Trump Proves The GOP Sucks.

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    Votes: 11 55.0%
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    Votes: 9 45.0%

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Republican voters will never admit us liberals are right but aren't they admitting it when none of their superstars can even beat fiorino carson or trump?

If Paul Ryan Ted Cruz Chris Christy santorum Walker kascich huckabee Perry or bush were ever good wouldn't they be beating 3 non politicians?

Don't bother arguing it Republicans. You guys won't even admit Gw bush sucked. You don't have to. Your telling me all I need to know in your primaries. If he was good jeb would be your front runner.

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

No one sucks worse than Hillary yet you support that stupid, careless and incompetent POS for POTUS.

You can't cure stupid. LOL
She's going to beat your nominee dumb lady. And your nominee beat all the GOP ass clowns so that makes her better than like 20 republicans.

Hillary is better than all these people. If not, you're stupid for not running one of them.

Trump isn't my candidate asshole. I'm not a Rep.

As for Hillary she's not better than anyone. In fact she's much worse.

If you want stupid, careless and incompetent in the WH then Hillary should get your vote. She sure as hell won't be getting mine.
What are you then? If you think a Clinton in the White House is worse than Trump or any of those other ass hats then you aren't smart enough to be a democrat. You're either a stupid libertarian or Jill stein dummy.

Funny you should call libertarians dummies. I'll just bet they say the same the same thing about you for supporting that bitch Hillary.
Republican voters will never admit us liberals are right but aren't they admitting it when none of their superstars can even beat fiorino carson or trump?

If Paul Ryan Ted Cruz Chris Christy santorum Walker kascich huckabee Perry or bush were ever good wouldn't they be beating 3 non politicians?

Don't bother arguing it Republicans. You guys won't even admit Gw bush sucked. You don't have to. Your telling me all I need to know in your primaries. If he was good jeb would be your front runner.

Yes, he absolutely does. However you left out the other part of the equation. The Democrat Party sucks even worse. At least the repubs were not able to corrupt things enough to place their preferred pony in the running. Leave it to the dems to attain that level of corruption.
Republican voters will never admit us liberals are right but aren't they admitting it when none of their superstars can even beat fiorino carson or trump?

If Paul Ryan Ted Cruz Chris Christy santorum Walker kascich huckabee Perry or bush were ever good wouldn't they be beating 3 non politicians?

Don't bother arguing it Republicans. You guys won't even admit Gw bush sucked. You don't have to. Your telling me all I need to know in your primaries. If he was good jeb would be your front runner.

In fairness, its not like we Liberals didn't warn them about Trump

But they knew better....They would rather stick it to the Republican leadership than run a candidate that has a chance of winning
Will she do that? I predict no.
Sure she will.
Explain to us what you want to do. I bet zero taxes to get corporations to come back is part of it. Then America loses
Americans really lose when jobs come back dont they.
Why does Delaware have so many businesses incorporated in their state that actually dont even do business in Delaware.
How much more tax would be generated if a business came back to the states, and paid little or even no tax but employed a few hundred or thousand people that would be paying tax?
Your problem is that you like all liberals, want everyone else to pay your share of the taxes while you pay nothing. Its why the liberals are so against a flat tax with no deductions. It would mean everyone would pay and there would be no more of the bullshit that we have now where people get money back that they never even paid in.
So you want to shift the tax burden off the corporations and 100% on the workers.

Our income shouldn't even be taxed for crying out loud.
It is real smart taxing the companies out of the country. How is that working out for ya?
You stupid fucking right tards don't seem to fucking get it. If you allow them to leave and ship their goods back here to sell, then sure, you would be correct.

Or if you can't stop them, sure. But we can stop them. You can't sell your shit here if you don't make it here. And that's not for every single product and that's not every single car ford makes. But ford has to have a presence in the USA in order to sell cars here. Is that so hard to understand?

And there is a reason companies stay in California or Michigan and pay the taxes instead of moving to Arkansas. The talent pool is better here and so is the infrastructure and location. You got to pay for that. If you want to hire mexican slave wage labor then sell your car to those employees.

Sure you have to pay taxes in a state like NY but NY isn't Oklahoma. No NYSE in Kentucky.

Listen up stupid. A company will threaten to leave even if you charge them $1 in taxes. You seem to feel that the corporations call the shots. They don't. Well, they do if you run things. But if We the People run things they have to pay to play.
Republican voters will never admit us liberals are right but aren't they admitting it when none of their superstars can even beat fiorino carson or trump?

If Paul Ryan Ted Cruz Chris Christy santorum Walker kascich huckabee Perry or bush were ever good wouldn't they be beating 3 non politicians?

