trump promised pardon for CBP head who he encouraged to break law

The Founders never thought a complete moron would be elected to the WH.....BUT THEN trump WAS...

Giving trump pardoning power would be like the Treasury Dept. naming Al Capone as its Commissioner....

Says yet another anonymous source
Not too difficult to send the crazy left into a hysterical fit these days. Jimmy Carter issued a blanket pardon to every freaking coward draft dodger who renounced his citizenship and fled to Canada to avoid the draft. Bill Clinton pardoned the most notorious bank fraud embezzler in history while he was on the FBI's 10 most wanted in exchange for a couple of bucks donated to his library.
And republicans voted the biggest con man ever ,the vilest pos ever into our presidency

Who was the source? Why do you tards keep falling for it?
Nowhere in our history going back to Lincoln and the war between states has any President divided America as this lying cheating ass Trump has done and no ,I have no link
Forgetting about obasrard so soon? Scumbag stirred up race riots like no one else.
Only riots were started by racists nazi's and KKKers ,,Trumps base

The Founders never thought a complete moron would be elected to the WH.....BUT THEN trump WAS...

Giving trump pardoning power would be like the Treasury Dept. naming Al Capone as its Commissioner....

Says yet another anonymous source
Not too difficult to send the crazy left into a hysterical fit these days. Jimmy Carter issued a blanket pardon to every freaking coward draft dodger who renounced his citizenship and fled to Canada to avoid the draft. Bill Clinton pardoned the most notorious bank fraud embezzler in history while he was on the FBI's 10 most wanted in exchange for a couple of bucks donated to his library.
And republicans voted the biggest con man ever ,the vilest pos ever into our presidency

Who was the source? Why do you tards keep falling for it?
Nowhere in our history going back to Lincoln and the war between states has any President divided America as this lying cheating ass Trump has done and no ,I have no link
Forgetting about obasrard so soon? Scumbag stirred up race riots like no one else.
Only riots were started by racists nazi's and KKKers ,,Trumps base
Why do scum like you lie repeatedly? Nazi kkk nazi kkk broken record.

The Founders never thought a complete moron would be elected to the WH.....BUT THEN trump WAS...

Giving trump pardoning power would be like the Treasury Dept. naming Al Capone as its Commissioner....

Like any cheap criminal, Trump is ordering a cabinet member to BREAK THE LAW....because he would pardon him as long as he remains loyal to this orange scumbag......

The weak spined GOP senators better step up........Trump is UNHINGED.
Isn't that what Obama did when he created DACA?

There was a rumor that you grew a brain....just a rumor...
This story is a rough one for our resident "law and order" nutbags. They won't face it head on. Deflection will rule the day.

The president has committed a crime here. And Trombies will look away again.

trump can ask Russians to hack political opponents. He can commit obstruction in public view and ....NOTHING.....the DOJ sees NOTHING!
This story is a rough one for our resident "law and order" nutbags. They won't face it head on. Deflection will rule the day.

The president has committed a crime here. And Trombies will look away again.

trump can ask Russians to hack political opponents. He can commit obstruction in public view and ....NOTHING.....the DOJ sees NOTHING!
Because he was mocking the press...But you freaks are such dour, humorless, drips, that you can only laugh at slip-and-pratfall schadenfreude "humor".
This story is a rough one for our resident "law and order" nutbags. They won't face it head on. Deflection will rule the day.

The president has committed a crime here. And Trombies will look away again.

trump can ask Russians to hack political opponents. He can commit obstruction in public view and ....NOTHING.....the DOJ sees NOTHING!
Sorry to say the 30% of republicans that back trump come what may ,are traitors, and deserve what traitors get
This story is a rough one for our resident "law and order" nutbags. They won't face it head on. Deflection will rule the day.

The president has committed a crime here. And Trombies will look away again.

trump can ask Russians to hack political opponents. He can commit obstruction in public view and ....NOTHING.....the DOJ sees NOTHING!
Because he was mocking the press...But you freaks are such dour, humorless, drips, that you can only laugh at slip-and-pratfall schadenfreude "humor".
I lmao when Obama at a press club meeting made trump look like the supreme AH he is
You've got the worst cases of Trump Derangement Syndrome I've ever seen! It's amusing to watch the nonsense that each of you come up with.

Mr. Fuckhead......give it a rest with the same bullshit TDS.........Sane Americans MUST criticize the orange moron instead of being idiots like you with orange lips following the CULT mentality.

If you can't stop being a parroting idiot......GO TO BED.

