Trump pulling out of Paris Climate Accord

Yeah, Obama was so respected around the world they gave him a Nobel Peace. That was before the instable, Islamic extremist sympathizing bastard dragged the US into 2 Yn-Constitutional qars in Libya and Syria and started up his own personal drone assassination program.

That was also before his disastrous liberal Red Line and his attempt to blame the whole world for his failure.

Yes, he was

Obama built strong coalitions with our allies and used them to fight in Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and Egypt. He also was able to use our allies to impose strong economic sanctions on Russia, negotiate nuclear disarmament with Iran and a climate accord

Trump is incapable of doing that. Our allies do not trust him and our allies do not like him

Obama assumed the role as "Leader of the free world" and was very good at it

Trump is a buffoon who they laugh behind his back

Why do you lie? Obama ran from sryia when he drew a red line France desperately wanted to attack them.

They were using chemical weapons against there own citizens and continued to do so until...

Trump bombed them

Obama always led from behind


Obama dropped more bombs than Trump ever did
Obama also killed more ISID troops and ISIS leaders

Obama's policies were so effective that Trump kept using them

The only thing Trump did differently regarding ISIS was to call them "Losers"

Obama re ignighted the fucking war in Iraq and it led to us bombing ISIS in Sryia fool.

If the fuck head would of stayed in Iraq , ISIS would of never got so big...

He is responsible for thousands of innocent civilan life's , just because he wanted to win an election..

We never should have invaded Iraq in the first place

Only shithead Bush was dumb enough to do that

It doesn't mater 11 years latter now does it? Obama pulled out of Iraq on pretenses...a meaningless agreement..

That he could of ripped up at anytime..he said the war was over to win an election and it blew up in his face.

Thanks kooks! You've made China into the leader of the world!

Meanwhile, the US declines into a third-world backwater.

Are you saying that China is going to sign this climate pact? Even if so, what are the requirements?

Here is how their cities look like:


Seems like they have a bit more pressing issues than climate change, which might harm someone in the next 500 years.

Singing the deal will give China every possible advantage.
china has already signed, ratified and stated recently that they are commited to it.

why do you vegetables always voice off about issues without knowing anything about them.

Do you really think the Chinese will live up to this agreement? They will still be building more coal-fired plants for the next 10 years, as will India and many other countries that signed the Paris Accords. To believe otherwise is to ignore reality.
Thanks kooks! You've made China into the leader of the world!

Meanwhile, the US declines into a third-world backwater.

Are you saying that China is going to sign this climate pact? Even if so, what are the requirements?

Here is how their cities look like:


Seems like they have a bit more pressing issues than climate change, which might harm someone in the next 500 years.

Singing the deal will give China every possible advantage.
china has already signed, ratified and stated recently that they are commited to it.

why do you vegetables always voice off about issues without knowing anything about them.

Do you really think the Chinese will live up to this agreement? They will still be building more coal-fired plants for the next 10 years, as will India and many other countries that signed the Paris Accords. To believe otherwise is to ignore reality.
you tards are queefing out of both sides of your mouths.

you claim that china and india will not honor the agreement as an excuse for the US to not honor the agreement.
Thanks kooks! You've made China into the leader of the world!

Meanwhile, the US declines into a third-world backwater.

Are you saying that China is going to sign this climate pact? Even if so, what are the requirements?

Here is how their cities look like:


Seems like they have a bit more pressing issues than climate change, which might harm someone in the next 500 years.

Singing the deal will give China every possible advantage.
china has already signed, ratified and stated recently that they are commited to it.

why do you vegetables always voice off about issues without knowing anything about them.

Do you really think the Chinese will live up to this agreement? They will still be building more coal-fired plants for the next 10 years, as will India and many other countries that signed the Paris Accords. To believe otherwise is to ignore reality.
you tards are queefing out of both sides of your mouths.

you claim that china and india will not honor the agreement as an excuse for the US to not honor the agreement.

The agreement is stupid either way. There just isn't a convincing reason why US should sign it, other than to virtue signal like idiot left wingers. Trump isn't about that. Besides, Trump promised to bring back many of these jobs, which is going to be rather difficult if you agree to this sort of thing.

