Trump pulling out of Paris Climate Accord

Merkel has warned Europe that the US is fucking crazy

Merkel is the crazy, liberal bitch who - like Obama - let so many 'refugees' into her country and caused so much trouble there, victimizing many of her own people and jeopardizing their Natl Security. Merkel is one also who has shirked their commitment to NATO, refusing to keep her / Germany's word.

Funny how she said the US can't be trusted, yet it was her and Germany that have refused to honor THEIR commitments.

While Obama was respected and trusted around the world, Trump is looked at as an unstable leader who exhibits horrible judgment

What scares Europe more than Trump is the Trump voters. While Trump will eventually go away, those who voted for the idiot will still be casting ballots
Yeah, Obama was so respected around the world they gave him a Nobel Peace. That was before the instable, Islamic extremist sympathizing bastard dragged the US into 2 Yn-Constitutional qars in Libya and Syria and started up his own personal drone assassination program.

That was also before his disastrous liberal Red Line and his attempt to blame the whole world for his failure.
America is no longer the leader of the free world.
It is certainly becoming that way.

Six Ways America Is Like a Third-World Country
The US Presidency has always been respected and no matter how disliked a US President might have been, the office guaranteed respect and status as being the leader of the free world. Trump has destroyed that.

President Trump has seven and a half years to prove you totally wrong.
I will now give both points of view from the left and right regarding the consensus that the Paris Accord is an absolute scam.

First from the left

James Hansen, father of climate change awareness, calls Paris talks 'a fraud'

The changes being suggested will do next to nothing to reduce the threat of increasing global warming.

Now from the right.

Paris Accord on Climate Change: a UN Scam to Redistribute Wealth by Policy - Live Trading News

This UN policy is about social engineering, central planning, redistribution of wealth, and empowering bureaucrats. It is all about collectivism and a one world order.

Not sure about any of that.

What bothers me about the accord is that it’s easy for a country that isn’t based on the automobile to stop driving so much. It would be very hard for most Americans to be without their cars.

The winning solution would be to have smart, aggressive mass transit in our largest cities, promotion and/or enforcement of staggered workdays for at least half of the largest employers so you have less traffic jams, and increased spending on Nuclear spending. The navy has proven you can have a kick-ass network of reactors that operate in all climates, under extreme stress and have no accidents. As long as the Navy runs them, open 50 new reactors to replace ones that are pumping soot into the air.
I will now give both points of view from the left and right regarding the consensus that the Paris Accord is an absolute scam.

First from the left

James Hansen, father of climate change awareness, calls Paris talks 'a fraud'

The changes being suggested will do next to nothing to reduce the threat of increasing global warming.

Now from the right.

Paris Accord on Climate Change: a UN Scam to Redistribute Wealth by Policy - Live Trading News

This UN policy is about social engineering, central planning, redistribution of wealth, and empowering bureaucrats. It is all about collectivism and a one world order.

Not sure about any of that.

What bothers me about the accord is that it’s easy for a country that isn’t based on the automobile to stop driving so much. It would be very hard for most Americans to be without their cars.

The winning solution would be to have smart, aggressive mass transit in our largest cities, promotion and/or enforcement of staggered workdays for at least half of the largest employers so you have less traffic jams, and increased spending on Nuclear spending. The navy has proven you can have a kick-ass network of reactors that operate in all climates, under extreme stress and have no accidents. As long as the Navy runs them, open 50 new reactors to replace ones that are pumping soot into the air.

The left hates nuclear power. Germany is currently scaling back and when McCain ran against Obama, McCain suggested the answer was nuclear and lost to Obama.
At the moment, Syria and Nicaragua. That's the company in which Trump wants to put the U.S.
Who gives a shit?
This is focused on C02 and we dont contribute enough to justify subsidizing other countries frivolous efforts. Especially when we have our own problems here.
Not to mention, it is unconstitutional.
If people want to focus on the environment, why don't they focus on something that matters? Like polluting our waterways and ocean with garbage, pesticides, herbicides, oil and detergents?
How Much of Atmospheric CO2 Increase is Natural? « Roy Spencer, PhD
At the moment, Syria and Nicaragua. That's the company in which Trump wants to put the U.S.
Presupposes that those who stand to gain the most from the US remaining in the Paris accord, are even correct on what this accord is alleged to accomplish.

Leadership would have been staying out of such a damaging agreement, to begin with. Now we are forced to decide between doing what is right (leaving the Paris accords) or having to face the wrath of ankle biters.
The only answer I hear from the left is, taxes and a more centralized world government will save the planet.
I will now give both points of view from the left and right regarding the consensus that the Paris Accord is an absolute scam.

First from the left

James Hansen, father of climate change awareness, calls Paris talks 'a fraud'

The changes being suggested will do next to nothing to reduce the threat of increasing global warming.

