Trump Policy has Given us this Inflation


So its Biden's fault that he inherited that mess form Trump?? Some real Trumpian level logic right there. Trump fails miserably, but somehow that's Biden's fault.
Republicans are just a total failure in all areas including logic and debate.

Is it Trump's fault that the Fed's balance sheet is 10% larger under Biden?
Is it Trump's fault that Biden still hasn't returned the money supply to pre-Covid levels?

And what were Biden's spending cuts? Forget again? Ask one of your nurses.
the banker runs with everything he gets told,but cant answer questions about food being so him its all either trump or the republicans fault....his party that he follows without question, is never part of the problem....

Completely out of touch with reality.

We used to be able to lock them up for this kind of thinking.

Wake me up when we have $2.50 gas versus the $4.90 we have now.

A pound of ground beef costs $6.

So until we have months and months of negative inflation, you ain’t got shit.

We have the best economy in the world.

The energy companies say you aint got shit.

Earlier in the year, Wall Street was mostly bearish about the U.S. economic outlook with many warning of a looming recession. Not surprisingly, many oil punters expected oil demand to crash as unemployment rose and companies cut output thanks to aggregate demand falling.

Luckily, these predictions have turned out to be dead wrong. So far, the economy has proven to be remarkably resilient, managing to expand at a respectable annual clip of 2.4% in the second quarter after growing 2% in the first quarter. The unemployment rate currently stands at 3.6%, close to a 50-year low, while employers are still adding hundreds of thousands jobs every month. In early July, 71% of forecasters in an NPR survey said a recession is unlikely in the coming year.

And if you don't like current gas prices, you can thank Jared Kushners bestest buddy.

Oil prices globally have been firmly above $80 per barrel, however, the market at large has kept surprisingly mum about the key factor in the price rally of July-August, namely Saudi Arabia’s voluntary production cuts.

Were it not for Riyadh, the pressure on refiners would have been significantly lower, likewise with the sourcing of medium sour barrels that suddenly became the most coveted feedstock. Saudi Arabia’s production cuts are gradually moving into their third month of existence, lowering total crude exports out of the country below 6 million b/d, the lowest pace of outflows since the spring of 2021.

And be careful who you get your inflation information from.

The New York Times does it again. I mean, how stupid is this? The NYT’s big scoop on today’s inflation numbers was that inflation “ticked up” to 3.3% in July, from 3.0% in June. Sounds ominous, right?


The only reason the “headline” rate rose was because last July’s (of 2022) decrease in prices fell off the 12-month calculation. Got that? Inflation “ticked up” in July, supposedly making the Fed’s job harder getting inflation down, not because prices actually ticked up in July — they didn’t — but because a price decline from year ago July fell out of the 12-month calculation.

What idiocy.

the banker runs with everything he gets told,but cant answer questions about food being so him its all either trump or the republicans fault....his party that he follows without question, is never part of the problem....
Look who's talking.

I post facts to support everything I say. I post the records and results of the republicans and democrats. All you do is defend the failed GOP and their failed policy. You can't admit to anything and you can't hold your beloved republicans accountable for anything, despite all the failure and debt and destruction they have caused to our country. You are a total joke and live in a fantasy land void of facts, you just make shit up and follow me around posting childish bull shit and lies. With plenty of tears mixed in.

Completely out of touch with reality.

We used to be able to lock them up for this kind of thinking.

You are trash who can't even man up and admit Trump lost the election and there was no fraud.
Trump is going to get locked up for that lie.
You people are a total joke and you can't even admit and accept fact based reality.
+0.2% inc MoM in both core and non core PCE !!!

Incredible !!!

Donald Trump printed a world record amount of fake money, he handed out $ trillions in fake money, and he had the most massive mega deficits in US history, all of that fake money printing and hand outs, debt and deficit, AND the Putin war caused inflation.

Republicans tried to spin the facts and narrative to blame Biden for Trump's inflation causing policies, like always.

BUT inflation has plummeted. Fallen immensely and now we have normal 2% inflation, the FED's target.
Inflation is over, no more tears.

Current inflation rate is 3.18%
get back to me when it doesnt cost a 130.00 bucks at the grocery store for the same stuff that cost around 80 bucks 3 years ago....

I think you'll find that is the question to the answer.

At the end of the day, people are still paying a lot more for things than 3 years ago.

