Trump Proves The GOP Sucks.

Am I right?

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    Votes: 11 55.0%
  • No

    Votes: 9 45.0%

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Republican voters will never admit us liberals are right but aren't they admitting it when none of their superstars can even beat fiorino carson or trump?

If Paul Ryan Ted Cruz Chris Christy santorum Walker kascich huckabee Perry or bush were ever good wouldn't they be beating 3 non politicians?

Don't bother arguing it Republicans. You guys won't even admit Gw bush sucked. You don't have to. Your telling me all I need to know in your primaries. If he was good jeb would be your front runner.

As a rule, professional politicians suck.
Carter didn't and Obama's alright.

Carter sucked more than most of them.

I never complain about politicians. Where do they come from? They come from American families schools and churches. They are the best we got. If you have greedy ignorant people this is what you get.

Serial killers come from the same places.
Republican voters will never admit us liberals are right but aren't they admitting it when none of their superstars can even beat fiorino carson or trump?

If Paul Ryan Ted Cruz Chris Christy santorum Walker kascich huckabee Perry or bush were ever good wouldn't they be beating 3 non politicians?

Don't bother arguing it Republicans. You guys won't even admit Gw bush sucked. You don't have to. Your telling me all I need to know in your primaries. If he was good jeb would be your front runner.

Yo, Paul Ryan? Get your facts straight, damn you people are idiots! Also, it`s very early? Don`t you think you are talking out of your ass, as usual!!!

Yo, you fail!
View attachment 49812
Was I right dipshit or what?
Republican voters will never admit us liberals are right but aren't they admitting it when none of their superstars can even beat fiorino carson or trump?

If Paul Ryan Ted Cruz Chris Christy santorum Walker kascich huckabee Perry or bush were ever good wouldn't they be beating 3 non politicians?

Don't bother arguing it Republicans. You guys won't even admit Gw bush sucked. You don't have to. Your telling me all I need to know in your primaries. If he was good jeb would be your front runner.

I'm not certain that your conclusion is a given, but your argument is plausible.
Republican voters will never admit us liberals are right but aren't they admitting it when none of their superstars can even beat fiorino carson or trump?

If Paul Ryan Ted Cruz Chris Christy santorum Walker kascich huckabee Perry or bush were ever good wouldn't they be beating 3 non politicians?

Don't bother arguing it Republicans. You guys won't even admit Gw bush sucked. You don't have to. Your telling me all I need to know in your primaries. If he was good jeb would be your front runner.

I'm not certain that your conclusion is a given, but your argument is plausible.
In hindsight, which of the 12 dwarfs would Republicans run now?

I say pence, kasich or Paul Ryan might have beaten hillary.

One things for sure. The GOP is a horrible group of deplorable.
Republican voters will never admit us liberals are right but aren't they admitting it when none of their superstars can even beat fiorino carson or trump?

If Paul Ryan Ted Cruz Chris Christy santorum Walker kascich huckabee Perry or bush were ever good wouldn't they be beating 3 non politicians?

Don't bother arguing it Republicans. You guys won't even admit Gw bush sucked. You don't have to. Your telling me all I need to know in your primaries. If he was good jeb would be your front runner.

I'm not certain that your conclusion is a given, but your argument is plausible.
In hindsight, which of the 12 dwarfs would Republicans run now?

I say pence, kasich or Paul Ryan might have beaten hillary.

One things for sure. The GOP is a horrible group of deplorable.
You vote for corruption, the people you vote for are destroying the country. I say that makes ewe the MOST deplorable.
Republican voters will never admit us liberals are right but aren't they admitting it when none of their superstars can even beat fiorino carson or trump?

If Paul Ryan Ted Cruz Chris Christy santorum Walker kascich huckabee Perry or bush were ever good wouldn't they be beating 3 non politicians?

Don't bother arguing it Republicans. You guys won't even admit Gw bush sucked. You don't have to. Your telling me all I need to know in your primaries. If he was good jeb would be your front runner.

I'm not certain that your conclusion is a given, but your argument is plausible.
In hindsight, which of the 12 dwarfs would Republicans run now?

I say pence, kasich or Paul Ryan might have beaten hillary.

One things for sure. The GOP is a horrible group of deplorable.
what the sense in winning if you still lose anyway? Kasich, Ryan or Pence are all rinos that support the democrats more than the Americans, so what sense would it be having them elected?
Republican voters will never admit us liberals are right but aren't they admitting it when none of their superstars can even beat fiorino carson or trump?