Now from the right.

Paris Accord on Climate Change: a UN Scam to Redistribute Wealth by Policy - Live Trading News

This UN policy is about social engineering, central planning, redistribution of wealth, and empowering bureaucrats. It is all about collectivism and a one world order.

Not sure about any of that.

What bothers me about the accord is that it’s easy for a country that isn’t based on the automobile to stop driving so much. It would be very hard for most Americans to be without their cars.

The winning solution would be to have smart, aggressive mass transit in our largest cities, promotion and/or enforcement of staggered workdays for at least half of the largest employers so you have less traffic jams, and increased spending on Nuclear spending. The navy has proven you can have a kick-ass network of reactors that operate in all climates, under extreme stress and have no accidents. As long as the Navy runs them, open 50 new reactors to replace ones that are pumping soot into the air.

The left hates nuclear power. Germany is currently scaling back and when McCain ran against Obama, McCain suggested the answer was nuclear and lost to Obama.

I will now give both points of view from the left and right regarding the consensus that the Paris Accord is an absolute scam.

First from the left

James Hansen, father of climate change awareness, calls Paris talks 'a fraud'

The changes being suggested will do next to nothing to reduce the threat of increasing global warming.

Now from the right.

Paris Accord on Climate Change: a UN Scam to Redistribute Wealth by Policy - Live Trading News

This UN policy is about social engineering, central planning, redistribution of wealth, and empowering bureaucrats. It is all about collectivism and a one world order.

Not sure about any of that.

What bothers me about the accord is that it’s easy for a country that isn’t based on the automobile to stop driving so much. It would be very hard for most Americans to be without their cars.

The winning solution would be to have smart, aggressive mass transit in our largest cities, promotion and/or enforcement of staggered workdays for at least half of the largest employers so you have less traffic jams, and increased spending on Nuclear spending. The navy has proven you can have a kick-ass network of reactors that operate in all climates, under extreme stress and have no accidents. As long as the Navy runs them, open 50 new reactors to replace ones that are pumping soot into the air.

The left hates nuclear power. Germany is currently scaling back and when McCain ran against Obama, McCain suggested the answer was nuclear and lost to Obama.

I don’t think McCain lost because of the nuclear answer.

He lost because he was tied to Bush.

The “left” needs to get over it. It was one thing back in 1970 and 1980 but the science has been proven. The problem is that when you let ConEd do it, the unions get involved, nepotism takes place, corners are cut, and you end up with some sub-contrctor doing maintenance because they were the lowest bidder. No Thanks. Put the US Navy in charge, these women and men have proven they are more than capable of running a tight ship for DECADES!!!

Either way, telling Americans to stop driving is not going to work. Telling the other 80% of the world probably will. So pulling out is probably a good idea based on the surface of the argument.
The Paris Accord was ratified by 147 countries.

But the apes who voted for Trump think they know better!

I will now give both points of view from the left and right regarding the consensus that the Paris Accord is an absolute scam.

First from the left

James Hansen, father of climate change awareness, calls Paris talks 'a fraud'

The changes being suggested will do next to nothing to reduce the threat of increasing global warming.

Now from the right.

Paris Accord on Climate Change: a UN Scam to Redistribute Wealth by Policy - Live Trading News

This UN policy is about social engineering, central planning, redistribution of wealth, and empowering bureaucrats. It is all about collectivism and a one world order.

No! It's everything because it's European and super hip and cool! Everyone who's anyone signed on, even though they don't believe in it.
I will now give both points of view from the left and right regarding the consensus that the Paris Accord is an absolute scam.

First from the left

James Hansen, father of climate change awareness, calls Paris talks 'a fraud'

The changes being suggested will do next to nothing to reduce the threat of increasing global warming.

Now from the right.

Paris Accord on Climate Change: a UN Scam to Redistribute Wealth by Policy - Live Trading News

This UN policy is about social engineering, central planning, redistribution of wealth, and empowering bureaucrats. It is all about collectivism and a one world order.

Not sure about any of that.

What bothers me about the accord is that it’s easy for a country that isn’t based on the automobile to stop driving so much. It would be very hard for most Americans to be without their cars.

The winning solution would be to have smart, aggressive mass transit in our largest cities, promotion and/or enforcement of staggered workdays for at least half of the largest employers so you have less traffic jams, and increased spending on Nuclear spending. The navy has proven you can have a kick-ass network of reactors that operate in all climates, under extreme stress and have no accidents. As long as the Navy runs them, open 50 new reactors to replace ones that are pumping soot into the air.

The left hates nuclear power. Germany is currently scaling back and when McCain ran against Obama, McCain suggested the answer was nuclear and lost to Obama.

I don’t think McCain lost because of the nuclear answer.

