Trump pulling out of Paris Climate Accord

Merkel has warned Europe that the US is fucking crazy

Merkel is the crazy, liberal bitch who - like Obama - let so many 'refugees' into her country and caused so much trouble there, victimizing many of her own people and jeopardizing their Natl Security. Merkel is one also who has shirked their commitment to NATO, refusing to keep her / Germany's word.

Funny how she said the US can't be trusted, yet it was her and Germany that have refused to honor THEIR commitments.

While Obama was respected and trusted around the world, Trump is looked at as an unstable leader who exhibits horrible judgment

What scares Europe more than Trump is the Trump voters. While Trump will eventually go away, those who voted for the idiot will still be casting ballots
Yeah, Obama was so respected around the world they gave him a Nobel Peace. That was before the instable, Islamic extremist sympathizing bastard dragged the US into 2 Yn-Constitutional qars in Libya and Syria and started up his own personal drone assassination program.

That was also before his disastrous liberal Red Line and his attempt to blame the whole world for his failure.

Yes, he was

Obama built strong coalitions with our allies and used them to fight in Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and Egypt. He also was able to use our allies to impose strong economic sanctions on Russia, negotiate nuclear disarmament with Iran and a climate accord

Trump is incapable of doing that. Our allies do not trust him and our allies do not like him

Obama assumed the role as "Leader of the free world" and was very good at it

Trump is a buffoon who they laugh behind his back

Why do you lie? Obama ran from sryia when he drew a red line France desperately wanted to attack them.

They were using chemical weapons against there own citizens and continued to do so until...

Trump bombed them

Obama always led from behind

Are you saying that China is going to sign this climate pact?

Anyone who's not a 'tard has noticed they're running full steam ahead in implementing it.

Naturally, that means the Trump-snowflakes are making up stories that China isn't doing anything. As reality always contradicts their kook claims, Trumps-snowflakes simply create their own reality.

I have no problem accepting that they are going to do something, obviously this is not a permanent solution:


But climate change, I can guarantee they don't give a fuck about.

This pact is a way to control how things are done in the USA. There is zero reason to sign it.

I'd WANT that shit gone no matter who was responsible for it. ... but APPARENTLY, RW idiots dont.


So how is America joining some International cabal helping or not helping this pollution issue in China? America has decreased greenhouse gases 19% since 2006 levels, they are doing their part already. China took every manufacturing opportunity possible and companies liked the fact that labour was cheap and no environmental standards. Now they reap what they sow. Noone but China is responsible for cities in which you can't see the sun.

China being a "leader" in this fight is a load of bs and a scare tactic. If they are such leaders, let the EU leaders go and spend a week in Beijing without gas masks. Let them hold their annual meetings in China and drink local water. Alternative fuel sources and technology can be invented from anyone, anywhere, being a member of this Accord does nothing to change that. Nations who rely on the U.S market to take on debt while they run surpluses and don't fullfill their NATO obligations. Yeah, not difficult to pass on this.

The fact that so many are so eager for the U.S to be a part of this Accord should give rise for concern, especially considering that the U.S has already proven itself to be a leader in natural clean gas.

One final point, you want America and the world to help Chinese pollution problems? Apply a 35% tariff on all Chinese made goods shipped into America. There, problem solved. No more global manufacturing expansion into China. Clean air!
This pact is a way to control how things are done in the USA.

That's conspiracy kookery that any grownup should be ashamed to parrot. The fact that Trump said means any grownup should instantly laugh at it.

here is zero reason to sign it.

Aside from not roasting the planet, you mean?

But hey, it's just going to kill brown people mostly. Most Trump-thugs see such genocide as a plus.
Remind us what happened,

Obama took the Constitutional route an asked Congress to back him up. They said :haha:.

He said he would do it anyway and that's when Kerry stepped in an made a seemingly off hand statement that led to Russia negotiating for Assad.

That attack would probably have been much like the one Donnie Dangerously approved.
his press secretary was asked why Obama wasn't going to involve congress. That partisan shithead said it was because half congress doesn't think like Obama so they shouldn't get a vote.
This pact is a way to control how things are done in the USA.

That's conspiracy kookery that any grownup should be ashamed to parrot. The fact that Trump said means any grownup should instantly laugh at it.

here is zero reason to sign it.

Aside from not roasting the planet, you mean?

But hey, it's just going to kill brown people mostly. Most Trump-thugs see such genocide as a plus.

My christ, this idiot actually believes that the accord has something to do with saving the planet from being roasted. ROFLMAO!

Good Marxist, Good!