If Paul Ryan Ted Cruz Chris Christy santorum Walker kascich huckabee Perry or bush were ever good wouldn't they be beating 3 non politicians?

Don't bother arguing it Republicans. You guys won't even admit Gw bush sucked. You don't have to. Your telling me all I need to know in your primaries. If he was good jeb would be your front runner.

I'm not certain that your conclusion is a given, but your argument is plausible.
In hindsight, which of the 12 dwarfs would Republicans run now?

I say pence, kasich or Paul Ryan might have beaten hillary.

One things for sure. The GOP is a horrible group of deplorable.

I would likely vote for practically anybody but Trump had they ben pit against Mrs. Clinton, but not one of those people are whom the GOP allowed to win its nomination. Is it too late to "dump Trump" and put the Thomas Sowell or even Stuart Stevens in his place?

Perhaps it's not for Donald Trump has engendered apostasy within the GOP begetting amongst Democrats that which no Republican alternative to him could: the Reasonable Republican. Reasonable Republicans are normally red-blooded conservatives who are seen (by Democrats, anyway) as people who have mordantly set aside partisan loyalty to help the country avert a disaster.

But just who are these Reasonable Republicans? They're the people who refer to grass roots Trumpkins as quislings and erudite ones as "Vichy Republicans" intent upon bringing about an "epuration sauvage" within the GOP. Where does one find them? Well, they're everywhere in D.C. and New York -- the club, the restaurant, the dinner party, the theatre, the grocery store...they're even at GOP fundraisers, though their checkbooks are not -- and though they speak in dulcet tones, shy and retiring they are not. If one wants a Reasonable Republican columnist, one reads Ross Douthat, George Will, or The Wall Street Journal’s Bret Stephens. If one wants a Reasonable Republican who worked in politics, one has Marco Rubio's adviser Max Boot or Reagan political director Frank Lavin.

The Republican revolt isn't, of course, all Trump's doing. It's percolated, occasionally bubbling into the open, for some time now, at least since the close of the Bush era. In 2007, Matthew Dowd, who had helped run George W. Bush’s reelection campaign, fell out with the Dubya. Rebranded as an Independent, Dowd is now an analyst at ABC News. Nicolle Wallace had no beef with the Bush Administration  --  she was its communications chief  --  but she attained Reasonable Republican status during the 2008 campaign, when she was so terrified by Sarah Palin’s ignorance that she refused to vote. She has of late been seen ruing the state of her party on...wait for it....MSNBC.

As a principled conservative, I loathe the high likelihood that Hillary Clinton will — barring a bear attack or some other unforeseen externality — win this election. … However, Trump would be far worse. He’d be more dangerous to our safety and our republic. And since I know his loss is coming, I pray to God that it is total. You should, too.
-- Rick Wilson, NY Daily News, "Beat him like a drum"
What value, however, derives from Reasonable Republicans' presence? Well, they express penance for the GOP nominating Trump. Trump doesn’t do apologies; Reasonable Republicans do. As the columnist Charles Krauthammer noted, “The joke was on those who believed that he was not a serious man and therefore would not be taken seriously. They — myself emphatically included — were wrong.” Reasonable Republicans sacrificially offer themselves as a target, a very fine ones for Trumpeteers ape their eponymous leader in retaliating against any and every slight. To wit...Bret Stephens, the Wall Street Journal columnist, found that out last week. Last August, Stephens took to Twitter and called Sean Hannity  --  an unabashed Trump fan --  Fox’s “dumbest anchor.” Mr. Hannity countered that Stephens was one of the “arrogant, elitist enablers” who helped the GOP lurch so far from real America that it “created the opening for Trump!!” Mr. Stephens responded in the WSJ blistering Hannity for propounding a stab-in-the-back theory of the 2016 campaign.

The Reasonable Republican's battle with Trump voters offers a preview of an intra-party war that will stretch well past the election, notwithstanding the outcome. Reasonable Republicans are putting in their chits for the fight that begins the day after Election Day. Why? Because there’s no more fun for a Republican than fighting other Republicans. Because it's not for personal reasons. It's not for advancing themselves or their friends. It’s for principle . For Reasonable Republicans, principle matters more than all else. That's as it should be for us all.

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Republican voters will never admit us liberals are right but aren't they admitting it when none of their superstars can even beat fiorino carson or trump?

