Trump Proves The GOP Sucks.

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    Votes: 11 55.0%
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    Votes: 9 45.0%

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Republican voters will never admit us liberals are right but aren't they admitting it when none of their superstars can even beat fiorino carson or trump?

If Paul Ryan Ted Cruz Chris Christy santorum Walker kascich huckabee Perry or bush were ever good wouldn't they be beating 3 non politicians?

Don't bother arguing it Republicans. You guys won't even admit Gw bush sucked. You don't have to. Your telling me all I need to know in your primaries. If he was good jeb would be your front runner.

I'm not certain that your conclusion is a given, but your argument is plausible.
In hindsight, which of the 12 dwarfs would Republicans run now?

I say pence, kasich or Paul Ryan might have beaten hillary.

One things for sure. The GOP is a horrible group of deplorable.
what the sense in winning if you still lose anyway? Kasich, Ryan or Pence are all rinos that support the democrats more than the Americans, so what sense would it be having them elected?

In the minds of Reasonable Republicans, Trump winning is the bigger loss. The country can recover from Hillary Clinton. The same is nowhere nearly so assured if Trump wins.

Horse shit. Precisely the opposite is the case. "Reasonable republican" is a euphemism meaning "quisling Republican."
Republican voters will never admit us liberals are right but aren't they admitting it when none of their superstars can even beat fiorino carson or trump?

If Paul Ryan Ted Cruz Chris Christy santorum Walker kascich huckabee Perry or bush were ever good wouldn't they be beating 3 non politicians?

Don't bother arguing it Republicans. You guys won't even admit Gw bush sucked. You don't have to. Your telling me all I need to know in your primaries. If he was good jeb would be your front runner.

You're correct, the GOP sucks and clearly most conservatives know it. That is how the orange clown got the nomination. Conservatives were true to their nature in the primaries. They were upset with their party, so they gave the insiders the middle finger and picked the Donald. Quite different from what you see on the left. Like good little mindless sheep they accepted the canidate which was picked for them by their party elite. Libs put party first above all else. Conservatives, on the other hand, are not easily led, they think and act more independently. You have done an outstanding job of highlighting the difference between the 2 mind sets. Thanks.
We went with Obama over Hillary when 2008 was clearly her turn. So don't give me that shit. We simply didn't have anyone better. Do you need any more proof than the fact she is beating the guy who beat all your guys?

Wait, was she the one YOU wanted or the one your party elites picked for you? Are you saying that DW Shultz didn't do inappropriate things to ensure that Bernie wouldn't win? If that is the case, why did Shultz resign? You can fool yourself perhaps, but I watched what happened. Shultz rigged it for Hellary, the Bernie supporters got mad (hell no DNC, we won't vote for Hillary, remember that?) and then like good little liberal sheep, Bernie fell in line along with all his supporters. Really, the bulldyke is the best the Dems have to offer? Face it, they picked her, or perhaps the Clinton political machine just overwhelmed the process, but in either case it was not a democratic process and the democratic rank and file is too meek to say anything. Or maybe some are too stupid to realize what happened. You can decide which camp you are in.
Republican voters will never admit us liberals are right but aren't they admitting it when none of their superstars can even beat fiorino carson or trump?

If Paul Ryan Ted Cruz Chris Christy santorum Walker kascich huckabee Perry or bush were ever good wouldn't they be beating 3 non politicians?

Don't bother arguing it Republicans. You guys won't even admit Gw bush sucked. You don't have to. Your telling me all I need to know in your primaries. If he was good jeb would be your front runner.

I'm not certain that your conclusion is a given, but your argument is plausible.
In hindsight, which of the 12 dwarfs would Republicans run now?

I say pence, kasich or Paul Ryan might have beaten hillary.

One things for sure. The GOP is a horrible group of deplorable.
what the sense in winning if you still lose anyway? Kasich, Ryan or Pence are all rinos that support the democrats more than the Americans, so what sense would it be having them elected?

In the minds of Reasonable Republicans, Trump winning is the bigger loss. The country can recover from Hillary Clinton. The same is nowhere nearly so assured if Trump wins.
There will be nothing to recover if hillary wins, or I should say, after hillary wins and destroys for another 4 years
Republican voters will never admit us liberals are right but aren't they admitting it when none of their superstars can even beat fiorino carson or trump?

