Trump pledges to support legal marijuana in a blow to Sessions

Pot is not a drug it's gawd dam plant.

Those PRESCRIBED meds are drugs and drugs that more addicting than a plan could ever be in the canabis world at least.

The plant contains a chemical called THC. That chemical has mind altering properties, which makes it an illicit drug.

Take two antibiotics together for certain conditions and tell me they are not mind altering, you're a fool.
Can you prove marijuana is a drug. Not because some in the govt says so. I doubt you can prove it.

THC is a chemical substance not naturally occurring in the human body. Therefore, regardless of whatever semantic games you want to play, internal usage of the mind altering substance is drug use.
That's odd, considering you earlier made the presence of a medical professional or being in a hospital a requirement for using medication.

So this is a moral issue, but one which requires the presence of medical professionals, but the medical professionals have no say....are you sure you've actually thought this through?

I have thought this through very well. The issue of using these substances is completely a Moral one. The altered mental or physical state resulting from using them is an Immoral act.

The one exception to that would be if the substance was used under direct medical supervision, in a medical facility. That exception is only allowed because there are medical professionals there to mitigate the potential side effects of the medication and because the environment removes the potential to have to make decisions for oneself.

If you've thought this through then leave everyone else alone to do what they want and you stay in your safe little world, who cares, but don't be a goddamn do gooder and tell another they must follow your ideology.
Take two antibiotics together for certain conditions and tell me they are not mind altering, you're a fool.

That's why I go out of my way not to take prescription meds. My Doctor tried to put me on a low dose blood pressure med six months ago. He was very upset last week to find out I'd never filled the prescription (as I'd told him I wouldnt).
If you've thought this through then leave everyone else alone to do what they want and you stay in your safe little world, who cares, but don't be a goddamn do gooder and tell another they must follow your ideology.

Not possible. You dimwits constantly interact with my world and while my Moral life doesn't adversely affect your Immoral life; your Immoral lives must definitely affect my ability to live a Moral life.
Hoping Giuliani can flush that moron Sessions down the toilet where he belongs. What a mistake, The Donald being loyal to Sessions and giving him a break and the benefit of the doubt. Fire that retard already.
So you are an alcoholic? Got it!

Nope. No drugs, alcohol or tobacco.
No nothing...Why you don't even need to eat..

That explains why he is such an asshole. He has nothing to look forward to in life!:D

If you don't use drugs, alcohol or tobacco, you might live to be 100, but why in the hell would you want to?:D
I can understand the stoic position of superiority but not the murderous association...But he may get high on the act of killing?
So you are an alcoholic? Got it!

Nope. No drugs, alcohol or tobacco.
No nothing...Why you don't even need to eat..

That explains why he is such an asshole. He has nothing to look forward to in life!:D

If you don't use drugs, alcohol or tobacco, you might live to be 100, but why in the hell would you want to?:D
I can understand the stoic position of superiority but not the murderous association...But he may get high on the act of killing?

He would make for an interesting case study. That's for certain!

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