trump praises Putin and Xi at Pennsylvania rally

Problem is you seem to think the Republicans are better. Are they? No, the whole system is messed up. Each side coming up with crazy policies to keep their crazies happy because these morons who can't make a decent argument, a decent decision, actually have the VOTE.

And the voting system is so ridiculous too.
Largest Trump voting state in 2020. CALIFORNIA. Got ZERO EC seats for Trump. WTF?
Voting in California can't be trusted because it is so fraudulent.

Los Angeles County had a recall election for Soros Backed district attorney, George Gascon. There was twice as many signatures on the recall petition. The registrar of voters threw out a number of no match signatures. There was still enough left to qualify. More signatures were disqualified. The number of people that wanted this dangerous man out, the State made a THIRD PASS throwing out over 200,000 no match signatures. The recall committee wanted to review the disqualified signatures. Too bad they were all destroyed. Gaston is still putting killers back on the street.

Elections in California are controlled by fraud.
Problem is you seem to think the Republicans are better. Are they? No, the whole system is messed up. Each side coming up with crazy policies to keep their crazies happy because these morons who can't make a decent argument, a decent decision, actually have the VOTE.

And the voting system is so ridiculous too.
Largest Trump voting state in 2020. CALIFORNIA. Got ZERO EC seats for Trump. WTF?
As conservatives like to tell everyone: the United States isn’t a democracy.
Voting in California can't be trusted because it is so fraudulent.

Los Angeles County had a recall election for Soros Backed district attorney, George Gascon. There was twice as many signatures on the recall petition. The registrar of voters threw out a number of no match signatures. There was still enough left to qualify. More signatures were disqualified. The number of people that wanted this dangerous man out, the State made a THIRD PASS throwing out over 200,000 no match signatures. The recall committee wanted to review the disqualified signatures. Too bad they were all destroyed. Gaston is still putting killers back on the street.

Elections in California are controlled by fraud.
A Monday news release from the county said the signatures were found to be invalid for various reasons, including signers not being registered to vote, signing more than once, listing different addresses than their voter registrations, using signatures that didn’t match their voter registration signatures, and living outside the county.
It’s the fundamental nature of the blind partisan right – blindly support any Republican president no matter how wrong and reprehensible.
Yet you and every lefturd here supports Pedo Peter showering with his underage daughter. Showing us exactly what you are.
Voting in California can't be trusted because it is so fraudulent.

Los Angeles County had a recall election for Soros Backed district attorney, George Gascon. There was twice as many signatures on the recall petition. The registrar of voters threw out a number of no match signatures. There was still enough left to qualify. More signatures were disqualified. The number of people that wanted this dangerous man out, the State made a THIRD PASS throwing out over 200,000 no match signatures. The recall committee wanted to review the disqualified signatures. Too bad they were all destroyed. Gaston is still putting killers back on the street.

Elections in California are controlled by fraud.

Right.... voting in any place which votes Democrat must be fraudulent because how could anyone vote for anyone I don't like????

The reality is fraud doesn't matter. The will of the people is not being met in elections which are 105% clean.
A Monday news release from the county said the signatures were found to be invalid for various reasons, including signers not being registered to vote, signing more than once, listing different addresses than their voter registrations, using signatures that didn’t match their voter registration signatures, and living outside the county.
Uh huh. Sure.
No one believes that crock.
What does that have to do with anything?
It has to do with realism

AKA know thy enemy

Trump knows putin in evil AND smart

Biden is a senile, crooked old fool

But he is having a lucid moment about ukraine and it does not hurt my standing as a trump supporter to say so

The truth does not hurt MAGA types the way it does libs
Among the tactics of fascism is to contrive an ‘enemy’ by vilifying a people who in fact pose no threat at all – for the American fascist right that ‘enemy’ is Hispanic immigrants.

This of course is consistent with the racism and bigotry of the right, white grievance politics, and racist replacement theory.