If Paul Ryan Ted Cruz Chris Christy santorum Walker kascich huckabee Perry or bush were ever good wouldn't they be beating 3 non politicians?

Don't bother arguing it Republicans. You guys won't even admit Gw bush sucked. You don't have to. Your telling me all I need to know in your primaries. If he was good jeb would be your front runner.

I'm not certain that your conclusion is a given, but your argument is plausible.
In hindsight, which of the 12 dwarfs would Republicans run now?

I say pence, kasich or Paul Ryan might have beaten hillary.

One things for sure. The GOP is a horrible group of deplorable.
what the sense in winning if you still lose anyway? Kasich, Ryan or Pence are all rinos that support the democrats more than the Americans, so what sense would it be having them elected?

In the minds of Reasonable Republicans, Trump winning is the bigger loss. The country can recover from Hillary Clinton. The same is nowhere nearly so assured if Trump wins.
Republican voters will never admit us liberals are right but aren't they admitting it when none of their superstars can even beat fiorino carson or trump?

If Paul Ryan Ted Cruz Chris Christy santorum Walker kascich huckabee Perry or bush were ever good wouldn't they be beating 3 non politicians?

Don't bother arguing it Republicans. You guys won't even admit Gw bush sucked. You don't have to. Your telling me all I need to know in your primaries. If he was good jeb would be your front runner.

I'm not certain that your conclusion is a given, but your argument is plausible.
In hindsight, which of the 12 dwarfs would Republicans run now?

I say pence, kasich or Paul Ryan might have beaten hillary.

One things for sure. The GOP is a horrible group of deplorable.
You vote for corruption, the people you vote for are destroying the country. I say that makes ewe the MOST deplorable.
I'm sure if I told a rich guy like the Koch brothers, "you ruined this country", they would laugh at me. Because for themselves they made the country so much greater than it's ever been.

So while for the last 2 decades you attacked labor and unions, wages have gone down. Remember, you said we made too much? We were lazy, overpaid, UNION WORKERS! That was the fucking attack on the middle class bitch! That was class warfare stupid! And they fucking won! So now you want to make America great again? Does that mean paying blue collar workers enough that they can raise a family and retire in 30 years? Bullshit my friend. You republicans are just so full of shit and everyone can smell it.

Who are you? What do you do for a living? Why are you struggling so hard? Maybe you suck? Maybe the country is doing just find but you blow.
Republican voters will never admit us liberals are right but aren't they admitting it when none of their superstars can even beat fiorino carson or trump?

If Paul Ryan Ted Cruz Chris Christy santorum Walker kascich huckabee Perry or bush were ever good wouldn't they be beating 3 non politicians?

Don't bother arguing it Republicans. You guys won't even admit Gw bush sucked. You don't have to. Your telling me all I need to know in your primaries. If he was good jeb would be your front runner.

You're correct, the GOP sucks and clearly most conservatives know it. That is how the orange clown got the nomination. Conservatives were true to their nature in the primaries. They were upset with their party, so they gave the insiders the middle finger and picked the Donald. Quite different from what you see on the left. Like good little mindless sheep they accepted the canidate which was picked for them by their party elite. Libs put party first above all else. Conservatives, on the other hand, are not easily led, they think and act more independently. You have done an outstanding job of highlighting the difference between the 2 mind sets. Thanks.
Republican voters will never admit us liberals are right but aren't they admitting it when none of their superstars can even beat fiorino carson or trump?

If Paul Ryan Ted Cruz Chris Christy santorum Walker kascich huckabee Perry or bush were ever good wouldn't they be beating 3 non politicians?

Don't bother arguing it Republicans. You guys won't even admit Gw bush sucked. You don't have to. Your telling me all I need to know in your primaries. If he was good jeb would be your front runner.

I'm not certain that your conclusion is a given, but your argument is plausible.
In hindsight, which of the 12 dwarfs would Republicans run now?

I say pence, kasich or Paul Ryan might have beaten hillary.

One things for sure. The GOP is a horrible group of deplorable.
what the sense in winning if you still lose anyway? Kasich, Ryan or Pence are all rinos that support the democrats more than the Americans, so what sense would it be having them elected?
This is very interesting that you right wingers say crazy shit like this. It's as if you are doubling down on your crazy. So none of the GOP candidates were conservative enough? Oh my fucking god! Do you not understand you need to run a moderate in order to get elected or get anything done?