Don't bother arguing it Republicans. You guys won't even admit Gw bush sucked. You don't have to. Your telling me all I need to know in your primaries. If he was good jeb would be your front runner.

Yes, he absolutely does. However you left out the other part of the equation. The Democrat Party sucks even worse. At least the repubs were not able to corrupt things enough to place their preferred pony in the running. Leave it to the dems to attain that level of corruption.

Who should we have run? Never mind. Don't answer that. We ran who we wanted to run. Bernie isn't even a Democrat. Fuck him. And you should have said the same thing to Trump but instead he's taking your entire party down. He's exposed the joke your party is.
Republican voters will never admit us liberals are right but aren't they admitting it when none of their superstars can even beat fiorino carson or trump?

If Paul Ryan Ted Cruz Chris Christy santorum Walker kascich huckabee Perry or bush were ever good wouldn't they be beating 3 non politicians?

Don't bother arguing it Republicans. You guys won't even admit Gw bush sucked. You don't have to. Your telling me all I need to know in your primaries. If he was good jeb would be your front runner.

In fairness, its not like we Liberals didn't warn them about Trump

But they knew better....They would rather stick it to the Republican leadership than run a candidate that has a chance of winning
Do you think? I think the nuts who hate both parties took over their party. I think if real republicans, for example the ones who come here and know a lot about politics, they would have rather run Cruz or Kasich.

The Cruz fans are dumb too but the Republicans that wanted Kasich have to know he probably would have run with Hillary's emails that would have killed most candidates but probably the day her email leaks came out Trump said some stupid shit and stepped on her bad news.

Maybe Trump did throw this.
Sure she will.
Explain to us what you want to do. I bet zero taxes to get corporations to come back is part of it. Then America loses
Americans really lose when jobs come back dont they.
Why does Delaware have so many businesses incorporated in their state that actually dont even do business in Delaware.
How much more tax would be generated if a business came back to the states, and paid little or even no tax but employed a few hundred or thousand people that would be paying tax?
Your problem is that you like all liberals, want everyone else to pay your share of the taxes while you pay nothing. Its why the liberals are so against a flat tax with no deductions. It would mean everyone would pay and there would be no more of the bullshit that we have now where people get money back that they never even paid in.
So you want to shift the tax burden off the corporations and 100% on the workers.

Our income shouldn't even be taxed for crying out loud.
It is real smart taxing the companies out of the country. How is that working out for ya?
You stupid fucking right tards don't seem to fucking get it. If you allow them to leave and ship their goods back here to sell, then sure, you would be correct.

Or if you can't stop them, sure. But we can stop them. You can't sell your shit here if you don't make it here. And that's not for every single product and that's not every single car ford makes. But ford has to have a presence in the USA in order to sell cars here. Is that so hard to understand?

And there is a reason companies stay in California or Michigan and pay the taxes instead of moving to Arkansas. The talent pool is better here and so is the infrastructure and location. You got to pay for that. If you want to hire mexican slave wage labor then sell your car to those employees.

Sure you have to pay taxes in a state like NY but NY isn't Oklahoma. No NYSE in Kentucky.

Listen up stupid. A company will threaten to leave even if you charge them $1 in taxes. You seem to feel that the corporations call the shots. They don't. Well, they do if you run things. But if We the People run things they have to pay to play.

No, it's tards like you who don't "get it". The companies leave. They used to have to pay First World wages to the people who worked in the factories here. Now, they get to pay Third World wage, and they get to pollute like you wouldn't believe because, holy shit there are no environmental laws in Third World countries. The people who used to work in those high paying jobs can't find those types of jobs anymore BECAUSE THEY ARE ALL LEAVING YOU STUPID TWIT, so they must take a lower paying job to make their rent. Because, a service economy worker can't afford to buy a house you moron, so there you have it, the prices are lower, because they have to be, and the net result is a lowering of the net worth of the American People.

Good gosh but you're stupid.
Republican voters will never admit us liberals are right but aren't they admitting it when none of their superstars can even beat fiorino carson or trump?

If Paul Ryan Ted Cruz Chris Christy santorum Walker kascich huckabee Perry or bush were ever good wouldn't they be beating 3 non politicians?

Don't bother arguing it Republicans. You guys won't even admit Gw bush sucked. You don't have to. Your telling me all I need to know in your primaries. If he was good jeb would be your front runner.

Yes, he absolutely does. However you left out the other part of the equation. The Democrat Party sucks even worse. At least the repubs were not able to corrupt things enough to place their preferred pony in the running. Leave it to the dems to attain that level of corruption.