There is no reason he should give in to Euro bureaucrats, he was the anti-globalist candidate, remember? Why would he give something to his enemies? These are basically the same folk who produce mock assassinations of Trump.
If the fuck head would of stayed in Iraq , ISIS would of never got so big

Why wasn't President Bush able to secure a status of forces agreement that keep a US residual force in the country after his negotiated withdrawal by 2012? He had a full years notice that the UN was pulling the plug on the Occupation Mandate. What was his reason for not having that in the SOFA he signed at the end of 2008?

Wasn't Maliki's treatment of the Sunnis the real reason ISIS was able to sweep into the Sunni tribal areas with very little resistance? Isn't he more to blame for them taking that part of Iraq than either Bush or Obama?
Yep. We will be a 3rd world nation if he has his way. Not just regarding climate control and greenhouse gasses, we have the highest number of guns in the world per 100 people: US guns per 100 people = 112, next comes Serbia with 58 and Yemen with 54. Another 3rd world statistic we fit into. .
Fuck face, the more firearms the better the nation we are… Fact
I'm sure you're proud we lead or are near the top in firearm murders..
if we could curb suicides and illegal guns we would be good!
Yes, he was

Obama built strong coalitions with our allies and used them to fight in Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and Egypt. He also was able to use our allies to impose strong economic sanctions on Russia, negotiate nuclear disarmament with Iran and a climate accord

Trump is incapable of doing that. Our allies do not trust him and our allies do not like him

Obama assumed the role as "Leader of the free world" and was very good at it

Trump is a buffoon who they laugh behind his back

Why do you lie? Obama ran from sryia when he drew a red line France desperately wanted to attack them.

They were using chemical weapons against there own citizens and continued to do so until...

Trump bombed them

Obama always led from behind


Obama dropped more bombs than Trump ever did
Obama also killed more ISID troops and ISIS leaders

Obama's policies were so effective that Trump kept using them

The only thing Trump did differently regarding ISIS was to call them "Losers"

Obama re ignighted the fucking war in Iraq and it led to us bombing ISIS in Sryia fool.

If the fuck head would of stayed in Iraq , ISIS would of never got so big...

He is responsible for thousands of innocent civilan life's , just because he wanted to win an election..

We never should have invaded Iraq in the first place

Only shithead Bush was dumb enough to do that

It doesn't mater 11 years latter now does it? Obama pulled out of Iraq on pretenses...a meaningless agreement..

That he could of ripped up at anytime..he said the war was over to win an election and it blew up in his face.


It matters to the families of the 6000 Americans killed in Iraq, the tens of thousand who were wounded, the 100,000 Iraqis who were needlessly killed

Obama got us out....we never should have been there in the first place like Obama predicted in 2003

Iraq was not worth another American life
Merkel is the crazy, liberal bitch who - like Obama - let so many 'refugees' into her country and caused so much trouble there, victimizing many of her own people and jeopardizing their Natl Security. Merkel is one also who has shirked their commitment to NATO, refusing to keep her / Germany's word.

Funny how she said the US can't be trusted, yet it was her and Germany that have refused to honor THEIR commitments.

While Obama was respected and trusted around the world, Trump is looked at as an unstable leader who exhibits horrible judgment

What scares Europe more than Trump is the Trump voters. While Trump will eventually go away, those who voted for the idiot will still be casting ballots
Yeah, Obama was so respected around the world they gave him a Nobel Peace. That was before the instable, Islamic extremist sympathizing bastard dragged the US into 2 Yn-Constitutional qars in Libya and Syria and started up his own personal drone assassination program.

That was also before his disastrous liberal Red Line and his attempt to blame the whole world for his failure.

Yes, he was

Obama built strong coalitions with our allies and used them to fight in Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and Egypt. He also was able to use our allies to impose strong economic sanctions on Russia, negotiate nuclear disarmament with Iran and a climate accord

Trump is incapable of doing that. Our allies do not trust him and our allies do not like him

Obama assumed the role as "Leader of the free world" and was very good at it

Trump is a buffoon who they laugh behind his back

Why do you lie? Obama ran from sryia when he drew a red line France desperately wanted to attack them.

They were using chemical weapons against there own citizens and continued to do so until...

Trump bombed them

Obama always led from behind


Obama dropped more bombs than Trump ever did
Obama also killed more ISIS troops and ISIS leaders

Obama's policies were so effective that Trump kept using them

The only thing Trump did differently regarding ISIS was to call them "Losers"

You are comparing 8 years to 5 months.. what a dumbfuck
Thanks kooks! You've made China into the leader of the world!

