trump praises Putin and Xi at Pennsylvania rally

You are not making any sense

You want biden to send US troops to ukraine whereas trump snd myself do not

You are the one making use of nukes more likely
Read my posts instead of ignoring them, and pretending I said something different than posted.
With all the poor needy people in America collecting welfare already the last thing we need is 5 million to 25 million more
Many of these Illegals are hard working, doing the jobs that welfare recipients refuse to do.

I say we take all the welfare recipients, give them guns, AR-15 and lots of ammo, and set them up at the border(S) and make them EARN their pay/welfare check by keeping these illegals out.
Actually that's the point. Trump has no accounting for when he declassified any of the documents. And such actions can't be done on an automatic, uninformed basis.

The president has unlimited pardon power, but he can't invoke it as a policy that everyone that walks into the oval office, gets a full and complete president pardon.

As the head of the Executive, the President can declassify anything he wants without explanation. He's the top of the classification authority hierarchy. And you have no idea how the process works. You've never been President, worked for an Administration and Im betting have zero experience in the intel field. That's not to say it's a good idea for him to set that policy but I dont think there is any legal restriction from him doing it.
Many of these Illegals are hard working, doing the jobs that welfare recipients refuse to do.

I say we take all the welfare recipients, give them guns, AR-15 and lots of ammo, and set them up at the border(S) and make them EARN their pay/welfare check by keeping these illegals out.
That'd be too much work for them.
Many of these Illegals are hard working, doing the jobs that welfare recipients refuse to do.

I say we take all the welfare recipients, give them guns, AR-15 and lots of ammo, and set them up at the border(S) and make them EARN their pay/welfare check by keeping these illegals out.
I would stop giving able bodied welfare bums a check

When they get hungry enough they will go back to work
As the head of the Executive, the President can declassify anything he wants without explanation. He's the top of the classification authority hierarchy. And you have no idea how the process works.
The process works as specified by various presidential executive orders. These are essentially the laws under which national security works.

This is the part that people get wrong. The president as top of the food chain, can issue new executive orders that add to, modify or delete sections of previous executive orders. But once enacted, even the president has to follow the procedures he puts in place.

The best analogy would be if the commissioner of baseball was playing in the major leagues, he could change the rules at any time. Everybody has to play by the rules in effect. But as commissioner he is free to change the rules, but only after the change goes into effect can he play by the new rules.
I would stop giving able bodied welfare bums a check

When they get hungry enough they will go back to work
Able bodied, for sure. They are bums.
But, as much as you hate it, there does exist some poor souls that need some assistance, and I'm willing to support that with my help.
That's not to say it's a good idea for him to set that policy but I dont think there is any legal restriction from him doing it.
The legal restriction is how he sets that policy. He has to obey the current policy, but is free to change it. But changing policy requires certain requirements from notification, to enactment procedures.

This is why several executive orders were overturned, because they violated the Administrative Procedures Act. A law of congress passed in 1946 to cover the procedures.
Trump prefers US troops at the Mexican border than in ukraine

Do you agree with him about that?
The Posse Comitatus Act Explained | Brennan Center for Justice

The Posse Comitatus Act is a United States federal law (18 U.S.C. § 1385, original at 20 Stat. 152) signed on June 18, 1878, by President Rutherford B. Hayes which limits the powers of the federal government in the use of federal military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the United States.
Able bodied, for sure. They are bums.
But, as much as you hate it, there does exist some poor souls that need some assistance, and I'm willing to support that with my help.
If they are physically unable to work

But most are faking it
The process works as specified by various presidential executive orders. These are essentially the laws under which national security works.

This is the part that people get wrong. The president as top of the food chain, can issue new executive orders that add to, modify or delete sections of previous executive orders. But once enacted, even the president has to follow the procedures he puts in place.

The best analogy would be if the commissioner of baseball was playing in the major leagues, he could change the rules at any time. Everybody has to play by the rules in effect. But as commissioner he is free to change the rules, but only after the change goes into effect can he play by the new rules.
Except there isn’t a formal process that’s been established.

So your argument is invalid. I’m not saying Trump declassified the documents, but it’s going to be hard to prove he didn’t given the current lack of process for such things.
The Posse Comitatus Act Explained | Brennan Center for Justice

The Posse Comitatus Act is a United States federal law (18 U.S.C. § 1385, original at 20 Stat. 152) signed on June 18, 1878, by President Rutherford B. Hayes which limits the powers of the federal government in the use of federal military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the United States.
Posse Comitatus prevents using regular uniformed military against US citizens and does not apply to repelling invaders at the mexican border
Trump said:

  • He said Biden shouldn't send troops to Ukraine and he'd "rather see our southern border protected."
Who can argue with that?

Do you want biden to send US troops to die in Ukraine?
Maybe Biden found a few straight guys in the military that he wants to kill off.
Except there isn’t a formal process that’s been established.

So your argument is invalid. I’m not saying Trump declassified the documents, but it’s going to be hard to prove he didn’t given the current lack of process for such things.
A 2009 executive order directs the head of a government agency that originally deemed information classified to oversee its declassification, and sets some rules for that process.

First, the president will consult all departments and agencies that have an interest in a classified document. Those departments or agencies then provide their assessment as to whether the document should stay classified for national security reasons. If there is a dispute among the agencies, they debate, but the president ultimately makes the decision on declassification, Immerman explained.

When documents are declassified, they are reviewed line-by-line. In many cases, certain words, sentences and paragraphs remain redacted, even if the document is declassified, Immerman said.

Though there aren’t specific protocols that the president must follow to declassify a document, federal courts have ruled that they will “refuse to recognize what they consider to be an inference of declassification,” McClanahan said.

The U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals wrote in a 2020 decision about whether statements made by then-President Trump declassified the existence of a CIA program that “declassification, even by the president, must follow established procedures.”

Your citation.

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