Trump prevents CIA's Gina Haspel from briefing Senate on Khashoggi’s killing!

Trump lies to the American people, claiming there's is no evidence that Prince Mohammed had anything to do with Khashoggi's murder. Trump in doing so, contradicted the CIA's investigation. Trump also refused to listen to the audio tapes of the murder. CIA director traveled to Istanbul to listen to those tapes.
It certainly appears that Trump does not want the truth out and to be exposed lying to America (again).
This is blatant bullshit.
White House prevents Gina Haspel from briefing Senate on Khashoggi murder

The orange clown can expect that audio to be "leaked"somehow and somewhere (some foreign outlet?).......and let the moron claim its "fake news" and an altered recording pointing the finger toward one of his money-man, the crown prince.
“This is further evidence that the White House is trying to outdo the Saudis in carrying out the worst cover-up in modern history,” Riedel added
You don't know shit....all speculation all the time.....Trump is protecting the people of the United States and their livelihood...the dems are willing to ruin the economy and ruin peoples lives because they want power can anyone be on their side?.....
Apparently the only evidence Trump requires as to the guilt or innocence of his customers is a firm "Nuh-uh!" Never mind a mountain of factual evidence pointing to clear guilt.

Money talks, and the guilty walk. As long as they are paying customers.

Trump isn't making America great again. I can't see any fucking daylight between him and every other corrupt piece of shit.
“I like the Saudis, they’re very nice. I make a lot of money with them. They buy all sorts of my stuff, all kinds of toys from Trump. They pay me millions and hundreds of millions.”
- Donald Trump, 2015

We got him now! ®

Tell Mueller! You cracked the case wide open!
Trump lies to the American people, claiming there's is no evidence that Prince Mohammed had anything to do with Khashoggi's murder. Trump in doing so, contradicted the CIA's investigation. Trump also refused to listen to the audio tapes of the murder. CIA director traveled to Istanbul to listen to those tapes.
It certainly appears that Trump does not want the truth out and to be exposed lying to America (again).
This is blatant bullshit.
White House prevents Gina Haspel from briefing Senate on Khashoggi murder

The orange clown can expect that audio to be "leaked"somehow and somewhere (some foreign outlet?).......and let the moron claim its "fake news" and an altered recording pointing the finger toward one of his money-man, the crown prince.

Is the Crown Prince on that tape, Jake? Are you going to take on the Saudis?

Service Commitment
Apparently the only evidence Trump requires as to the guilt or innocence of his customers is a firm "Nuh-uh!" Never mind a mountain of factual evidence pointing to clear guilt.

Money talks, and the guilty walk. As long as they are paying customers.

Trump isn't making America great again. I can't see any fucking daylight between him and every other corrupt piece of shit
The financial health of the nation and the hard working American citizens out weigh one Muslim Brotherhood 12th century throwback....hey do you have Chinese goods in your home?...
Trump is pro American not pro Muslim Brotherhood like you and Obama....
"John Bolton says he won’t listen to the tape of the Khashoggi murder because he doesn’t speak Arabic. Fire him. Immediately. How can he keep us safe if he doesn’t listen to the 80% of the world that doesn’t speak English, or the 6,500 other languages in the world? He can’t."
I love receiving the laughing emoticons with no attached means I've beaten you....and you know it....
Apparently the only evidence Trump requires as to the guilt or innocence of his customers is a firm "Nuh-uh!" Never mind a mountain of factual evidence pointing to clear guilt.

Money talks, and the guilty walk. As long as they are paying customers.

Trump isn't making America great again. I can't see any fucking daylight between him and every other corrupt piece of shit
The financial health of the nation and the hard working American citizens out weigh one Muslim Brotherhood 12th century throwback....hey do you have Chinese goods in your home?...
Trump is pro American not pro Muslim Brotherhood like you and Obama....

How many jobs and how much money will it add to the US's economy? Wasn't it originally an Obama deal?
Bruce Riedel of the Brookings Institute's Center for Middle East Policy labeled the deal "fake news," arguing that based on conversations with contacts in the defense industry and on Capitol Hill, the alleged deal was essentially "a bunch of letters of interest or intent, but not contracts."
Speaking to The Washington Post on Wednesday, Riedel said Trump's oft-repeated figure of $110 billion was "still fake." The newspaper noted that the State Department had announced six deals worth a combined total of $4 billion since Trump's 2017 trip to Saudi Arabia, and that many deals lacked delivery dates or had dates that were years away. Former President Barack Obama offered weapons sales totaling $115 billion to Riyadh, about half of which resulted in actual agreements, according to the article.
Still, Saudi Arabia leads the list for U.S. weapons exports and is itself the world's second-largest arms importer. Saudi Arabia received $9 billion in weapons from the U.S. between 2013 and 2017, and last year alone garnered some $3.4 billion
How much does the U.S. make on arms sales to Saudi? Trump's figures and royal ties are challenged
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Trump lies to the American people, claiming there's is no evidence that Prince Mohammed had anything to do with Khashoggi's murder. Trump in doing so, contradicted the CIA's investigation. Trump also refused to listen to the audio tapes of the murder. CIA director traveled to Istanbul to listen to those tapes.
It certainly appears that Trump does not want the truth out and to be exposed lying to America (again).
This is blatant bullshit.
White House prevents Gina Haspel from briefing Senate on Khashoggi murder

The orange clown can expect that audio to be "leaked"somehow and somewhere (some foreign outlet?).......and let the moron claim its "fake news" and an altered recording pointing the finger toward one of his money-man, the crown prince.

