trump promised pardon for CBP head who he encouraged to break law

I was away for awhile and upon my return it has not changed, the same old We Hate Trump is still going on. That is so funny most of the other boardsl it does change a little and not stale.

MORON......Instead of bitching that the "I Hate Trump" still goes on, why don't you get your head out of your ass and "think" on your own of all the things that the orange fuckhead does on a DAILY basis, and that THAT is why the number of people hating this scourge keeps going on.......

Come up for air and DO get your head out of your (or Trump's) ASS.
Dear GOD put an end to Scumpt

Trump's Fed pick Stephen Moore is a self-described 'radical' who said he's…

We "misunderstood" Trump a bit......
He did NOT mean that he'd "drain the swamp"....He meant "I'll get my fucking cabinet and staff FROM the swamp"

The Founders never thought a complete moron would be elected to the WH.....BUT THEN trump WAS...

Giving trump pardoning power would be like the Treasury Dept. naming Al Capone as its Commissioner....

Says yet another anonymous source
And republicans voted the biggest con man ever ,the vilest pos ever into our presidency

Who was the source? Why do you tards keep falling for it?
Nowhere in our history going back to Lincoln and the war between states has any President divided America as this lying cheating ass Trump has done and no ,I have no link

Lol, says the guy who quotes yet another anonymous source.
Face it, if the source said who he/she was, you would just call him/her a liar.
Wouldn't you?
I'm hoping all this yap will cause the President to go on Twitter and tell us all that goddamned right he said it and he meant it, too. His lawyers are figuring out a way to put it so it sounds legal.

Really? Don’t think so. But really can’t say because every time the news printed a story from an anonymous source so far they have ended up looking stupid for printing crap. As in not true.

Actually....on several occasions...after denials from the trump regime...the POS in Chief admits the report is true.
Says yet another anonymous source
Who was the source? Why do you tards keep falling for it?
Nowhere in our history going back to Lincoln and the war between states has any President divided America as this lying cheating ass Trump has done and no ,I have no link

Lol, says the guy who quotes yet another anonymous source.
Face it, if the source said who he/she was, you would just call him/her a liar.
Wouldn't you?
I'm hoping all this yap will cause the President to go on Twitter and tell us all that goddamned right he said it and he meant it, too. His lawyers are figuring out a way to put it so it sounds legal.

Really? Don’t think so. But really can’t say because every time the news printed a story from an anonymous source so far they have ended up looking stupid for printing crap. As in not true.

Actually....on several occasions...after denials from the trump regime...the POS in Chief admits the report is true.

The source was who?
This story is a rough one for our resident "law and order" nutbags. They won't face it head on. Deflection will rule the day.

The president has committed a crime here. And Trombies will look away again.

trump can ask Russians to hack political opponents. He can commit obstruction in public view and ....NOTHING.....the DOJ sees NOTHING!

When Trump made that comment the DOJ was run by Barack Obama...DUH?

And Mueller should have found it Obstruction....which he probably did....but since we never have seenthe report..

Give it up, Jim. Mueller didn't find anything. How do you claim "obstruction" of something that was a joke in the first place? Because Trump vehemently defended himself against claims of "collusion" by people like based on less than zero based on lies told by the Clinton camp?

He found evidence of Obstruction but Barr.....who is trump's whore....and Rosenstein....who trump made a deal with after the "wear a wire" comment decided not to pursue Obstruction.

We will see in the report.....and the SDNY was handed some pretty juicy crimes on trump to investigate.
Nowhere in our history going back to Lincoln and the war between states has any President divided America as this lying cheating ass Trump has done and no ,I have no link

Lol, says the guy who quotes yet another anonymous source.
Face it, if the source said who he/she was, you would just call him/her a liar.
Wouldn't you?
I'm hoping all this yap will cause the President to go on Twitter and tell us all that goddamned right he said it and he meant it, too. His lawyers are figuring out a way to put it so it sounds legal.

