Trump Proves The GOP Sucks.

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Hillary is a dangerous liar and if the GOP work with her to fulfill her agenda I will walk away from them.
What, to make healthcare affordable? To make it so middle class people can retire at 65 and not die broke? Clean air? Pro choice? Common sense gun legislation? Defeat ISIS?
except the democrats did not make health care affordable, they made it mandatory and unusable due to the high deductibles. The middle class are farther from retirement now than they ever have been in history, and they will die broke, and if they happen to have something left when they die they cant even leave it to their children anymore. Common sense gun legislation? how about applying those exact same common sense legislations to voting. Both are rights, all rights are equal so you should be ok with that.
and defeat ISIS? wasn't it Hillary in the second debate that said she would go up against Russia, as in the Russia that is currently going after ISIS? sounds to me like she wants to protect that which she and the Kenyan created.
How are you so blind. Oh, that's right, free shit.
Yea, the last people to be able to retire at 65 are my union parents who were given good pay and a pension. What do you have? You argued "they shouldn't be paid so well" instead of arguing that "you should get the same fucking pay".

So now neither of you have it. Happy?
Remember Republicans complained that union workers insurance was too good? Cadillac Plans they called them. Jealous?
Will she do that? I predict no.
Sure she will.
Explain to us what you want to do. I bet zero taxes to get corporations to come back is part of it. Then America loses
Americans really lose when jobs come back dont they.
Why does Delaware have so many businesses incorporated in their state that actually dont even do business in Delaware.
How much more tax would be generated if a business came back to the states, and paid little or even no tax but employed a few hundred or thousand people that would be paying tax?
Your problem is that you like all liberals, want everyone else to pay your share of the taxes while you pay nothing. Its why the liberals are so against a flat tax with no deductions. It would mean everyone would pay and there would be no more of the bullshit that we have now where people get money back that they never even paid in.
So you want to shift the tax burden off the corporations and 100% on the workers.

Our income shouldn't even be taxed for crying out loud.
Why shouldn't our income be taxed? Military, roads, schools, they all need to be paid for.
what I should not be paying for is for someone else to have a house, or insurance or a phone or to eat. These are things that the individual should provide for themselves.
and lowering the cost to do business will bring down purchases prices which in turn would be almost as good as a pay raise.
not to mention it would bring more companies back in to the U.S, which means more jobs.
But jobs and self reliance are not what the democrats want to see. Democrats need poverty in order to stay in power with their promises of some free to live Utopia that can never happen.
Then have a road tax. Have a school tax. But don't tax my income. It's unconstitutional. I thought you cons knew that. I guess not.
Sure she will.
Explain to us what you want to do. I bet zero taxes to get corporations to come back is part of it. Then America loses
Americans really lose when jobs come back dont they.
Why does Delaware have so many businesses incorporated in their state that actually dont even do business in Delaware.
How much more tax would be generated if a business came back to the states, and paid little or even no tax but employed a few hundred or thousand people that would be paying tax?
Your problem is that you like all liberals, want everyone else to pay your share of the taxes while you pay nothing. Its why the liberals are so against a flat tax with no deductions. It would mean everyone would pay and there would be no more of the bullshit that we have now where people get money back that they never even paid in.
So you want to shift the tax burden off the corporations and 100% on the workers.

Our income shouldn't even be taxed for crying out loud.
Why shouldn't our income be taxed? Military, roads, schools, they all need to be paid for.
what I should not be paying for is for someone else to have a house, or insurance or a phone or to eat. These are things that the individual should provide for themselves.
and lowering the cost to do business will bring down purchases prices which in turn would be almost as good as a pay raise.
not to mention it would bring more companies back in to the U.S, which means more jobs.
But jobs and self reliance are not what the democrats want to see. Democrats need poverty in order to stay in power with their promises of some free to live Utopia that can never happen.
Then have a road tax. Have a school tax. But don't tax my income. It's unconstitutional. I thought you cons knew that. I guess not.
It is. Repblicans have been trying to go to a flat tax or a sales tax only for some years, its the democrats that want to keep taking more and more from the pay checks.
Do you know that over 8 years our last democrat governor put out over 80 tax increases? yet, the 2 years since the state has had our Republican governor, our taxes have been reduced. And the state is doing better.
Explain to us what you want to do. I bet zero taxes to get corporations to come back is part of it. Then America loses
Americans really lose when jobs come back dont they.
Why does Delaware have so many businesses incorporated in their state that actually dont even do business in Delaware.
How much more tax would be generated if a business came back to the states, and paid little or even no tax but employed a few hundred or thousand people that would be paying tax?
Your problem is that you like all liberals, want everyone else to pay your share of the taxes while you pay nothing. Its why the liberals are so against a flat tax with no deductions. It would mean everyone would pay and there would be no more of the bullshit that we have now where people get money back that they never even paid in.
So you want to shift the tax burden off the corporations and 100% on the workers.