At this point, what difference does it make?
Trump lies to the American people, claiming there's is no evidence that Prince Mohammed had anything to do with Khashoggi's murder. Trump in doing so, contradicted the CIA's investigation. Trump also refused to listen to the audio tapes of the murder. CIA director traveled to Istanbul to listen to those tapes.
It certainly appears that Trump does not want the truth out and to be exposed lying to America (again).
This is blatant bullshit.
White House prevents Gina Haspel from briefing Senate on Khashoggi murder

How is it that the CIA investigation's results are known?
Apparently the only evidence Trump requires as to the guilt or innocence of his customers is a firm "Nuh-uh!" Never mind a mountain of factual evidence pointing to clear guilt.

Money talks, and the guilty walk. As long as they are paying customers.

Trump isn't making America great again. I can't see any fucking daylight between him and every other corrupt piece of shit.

Isn't Khasoggi just another "bump in the road" the same way Obama described the 4 dead Americans at Benghazi?
"John Bolton says he won’t listen to the tape of the Khashoggi murder because he doesn’t speak Arabic. Fire him. Immediately. How can he keep us safe if he doesn’t listen to the 80% of the world that doesn’t speak English, or the 6,500 other languages in the world? He can’t."
Durka durka Jihad sherpa sherpa
Apparently the only evidence Trump requires as to the guilt or innocence of his customers is a firm "Nuh-uh!" Never mind a mountain of factual evidence pointing to clear guilt.

Money talks, and the guilty walk. As long as they are paying customers.

Trump isn't making America great again. I can't see any fucking daylight between him and every other corrupt piece of shit.

Isn't Khasoggi just another "bump in the road" the same way Obama described the 4 dead Americans at Benghazi?

You mean, this "bump in the road"?
In the interview, Obama was asked if the recent anti-American protests in Egypt, Libya and other countries had made him rethink the administration's support for the revolutions that have rocked the Middle East over the past year and a half.
“I think it was absolutely the right thing for us to do to align ourselves with democracy, universal rights a notion that people have to be able to participate in their own governance,” Obama said. “But I was pretty certain and continue to be pretty certain that there are going to be bumps in the road because, you know, in a lot of these places, the one organizing principle has been Islam. The one part of society that hasn't been controlled completely by the government. There are strains of extremism, and anti-Americanism, and anti-Western sentiment.”
White House defends Obama's 'bump in the road' comment
I didn't see anything about Benghazi. Please point out where the "bump in the road" and Benghazi are tied together in his statement.
It's clear in reality, that Obama was addressing his failed "Arab Spring" thing.
Little Trumps distort the truth and at the same time, openly accept lies from their Superhero Trump.
bull crap! they can do it behind closed doors with only the Intelligence Select committee, which is limited to a handful, with the highest top secret level clearance
Not with today's accepted leaky reality....nothing that makes Trump look bad stays behind closed doors.....Trump is wising up to that reality....
So you are admitting that President Trump is LYING about the Crown Prince's involvement with Khashoggi's brutal, premeditated murder, and Gina Haspel's testimony would make President Trump look bad?
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Apparently the only evidence Trump requires as to the guilt or innocence of his customers is a firm "Nuh-uh!" Never mind a mountain of factual evidence pointing to clear guilt.

Money talks, and the guilty walk. As long as they are paying customers.

Trump isn't making America great again. I can't see any fucking daylight between him and every other corrupt piece of shit.

Isn't Khasoggi just another "bump in the road" the same way Obama described the 4 dead Americans at Benghazi?

You mean, this "bump in the road"?
In the interview, Obama was asked if the recent anti-American protests in Egypt, Libya and other countries had made him rethink the administration's support for the revolutions that have rocked the Middle East over the past year and a half.
“I think it was absolutely the right thing for us to do to align ourselves with democracy, universal rights a notion that people have to be able to participate in their own governance,” Obama said. “But I was pretty certain and continue to be pretty certain that there are going to be bumps in the road because, you know, in a lot of these places, the one organizing principle has been Islam. The one part of society that hasn't been controlled completely by the government. There are strains of extremism, and anti-Americanism, and anti-Western sentiment.”
White House defends Obama's 'bump in the road' comment
I didn't see anything about Benghazi. Please point out where the "bump in the road" and Benghazi are tied together in his statement.
It's clear in reality, that Obama was addressing his failed "Arab Spring" thing.
Little Trumps distort the truth and at the same time, openly accept lies from their Superhero Trump.
bengazi bump in the road - Bing video
Excuse me, but since when did liberals become so buddy buddy with the CIA?

Since when did Conservatives side with a pathologically lying game show host over our own intelligence services?

Oh, yeah. Since they joined the Cult of Personality that is our current administration.

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