He lost because he was tied to Bush.

The “left” needs to get over it. It was one thing back in 1970 and 1980 but the science has been proven. The problem is that when you let ConEd do it, the unions get involved, nepotism takes place, corners are cut, and you end up with some sub-contrctor doing maintenance because they were the lowest bidder. No Thanks. Put the US Navy in charge, these women and men have proven they are more than capable of running a tight ship for DECADES!!!

Either way, telling Americans to stop driving is not going to work. Telling the other 80% of the world probably will. So pulling out is probably a good idea based on the surface of the argument.

Name one left winged prominent politician who is advocating nuclear power.

I will now give both points of view from the left and right regarding the consensus that the Paris Accord is an absolute scam.

First from the left

James Hansen, father of climate change awareness, calls Paris talks 'a fraud'

The changes being suggested will do next to nothing to reduce the threat of increasing global warming.

Now from the right.

Paris Accord on Climate Change: a UN Scam to Redistribute Wealth by Policy - Live Trading News

This UN policy is about social engineering, central planning, redistribution of wealth, and empowering bureaucrats. It is all about collectivism and a one world order.

Not sure about any of that.

What bothers me about the accord is that it’s easy for a country that isn’t based on the automobile to stop driving so much. It would be very hard for most Americans to be without their cars.

The winning solution would be to have smart, aggressive mass transit in our largest cities, promotion and/or enforcement of staggered workdays for at least half of the largest employers so you have less traffic jams, and increased spending on Nuclear spending. The navy has proven you can have a kick-ass network of reactors that operate in all climates, under extreme stress and have no accidents. As long as the Navy runs them, open 50 new reactors to replace ones that are pumping soot into the air.

The left hates nuclear power. Germany is currently scaling back and when McCain ran against Obama, McCain suggested the answer was nuclear and lost to Obama.

I don’t think McCain lost because of the nuclear answer.

He lost because he was tied to Bush.

The “left” needs to get over it. It was one thing back in 1970 and 1980 but the science has been proven. The problem is that when you let ConEd do it, the unions get involved, nepotism takes place, corners are cut, and you end up with some sub-contrctor doing maintenance because they were the lowest bidder. No Thanks. Put the US Navy in charge, these women and men have proven they are more than capable of running a tight ship for DECADES!!!

Either way, telling Americans to stop driving is not going to work. Telling the other 80% of the world probably will. So pulling out is probably a good idea based on the surface of the argument.

Name one left winged prominent politician who is advocating nuclear power.


Not sure there is one.

Never said there was one.

As I did say, the “left needs to get over it.”
I will now give both points of view from the left and right regarding the consensus that the Paris Accord is an absolute scam.

First from the left

James Hansen, father of climate change awareness, calls Paris talks 'a fraud'

The changes being suggested will do next to nothing to reduce the threat of increasing global warming.

Now from the right.

Paris Accord on Climate Change: a UN Scam to Redistribute Wealth by Policy - Live Trading News

This UN policy is about social engineering, central planning, redistribution of wealth, and empowering bureaucrats. It is all about collectivism and a one world order.

No! It's everything because it's European and super hip and cool! Everyone who's anyone signed on, even though they don't believe in it.

The crux of the matter is, these hypocrites will fly half way around the world to discuss this stuff when one plane flight one way equals an entire year of driving an SUV in terms of carbon emissions. Then these fat cats have a myriad of large mansions they live in all around the world they heat and cool all year, and then they sit up and preach to us how we should scale back.

Not interested.
I will now give both points of view from the left and right regarding the consensus that the Paris Accord is an absolute scam.

First from the left

James Hansen, father of climate change awareness, calls Paris talks 'a fraud'

The changes being suggested will do next to nothing to reduce the threat of increasing global warming.

Now from the right.

Paris Accord on Climate Change: a UN Scam to Redistribute Wealth by Policy - Live Trading News

This UN policy is about social engineering, central planning, redistribution of wealth, and empowering bureaucrats. It is all about collectivism and a one world order.

Not sure about any of that.

What bothers me about the accord is that it’s easy for a country that isn’t based on the automobile to stop driving so much. It would be very hard for most Americans to be without their cars.

The winning solution would be to have smart, aggressive mass transit in our largest cities, promotion and/or enforcement of staggered workdays for at least half of the largest employers so you have less traffic jams, and increased spending on Nuclear spending. The navy has proven you can have a kick-ass network of reactors that operate in all climates, under extreme stress and have no accidents. As long as the Navy runs them, open 50 new reactors to replace ones that are pumping soot into the air.

The left hates nuclear power. Germany is currently scaling back and when McCain ran against Obama, McCain suggested the answer was nuclear and lost to Obama.

I don’t think McCain lost because of the nuclear answer.

He lost because he was tied to Bush.

