Trump pulling out of Paris Climate Accord

The only answer I hear from the left is, taxes and a more centralized world government will save the planet.

No. That's what right wing talking heads are telling you that the left is saying. You really should at least make an effort to see what's happening in reality.
At the moment, Syria and Nicaragua. That's the company in which Trump wants to put the U.S.
Absolutely the most humiliating moment yet.
you have yet to give logical reasons as to why
you have yet to address how this would even help our environment. Just a few percent..
What you have done is ignore reality and envelope yourself in emotion and partisan talking points.
Not to mention the accord is UNCONSTITUTIONAL that's why the supreme court put it on hold. article 2 clearly states treaties must be ratified by congress. Also, any time money is brought up, it must involve congress.
Yep. We will be a 3rd world nation if he has his way. Not just regarding climate control and greenhouse gasses, we have the highest number of guns in the world per 100 people: US guns per 100 people = 112, next comes Serbia with 58 and Yemen with 54. Another 3rd world statistic we fit into. .
Fuck face, the more firearms the better the nation we are… Fact
This is entering my Quotes Hall of Fame. Congrats.
Firearm ownership is an absolute right... no two ways about it
The thing is voluntary, there is nothing binding in he accord.
At the moment, Syria and Nicaragua. That's the company in which Trump wants to put the U.S.
On the other hand, North Korea, Somalia, Zimbabwe, Venezuela, Nigeria, Libya, China, ..............
You are not the first to broach that line of thought. It is no less absurd no matter how often it appears. Indeed, I'm not even going to make the effort to explain why and what about it is just nuts because if you are minors, you'll one one day (one hopes) come to know why, and if you are adults, y'all just ain't worth it.

This is about the most eloquent definition of a stupid liberal. Pardon the redundancy.
At the moment, Syria and Nicaragua. That's the company in which Trump wants to put the U.S.

..and signing it would put us in the company of:

  • Iraq
  • Iran
  • Yemen
  • Libya
  • North Korea
  • Russia
Funny how that works, eh?
Funny how that works, eh?
No, though I'm not surprised to observe yet again from your addlepated belfry sally preternaturally outré bats. Typical.

What's the matter? Don't like it when your non sequitur logic is turned around on you?
At the moment, Syria and Nicaragua. That's the company in which Trump wants to put the U.S.

The rest of the world does not realize that climate change is just made up

They need to watch Fox News like Trump does

How much does man contribute compared to natural variations?

5% ?

25% ?




I will wait....


Does it matter?

If the ozone layer is being impacted and we DO KNOW there is a manmade impact on climate change, why wouldn't we cut back on that part that we have control of?

The ozone hole is closing.
Only a fucking moron would think the climate accord is a good thing…
It basically amount to giving control of America to Euro bureaucrats... Something that not even the Europeans should do.

I thought we voted to make America great again, not to fatten up some bureaucrats in a different continent.
If these Sally's TRULY want to worry about something they'd be better served to fret about Fukushima, it's much worse and far more imminent.
Thanks kooks! You've made China into the leader of the world!

Meanwhile, the US declines into a third-world backwater.
Don't ever dismiss and disrespect Greg Gutfeld lightly just because he has a sense of humor to reduce the most giantific "crisis" to normal level.
Remind us what happened,

Obama took the Constitutional route an asked Congress to back him up. They said :haha:.

He said he would do it anyway and that's when Kerry stepped in an made a seemingly off hand statement that led to Russia negotiating for Assad.

That attack would probably have been much like the one Donnie Dangerously approved.
I will now give both points of view from the left and right regarding the consensus that the Paris Accord is an absolute scam.

First from the left

James Hansen, father of climate change awareness, calls Paris talks 'a fraud'

The changes being suggested will do next to nothing to reduce the threat of increasing global warming.

Now from the right.

Paris Accord on Climate Change: a UN Scam to Redistribute Wealth by Policy - Live Trading News

This UN policy is about social engineering, central planning, redistribution of wealth, and empowering bureaucrats. It is all about collectivism and a one world order.

Not sure about any of that.

What bothers me about the accord is that it’s easy for a country that isn’t based on the automobile to stop driving so much. It would be very hard for most Americans to be without their cars.

The winning solution would be to have smart, aggressive mass transit in our largest cities, promotion and/or enforcement of staggered workdays for at least half of the largest employers so you have less traffic jams, and increased spending on Nuclear spending. The navy has proven you can have a kick-ass network of reactors that operate in all climates, under extreme stress and have no accidents. As long as the Navy runs them, open 50 new reactors to replace ones that are pumping soot into the air.

Also with Marxism, if the people have to give up their cars, then also they must give up their rural housing and live in the cities in mega-apartments owned by the government, forcing those people to either walk to work or use that mass transit, run by the government. Ah yes, we are talking about the Ole USSR again, and I for one, wont allow that to happen. If the US of America, leaves the Paris agreement, then so be it, I for one, am tired of paying for other people to live like liberals schlobs and need to get off their sorry asses and work for a living. You don't work, you don't eat.

There would be mass famine in many Red States.
There would be mass famine in many Red States.
That mass famine would be the liberal cities in those red states. Funny how the morons of the left always leave that out of the equation. When you have liberal FREE stuff, people who are liberal flock to those cities for that free stuff. Cut off the free stuff and soon those liberals burn the cities down.

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