If Trump wants to do something about climate change, the euro-bureaucrats way more concerned about their iron grip, don't need to be a part of it in any way. But that's not his agenda to begin with, so why the hell should he sign anything?
Yep. We will be a 3rd world nation if he has his way. Not just regarding climate control and greenhouse gasses, we have the highest number of guns in the world per 100 people: US guns per 100 people = 112, next comes Serbia with 58 and Yemen with 54. Another 3rd world statistic we fit into. .
Fuck face, the more firearms the better the nation we are… Fact
I'm sure you're proud we lead or are near the top in firearm murders..
Merkel has warned Europe that the US is fucking crazy

Merkel is the crazy, liberal bitch who - like Obama - let so many 'refugees' into her country and caused so much trouble there, victimizing many of her own people and jeopardizing their Natl Security. Merkel is one also who has shirked their commitment to NATO, refusing to keep her / Germany's word.

Funny how she said the US can't be trusted, yet it was her and Germany that have refused to honor THEIR commitments.

While Obama was respected and trusted around the world, Trump is looked at as an unstable leader who exhibits horrible judgment

What scares Europe more than Trump is the Trump voters. While Trump will eventually go away, those who voted for the idiot will still be casting ballots
Yeah, Obama was so respected around the world they gave him a Nobel Peace. That was before the instable, Islamic extremist sympathizing bastard dragged the US into 2 Yn-Constitutional qars in Libya and Syria and started up his own personal drone assassination program.

That was also before his disastrous liberal Red Line and his attempt to blame the whole world for his failure.

Yes, he was

Obama built strong coalitions with our allies and used them to fight in Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and Egypt. He also was able to use our allies to impose strong economic sanctions on Russia, negotiate nuclear disarmament with Iran and a climate accord

Trump is incapable of doing that. Our allies do not trust him and our allies do not like him

Obama assumed the role as "Leader of the free world" and was very good at it

Trump is a buffoon who they laugh behind his back

Why do you lie? Obama ran from sryia when he drew a red line France desperately wanted to attack them.

They were using chemical weapons against there own citizens and continued to do so until...

Trump bombed them

Obama always led from behind


Obama dropped more bombs than Trump ever did
Obama also killed more ISIS troops and ISIS leaders

Obama's policies were so effective that Trump kept using them

The only thing Trump did differently regarding ISIS was to call them "Losers"
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When a president joins an international "agreement" and knows fully well that it is not binding without the 2/3 support and verification of the senate, it is not worth the paper it is printed on and it is the duty bound obligation of the next president to get the hell out of it.
My christ, this idiot actually believes that the accord has something to do with saving the planet from being roasted. ROFLMAO!

Don't you have some Russian commies to apply another coat of saliva to?

It's just science, dude. Of course you don't understand it. If you had a brain, you wouldn't be a Trump-cultist.

Now, the grownups are trying to talk. Here's a juicebox, and the kiddie table is that way.

We did nothing about this !

fitting legacy for Right Wing asshats.
Merkel is the crazy, liberal bitch who - like Obama - let so many 'refugees' into her country and caused so much trouble there, victimizing many of her own people and jeopardizing their Natl Security. Merkel is one also who has shirked their commitment to NATO, refusing to keep her / Germany's word.

Funny how she said the US can't be trusted, yet it was her and Germany that have refused to honor THEIR commitments.

While Obama was respected and trusted around the world, Trump is looked at as an unstable leader who exhibits horrible judgment

What scares Europe more than Trump is the Trump voters. While Trump will eventually go away, those who voted for the idiot will still be casting ballots
Yeah, Obama was so respected around the world they gave him a Nobel Peace. That was before the instable, Islamic extremist sympathizing bastard dragged the US into 2 Yn-Constitutional qars in Libya and Syria and started up his own personal drone assassination program.

That was also before his disastrous liberal Red Line and his attempt to blame the whole world for his failure.

Yes, he was

Obama built strong coalitions with our allies and used them to fight in Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and Egypt. He also was able to use our allies to impose strong economic sanctions on Russia, negotiate nuclear disarmament with Iran and a climate accord

Trump is incapable of doing that. Our allies do not trust him and our allies do not like him

Obama assumed the role as "Leader of the free world" and was very good at it

Trump is a buffoon who they laugh behind his back

Why do you lie? Obama ran from sryia when he drew a red line France desperately wanted to attack them.

They were using chemical weapons against there own citizens and continued to do so until...

Trump bombed them

Obama always led from behind


Obama dropped more bombs than Trump ever did
Obama also killed more ISID troops and ISIS leaders

Obama's policies were so effective that Trump kept using them

The only thing Trump did differently regarding ISIS was to call them "Losers"

Obama re ignighted the fucking war in Iraq and it led to us bombing ISIS in Sryia fool.

If the fuck head would of stayed in Iraq , ISIS would of never got so big...

He is responsible for thousands of innocent civilan life's , just because he wanted to win an election..
At the moment, Syria and Nicaragua. That's the company in which Trump wants to put the U.S.

