trump praises Putin and Xi at Pennsylvania rally

5 million illegal alien invaders from mexico are a more immediate threat than russians thousands of miles away in ukraine
Really. You don't think the thousands of nuclear warheads that Putin has aimed at the US, both land and sea, are a less immediate threat to the US?

A single nuclear weapon can destroy a city and kill most of its people. Several nuclear explosions over modern cities would kill tens of millions of people. Casualties from a major nuclear war between the US and Russia would reach hundreds of millions.
I have little doubt he is doing that. If the FBI has proof...he should executed.
Yep. A few CIA operatives have been murdered overseas in the past year. Guess who's responsible?
He has been charged with no crime of theft.
Biden was sworn in on the proper date and time with no incidents of violence.
There was no insurrection just a protest where some rioted and law enforcement restored order the same day.
Trumps lies are no worse than those told by the left from the day he was declared the winner in 2016 till today.
Who is the current President?
Not one Trump critic can ever admit he was right about anything you just double down on your TDS fuled rage and stupidity. Be careful how hard you throw stones in that glass house you live in.
He's being investigated for the crimes. True, no charges yet.
No incidents of violence if you ignore Jan6. WOW.
Insurrection/Riot/Tour event....whatever. "Hang Mike Pence."
"Kill Nancy." Babbit made it as far as she could, she lost.
Others made it to the empty offices and empty chambers, because they evacuated, even the (R) were scared of these 'tourists'.
Trumps lies led to the kidnapping attempt of a Governor and the FBI shooting. Directly related to the LIES trump told.
Yes Mac, Trump DID call what Putin did in the Ukraine "genius".

Donald Trump has said that Vladimir Putin is “very savvy” and made a “genius” move by declaring two regions of eastern Ukraine as independent states and moving Russian armed forces to them.

Trump said he saw the escalation of the Ukrainian crisis on TV “and I said: ‘This is genius.’ Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine … Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that’s wonderful.”

The former US president said that the Russian president had made a “smart move” by sending “the strongest peace force I’ve ever seen” to the area.

Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday described Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine as “genius” and “savvy,” praising his onetime counterpart for a move that has spurred sanctions and universal condemnation from the U.S. government and its trans-Atlantic allies.

“I went in yesterday and there was a television screen, and I said, ‘This is genius.’ Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine — of Ukraine — Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that’s wonderful,” Trump said in a radio interview with “The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show.” “He used the word ‘independent’ and ‘we’re gonna go out and we’re gonna go in and we’re gonna help keep peace.’ You gotta say that’s pretty savvy.”
Ultimately I think putin’s war with ukraine will fail

So in the long run its not genius

But putin is a clever man and trump is acknowledging that fact
He has been charged with no crime of theft.
Biden was sworn in on the proper date and time with no incidents of violence.
There was no insurrection just a protest where some rioted and law enforcement restored order the same day.
Trumps lies are no worse than those told by the left from the day he was declared the winner in 2016 till today.
Who is the current President?
Not one Trump critic can ever admit he was right about anything you just double down on your TDS fuled rage and stupidity. Be careful how hard you throw stones in that glass house you live in.
What you downplay is that a failed coup attempt is still a coup attempt.

An impotent rapist is still a rapist.
Really. You don't think the thousands of nuclear warheads that Putin has aimed at the US, both land and sea, are a less immediate threat to the US?

A single nuclear weapon can destroy a city and kill most of its people. Several nuclear explosions over modern cities would kill tens of millions of people. Casualties from a major nuclear war between the US and Russia would reach hundreds of millions.
You are not making any sense

You want biden to send US troops to ukraine whereas trump snd myself do not

You are the one making use of nukes more likely
5 million illegal alien invaders from mexico are a more immediate threat than russians thousands of miles away in ukraine

I oppose russian aggression and support biden when he resists putin

But that does not mean I will overlook your hysterical lies about trump
The only ‘threat’ from Mexico is that perceived by racists and bigots on the right – of brown people who speak Spanish.

Such is another manifestation of the neo-fascist right: of anti-immigrant nativism, of white grievance politics, and of racist replacement theory.
The only ‘threat’ from Mexico is that perceived by racists and bigots on the right – of brown people who speak Spanish.