Really? Don’t think so. But really can’t say because every time the news printed a story from an anonymous source so far they have ended up looking stupid for printing crap. As in not true.

Actually....on several occasions...after denials from the trump regime...the POS in Chief admits the report is true.

The source was who?

This is just one example of trump admitting a story that the WH initially denied....because HE IS AN IDIOT!

The Founders never thought a complete moron would be elected to the WH.....BUT THEN trump WAS...

Giving trump pardoning power would be like the Treasury Dept. naming Al Capone as its Commissioner....

Like any cheap criminal, Trump is ordering a cabinet member to BREAK THE LAW....because he would pardon him as long as he remains loyal to this orange scumbag......

The weak spined GOP senators better step up........Trump is UNHINGED.
So you missed the whole part where Trump really ordered nothing but it is reported that he did so. Reportedly. Did you see it right there. That means its not a fact.

Now that the court has said that Trump can force the invaders to stay in Mexico, what happens? Will democrats start killing themselves?
Lol, says the guy who quotes yet another anonymous source.
Face it, if the source said who he/she was, you would just call him/her a liar.
Wouldn't you?
I'm hoping all this yap will cause the President to go on Twitter and tell us all that goddamned right he said it and he meant it, too. His lawyers are figuring out a way to put it so it sounds legal.

Really? Don’t think so. But really can’t say because every time the news printed a story from an anonymous source so far they have ended up looking stupid for printing crap. As in not true.

Actually....on several occasions...after denials from the trump regime...the POS in Chief admits the report is true.

The source was who?

This is just one example of trump admitting a story that the WH initially denied....because HE IS AN IDIOT!

The other piece of crap president, Andrew Jackson, ordered Natives to walk a thousand miles which was infamously known as the Trail of Tears........Maybe Trump can march these immigrants the same way since he IS a racist pig who ONLY wants his moronic base to love and admire his "manliness."
Face it, if the source said who he/she was, you would just call him/her a liar.
Wouldn't you?
I'm hoping all this yap will cause the President to go on Twitter and tell us all that goddamned right he said it and he meant it, too. His lawyers are figuring out a way to put it so it sounds legal.

Really? Don’t think so. But really can’t say because every time the news printed a story from an anonymous source so far they have ended up looking stupid for printing crap. As in not true.

Actually....on several occasions...after denials from the trump regime...the POS in Chief admits the report is true.

The source was who?

This is just one example of trump admitting a story that the WH initially denied....because HE IS AN IDIOT!

The other piece of crap president, Andrew Jackson, ordered Natives to walk a thousand miles which was infamously known as the Trail of Tears........Maybe Trump can march these immigrants the same way since he IS a racist pig who ONLY wants his moronic base to love and admire his "manliness."

Yet you applaud the democrats making wetbacks thousands of miles with kidnapped children just to tell them they aren’t welcome where you live. Hypocrisy at its best.
Yet you applaud the democrats making wetbacks thousands of miles with kidnapped children just to tell them they aren’t welcome where you live. Hypocrisy at its best.

Go burn a cross somewhere and get an education.
Nat supports child exploitation.

Fake Family Units at the Border

Border patrol agents say they are alarmed by the growing number of migrants illegally crossing the border with children — who are not their own — to avoid long-term federal custody.

Deputy Chief Patrol Agent Raul Ortiz said he's seeing a growing number of migrant children crossing the border with people pretending to be their parents.

A decades-old settlement, known as the "Flores agreement," limits the amount of time U.S. officials can detain immigrant children — thus doing
Really? Don’t think so. But really can’t say because every time the news printed a story from an anonymous source so far they have ended up looking stupid for printing crap. As in not true.

Actually....on several occasions...after denials from the trump regime...the POS in Chief admits the report is true.

The source was who?

This is just one example of trump admitting a story that the WH initially denied....because HE IS AN IDIOT!

The other piece of crap president, Andrew Jackson, ordered Natives to walk a thousand miles which was infamously known as the Trail of Tears........Maybe Trump can march these immigrants the same way since he IS a racist pig who ONLY wants his moronic base to love and admire his "manliness."

