Trump pulling out of nuclear arms treaty with Russia

Wow...............Trump is gonna get rid of a treaty that was originally done by the GOP deity Ronnie Reagan, and the GOP is happy about it.

Hey...................conservatives....................Obama isn't the one that did the treaty, Reagan did. Why are you so happy to be out of it? I guess you are believing the lies that Trump is selling you.
Bad. Now trump won't have to call Putin on it when he deploys his next load of medium range nuclear weapons.
Ya we should obey a treaty that Russia refuses to, great plan dumb ass.
Did conservative IQs drop suddenly while I was working?

Where did I mention our adherance to the this treaty anywhere?
Wow...............Trump is gonna get rid of a treaty that was originally done by the GOP deity Ronnie Reagan, and the GOP is happy about it.

Hey...................conservatives....................Obama isn't the one that did the treaty, Reagan did. Why are you so happy to be out of it? I guess you are believing the lies that Trump is selling you.
Lies? Russia is NOT following the treaty and has not for years. What lie did trump tell you loon.

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