If hungry hispanics demanding a place in the welfare line are so desirable the dem mayor of New York and DC would welcome them instead of attacking Gov Abbot

Instead they complain about the pressure on social services that more mouths to feed represents
when did the Russian economy collapse?

Hillary didnt say on multiple occasions on national tv that Trump was an illegitimate president and that the election was stolen from her? Really? I must have dreamed that shit.

Abrame to this day says she was cheated in the last Gubernatorial election in Georgia.

I dont think there has been a Presidential election that the Democrats have lost that they haven’t said was rigged, stolen or they were cheated since Bush Sr won

I never once heard Hillary say Trump was an "illegitimate" President, but then I don't claim to have heard every interview she's given in the past 6 years.

There has only been one Presidential election that Republicans have won since 1992, and that was 2006, and yet Republicans have held the White House for 12 of those 30 years.

The two Presidents inflicted on the nation by the Electoral College have been two of the worst Presidents in American history.

Abrams WAS cheated in the governnors election in Georgia. More than 50,000 voter registrations were denied before the election from predominently Democratic areas of the state because of "exact match" name requirements. The Courts ruled that the exact match registration refusals were unconstitutional and voter suppression.
Whenever some Trumper claims that Biden is in bed with China, remember all the times that Trump has praised him, and other dictators.

March 4 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.

“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

October 1 2018
Trump praised Kim at a campaign rally on Saturday, saying that he and the North Korean leader “fell in love.”

“I was really being tough and so was he,” Trump said. “And we would go back and forth. And then we fell in love. No really. He wrote me beautiful letters.”

“They were great letters. And then we fell in love,” he continued.

Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow - if so, will he become my new best friend?

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 19, 2013
Can you point to all the dictatorial thing he did while President? I don’t particularly like Trump but the “he’s a dictator” narrative doesnt fit his actions in office

December 11 2018
“If we don’t get what we want, one way or the other through you or the military or anybody else, yes I will shut down the government,” Trump said, sitting next to leader of the House Democrats, Nancy Pelosi, and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer as press cameras rolled. “I am proud to shut down the government for border security.”

On December 11, President Trump held a televised meeting with Speaker-designate Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer in the Oval Office and asked them to support an appropriation of $5.7 billion for funding of a border wall along the U.S. southern border with Mexico. They refused, resulting in an argument between Trump and both Congressional leaders. During the contentious discussion, Trump remarked, "I am proud to shut down the government for border security ... I will be the one to shut [the government] down. I'm not going to blame you for it ... I will take the mantle.

The shutdown started December 22.
On January 25, House Democrats prepared a compromise proposal to reopen the government, which would provide $5 billion for border security but no wall construction.
However, the shutdown ended the same day.

October 7 2020
Donald Trump mounted an overnight Twitter blitz demanding to jail his political enemies and call out allies he says are failing to arrest his rivals swiftly enough.

Trump twice amplified supporters’ criticisms of Attorney General William Barr, including one featuring a meme calling on him to “arrest somebody!” He wondered aloud why his rivals, like President Barack Obama, Democratic nominee Joe Biden and former Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton hadn’t been imprisoned for launching a “coup” against his administration.

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It has to do with realism

AKA know thy enemy

Trump knows putin in evil AND smart

Biden is a senile, crooked old fool

But he is having a lucid moment about ukraine and it does not hurt my standing as a trump supporter to say so

The truth does not hurt MAGA types the way it does libs

Trump WORSHIPS Putin. He has never once been anything but obsequious and flattering to Putin. Embarassingly so. Watch Helsinki again.
You guys are funny.

Before he was elected and prior to COVID he was going to be this crazy dictator.
Then during COVID he wasn’t nearly dictatorial enough for you
Now that he’s out of office the “he’s a dictator“ mantra is back.

Make up your mind already.
Yep, we know you like Putin and Z.
Trump WORSHIPS Putin. He has never once been anything but obsequious and flattering to Putin. Embarassingly so. Watch Helsinki again.
There was no rissian invasion of ukraine while trump was president

Biden, not so much

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