Who should we have run? Never mind. Don't answer that. We ran who we wanted to run. Bernie isn't even a Democrat. Fuck him. And you should have said the same thing to Trump but instead he's taking your entire party down. He's exposed the joke your party is.

I voted for Bernie in the caucuses and then he sold us all out. He should have run as an Independent. The shrilary is a corrupt criminal. Period, end of story. She will be the end of this country if she is elected because the descent into true third world banana republic status will be entrenched and will not be survivable.
Sure she will.
Explain to us what you want to do. I bet zero taxes to get corporations to come back is part of it. Then America loses
Americans really lose when jobs come back dont they.
Why does Delaware have so many businesses incorporated in their state that actually dont even do business in Delaware.
How much more tax would be generated if a business came back to the states, and paid little or even no tax but employed a few hundred or thousand people that would be paying tax?
Your problem is that you like all liberals, want everyone else to pay your share of the taxes while you pay nothing. Its why the liberals are so against a flat tax with no deductions. It would mean everyone would pay and there would be no more of the bullshit that we have now where people get money back that they never even paid in.
So you want to shift the tax burden off the corporations and 100% on the workers.

Our income shouldn't even be taxed for crying out loud.
It is real smart taxing the companies out of the country. How is that working out for ya?
You stupid fucking right tards don't seem to fucking get it. If you allow them to leave and ship their goods back here to sell, then sure, you would be correct.

Or if you can't stop them, sure. But we can stop them. You can't sell your shit here if you don't make it here. And that's not for every single product and that's not every single car ford makes. But ford has to have a presence in the USA in order to sell cars here. Is that so hard to understand?

And there is a reason companies stay in California or Michigan and pay the taxes instead of moving to Arkansas. The talent pool is better here and so is the infrastructure and location. You got to pay for that. If you want to hire mexican slave wage labor then sell your car to those employees.

Sure you have to pay taxes in a state like NY but NY isn't Oklahoma. No NYSE in Kentucky.

Listen up stupid. A company will threaten to leave even if you charge them $1 in taxes. You seem to feel that the corporations call the shots. They don't. Well, they do if you run things. But if We the People run things they have to pay to play.

So, what will you replace the corporations with?
Republican voters will never admit us liberals are right but aren't they admitting it when none of their superstars can even beat fiorino carson or trump?

If Paul Ryan Ted Cruz Chris Christy santorum Walker kascich huckabee Perry or bush were ever good wouldn't they be beating 3 non politicians?

Don't bother arguing it Republicans. You guys won't even admit Gw bush sucked. You don't have to. Your telling me all I need to know in your primaries. If he was good jeb would be your front runner.

Yes, he absolutely does. However you left out the other part of the equation. The Democrat Party sucks even worse. At least the repubs were not able to corrupt things enough to place their preferred pony in the running. Leave it to the dems to attain that level of corruption.

Who should we have run? Never mind. Don't answer that. We ran who we wanted to run. Bernie isn't even a Democrat. Fuck him. And you should have said the same thing to Trump but instead he's taking your entire party down. He's exposed the joke your party is.

I voted for Bernie in the caucuses and then he sold us all out. He should have run as an Independent. The shrilary is a corrupt criminal. Period, end of story. She will be the end of this country if she is elected because the descent into true third world banana republic status will be entrenched and will not be survivable.
And electing a Republican would be different how? In other words you are saying there is no difference between Christie/Rubio/Kasich/Jeb and Hillary?
Explain to us what you want to do. I bet zero taxes to get corporations to come back is part of it. Then America loses
Americans really lose when jobs come back dont they.
Why does Delaware have so many businesses incorporated in their state that actually dont even do business in Delaware.
How much more tax would be generated if a business came back to the states, and paid little or even no tax but employed a few hundred or thousand people that would be paying tax?
Your problem is that you like all liberals, want everyone else to pay your share of the taxes while you pay nothing. Its why the liberals are so against a flat tax with no deductions. It would mean everyone would pay and there would be no more of the bullshit that we have now where people get money back that they never even paid in.
So you want to shift the tax burden off the corporations and 100% on the workers.

Our income shouldn't even be taxed for crying out loud.
It is real smart taxing the companies out of the country. How is that working out for ya?
You stupid fucking right tards don't seem to fucking get it. If you allow them to leave and ship their goods back here to sell, then sure, you would be correct.

Or if you can't stop them, sure. But we can stop them. You can't sell your shit here if you don't make it here. And that's not for every single product and that's not every single car ford makes. But ford has to have a presence in the USA in order to sell cars here. Is that so hard to understand?