Our income shouldn't even be taxed for crying out loud.
Why shouldn't our income be taxed? Military, roads, schools, they all need to be paid for.
what I should not be paying for is for someone else to have a house, or insurance or a phone or to eat. These are things that the individual should provide for themselves.
and lowering the cost to do business will bring down purchases prices which in turn would be almost as good as a pay raise.
not to mention it would bring more companies back in to the U.S, which means more jobs.
But jobs and self reliance are not what the democrats want to see. Democrats need poverty in order to stay in power with their promises of some free to live Utopia that can never happen.
Then have a road tax. Have a school tax. But don't tax my income. It's unconstitutional. I thought you cons knew that. I guess not.
It is. Repblicans have been trying to go to a flat tax or a sales tax only for some years, its the democrats that want to keep taking more and more from the pay checks.
Do you know that over 8 years our last democrat governor put out over 80 tax increases? yet, the 2 years since the state has had our Republican governor, our taxes have been reduced. And the state is doing better.

Maybe Republicanism works in your state. It doesn't in Michigan.
Americans really lose when jobs come back dont they.
Why does Delaware have so many businesses incorporated in their state that actually dont even do business in Delaware.
How much more tax would be generated if a business came back to the states, and paid little or even no tax but employed a few hundred or thousand people that would be paying tax?
Your problem is that you like all liberals, want everyone else to pay your share of the taxes while you pay nothing. Its why the liberals are so against a flat tax with no deductions. It would mean everyone would pay and there would be no more of the bullshit that we have now where people get money back that they never even paid in.
So you want to shift the tax burden off the corporations and 100% on the workers.

Our income shouldn't even be taxed for crying out loud.
Why shouldn't our income be taxed? Military, roads, schools, they all need to be paid for.
what I should not be paying for is for someone else to have a house, or insurance or a phone or to eat. These are things that the individual should provide for themselves.
and lowering the cost to do business will bring down purchases prices which in turn would be almost as good as a pay raise.
not to mention it would bring more companies back in to the U.S, which means more jobs.
But jobs and self reliance are not what the democrats want to see. Democrats need poverty in order to stay in power with their promises of some free to live Utopia that can never happen.
Then have a road tax. Have a school tax. But don't tax my income. It's unconstitutional. I thought you cons knew that. I guess not.
It is. Repblicans have been trying to go to a flat tax or a sales tax only for some years, its the democrats that want to keep taking more and more from the pay checks.
Do you know that over 8 years our last democrat governor put out over 80 tax increases? yet, the 2 years since the state has had our Republican governor, our taxes have been reduced. And the state is doing better.

Maybe Republicanism works in your state. It doesn't in Michigan.
Oh, right there is proof that democrats are better.
wait, let me try this. Maybe democratism works in Michigan, but it doesn't in Maryland.

I said it last so I'm right.
Explain to us what you want to do. I bet zero taxes to get corporations to come back is part of it. Then America loses
Americans really lose when jobs come back dont they.
Why does Delaware have so many businesses incorporated in their state that actually dont even do business in Delaware.
How much more tax would be generated if a business came back to the states, and paid little or even no tax but employed a few hundred or thousand people that would be paying tax?
Your problem is that you like all liberals, want everyone else to pay your share of the taxes while you pay nothing. Its why the liberals are so against a flat tax with no deductions. It would mean everyone would pay and there would be no more of the bullshit that we have now where people get money back that they never even paid in.
So you want to shift the tax burden off the corporations and 100% on the workers.