If Paul Ryan Ted Cruz Chris Christy santorum Walker kascich huckabee Perry or bush were ever good wouldn't they be beating 3 non politicians?

Don't bother arguing it Republicans. You guys won't even admit Gw bush sucked. You don't have to. Your telling me all I need to know in your primaries. If he was good jeb would be your front runner.

I'm not certain that your conclusion is a given, but your argument is plausible.
In hindsight, which of the 12 dwarfs would Republicans run now?

I say pence, kasich or Paul Ryan might have beaten hillary.

One things for sure. The GOP is a horrible group of deplorable.
You vote for corruption, the people you vote for are destroying the country. I say that makes ewe the MOST deplorable.
I'm sure if I told a rich guy like the Koch brothers, "you ruined this country", they would laugh at me. Because for themselves they made the country so much greater than it's ever been.

So while for the last 2 decades you attacked labor and unions, wages have gone down. Remember, you said we made too much? We were lazy, overpaid, UNION WORKERS! That was the fucking attack on the middle class bitch! That was class warfare stupid! And they fucking won! So now you want to make America great again? Does that mean paying blue collar workers enough that they can raise a family and retire in 30 years? Bullshit my friend. You republicans are just so full of shit and everyone can smell it.

Who are you? What do you do for a living? Why are you struggling so hard? Maybe you suck? Maybe the country is doing just find but you blow.
Soros has more money than the Koch brothers, and he spends ten times the amount swaying elections and trying to bring down this country, as he has in other countries.
Yet I never hear the left bringing him up, why is that, could it be because he gives money to hillary and the anti american groups like BLK, or ACORN?
Your hypocrisy is beyond excessive, you dont even try to hide it.
You are nothing more than one of the sheep.
Republican voters will never admit us liberals are right but aren't they admitting it when none of their superstars can even beat fiorino carson or trump?

If Paul Ryan Ted Cruz Chris Christy santorum Walker kascich huckabee Perry or bush were ever good wouldn't they be beating 3 non politicians?

Don't bother arguing it Republicans. You guys won't even admit Gw bush sucked. You don't have to. Your telling me all I need to know in your primaries. If he was good jeb would be your front runner.

I'm not certain that your conclusion is a given, but your argument is plausible.
In hindsight, which of the 12 dwarfs would Republicans run now?

I say pence, kasich or Paul Ryan might have beaten hillary.

One things for sure. The GOP is a horrible group of deplorable.
You vote for corruption, the people you vote for are destroying the country. I say that makes ewe the MOST deplorable.
I'm sure if I told a rich guy like the Koch brothers, "you ruined this country", they would laugh at me. Because for themselves they made the country so much greater than it's ever been.

So while for the last 2 decades you attacked labor and unions, wages have gone down. Remember, you said we made too much? We were lazy, overpaid, UNION WORKERS! That was the fucking attack on the middle class bitch! That was class warfare stupid! And they fucking won! So now you want to make America great again? Does that mean paying blue collar workers enough that they can raise a family and retire in 30 years? Bullshit my friend. You republicans are just so full of shit and everyone can smell it.

Who are you? What do you do for a living? Why are you struggling so hard? Maybe you suck? Maybe the country is doing just find but you blow.

Are you intentionally parroting the themes of the Trumpkins? I thought you mentioned being a liberal, yet you sound like them, or they like you. It's the same rallying cry, no matter whom one declares as its owner.

I'm sure wages for certain jobs or types of jobs have gone down. The wages for the jobs that align with the U.S.' current comparative advantages have most certainly not gone down. On the contrary, those types of jobs' wages have done just fine. Case in point, I began my career in 1980 at $25K/year. The college grads we hired this year for the exact same entry level position started at ~$75K/year. That's so for my firm and our competitors; we all pay comparable salaries expressly to remove money from the consideration of whether a recruit chooses our firm or another and place the relationship and firm culture at the forefront of their decision making process. No, they are not "blue collar" workers, but neither are they entry level investment bankers and stock brokers.