The Founders never thought a complete moron would be elected to the WH.....BUT THEN trump WAS...

Giving trump pardoning power would be like the Treasury Dept. naming Al Capone as its Commissioner....

Defying an Obama judge is not breaking the law, commie fuck. Obama judges are not dictators who have the power to create law in the first place, traitor,
Just give trump some time....trump will admit it....cause he is LOSING HIS MIND!

It was never passed into law, shitferbrains.

Mr. Trump Ass Licker..........DACA like the Dream Act are POLICIES............Find a grown up to explain the difference between a law and a policy.
Define the difference between a presidential "PARDON" and a presidential "BRIBE" offering.
It was never passed into law, shitferbrains.

Mr. Trump Ass Licker..........DACA like the Dream Act are POLICIES............Find a grown up to explain the difference between a law and a policy.
It NEVER PASSED, fuckwit.... In 2001, like you stupidly claimed, or at any other time.

Go read your own words, dickless.
Giving trump pardoning power would be like the Treasury Dept. naming Al Capone as its Commissioner
Furthermore, giving Democrats like you control of our immigration system would be like giving an Islamic terrorist a few sticks of dynamite and pointing him in the direction of the Hoover Dam.
Actually, when Democrats DID have control last, guess what?
Obama did enforce the immigration laws. He wrote an EO that was not found unconstitutional and is supported by most of the people in this country. Meanwhile, Obama deported more illegals than any President before him.

Based on statements so far, Trump's plan to remove the undocumented immigrants who have committed crimes is similar to what President Obama declared in 2014. Here's a look at some of the numbers:

How many people have been deported under Obama?
President Barack Obama has often been referred to by immigration groups as the "Deporter in Chief."
Between 2009 and 2015 his administration has removed more than 2.5 million people through immigration orders, which doesn’t include the number of people who "self-deported" or were turned away and/or returned to their home country at the border by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

How does he compare to other presidents?
According to governmental data, the Obama administration has deported more people than any other president's administration in history.
In fact, they have deported more than the sum of all the presidents of the 20th century.

Obama Has Deported More People Than Any Other President

The Founders never thought a complete moron would be elected to the WH.....BUT THEN trump WAS...

Giving trump pardoning power would be like the Treasury Dept. naming Al Capone as its Commissioner....

Says yet another anonymous source
Not too difficult to send the crazy left into a hysterical fit these days. Jimmy Carter issued a blanket pardon to every freaking coward draft dodger who renounced his citizenship and fled to Canada to avoid the draft. Bill Clinton pardoned the most notorious bank fraud embezzler in history while he was on the FBI's 10 most wanted in exchange for a couple of bucks donated to his library.
And republicans voted the biggest con man ever ,the vilest pos ever into our presidency

Who was the source? Why do you tards keep falling for it?
Nowhere in our history going back to Lincoln and the war between states has any President divided America as this lying cheating ass Trump has done and no ,I have no link

Lol, says the guy who quotes yet another anonymous source.
Face it, if the source said who he/she was, you would just call him/her a liar.
Wouldn't you?
I'm hoping all this yap will cause the President to go on Twitter and tell us all that goddamned right he said it and he meant it, too. His lawyers are figuring out a way to put it so it sounds legal.
It was never passed into law, shitferbrains.

Mr. Trump Ass Licker..........DACA like the Dream Act are POLICIES............Find a grown up to explain the difference between a law and a policy.
It NEVER PASSED, fuckwit.... In 2001, like you stupidly claimed, or at any other time.

Go read your own words, dickless.
Odd one ,,,I want you Mr.Maga hat to see these people as People, Honest, hard working scared for their futures and Powerless to change anything in the face of American support for the Giant megacorps, the creating of the armed gangs, the creation of the sea of leftover arms and trained fighters from our anti-communism days, and the drug trade that is killing them because of OUR desire for these illegal and illicit drugs if a man overeats and gets fat you can't blame the grocer, or the food delivery driver, BUT essentially that is what we do in the drug enforcement, blame everyone for supplying OUR addiction, instead of dealing with our addiction..
I want you Mr MAGA hat to see that these folks would prefer NOT to make this harrowing trip, to be preyed upon by evil men and die on their journey, BUT that the alternative to staying home is worse, worse because we created the terror, the horror, and the poverty, we created the conditions that they are fleeing, and if we are NOT gonna fix what we broke, then we are going to continue to see these people come, Fix it there, or accept them here, either way, closing the border is not gonna stop it, Can you live with their deaths? if so, Then please stop pretending you know anything at all about God or Christ.

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