Meanwhile, the US declines into a third-world backwater.

Are you saying that China is going to sign this climate pact? Even if so, what are the requirements?

Here is how their cities look like:


Seems like they have a bit more pressing issues than climate change, which might harm someone in the next 500 years.

Singing the deal will give China every possible advantage.
china has already signed, ratified and stated recently that they are commited to it.

why do you vegetables always voice off about issues without knowing anything about them.

Do you really think the Chinese will live up to this agreement? They will still be building more coal-fired plants for the next 10 years, as will India and many other countries that signed the Paris Accords. To believe otherwise is to ignore reality.
you tards are queefing out of both sides of your mouths.

you claim that china and india will not honor the agreement as an excuse for the US to not honor the agreement.

The agreement is stupid either way. There just isn't a convincing reason why US should sign it, other than to virtue signal like idiot left wingers. Trump isn't about that. Besides, Trump promised to bring back many of these jobs, which is going to be rather difficult if you agree to this sort of thing.

There is no reason he should give in to Euro bureaucrats, he was the anti-globalist candidate, remember? Why would he give something to his enemies? These are basically the same folk who produce mock assassinations of Trump.
the USA already signed and accepted it on September 3, 2016. moron.
Why the Paris Agreement Is Good for the United States

The Case for Tackling Climate Change: Why America, and the World, Need the Paris Agreement

Ensuring that the Paris Agreement on climate change is implemented and that countries meet their commitments is in the national interest of all countries around the world. After all, we owe our children and grandchildren the prospect of a safe place to live that is free from the damages of climate change. This agreement benefits Americans. It is in our interest to stay in the agreement and ensure that all countries live up to their commitments.

The United States’ National Climate Assessment documents the dramatic changes already occurring in the U.S. as a result of climate change. Residents of some coastal cities have seen streets flood more regularly during storms and high tides. So have communities near large rivers, especially in the Midwest and Northeast. This has led to higher insurance rates as our communities become more vulnerable to climate-fueled disasters. Hotter and drier weather mean more intense wildfires that burn more acres closer to more people’s homes. Erosion could cause more communities to relocate. The historic commitments secured from all countries by the Paris Agreement are essential for reducing these and many other risks to the U.S. prosperity.

The Paris Agreement significantly lowered global projected temperature rise from 7° Fahrenheit to 5° Fahrenheit (3.9° Celsius to 2.8°Celsius). Less climate devastation will occur thanks to this agreement. While more action is needed, this agreement can further limit disastrous climate damage thanks to the climate commitments it secured.

Why the Paris Agreement Is Good for the United States
Tackling a Global Threat

No nation can deal with the effects of climate change alone. The Paris Agreement secured commitments from nearly every nation on earth to address climate change. It is a truly global endeavor. Countries put forward their climate commitments—ensuring that all nations are doing their part to reduce emissions and adapt to climate change. The commitments cover emissions from 190 countries—97 percent of global greenhouse emissions. The agreement secures, for the first time, commitments from all key emitters—including China, India, Mexico, Europe, Japan, and the US—to reduce their emissions. And since our action helps to spur others to act, we can’t protect Americans from the damages of climate change unless we act at home and help secure action from other countries.

A large majority of Americans want the United States to participate in the Paris Agreement. Americans understand that global action protects us and that American leadership is critical for securing global action. Walking away would mean shooting ourselves in the foot.

Why the Paris Agreement Is Good for the United States
Name one left winged prominent politician who is advocating nuclear power.


Not sure there is one.

Never said there was one.

As I did say, the “left needs to get over it.”

No, the left needs a lobotomy

On this one topic, I agree with you.
Well, the GOP has the House, the Senate, and the Presidency…. apparently the nation needs a President.

You have to understand, the left is as interested in "fixing" climate change the same they are interested in "fixing" racism. To them, climate change is just a meal ticket for a huge slush fund just as race baiting is for getting votes

Not to worry though Dims, the press will simply repeat the same talking points that Trump and the GOP are destroying the world to win the next election.

Okay, we disagree on that.