The "writing was on the wall" in 1980 just as it now. It was no secret that technology was going to automate millions out of work. That was obvious and foreseeable the instant we all had calculators and Simons. It was from that moment on a matter of "when," not "whether." Yes, millions of folks ignored the clues. That they did isn't Democrats' or Republican's fault. It is the fault of the individuals who didn't pay attention to the world in which they lived, how it was changing and what they needed to do to keep pace with the changes.

Union workers weren't "back in the day" overpaid. Then their labors were in demand and not replaceable by capital. That's no longer so; thus to pay an inflation adjusted comparable wage today for the same labor union workers performed some 40 years ago would be overpaying for that type of labor.

It was neither. It was nothing but a recognition that the cost of labor was greater than the cost of capital, equipment that could instead be used to accomplish the same outcome as the labor. Assailing the middle class was not the intention of the deans and doyennes of industry and politics.

Almost certainly not. What it should mean, at least in my mind, is transforming millions of people into workers who can perform the work that is now in demand and well compensated. That work is rarely these days "blue collar" work in the classic sense of the term.

I'm not sure what to make of those questions. Do you truly want answers to them? If not, and I suspect not, what is the point you're getting at by presenting them?
Look at bucktooth crying over who we picked when who we picked is winning the fucking election! LOL. Crying little fucking bitches I'll tell ya. And they won't learn. They won't start behaving or they won't change their positions even though America says fuck you to their positions.
Winning elections and losing your jobs! Way to fucking go.
I have a great job. I am talented enough to earn a good pay because of my skills. But the people voting for trump are blue collar uneducated workers who just want their high paying union jobs back. Are you saying they won't get them back?
Republican voters will never admit us liberals are right but aren't they admitting it when none of their superstars can even beat fiorino carson or trump?

If Paul Ryan Ted Cruz Chris Christy santorum Walker kascich huckabee Perry or bush were ever good wouldn't they be beating 3 non politicians?

Don't bother arguing it Republicans. You guys won't even admit Gw bush sucked. You don't have to. Your telling me all I need to know in your primaries. If he was good jeb would be your front runner.

I'm not certain that your conclusion is a given, but your argument is plausible.
In hindsight, which of the 12 dwarfs would Republicans run now?

I say pence, kasich or Paul Ryan might have beaten hillary.

One things for sure. The GOP is a horrible group of deplorable.
You vote for corruption, the people you vote for are destroying the country. I say that makes ewe the MOST deplorable.
I'm sure if I told a rich guy like the Koch brothers, "you ruined this country", they would laugh at me. Because for themselves they made the country so much greater than it's ever been.

So while for the last 2 decades you attacked labor and unions, wages have gone down. Remember, you said we made too much? We were lazy, overpaid, UNION WORKERS! That was the fucking attack on the middle class bitch! That was class warfare stupid! And they fucking won! So now you want to make America great again? Does that mean paying blue collar workers enough that they can raise a family and retire in 30 years? Bullshit my friend. You republicans are just so full of shit and everyone can smell it.

Who are you? What do you do for a living? Why are you struggling so hard? Maybe you suck? Maybe the country is doing just find but you blow.
Soros has more money than the Koch brothers, and he spends ten times the amount swaying elections and trying to bring down this country, as he has in other countries.
Yet I never hear the left bringing him up, why is that, could it be because he gives money to hillary and the anti american groups like BLK, or ACORN?
Your hypocrisy is beyond excessive, you dont even try to hide it.
You are nothing more than one of the sheep.
One rich lib doesn't undo all the rich cons that own the GOP.
Look at bucktooth crying over who we picked when who we picked is winning the fucking election! LOL. Crying little fucking bitches I'll tell ya. And they won't learn. They won't start behaving or they won't change their positions even though America says fuck you to their positions.
Winning elections and losing your jobs! Way to fucking go.
I have a great job. I am talented enough to earn a good pay because of my skills. But the people voting for trump are blue collar uneducated workers who just want their high paying union jobs back. Are you saying they won't get them back?
I said your union jobs left with the democrats in charge! Right?
Look at bucktooth crying over who we picked when who we picked is winning the fucking election! LOL. Crying little fucking bitches I'll tell ya. And they won't learn. They won't start behaving or they won't change their positions even though America says fuck you to their positions.
Winning elections and losing your jobs! Way to fucking go.
I have a great job. I am talented enough to earn a good pay because of my skills. But the people voting for trump are blue collar uneducated workers who just want their high paying union jobs back. Are you saying they won't get them back?
I said your union jobs left with the democrats in charge! Right?

