The greatest trump cover up....

So the death was concealed until a few days ago. It was politically expedient to do so....

trump the King of Bankruptcy and Cover Ups!

So, Trump is responsible for every sick child they try to sneak into the country when they are too far gone and on death's doorstep to get free healthcare and free immigration status because the Mexican government won't do anything for them even though they wouldn't be here at all in the first place if the wall was built? But the democrats are not responsible for all the crime, drugs and murder these very same people bring here after being deported multiple times and given sanctuary by them?

Now I understand why you want that border open!
I like how the border crisis is the Dems fault even though Trump & his goon squad controlled Washington for 2 years & did nothing about it except cage people. Trump & his mob failed with their policies & turned the crisis into a fucking circus with their utter stupidity. Own it ya fucks, instead of pointing fingers.

I love it how fossilized bone brains like you think Trump "owns" a problem after Obama and five other presidents didn't do a thing about the border over 30 years, did nothing but cage and release people too, and it is the democrats and their lackey judges who block securing the border every which way then gripe that Trump caused it.

So the death was concealed until a few days ago. It was politically expedient to do so....

trump the King of Bankruptcy and Cover Ups!

So, Trump is responsible for every sick child they try to sneak into the country when they are too far gone and on death's doorstep to get free healthcare and free immigration status because the Mexican government won't do anything for them even though they wouldn't be here at all in the first place if the wall was built? But the democrats are not responsible for all the crime, drugs and murder these very same people bring here after being deported multiple times and given sanctuary by them?

Now I understand why you want that border open!

The Mexican Government offered them all asylum which they refused. They want into the US and a free ride.

For my money they can all drop the fuck dead.
Non-story. Nobody really cares.

Yup. The only one's at fault are the parents who dragged their kid thousands of mile to end up on our border.

Personally I couldn't care less if they all drop the fuck dead.

Yes, we have enough of our own problems without people bringing more problems with them into our country. In Chicago this past weekend, 41 were shot--7 fatally, and this is pretty common on holiday weekends over there.
Non-story. Nobody really cares.

Yup. The only one's at fault are the parents who dragged their kid thousands of mile to end up on our border.

Personally I couldn't care less if they all drop the fuck dead.

Yes, we have enough of our own problems without people bringing more problems with them into our country. In Chicago this past weekend, 41 were shot--7 fatally, and this is pretty common on holiday weekends over there.

I guess alot of ribs were undercooked.

So the death was concealed until a few days ago. It was politically expedient to do so....

trump the King of Bankruptcy and Cover Ups!
It was not. The creepsisters in the Democrat Party were busy harassing President Trump over every thing imaginable, including beating up with all their might and main on Trump Supporters in full TDS nut mode.

Trump Supporters were trying to deflect the flying feces from your tribe, bucko.

That really shoots holes straight through your hilarious and expedient false charge of concealing a death. Even your reporters were all glued to their typewriters writing the usual negative spew ideas in their now nearly-empty brains to notice what was on the wire. So when they came up for air, they noticed the story, and said in unison and all together boys and girls "We'll claim Trump obstructed the flow of news!!!!!"

Gewfballs one and all. And you took the expedient bait, figuring you could pull the wool over USMB conservatives, but you, dear, have taught us to be chary of the things that topple off your monitor like rain off a duck's oily back. And we know it, too. :muahaha:

So the death was concealed until a few days ago. It was politically expedient to do so....

trump the King of Bankruptcy and Cover Ups!

So, Trump is responsible for every sick child they try to sneak into the country to get free healthcare and free immigration status because the Mexican government won't do anything for them even though they wouldn't be here at all in the first place if the wall was built? But the democrats are not responsible for all the crime, drugs and murder these very same people bring here after being deported multiple times and given sanctuary by them?

Once his henchmen take simeobe into custody....THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE....Yes....trump has empathy.

Well if the Democrats in Congress and their activist judges would have stopped these people from coming here long ago, that girl might be alive today. But Democrats are never responsible for anything, are they?

There was a plan....the Fuhrer blew it up. The GOP doesn't want a plan. They enjoy seeing brown and black people die.

Thank goodness we don't have a Fuhrer. That would be bad.
Only six "migrant" kids riddled with parasites and congenital diseases and sexually and physically abused by coyote slave traders died in U.S. custody so far? Thank you President Trump.
Non-story. Nobody really cares.
If you don’t care about children, why would you care about abortion?

You don't know what my stance is on abortion.

It doesn't matter. Their simple minds can't allow for independent thought. If you don't cowtow to the anti Trump line, you're evil, and if you're evil, you're guilty of whatever they dream up at the moment.

We had some tornadoes rip through the southern part of the state so maybe that had something to do with it. Global Warming trumps (no pun intended) immigrant kids any day of the week.
How many Mexican and Central American kids were killed with weapons supplied to Mexican drug cartels by the Obama administration in the insanity of "operation fast/furious"?
Trump’s your President, I hate libs and he’ll be President for the next 6 years, so deal with it you soft dumb fucks.
How many Mexican and Central American kids were killed with weapons supplied to Mexican drug cartels by the Obama administration in the insanity of "operation fast/furious"?

The better question is how many kids die on the way here because Nancy and activist liberal judges promise they will fight to let them into the country?

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