I agree with you on the Paris accord. One of the ways to clean the air is to stop polluting it. The Nuke Power does that. That the left is out to lunch on the topic is clear given the proven results of the Navy.
I think you agree with me on nuke power.
Not sure why you’re arguing with me on this.

So you disagree that Climate Change is just one big conspiracy to get more money? Originally the Chicago Climate Exchange was created so that if cap and trade became law, it would take in around $10 trillion. Those who would get rich reads like a who's who on the left with Al Gore leading the charge. Wake up. THE SHOREBANK, OBAMA, CHICAGO CLIMATE EXCHANGE SCAM!

As for Dims using minorities as race bait and nothing more, look no further than the e-mails revealed recently that showed Dims were ordered by the DNC to listen to Black Lives Matter and be sympathetic, but refuse to offer them anything while Dims, at the same time, purport the entire GOP to be racist and bigoted

Leaked 2015 Memo Told Dems: 'Don't Offer Support' For Black Lives Matter Policy Positions | HuffPost

It's pretty sad when I can use your own Huffington Post to show you the truth about the DNC.
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While Obama was respected and trusted around the world, Trump is looked at as an unstable leader who exhibits horrible judgment

What scares Europe more than Trump is the Trump voters. While Trump will eventually go away, those who voted for the idiot will still be casting ballots
Yeah, Obama was so respected around the world they gave him a Nobel Peace. That was before the instable, Islamic extremist sympathizing bastard dragged the US into 2 Yn-Constitutional qars in Libya and Syria and started up his own personal drone assassination program.

That was also before his disastrous liberal Red Line and his attempt to blame the whole world for his failure.

Yes, he was

Obama built strong coalitions with our allies and used them to fight in Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and Egypt. He also was able to use our allies to impose strong economic sanctions on Russia, negotiate nuclear disarmament with Iran and a climate accord

Trump is incapable of doing that. Our allies do not trust him and our allies do not like him

Obama assumed the role as "Leader of the free world" and was very good at it

Trump is a buffoon who they laugh behind his back

Why do you lie? Obama ran from sryia when he drew a red line France desperately wanted to attack them.

They were using chemical weapons against there own citizens and continued to do so until...

Trump bombed them

Obama always led from behind


Obama dropped more bombs than Trump ever did
Obama also killed more ISIS troops and ISIS leaders

Obama's policies were so effective that Trump kept using them

The only thing Trump did differently regarding ISIS was to call them "Losers"

You are comparing 8 years to 5 months.. what a dumbfuck

Trump is using the exact same strategy to defeat ISIS that Obama used

Trump claimed he had a "secret plan" to defeat ISIS....turns out his secret plan was to keep doing what Obama was doing

Trump’s ‘Secret Plan’ to Defeat ISIS Looks a Lot Like Obama’s

Remember presidential candidate Donald Trump’s secret plan to defeat the Islamic State? And his boast that he knew more than the generals did about the Islamic State (thus implying he’d replace them once in office)? More campaign rhetoric crashing on the rocks of reality: The Trump administration just endorsed the core elements of former President Barack Obama’s counter-Islamic State plan, and Trump has decided that Obama’s generals weren’t so bad, either.
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Making Sure that Others Are Acting: Accountability and Transparency

The Paris Agreement provides the framework for transparency and clear evidence of what is happening across the globe. The Paris Agreement’s reporting and review mechanisms provide assurances that other nations are doing their part, through comprehensive guidelines to hold countries such as China, India, and Mexico accountable for their commitments.

The Paris Agreement includes an "enhanced transparency framework" that uses a common set of rules for both developed and developing countries (see here). These systems strengthen the international system by: (a) requiring that countries regularly report national emissions inventories at least every two years; (b) requiring that at least every two years countries report "information necessary to track progress made in implementing and achieving" its emissions reduction target; (c) subjecting these national reports to a "technical expert review" by a set of independent reviewers; and (d) conducting a public session where countries consider the progress countries are making towards their targets.

A powerful domestic motivation for countries to follow through on their new commitments as a part of the Paris agreement is built on the nature of these commitments—these targets are based upon delivering actions that are in their own self-interest. Politicians in these countries will need to follow through on their commitments as their citizens are demanding the actions necessary to meet the Paris Agreement since those measures meet pressing domestic needs such as air pollution, job creation, poverty alleviation, and reduced climate impacts. For example, China will continue to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions as part of its strategic plan to reduce air pollution and coal consumption. And India will continue to move forward with its massive renewable energy deployment to address energy poverty, and because renewable energy is the most cost-effective option.