And there is a reason companies stay in California or Michigan and pay the taxes instead of moving to Arkansas. The talent pool is better here and so is the infrastructure and location. You got to pay for that. If you want to hire mexican slave wage labor then sell your car to those employees.

Sure you have to pay taxes in a state like NY but NY isn't Oklahoma. No NYSE in Kentucky.

Listen up stupid. A company will threaten to leave even if you charge them $1 in taxes. You seem to feel that the corporations call the shots. They don't. Well, they do if you run things. But if We the People run things they have to pay to play.

So, what will you replace the corporations with?
An American corporation that pays it's employees well.
Republican voters will never admit us liberals are right but aren't they admitting it when none of their superstars can even beat fiorino carson or trump?

If Paul Ryan Ted Cruz Chris Christy santorum Walker kascich huckabee Perry or bush were ever good wouldn't they be beating 3 non politicians?

Don't bother arguing it Republicans. You guys won't even admit Gw bush sucked. You don't have to. Your telling me all I need to know in your primaries. If he was good jeb would be your front runner.

Yes, he absolutely does. However you left out the other part of the equation. The Democrat Party sucks even worse. At least the repubs were not able to corrupt things enough to place their preferred pony in the running. Leave it to the dems to attain that level of corruption.

Who should we have run? Never mind. Don't answer that. We ran who we wanted to run. Bernie isn't even a Democrat. Fuck him. And you should have said the same thing to Trump but instead he's taking your entire party down. He's exposed the joke your party is.

I voted for Bernie in the caucuses and then he sold us all out. He should have run as an Independent. The shrilary is a corrupt criminal. Period, end of story. She will be the end of this country if she is elected because the descent into true third world banana republic status will be entrenched and will not be survivable.

I looked at all the threads you've ever started. You aren't a progressive liberal or democrat. If you think you are, we have met and we decided we don't want you. So you can go fuck off and caucus with the GOP like Joe Lieberman. LOL
Americans really lose when jobs come back dont they.
Why does Delaware have so many businesses incorporated in their state that actually dont even do business in Delaware.
How much more tax would be generated if a business came back to the states, and paid little or even no tax but employed a few hundred or thousand people that would be paying tax?
Your problem is that you like all liberals, want everyone else to pay your share of the taxes while you pay nothing. Its why the liberals are so against a flat tax with no deductions. It would mean everyone would pay and there would be no more of the bullshit that we have now where people get money back that they never even paid in.
So you want to shift the tax burden off the corporations and 100% on the workers.

Our income shouldn't even be taxed for crying out loud.
It is real smart taxing the companies out of the country. How is that working out for ya?
You stupid fucking right tards don't seem to fucking get it. If you allow them to leave and ship their goods back here to sell, then sure, you would be correct.

Or if you can't stop them, sure. But we can stop them. You can't sell your shit here if you don't make it here. And that's not for every single product and that's not every single car ford makes. But ford has to have a presence in the USA in order to sell cars here. Is that so hard to understand?

And there is a reason companies stay in California or Michigan and pay the taxes instead of moving to Arkansas. The talent pool is better here and so is the infrastructure and location. You got to pay for that. If you want to hire mexican slave wage labor then sell your car to those employees.

Sure you have to pay taxes in a state like NY but NY isn't Oklahoma. No NYSE in Kentucky.

Listen up stupid. A company will threaten to leave even if you charge them $1 in taxes. You seem to feel that the corporations call the shots. They don't. Well, they do if you run things. But if We the People run things they have to pay to play.

So, what will you replace the corporations with?
An American corporation that pays it's employees well.
Such as?
Republican voters will never admit us liberals are right but aren't they admitting it when none of their superstars can even beat fiorino carson or trump?

If Paul Ryan Ted Cruz Chris Christy santorum Walker kascich huckabee Perry or bush were ever good wouldn't they be beating 3 non politicians?

Don't bother arguing it Republicans. You guys won't even admit Gw bush sucked. You don't have to. Your telling me all I need to know in your primaries. If he was good jeb would be your front runner.

In fairness, its not like we Liberals didn't warn them about Trump

But they knew better....They would rather stick it to the Republican leadership than run a candidate that has a chance of winning

These are the same politicians that these conservatives have supported, defended, lied for and voted for.

If they really wanted to stick it to the GOP leadership they would stop voting for the GOP candidates.

Yet they vote for them election after election.
Republican voters will never admit us liberals are right but aren't they admitting it when none of their superstars can even beat fiorino carson or trump?

If Paul Ryan Ted Cruz Chris Christy santorum Walker kascich huckabee Perry or bush were ever good wouldn't they be beating 3 non politicians?