Our income shouldn't even be taxed for crying out loud.
Why shouldn't our income be taxed? Military, roads, schools, they all need to be paid for.
what I should not be paying for is for someone else to have a house, or insurance or a phone or to eat. These are things that the individual should provide for themselves.
and lowering the cost to do business will bring down purchases prices which in turn would be almost as good as a pay raise.
not to mention it would bring more companies back in to the U.S, which means more jobs.
But jobs and self reliance are not what the democrats want to see. Democrats need poverty in order to stay in power with their promises of some free to live Utopia that can never happen.
Then have a road tax. Have a school tax. But don't tax my income. It's unconstitutional. I thought you cons knew that. I guess not.
It is. Repblicans have been trying to go to a flat tax or a sales tax only for some years, its the democrats that want to keep taking more and more from the pay checks.
Do you know that over 8 years our last democrat governor put out over 80 tax increases? yet, the 2 years since the state has had our Republican governor, our taxes have been reduced. And the state is doing better.
A flat tax is a gift for the rich. Aren't you done showering them with gifts?

If you thought CEOs were earning way too much while the bulk of their companies’ employees got left behind — well, you weren’t wrong.

The pay gap between chief executives of major U.S. firms and their median workers is massive, according to a recent report from career review site Glassdoor, which looked at data from 2014. The average pay ratio of CEO to median worker was 204-to-1, the report found. At the top of the list, four CEOs earn more than 1,000 times the salary of their median worker.

The biggest gap was at media company Discovery Communications, where CEO David Zaslav earned $156.1 million last year, nearly 1,951 times the firm’s median salary of $80,000.

Following him in the next three top slots were Chipotle boss Steve Ells, who earned $28.9 million, or 1,522 times the median salary of $19,000; CVS Health CEO Larry Merlo, whose $32.4 million pay was nearly 1,192 times that of the median worker’s $27,139; and Walmart chief Doug McMillon, who made $25.6 million last year, about 1,133 times the median employee’s $22,591.
Hillary describing her husband's relationship with Monica Lewinsky.


  • hillary.JPG
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Hillary is a dangerous liar and if the GOP work with her to fulfill her agenda I will walk away from them.
What, to make healthcare affordable? To make it so middle class people can retire at 65 and not die broke? Clean air? Pro choice? Common sense gun legislation? Defeat ISIS?
except the democrats did not make health care affordable, they made it mandatory and unusable due to the high deductibles. The middle class are farther from retirement now than they ever have been in history, and they will die broke, and if they happen to have something left when they die they cant even leave it to their children anymore. Common sense gun legislation? how about applying those exact same common sense legislations to voting. Both are rights, all rights are equal so you should be ok with that.
and defeat ISIS? wasn't it Hillary in the second debate that said she would go up against Russia, as in the Russia that is currently going after ISIS? sounds to me like she wants to protect that which she and the Kenyan created.
How are you so blind. Oh, that's right, free shit.
Yea, the last people to be able to retire at 65 are my union parents who were given good pay and a pension. What do you have? You argued "they shouldn't be paid so well" instead of arguing that "you should get the same fucking pay".

So now neither of you have it. Happy?
I retired at 57.
Hillary is a dangerous liar and if the GOP work with her to fulfill her agenda I will walk away from them.
What, to make healthcare affordable? To make it so middle class people can retire at 65 and not die broke? Clean air? Pro choice? Common sense gun legislation? Defeat ISIS?
except the democrats did not make health care affordable, they made it mandatory and unusable due to the high deductibles. The middle class are farther from retirement now than they ever have been in history, and they will die broke, and if they happen to have something left when they die they cant even leave it to their children anymore. Common sense gun legislation? how about applying those exact same common sense legislations to voting. Both are rights, all rights are equal so you should be ok with that.
and defeat ISIS? wasn't it Hillary in the second debate that said she would go up against Russia, as in the Russia that is currently going after ISIS? sounds to me like she wants to protect that which she and the Kenyan created.
How are you so blind. Oh, that's right, free shit.
Yea, the last people to be able to retire at 65 are my union parents who were given good pay and a pension. What do you have? You argued "they shouldn't be paid so well" instead of arguing that "you should get the same fucking pay".

So now neither of you have it. Happy?
I retired at 57.
me too.
but I changed careers and am now doing something that pays almost nothing, ( I went from just over 100k a year to roughly 40k + retirement money) and have never been happier at a job.
Hillary is a dangerous liar and if the GOP work with her to fulfill her agenda I will walk away from them.
What, to make healthcare affordable? To make it so middle class people can retire at 65 and not die broke? Clean air? Pro choice? Common sense gun legislation? Defeat ISIS?