We can’t ensure progress is being made towards commitments of major countries if the U.S. is sitting on the sidelines and not showing leadership.

Why the Paris Agreement Is Good for the United States
Yeah, Obama was so respected around the world they gave him a Nobel Peace. That was before the instable, Islamic extremist sympathizing bastard dragged the US into 2 Yn-Constitutional qars in Libya and Syria and started up his own personal drone assassination program.

That was also before his disastrous liberal Red Line and his attempt to blame the whole world for his failure.

Yes, he was

Obama built strong coalitions with our allies and used them to fight in Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and Egypt. He also was able to use our allies to impose strong economic sanctions on Russia, negotiate nuclear disarmament with Iran and a climate accord

Trump is incapable of doing that. Our allies do not trust him and our allies do not like him

Obama assumed the role as "Leader of the free world" and was very good at it

Trump is a buffoon who they laugh behind his back

Why do you lie? Obama ran from sryia when he drew a red line France desperately wanted to attack them.

They were using chemical weapons against there own citizens and continued to do so until...

Trump bombed them

Obama always led from behind


Obama dropped more bombs than Trump ever did
Obama also killed more ISIS troops and ISIS leaders

Obama's policies were so effective that Trump kept using them

The only thing Trump did differently regarding ISIS was to call them "Losers"

You are comparing 8 years to 5 months.. what a dumbfuck

Trump is using the exact same strategy to defeat ISIS that Obama used

Trump claimed he had a "secret plan" to defeat ISIS....turns out his secret plan was to keep doing what Obama was doing

The exact same strategy?

Who are you kidding?

Trump took his hands off the military, it is now unprecedented that we have not one, not two but a third aircraft carrier fleet will be around North Korea..

Trump bombed Assad when he was using weapons of mass destruction.. We have not heard since that Assad used them again

Obama response to Assad using chemical weapons on his civilians:

# kerry please Assad don't

# Obama runs like a little bitch to Iran to change the newspapers headlines

And once again assad continued to use them

Until Trump bombed him and sent a message..

Yeah, Obama was so respected around the world they gave him a Nobel Peace. That was before the instable, Islamic extremist sympathizing bastard dragged the US into 2 Yn-Constitutional qars in Libya and Syria and started up his own personal drone assassination program.

That was also before his disastrous liberal Red Line and his attempt to blame the whole world for his failure.

Yes, he was

Obama built strong coalitions with our allies and used them to fight in Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and Egypt. He also was able to use our allies to impose strong economic sanctions on Russia, negotiate nuclear disarmament with Iran and a climate accord

Trump is incapable of doing that. Our allies do not trust him and our allies do not like him

Obama assumed the role as "Leader of the free world" and was very good at it

Trump is a buffoon who they laugh behind his back

Why do you lie? Obama ran from sryia when he drew a red line France desperately wanted to attack them.

They were using chemical weapons against there own citizens and continued to do so until...

Trump bombed them

Obama always led from behind


Obama dropped more bombs than Trump ever did
Obama also killed more ISIS troops and ISIS leaders

Obama's policies were so effective that Trump kept using them

The only thing Trump did differently regarding ISIS was to call them "Losers"

You are comparing 8 years to 5 months.. what a dumbfuck

Trump is using the exact same strategy to defeat ISIS that Obama used

Trump claimed he had a "secret plan" to defeat ISIS....turns out his secret plan was to keep doing what Obama was doing

Trump’s ‘Secret Plan’ to Defeat ISIS Looks a Lot Like Obama’s

Remember presidential candidate Donald Trump’s secret plan to defeat the Islamic State? And his boast that he knew more than the generals did about the Islamic State (thus implying he’d replace them once in office)? More campaign rhetoric crashing on the rocks of reality: The Trump administration just endorsed the core elements of former President Barack Obama’s counter-Islamic State plan, and Trump has decided that Obama’s generals weren’t so bad, either.

And no Trumps secret plan is to do what Truman did ...stay there and fight.

the best move today is for Trump to give the treaty to the Senate and let them vote on it. Let's see where the libs lie afterward on their votes. Hello 2018!! Come on President Trump do this please.

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