The “left” needs to get over it. It was one thing back in 1970 and 1980 but the science has been proven. The problem is that when you let ConEd do it, the unions get involved, nepotism takes place, corners are cut, and you end up with some sub-contrctor doing maintenance because they were the lowest bidder. No Thanks. Put the US Navy in charge, these women and men have proven they are more than capable of running a tight ship for DECADES!!!

Either way, telling Americans to stop driving is not going to work. Telling the other 80% of the world probably will. So pulling out is probably a good idea based on the surface of the argument.

Name one left winged prominent politician who is advocating nuclear power.


Not sure there is one.

Never said there was one.

As I did say, the “left needs to get over it.”

No, the left needs a lobotomy
Merkel has warned Europe that the US is fucking crazy

Merkel is the crazy, liberal bitch who - like Obama - let so many 'refugees' into her country and caused so much trouble there, victimizing many of her own people and jeopardizing their Natl Security. Merkel is one also who has shirked their commitment to NATO, refusing to keep her / Germany's word.

Funny how she said the US can't be trusted, yet it was her and Germany that have refused to honor THEIR commitments.

While Obama was respected and trusted around the world, Trump is looked at as an unstable leader who exhibits horrible judgment

What scares Europe more than Trump is the Trump voters. While Trump will eventually go away, those who voted for the idiot will still be casting ballots
Yeah, Obama was so respected around the world they gave him a Nobel Peace. That was before the instable, Islamic extremist sympathizing bastard dragged the US into 2 Yn-Constitutional qars in Libya and Syria and started up his own personal drone assassination program.

That was also before his disastrous liberal Red Line and his attempt to blame the whole world for his failure.

Yes, he was

Obama built strong coalitions with our allies and used them to fight in Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and Egypt. He also was able to use our allies to impose strong economic sanctions on Russia, negotiate nuclear disarmament with Iran and a climate accord

Trump is incapable of doing that. Our allies do not trust him and our allies do not like him

Obama assumed the role as "Leader of the free world" and was very good at it

Trump is a buffoon who they laugh behind his back
I will now give both points of view from the left and right regarding the consensus that the Paris Accord is an absolute scam.

First from the left

James Hansen, father of climate change awareness, calls Paris talks 'a fraud'

The changes being suggested will do next to nothing to reduce the threat of increasing global warming.

Now from the right.

Paris Accord on Climate Change: a UN Scam to Redistribute Wealth by Policy - Live Trading News

This UN policy is about social engineering, central planning, redistribution of wealth, and empowering bureaucrats. It is all about collectivism and a one world order.

No! It's everything because it's European and super hip and cool! Everyone who's anyone signed on, even though they don't believe in it.

The crux of the matter is, these hypocrites will fly half way around the world to discuss this stuff when one plane flight one way equals an entire year of driving an SUV in terms of carbon emissions. Then these fat cats have a myriad of large mansions they live in all around the world they heat and cool all year, and then they sit up and preach to us how we should scale back.

Not interested.

Hell man you can keep going with that plane trip's environmental impact times however many countries are going. How much trash was generated, how much fuel to haul all that trash. This is a scam and the world is catching on likely why this,

An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power (2017) - IMDb
Not sure about any of that.

What bothers me about the accord is that it’s easy for a country that isn’t based on the automobile to stop driving so much. It would be very hard for most Americans to be without their cars.

The winning solution would be to have smart, aggressive mass transit in our largest cities, promotion and/or enforcement of staggered workdays for at least half of the largest employers so you have less traffic jams, and increased spending on Nuclear spending. The navy has proven you can have a kick-ass network of reactors that operate in all climates, under extreme stress and have no accidents. As long as the Navy runs them, open 50 new reactors to replace ones that are pumping soot into the air.

The left hates nuclear power. Germany is currently scaling back and when McCain ran against Obama, McCain suggested the answer was nuclear and lost to Obama.

I don’t think McCain lost because of the nuclear answer.

He lost because he was tied to Bush.

The “left” needs to get over it. It was one thing back in 1970 and 1980 but the science has been proven. The problem is that when you let ConEd do it, the unions get involved, nepotism takes place, corners are cut, and you end up with some sub-contrctor doing maintenance because they were the lowest bidder. No Thanks. Put the US Navy in charge, these women and men have proven they are more than capable of running a tight ship for DECADES!!!

Either way, telling Americans to stop driving is not going to work. Telling the other 80% of the world probably will. So pulling out is probably a good idea based on the surface of the argument.

Name one left winged prominent politician who is advocating nuclear power.


Not sure there is one.

Never said there was one.

As I did say, the “left needs to get over it.”

No, the left needs a lobotomy

On this one topic, I agree with you.
Well, the GOP has the House, the Senate, and the Presidency…. apparently the nation needs a President.

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