Trump pledges to support legal marijuana in a blow to Sessions

So you are an alcoholic? Got it!

Nope. No drugs, alcohol or tobacco.
No nothing...Why you don't even need to eat..

That explains why he is such an asshole. He has nothing to look forward to in life!:D

If you don't use drugs, alcohol or tobacco, you might live to be 100, but why in the hell would you want to?:D
I can understand the stoic position of superiority but not the murderous association...But he may get high on the act of killing?

He would make for an interesting case study. That's for certain!
You mean like you watch as I light up a joint in front of him and he attacks?
Nope. No drugs, alcohol or tobacco.
No nothing...Why you don't even need to eat..

That explains why he is such an asshole. He has nothing to look forward to in life!:D

If you don't use drugs, alcohol or tobacco, you might live to be 100, but why in the hell would you want to?:D
I can understand the stoic position of superiority but not the murderous association...But he may get high on the act of killing?

He would make for an interesting case study. That's for certain!
You mean like you watch as I light up a joint in front of him and he attacks?

The only joints I care about these days involve Motrin.
No nothing...Why you don't even need to eat..

That explains why he is such an asshole. He has nothing to look forward to in life!:D

If you don't use drugs, alcohol or tobacco, you might live to be 100, but why in the hell would you want to?:D
I can understand the stoic position of superiority but not the murderous association...But he may get high on the act of killing?

He would make for an interesting case study. That's for certain!
You mean like you watch as I light up a joint in front of him and he attacks?

The only joints I care about these days involve Motrin.
My doc says that stuff will kill ya..
That explains why he is such an asshole. He has nothing to look forward to in life!:D

If you don't use drugs, alcohol or tobacco, you might live to be 100, but why in the hell would you want to?:D
I can understand the stoic position of superiority but not the murderous association...But he may get high on the act of killing?

He would make for an interesting case study. That's for certain!
You mean like you watch as I light up a joint in front of him and he attacks?

The only joints I care about these days involve Motrin.
My doc says that stuff will kill ya..

That's why I don't use it! :D

It makes me grumpy like someone else we know!
I can understand the stoic position of superiority but not the murderous association...But he may get high on the act of killing?

He would make for an interesting case study. That's for certain!
You mean like you watch as I light up a joint in front of him and he attacks?

The only joints I care about these days involve Motrin.
My doc says that stuff will kill ya..

That's why I don't use it! :D

It makes me grumpy like someone else we know!
The mods? I take arthritis strength acetaminophen it helps but some parts is just to wore out..I should have been a bum...
By the way, did you know that Boehner is also now in favor of medical marijuana for PTSD for veterans as well as is in favor of taking it off of Schedule I drugs so that more and better research can be done on it?

Of course..................he's also gonna make a whole lot of money from it if it's legal, because he's on the board of a marijuana company.

This is a step in the right direction, but Trump has flipped on so many things, I'm wondering how long he's gonna stick with this view of the issue?

Sessions is an idiot by the way.

So Trump is on the board? Looks like Trump is addicted to Money and power , addiction doesn't always come in a form of a pill...

Anyway...Pot helps with my masactic brain cancer now... It is Not a opioid which Sessions is going after right now which is a good thing to even touch on its addiction.
That explains why he is such an asshole. He has nothing to look forward to in life!

If you don't use drugs, alcohol or tobacco, you might live to be 100, but why in the hell would you want to?

The things I look forward to are not of this world, but the next.

I will not even come close to 100 years old. Maybe 70, tops; since I won't take Social Secyrity or Medicare funds. I've got a bullet with my initials on it for whenever I can no longer take care of myself.
I can understand the stoic position of superiority but not the murderous association...But he may get high on the act of killing?

Nope. Though the thought of removing the Immoral from Society does bring a slight lightening to my Soul.
where did you get your concept of morality?

Initially from the family I grew up in.

As I became a teenager and through my twenties it evolved by personal experiences, education and my own interests/research in politics, philosophy and religion.

The final influence was my search for the answer to the simple question "Why?" After my father's death in 2001.
I have super Jesus freaks in my family but never do they desire to put people to death for smoking a joint..

Neither do mine. That's where they fail. They are unwilling to DO (or SIPPORT DOING) the things necessary to fix the problems in Society.
I have super Jesus freaks in my family but never do they desire to put people to death for smoking a joint..

Neither do mine. That's where they fail. They are unwilling to DO (or SIPPORT DOING) the things necessary to fix the problems in Society.
Then so was Jesus..and therefore doesn't enter into to it as a basis of rationale..
Then so was Jesus..and therefore doesn't enter into to it as a basis of rationale..

Exactly. That's why I flushed Chrustianity (and religion in general) down the proverbial toilet a couple decades sgo.
I did like 41 years ago but only because of its lack of logic.. Not because it is not brutal enough...

You have the absolute right to make the right choice for the wrong reason. Logic is most often the took of the Immoral.

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