Such is another manifestation of the neo-fascist right: of anti-immigrant nativism, of white grievance politics, and of racist replacement theory.
You are babbling nonsense

With all the poor needy people in America collecting welfare already the last thing we need is 5 million to 25 million more
That's an outstanding talking point, but it's certainly NOT FACT.

And this.>>>>>>. Top Secret Document, if Declassified, still contains the same Top Secret Information.
And WHY did trump take them??????

They were declassified, and maybe they had information about the democrat party FBI and the illegal FISA warrants.....
Trump and his supporters continue their war on democracy.

To lie that the 2020 General Election as ‘stolen,’ to lie that President Biden is not the legitimate president, to lie that Democrats ‘cheated’ to win the WH in 2020 is to attack democracy and to be an enemy of democracy.
You know, if you didn't want people to think the election was rigged, your cohorts in the media should have kept their mouths shut. Between the TIME magazine victory lap and Mark Zuckerberg pointing out that the FBI was telling them to restrict the free flow of information it's pretty obvious that this election was like no other.
No one said they were "pushovers" but Putin has most certainly ended his reign of terror with this ill-conceived war against the Ukraine.

Somebody tried to kill his closest advisor. The US government says the Russians lost upward of 70,000 active soldiers either killed or wounded, and the Russian economy is crushed.

Xi is proceeding cautiously but he has much more to lose in dealings with the west. I don't see Xi wanting conventional war. He using the Chinese trade surplus to make friends and influence Third World Nations the same way the USA did in the 1960's - to build infrastructure to promote trade with China.

Xi is looking for economic dominance over military control. You don't see the Chinese setting up military bases all over the world. They're building deep sea ports, and modern seaport facilities for their Silk Road trade routes.

Did any of these people try to prevent the peaceful transfer of power?????

Did any of these people go around the country denying that their opponent was the legal President, and begging to have the results of the election overturned???

Did any of these people fundraise on the idea that their election was stolen?

Did any of these people go around the country denying that their opponent was the legal President, and begging to have the results of the election overturned???

You mean like hilary and the democrats did after Bush beat Gore in 2000, then when he beat Kerry in 2004, and when Trump Beat hilary in 2016? When the democrats declared that those elections were stolen? You mean like that?

Did any of these people try to prevent the peaceful transfer of power?????

Trump and his supporters didn't do that......while the democrat party brown shirts, blm and antifa swore that if biden lost, they would burn more mean like that?
There have been a number of our posters here who are very upfront about wanted an authoritarian government to put women and minorities in their place.
Democrats showed us all during COVID who the authoritarians are and seriously, the left is literally erasing women and you want to pretend that it's a problem on the right? Democrats think anyone can be a woman. All you have to do is proclaim it to be so.
Democrats showed us all during COVID who the authoritarians are and seriously, the left is literally erasing women and you want to pretend that it's a problem on the right? Democrats think anyone can be a woman. All you have to do is proclaim it to be so.

The movement to trans simply another way to reduce population........when they mutilate children cause "trans," they make them sterile, unable to produce more of the hidden agendas of the trans movement...
The movement to trans simply another way to reduce population........when they mutilate children cause "trans," they make them sterile, unable to produce more of the hidden agendas of the trans movement...
The lifestyle depends on recruitment. They do not care about the children.
They were declassified,

Did any of these people go around the country denying that their opponent was the legal President, and begging to have the results of the election overturned???

You mean like hilary and the democrats did after Bush beat Gore in 2000, then when he beat Kerry in 2004, and when Trump Beat hilary in 2016? When the democrats declared that those elections were stolen? You mean like that?

Did any of these people try to prevent the peaceful transfer of power?????

Trump and his supporters didn't do that......while the democrat party brown shirts, blm and antifa swore that if biden lost, they would burn more mean like that?
trump does something and the RWI's have to wait for their talking points to LIE.

Illegal RAID
He didn't take any documents
The affidavit.
He didn't do the packing
Security Cameras
trumps Lawyers ignored
He declassified them by saying "Abracadabra"
But 33,000 Hillary Emails
Illegal Search
9 Hours........RAID
FBI planted evidence
But 30 Million Obama Documents
FBI stole some evidence
Witch Hunt
Melania's underware

ALL this New Stuff in 20-some days.
Talking Point Memo Writers have been busy.

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