Who is Killing American Manufacturing?
Look at bucktooth crying over who we picked when who we picked is winning the fucking election! LOL. Crying little fucking bitches I'll tell ya. And they won't learn. They won't start behaving or they won't change their positions even though America says fuck you to their positions.
Winning elections and losing your jobs! Way to fucking go.
I have a great job. I am talented enough to earn a good pay because of my skills. But the people voting for trump are blue collar uneducated workers who just want their high paying union jobs back. Are you saying they won't get them back?
I said your union jobs left with the democrats in charge! Right?

Corporations would rather pay $3 an hour to a Mexican in Mexico than it would an American at $10 hr. So what is your argument? Is it that we should start paying $3 so we can be competitive?
Republican voters will never admit us liberals are right but aren't they admitting it when none of their superstars can even beat fiorino carson or trump?

If Paul Ryan Ted Cruz Chris Christy santorum Walker kascich huckabee Perry or bush were ever good wouldn't they be beating 3 non politicians?

Don't bother arguing it Republicans. You guys won't even admit Gw bush sucked. You don't have to. Your telling me all I need to know in your primaries. If he was good jeb would be your front runner.

You write good, some of it, in almost English
Look at bucktooth crying over who we picked when who we picked is winning the fucking election! LOL. Crying little fucking bitches I'll tell ya. And they won't learn. They won't start behaving or they won't change their positions even though America says fuck you to their positions.
Winning elections and losing your jobs! Way to fucking go.
I have a great job. I am talented enough to earn a good pay because of my skills. But the people voting for trump are blue collar uneducated workers who just want their high paying union jobs back. Are you saying they won't get them back?
I said your union jobs left with the democrats in charge! Right?

Corporations would rather pay $3 an hour to a Mexican in Mexico than it would an American at $10 hr. So what is your argument? Is it that we should start paying $3 so we can be competitive?
Ahhhh! But you skipped right past NAFTA and TPP both of which are championed by democrats. Clinton signed NAFTA and the other Clinton will sign TPPA if she gets the chance. Now who is against unfair trade agreements? Trump is of course! Now, you have been educated. Quit hating on the corporations, give them a tax break and they will stay here.
I'm not certain that your conclusion is a given, but your argument is plausible.
In hindsight, which of the 12 dwarfs would Republicans run now?

I say pence, kasich or Paul Ryan might have beaten hillary.

One things for sure. The GOP is a horrible group of deplorable.
You vote for corruption, the people you vote for are destroying the country. I say that makes ewe the MOST deplorable.
I'm sure if I told a rich guy like the Koch brothers, "you ruined this country", they would laugh at me. Because for themselves they made the country so much greater than it's ever been.

So while for the last 2 decades you attacked labor and unions, wages have gone down. Remember, you said we made too much? We were lazy, overpaid, UNION WORKERS! That was the fucking attack on the middle class bitch! That was class warfare stupid! And they fucking won! So now you want to make America great again? Does that mean paying blue collar workers enough that they can raise a family and retire in 30 years? Bullshit my friend. You republicans are just so full of shit and everyone can smell it.