That's what'll go to the polls.
Wake me up when we have $2.50 gas versus the $4.90 we have now.

A pound of ground beef costs $6.

So until we have months and months of negative inflation, you ain’t got shit.
You better plan on a long nap because we have had negative inflation only twice in the last 60 years. As a general rule of thumb, inflation goes up but not down which is why a 5 cent cup of coffee in 1950 cost $3.50 today, and at the current rate, $7.75 in 2050 and $34.00 in 2100.
Yea it really sucks that Trump handed out so much money, had world record massive debt and deficits both before and after covid, and the FED printed world record money with Trump begging for even more. Your vote has consequences and Trump's insane policies have long term consequences on our country.


So its Biden's fault that he inherited that mess form Trump?? Some real Trumpian level logic right there. Trump fails miserably, but somehow that's Biden's fault.
Republicans are just a total failure in all areas including logic and debate.

Look who's talking.

I post facts to support everything I say. I post the records and results of the republicans and democrats. All you do is defend the failed GOP and their failed policy. You can't admit to anything and you can't hold your beloved republicans accountable for anything, despite all the failure and debt and destruction they have caused to our country. You are a total joke and live in a fantasy land void of facts, you just make shit up and follow me around posting childish bull shit and lies. With plenty of tears mixed in.

You are trash who can't even man up and admit Trump lost the election and there was no fraud.
Trump is going to get locked up for that lie.
You people are a total joke and you can't even admit and accept fact based reality.
Look who's talking.

I post facts to support everything I say. I post the records and results of the republicans and democrats. All you do is defend the failed GOP and their failed policy. You can't admit to anything and you can't hold your beloved republicans accountable for anything, despite all the failure and debt and destruction they have caused to our country. You are a total joke and live in a fantasy land void of facts, you just make shit up and follow me around posting childish bull shit and lies. With plenty of tears mixed in.
you say the same shit over and over....if something bad happens its because of the republicans....something good happens its because of the democrats.....get back to me when the groceries are cheaper......
That would be called "deflation"
Which is a precursor to a depression.

You know, like Bush gave us in 2008 and Trump tried to create in 2020
You have inflated prices thanks to stupid government policies

Bringing them back where they belong is not a depression
Or quarts of oil.
That is what politics today has become. Your guy is all bad and everything bad that happens is his fault. My guy is all good and everything good that happens is due to my guy. The truth is immaterial. How often we repeat the party line, be it republican or democrat is of paramount importance because if you repeat it often enough and loud enough, people will believe it.
You are trash who can't even man up and admit Trump lost the election and there was no fraud.
Trump is going to get locked up for that lie.
You people are a total joke and you can't even admit and accept fact based reality.

Cool post.

You have inflated prices thanks to stupid government policies

Bringing them back where they belong is not a depression
yes Trump's massive mega debt and deficit and FED fake money printing have hurt America and caused lots of inflation.

Some people predicted Trump's policies were going to cause inflation, and they did.
I CAN'T WAIT! Where is it?
  1. Gasoline prices are going UP
  2. Value of the dollar is going DOWN
  3. Energy prices are going UP
  4. Food is going UP
  5. Rent and utilities are going UP
You must be living on another planet or at least in another country.
yet the facts prove inflation is increasing at the standard and normal rate... +0.2% MoM
like I said, enjoy the plummeting inflation, which is now at the FED's target !
enjoy the rate cuts coming !
hat is what politics today has become. Your guy is all bad and everything bad that happens is his fault. My guy is all good and everything good that happens is due to my guy. The truth is immaterial. How often we repeat the party line, be it republican or democrat is of paramount importance because if you repeat it often enough and loud enough, people will believe it.

True enough. But inflation is 100% corporate price gouging. The difference between your guy, or my guy, is one of them is a corrupt enabler of that price gouging.

The focus needs to be clearly aimed at the corporate price gouging where it belongs.

When you have actual evidence of earnings report phone calls, by CEO's openly admitting to their gouging for the sole purpose of shareholder returns, and a populace of rubes that are only focused on my guy vs your guy.

Rubes so utterly ignorant, that they defend the gouging, and giving money to their guy to help him continue the corrupt enabling of those corporations to continue gouging.

Then those rubes need to be separated from every dime they have. The only problem with that, is their abject stupidity, and ignorance, hurts everybody else.

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