Just like Hillary is not liberal enough for us, neither should a Republican president EVER be Conservative enough for you. Because then if he is he's a fucking sociopath rwnj. You could never sneak a rwnj by us. So your best bet is to do what we do. Nominate a moderate like Obama and Hillary.

Is Barack Obama a Liberal? Well, maybe once upon a time, but today, no way.

It's a good question. Many Republicans insist he is very liberal -- using the Affordable Care Act, which expands the government's role in providing health coverage to Americans, as their main talking point.

But, what do the numbers say?

We find that President Obama is the most ideologically moderate Democratic president in the post-war period

Bill Clinton was a self-professed centrist who pushed his party to the middle on things like welfare reform.

Democrats will note that the health-care law was less than liberals wanted (single payer, anyone?) and that on a number of issues -- Gitmo, Wall Street -- he has chosen a far more centrist course than they would like. Here's David Sirota writing about Obama in Salon in 2011: "Obama is not a flaccid Jimmy Carter, as some of his critics insist. He is instead a Franklin Delano Roosevelt — but a bizarro FDR. He has mustered the legislative strength of his New Deal predecessor — but he has channeled that strength into propping up the very forces of 'organized money' that FDR once challenged."
Republican voters will never admit us liberals are right but aren't they admitting it when none of their superstars can even beat fiorino carson or trump?

If Paul Ryan Ted Cruz Chris Christy santorum Walker kascich huckabee Perry or bush were ever good wouldn't they be beating 3 non politicians?

Don't bother arguing it Republicans. You guys won't even admit Gw bush sucked. You don't have to. Your telling me all I need to know in your primaries. If he was good jeb would be your front runner.

You're correct, the GOP sucks and clearly most conservatives know it. That is how the orange clown got the nomination. Conservatives were true to their nature in the primaries. They were upset with their party, so they gave the insiders the middle finger and picked the Donald. Quite different from what you see on the left. Like good little mindless sheep they accepted the canidate which was picked for them by their party elite. Libs put party first above all else. Conservatives, on the other hand, are not easily led, they think and act more independently. You have done an outstanding job of highlighting the difference between the 2 mind sets. Thanks.
We went with Obama over Hillary when 2008 was clearly her turn. So don't give me that shit. We simply didn't have anyone better. Do you need any more proof than the fact she is beating the guy who beat all your guys?
Look at bucktooth crying over who we picked when who we picked is winning the fucking election! LOL. Crying little fucking bitches I'll tell ya. And they won't learn. They won't start behaving or they won't change their positions even though America says fuck you to their positions.
Republican voters will never admit us liberals are right but aren't they admitting it when none of their superstars can even beat fiorino carson or trump?

If Paul Ryan Ted Cruz Chris Christy santorum Walker kascich huckabee Perry or bush were ever good wouldn't they be beating 3 non politicians?

Don't bother arguing it Republicans. You guys won't even admit Gw bush sucked. You don't have to. Your telling me all I need to know in your primaries. If he was good jeb would be your front runner.

I'm not certain that your conclusion is a given, but your argument is plausible.
In hindsight, which of the 12 dwarfs would Republicans run now?

I say pence, kasich or Paul Ryan might have beaten hillary.

One things for sure. The GOP is a horrible group of deplorable.
You vote for corruption, the people you vote for are destroying the country. I say that makes ewe the MOST deplorable.
I'm sure if I told a rich guy like the Koch brothers, "you ruined this country", they would laugh at me. Because for themselves they made the country so much greater than it's ever been.

So while for the last 2 decades you attacked labor and unions, wages have gone down. Remember, you said we made too much? We were lazy, overpaid, UNION WORKERS! That was the fucking attack on the middle class bitch! That was class warfare stupid! And they fucking won! So now you want to make America great again? Does that mean paying blue collar workers enough that they can raise a family and retire in 30 years? Bullshit my friend. You republicans are just so full of shit and everyone can smell it.

Who are you? What do you do for a living? Why are you struggling so hard? Maybe you suck? Maybe the country is doing just find but you blow.
Where are your union jobs? Right! They went to Mexico. Under democrat leadership!
Look at bucktooth crying over who we picked when who we picked is winning the fucking election! LOL. Crying little fucking bitches I'll tell ya. And they won't learn. They won't start behaving or they won't change their positions even though America says fuck you to their positions.
Winning elections and losing your jobs! Way to fucking go.

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