Don't bother arguing it Republicans. You guys won't even admit Gw bush sucked. You don't have to. Your telling me all I need to know in your primaries. If he was good jeb would be your front runner.

In fairness, its not like we Liberals didn't warn them about Trump

But they knew better....They would rather stick it to the Republican leadership than run a candidate that has a chance of winning

These are the same politicians that these conservatives have supported, defended, lied for and voted for.

If they really wanted to stick it to the GOP leadership they would stop voting for the GOP candidates.

Yet they vote for them election after election.

Look at Paul Ayn Rand Conservative
Used to be a Tea Party darling

He came to the rescue when nobody else would take the thankless Speaker of the House post

Now, because he is unable to push the unachievable agenda of the far right into law, he is now the enemy
Republican voters will never admit us liberals are right but aren't they admitting it when none of their superstars can even beat fiorino carson or trump?

If Paul Ryan Ted Cruz Chris Christy santorum Walker kascich huckabee Perry or bush were ever good wouldn't they be beating 3 non politicians?

Don't bother arguing it Republicans. You guys won't even admit Gw bush sucked. You don't have to. Your telling me all I need to know in your primaries. If he was good jeb would be your front runner.

In fairness, its not like we Liberals didn't warn them about Trump

But they knew better....They would rather stick it to the Republican leadership than run a candidate that has a chance of winning

These are the same politicians that these conservatives have supported, defended, lied for and voted for.

If they really wanted to stick it to the GOP leadership they would stop voting for the GOP candidates.

Yet they vote for them election after election.
For Republicans, the key question about this election is whether Hillary Clinton is really a pathological liar who should not hold high office and who represents a threat to the U.S., or whether she will be a President with whom they can work with.

Trump has made it clear that he is not a typical Republican and represents something much more dangerous than the rest of the GOP. On the other hand, the runner-up for the GOP, Ted Cruz, was an extreme right-winger that makes George W. Bush look like a moderate and Ronald Reagan look like a liberal. In short, the GOP had been captured by the far right long before Donald Trump.
Hillary is a dangerous liar and if the GOP work with her to fulfill her agenda I will walk away from them.
Hillary is a dangerous liar and if the GOP work with her to fulfill her agenda I will walk away from them.
What, to make healthcare affordable? To make it so middle class people can retire at 65 and not die broke? Clean air? Pro choice? Common sense gun legislation? Defeat ISIS?
Hey! Sealybobo, what do ewe think will happen to American wages if Hillary opens the borders and floods the country with aliens from ALL of the Americas?
Will she do that? I predict no.
Sure she will.
Explain to us what you want to do. I bet zero taxes to get corporations to come back is part of it. Then America loses
Americans really lose when jobs come back dont they.
Why does Delaware have so many businesses incorporated in their state that actually dont even do business in Delaware.
How much more tax would be generated if a business came back to the states, and paid little or even no tax but employed a few hundred or thousand people that would be paying tax?
Your problem is that you like all liberals, want everyone else to pay your share of the taxes while you pay nothing. Its why the liberals are so against a flat tax with no deductions. It would mean everyone would pay and there would be no more of the bullshit that we have now where people get money back that they never even paid in.
So you want to shift the tax burden off the corporations and 100% on the workers.

Our income shouldn't even be taxed for crying out loud.
Why shouldn't our income be taxed? Military, roads, schools, they all need to be paid for.
what I should not be paying for is for someone else to have a house, or insurance or a phone or to eat. These are things that the individual should provide for themselves.
and lowering the cost to do business will bring down purchases prices which in turn would be almost as good as a pay raise.
not to mention it would bring more companies back in to the U.S, which means more jobs.
But jobs and self reliance are not what the democrats want to see. Democrats need poverty in order to stay in power with their promises of some free to live Utopia that can never happen.
Hillary is a dangerous liar and if the GOP work with her to fulfill her agenda I will walk away from them.
What, to make healthcare affordable? To make it so middle class people can retire at 65 and not die broke? Clean air? Pro choice? Common sense gun legislation? Defeat ISIS?
except the democrats did not make health care affordable, they made it mandatory and unusable due to the high deductibles. The middle class are farther from retirement now than they ever have been in history, and they will die broke, and if they happen to have something left when they die they cant even leave it to their children anymore. Common sense gun legislation? how about applying those exact same common sense legislations to voting. Both are rights, all rights are equal so you should be ok with that.
and defeat ISIS? wasn't it Hillary in the second debate that said she would go up against Russia, as in the Russia that is currently going after ISIS? sounds to me like she wants to protect that which she and the Kenyan created.
How are you so blind. Oh, that's right, free shit.

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