..and signing it would put us in the company of:

  • Iraq
  • Iran
  • Yemen
  • Libya
  • North Korea
  • Russia
Funny how that works, eh?
Makes no sense but it's what we can expect from a deplorable. Stupid SOB thinks there's a planet B.

You don't even know what the Paris accord was about do you?

Tell us in your own words what it was?
Merkel is the crazy, liberal bitch who - like Obama - let so many 'refugees' into her country and caused so much trouble there, victimizing many of her own people and jeopardizing their Natl Security. Merkel is one also who has shirked their commitment to NATO, refusing to keep her / Germany's word.

Funny how she said the US can't be trusted, yet it was her and Germany that have refused to honor THEIR commitments.

While Obama was respected and trusted around the world, Trump is looked at as an unstable leader who exhibits horrible judgment

What scares Europe more than Trump is the Trump voters. While Trump will eventually go away, those who voted for the idiot will still be casting ballots
Yeah, Obama was so respected around the world they gave him a Nobel Peace. That was before the instable, Islamic extremist sympathizing bastard dragged the US into 2 Yn-Constitutional qars in Libya and Syria and started up his own personal drone assassination program.

That was also before his disastrous liberal Red Line and his attempt to blame the whole world for his failure.

Yes, he was

Obama built strong coalitions with our allies and used them to fight in Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and Egypt. He also was able to use our allies to impose strong economic sanctions on Russia, negotiate nuclear disarmament with Iran and a climate accord

Trump is incapable of doing that. Our allies do not trust him and our allies do not like him

Obama assumed the role as "Leader of the free world" and was very good at it

Trump is a buffoon who they laugh behind his back

Why do you lie? Obama ran from sryia when he drew a red line France desperately wanted to attack them.

They were using chemical weapons against there own citizens and continued to do so until...

Trump bombed them

Obama always led from behind


Obama dropped more bombs than Trump ever did
Obama also killed more ISID troops and ISIS leaders

Obama's policies were so effective that Trump kept using them

The only thing Trump did differently regarding ISIS was to call them "Losers"

He also assassinated four Americans with out due process.. He just sent a hellfire missile at them.

Remind us when Trump goes around Congress then you can talk..

Thanks kooks! You've made China into the leader of the world!

Meanwhile, the US declines into a third-world backwater.

Are you saying that China is going to sign this climate pact? Even if so, what are the requirements?

Here is how their cities look like:


Seems like they have a bit more pressing issues than climate change, which might harm someone in the next 500 years.

Singing the deal will give China every possible advantage.
china has already signed, ratified and stated recently that they are commited to it.

why do you vegetables always voice off about issues without knowing anything about them.
Don't ever dismiss and disrespect Greg Gutfeld lightly just because he has a sense of humor to reduce the most giantific "crisis" to normal level.

He's an idiot.
One of you is obviously an idiot.

Gutfeld is right most of the time, and quite sharp and incisive.

Who does that leave, little bulldog? All you do is call names.
  • Thanks
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While Obama was respected and trusted around the world, Trump is looked at as an unstable leader who exhibits horrible judgment

What scares Europe more than Trump is the Trump voters. While Trump will eventually go away, those who voted for the idiot will still be casting ballots
Yeah, Obama was so respected around the world they gave him a Nobel Peace. That was before the instable, Islamic extremist sympathizing bastard dragged the US into 2 Yn-Constitutional qars in Libya and Syria and started up his own personal drone assassination program.

That was also before his disastrous liberal Red Line and his attempt to blame the whole world for his failure.

Yes, he was

Obama built strong coalitions with our allies and used them to fight in Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and Egypt. He also was able to use our allies to impose strong economic sanctions on Russia, negotiate nuclear disarmament with Iran and a climate accord

Trump is incapable of doing that. Our allies do not trust him and our allies do not like him

Obama assumed the role as "Leader of the free world" and was very good at it

Trump is a buffoon who they laugh behind his back

Why do you lie? Obama ran from sryia when he drew a red line France desperately wanted to attack them.

They were using chemical weapons against there own citizens and continued to do so until...

Trump bombed them

Obama always led from behind


Obama dropped more bombs than Trump ever did
Obama also killed more ISID troops and ISIS leaders

Obama's policies were so effective that Trump kept using them

The only thing Trump did differently regarding ISIS was to call them "Losers"

Obama re ignighted the fucking war in Iraq and it led to us bombing ISIS in Sryia fool.

If the fuck head would of stayed in Iraq , ISIS would of never got so big...

He is responsible for thousands of innocent civilan life's , just because he wanted to win an election..

We never should have invaded Iraq in the first place

Only shithead Bush was dumb enough to do that

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