Who are you? What do you do for a living? Why are you struggling so hard? Maybe you suck? Maybe the country is doing just find but you blow.
Soros has more money than the Koch brothers, and he spends ten times the amount swaying elections and trying to bring down this country, as he has in other countries.
Yet I never hear the left bringing him up, why is that, could it be because he gives money to hillary and the anti american groups like BLK, or ACORN?
Your hypocrisy is beyond excessive, you dont even try to hide it.
You are nothing more than one of the sheep.
One rich lib doesn't undo all the rich cons that own the GOP.
wrong again traitor, there seems to be more billionaires giving to the left than to the right.
Billionaire political donors
Hey! Sealybobo, what do ewe think will happen to American wages if Hillary opens the borders and floods the country with aliens from ALL of the Americas?
Hey! Sealybobo, what do ewe think will happen to American wages if Hillary opens the borders and floods the country with aliens from ALL of the Americas?
Oh, let me guess.
The wages will drop. The U.S will become a majority of poor people unable to afford food or other necessities,
The U.N then can step in and take the money that the U.S gives them, and provide for the poor in the new 3rd World country that Hillary creates.
People will become dependent on the "good will" of the U.N and openly accept our entrance into a one world society that is governed by the U.N.
The select few at the top along with those that were key in creating this situation will benefit greatly. The rest of us will just become slaves to their desires.
Hey! Sealybobo, what do ewe think will happen to American wages if Hillary opens the borders and floods the country with aliens from ALL of the Americas?
Oh, let me guess.
The wages will drop. The U.S will become a majority of poor people unable to afford food or other necessities,
The U.N then can step in and take the money that the U.S gives them, and provide for the poor in the new 3rd World country that Hillary creates.
People will become dependent on the "good will" of the U.N and openly accept our entrance into a one world society that is governed by the U.N.
The select few at the top along with those that were key in creating this situation will benefit greatly. The rest of us will just become slaves to their desires.
Notice sealybobo hauled ass? They can never stick around when shown the democrats and their policies are the root cause of their problems.
Look at bucktooth crying over who we picked when who we picked is winning the fucking election! LOL. Crying little fucking bitches I'll tell ya. And they won't learn. They won't start behaving or they won't change their positions even though America says fuck you to their positions.
Winning elections and losing your jobs! Way to fucking go.
I have a great job. I am talented enough to earn a good pay because of my skills. But the people voting for trump are blue collar uneducated workers who just want their high paying union jobs back. Are you saying they won't get them back?
I said your union jobs left with the democrats in charge! Right?

Corporations would rather pay $3 an hour to a Mexican in Mexico than it would an American at $10 hr. So what is your argument? Is it that we should start paying $3 so we can be competitive?
Ahhhh! But you skipped right past NAFTA and TPP both of which are championed by democrats. Clinton signed NAFTA and the other Clinton will sign TPPA if she gets the chance. Now who is against unfair trade agreements? Trump is of course! Now, you have been educated. Quit hating on the corporations, give them a tax break and they will stay here.
So your taxes go up? Dumb shits
Hey! Sealybobo, what do ewe think will happen to American wages if Hillary opens the borders and floods the country with aliens from ALL of the Americas?
Oh, let me guess.
The wages will drop. The U.S will become a majority of poor people unable to afford food or other necessities,
The U.N then can step in and take the money that the U.S gives them, and provide for the poor in the new 3rd World country that Hillary creates.
People will become dependent on the "good will" of the U.N and openly accept our entrance into a one world society that is governed by the U.N.
The select few at the top along with those that were key in creating this situation will benefit greatly. The rest of us will just become slaves to their desires.
Notice sealybobo hauled ass? They can never stick around when shown the democrats and their policies are the root cause of their problems.
Im not a part of this stupid conversation. Know who runs from your ideas? The voters
Look at bucktooth crying over who we picked when who we picked is winning the fucking election! LOL. Crying little fucking bitches I'll tell ya. And they won't learn. They won't start behaving or they won't change their positions even though America says fuck you to their positions.
Winning elections and losing your jobs! Way to fucking go.
I have a great job. I am talented enough to earn a good pay because of my skills. But the people voting for trump are blue collar uneducated workers who just want their high paying union jobs back. Are you saying they won't get them back?
I said your union jobs left with the democrats in charge! Right?

Corporations would rather pay $3 an hour to a Mexican in Mexico than it would an American at $10 hr. So what is your argument? Is it that we should start paying $3 so we can be competitive?
Ahhhh! But you skipped right past NAFTA and TPP both of which are championed by democrats. Clinton signed NAFTA and the other Clinton will sign TPPA if she gets the chance. Now who is against unfair trade agreements? Trump is of course! Now, you have been educated. Quit hating on the corporations, give them a tax break and they will stay here.
Why do you forget bush 1 invented NAFTA? Clinton signed Bush's bill into law true. Know who wasn't happy then? Us liberals. Too late trumpets. That ship has sailed.

And more Republicans in the Senate and house signed it than did Democrats. So who you voting for Senate and house? Liar!

Trump found an angle. You bought it.

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