ever heard of before...... but he gave a good speech at the DEMOCRAT convention. Who did nothing in their pathetic life but being a community AGITATOR and lowly State Senator for the one the most Corrupted State Governments in this country... ran for President and you fools put him in as President. so now they are all worried over a Civilian who is beholding to no one because he has own money and can't be bought like Hillary, Bernie Baby, etc.
Bernie Sanders campaign funds dwarf Hillary's because he refuses to accept special interest and super PAC money and is one of the most consistent voices on ending political bribery and has been one of the biggest pushers for campaign finance reform since before all the other politicians pretended to jump on that bandwagon. I agree that Trump can't be bought I greatly appreciate that fact, but there are 2 candidates who can say that and Bernie is one of them. I don't care if you like him, but don't put him in a comma after people who can be bought after Hillary. It's poor fact checking.

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