I thought you assholes already made health care affordable? What the hell happened? How is opening the borders to all the Americas going to get a retirement at 65? Explain how that would work? Why legislate guns if you are going to murder babies? Clean air? Just another excuse to tax people.
Hillary is a dangerous liar and if the GOP work with her to fulfill her agenda I will walk away from them.
What, to make healthcare affordable? To make it so middle class people can retire at 65 and not die broke? Clean air? Pro choice? Common sense gun legislation? Defeat ISIS?
except the democrats did not make health care affordable, they made it mandatory and unusable due to the high deductibles. The middle class are farther from retirement now than they ever have been in history, and they will die broke, and if they happen to have something left when they die they cant even leave it to their children anymore. Common sense gun legislation? how about applying those exact same common sense legislations to voting. Both are rights, all rights are equal so you should be ok with that.
and defeat ISIS? wasn't it Hillary in the second debate that said she would go up against Russia, as in the Russia that is currently going after ISIS? sounds to me like she wants to protect that which she and the Kenyan created.
How are you so blind. Oh, that's right, free shit.
Yea, the last people to be able to retire at 65 are my union parents who were given good pay and a pension. What do you have? You argued "they shouldn't be paid so well" instead of arguing that "you should get the same fucking pay".

So now neither of you have it. Happy?
I retired at 57.
me too.
but I changed careers and am now doing something that pays almost nothing, ( I went from just over 100k a year to roughly 40k + retirement money) and have never been happier at a job.
Can a guy out of high school do what you did? Because that's when America was great. High paying blue collar jobs. You'll bring the companies back but what about the good paying jobs for the masses?

The largest employer used to be GM today it's Walmart.

And Walmart CEO makes 400x his average worker. No profit sharing
What, to make healthcare affordable? To make it so middle class people can retire at 65 and not die broke? Clean air? Pro choice? Common sense gun legislation? Defeat ISIS?
except the democrats did not make health care affordable, they made it mandatory and unusable due to the high deductibles. The middle class are farther from retirement now than they ever have been in history, and they will die broke, and if they happen to have something left when they die they cant even leave it to their children anymore. Common sense gun legislation? how about applying those exact same common sense legislations to voting. Both are rights, all rights are equal so you should be ok with that.
and defeat ISIS? wasn't it Hillary in the second debate that said she would go up against Russia, as in the Russia that is currently going after ISIS? sounds to me like she wants to protect that which she and the Kenyan created.
How are you so blind. Oh, that's right, free shit.
Yea, the last people to be able to retire at 65 are my union parents who were given good pay and a pension. What do you have? You argued "they shouldn't be paid so well" instead of arguing that "you should get the same fucking pay".

So now neither of you have it. Happy?
I retired at 57.
me too.
but I changed careers and am now doing something that pays almost nothing, ( I went from just over 100k a year to roughly 40k + retirement money) and have never been happier at a job.
Can a guy out of high school do what you did? Because that's when America was great. High paying blue collar jobs. You'll bring the companies back but what about the good paying jobs for the masses?

The largest employer used to be GM today it's Walmart.

And Walmart CEO makes 400x his average worker. No profit sharing
Anyone out of high school can do what I did I am far from being special. I got out of high school, went in the navy and while serving I earned my first degree through courses at the college ODU, and extention courses on the ship when deployed. It took my not going out and partying with friends most of the time, but it turned out to be worth it.
Ive never been one to designate jobs by blue collar or white collar etc.... Ive always looked at anyone doing any job with respect. I dont care if its the guy sweeping hair at the barber shop, he serves a needed function and in my eyes is worthy of every bit as much respect as the CEO of a major corporation making a few million or more a year.
But at the same time, not every job can earn a living wage.
I read somewhere that Wal-Mart just upped their companies minimum wage to 10 an hour. This exceeds the government standards and does not put wal-mart at the bottom of the pay scale for jobs any more.
Republican voters will never admit us liberals are right but aren't they admitting it when none of their superstars can even beat fiorino carson or trump?

If Paul Ryan Ted Cruz Chris Christy santorum Walker kascich huckabee Perry or bush were ever good wouldn't they be beating 3 non politicians?

Don't bother arguing it Republicans. You guys won't even admit Gw bush sucked. You don't have to. Your telling me all I need to know in your primaries. If he was good jeb would be your front runner.
So what does this prove of the democrats? They suck and cry. You knew it would be big, you should have done some jaw exercises instead of ordering fireworks.

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