trump praises Putin and Xi at Pennsylvania rally

You guys are funny.

Before he was elected and prior to COVID he was going to be this crazy dictator.
Then during COVID he wasn’t nearly dictatorial enough for you
Now that he’s out of office the “he’s a dictator“ mantra is back.

Make up your mind already.
Proof in the pudding him is a psychotic nutcase.
The army can set up a line of machine guns to stop the invasion, but they have no power to detain or arrest. And the illegals as civilians are covered by the Geneva conventions, which means the army has to treat them as refugees.
The military can detain till the Border Patrol picks them up
These invaders

Says the lazy mfr who eats the fruits and vegetables they pick.
I would be happy to eat fruits and veggies picked by welfare bums after they are kicked off the dole

You dont even know what the topic is, do you?
This is the Leader of the repub party praising two Dictators.

Guess when there's no one left worth praising here for anything now in this pathetically democrat-controlled government except some angry old fool who despises and insults half the nation you just gotta look elsewhere.
You could literally hear a pin drop when he was gushing over Xi and Putin, LMAO.
Just for argument's sake. How do you know that? How do you even know what classified documents he had? Where is this information and why are you privilege to it? Are you releasing information about an ongoing investigation? Wouldnt that be illegal?
First off, why aren't you asking the dope I replied to "how do you know he declassified them?"

If he had declassified them there would be a record of that, because there's a process to doing so that he does not have the power or authority to do an end-run around, or shortcut.
I have little doubt he is doing that. If the FBI has proof...he should executed.
You liberals don't know what real evidence is. Either you refuse to watch 2000 Mules or you continue to deny the evidence from the documentary.
You are babbling nonsense

With all the poor needy people in America collecting welfare already the last thing we need is 5 million to 25 million more
Among the tactics of fascism is to contrive an ‘enemy’ by vilifying a people who in fact pose no threat at all – for the American fascist right that ‘enemy’ is Hispanic immigrants.

This of course is consistent with the racism and bigotry of the right, white grievance politics, and racist replacement theory.
Because BOTH are better leaders than the enemy democrats trying to destroy us from within. Biden is helping China kill Americans by partnering with drug cartels to distribute fentanyl. Trump didn't do that. Biden did.

Problem is you seem to think the Republicans are better. Are they? No, the whole system is messed up. Each side coming up with crazy policies to keep their crazies happy because these morons who can't make a decent argument, a decent decision, actually have the VOTE.

And the voting system is so ridiculous too.
Largest Trump voting state in 2020. CALIFORNIA. Got ZERO EC seats for Trump. WTF?
You know, if you didn't want people to think the election was rigged, your cohorts in the media should have kept their mouths shut. Between the TIME magazine victory lap and Mark Zuckerberg pointing out that the FBI was telling them to restrict the free flow of information it's pretty obvious that this election was like no other.
To propagate the lie that the 2020 presidential election as ‘stolen’ is to be an enemy of democracy.

To propagate the lie that President Biden is not the legitimate president is to be an enemy of democracy.

And to propagate the lie that voter ‘fraud’ exists to the extent that the outcome of elections are ‘changed’ is to be an enemy of democracy.

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