Yet you applaud the democrats making wetbacks thousands of miles with kidnapped children just to tell them they aren’t welcome where you live. Hypocrisy at its best.

trump doesn't want people who are seeking a better life for their families to have a chance....

It's the old Republican Mantra

"We got ours,you don't. Screw you!"
Actually....on several occasions...after denials from the trump regime...the POS in Chief admits the report is true.

The source was who?

This is just one example of trump admitting a story that the WH initially denied....because HE IS AN IDIOT!

The other piece of crap president, Andrew Jackson, ordered Natives to walk a thousand miles which was infamously known as the Trail of Tears........Maybe Trump can march these immigrants the same way since he IS a racist pig who ONLY wants his moronic base to love and admire his "manliness."

Yet you applaud the democrats making wetbacks thousands of miles with kidnapped children just to tell them they aren’t welcome where you live. Hypocrisy at its best.

trump doesn't want people who are seeking a better life for their families to have a chance....

It's the old Republican Mantra

"We got ours,you don't. Screw you!"

Neither do you. You are okay with child exploitation, drugs and crime that’s flowing across the border, but y’all slam the door shut when they want to move into your neighborhood. Typical behavior of the party who kept slaves and fought a war to keep them.

The Founders never thought a complete moron would be elected to the WH.....BUT THEN trump WAS...

Giving trump pardoning power would be like the Treasury Dept. naming Al Capone as its Commissioner....

I don't know where you link goes, but I'm not clicking it.

Cause you are a coward like your Dear Leader....

What? Just who exactly is my "Dear Leader"?

The reason I won't click your link is because it has an odd URL target. Looking closer at it, it looks like you're demonstrating that "smart" technology only serves to make people dumber. You tried to copy/paste the link on your mobile, oblivious to the fact that what you're looking at on your mobile is not a proper link.
The source was who?

This is just one example of trump admitting a story that the WH initially denied....because HE IS AN IDIOT!

The other piece of crap president, Andrew Jackson, ordered Natives to walk a thousand miles which was infamously known as the Trail of Tears........Maybe Trump can march these immigrants the same way since he IS a racist pig who ONLY wants his moronic base to love and admire his "manliness."

Yet you applaud the democrats making wetbacks thousands of miles with kidnapped children just to tell them they aren’t welcome where you live. Hypocrisy at its best.

trump doesn't want people who are seeking a better life for their families to have a chance....

It's the old Republican Mantra

"We got ours,you don't. Screw you!"

Neither do you. You are okay with child exploitation, drugs and crime that’s flowing across the border, but y’all slam the door shut when they want to move into your neighborhood. Typical behavior of the party who kept slaves and fought a war to keep them.
Do you blame the grocer because you could be a fat slob like Trump ? We blame these scum sending drugs across the boarder for OUR drug problems How about us showing some responsibility?
This story is a rough one for our resident "law and order" nutbags. They won't face it head on. Deflection will rule the day.

The president has committed a crime here. And Trombies will look away again.

trump can ask Russians to hack political opponents. He can commit obstruction in public view and ....NOTHING.....the DOJ sees NOTHING!

When Trump made that comment the DOJ was run by Barack Obama...DUH?

And Mueller should have found it Obstruction....which he probably did....but since we never have seenthe report..

Give it up, Jim. Mueller didn't find anything. How do you claim "obstruction" of something that was a joke in the first place? Because Trump vehemently defended himself against claims of "collusion" by people like based on less than zero based on lies told by the Clinton camp?

He found evidence of Obstruction but Barr.....who is trump's whore....and Rosenstein....who trump made a deal with after the "wear a wire" comment decided not to pursue Obstruction.

We will see in the report.....and the SDNY was handed some pretty juicy crimes on trump to investigate.

And I suppose Mueller made a deal with Trump as well? You're shooting blanks, Jim...give it up!

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