Trump pulling out of Paris Climate Accord

More bumpy cucumbers for the progressives. And Im laughing............heads are exploding all over the country today!! Matthew and Mamooth on suicide watch. All is good in the world.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
At the moment, Syria and Nicaragua. That's the company in which Trump wants to put the U.S.
Absolutely the most humiliating moment yet.
you have yet to give logical reasons as to why
you have yet to address how this would even help our environment. Just a few percent..
What you have done is ignore reality and envelope yourself in emotion and partisan talking points.
Not to mention the accord is UNCONSTITUTIONAL that's why the supreme court put it on hold. article 2 clearly states treaties must be ratified by congress. Also, any time money is brought up, it must involve congress.
I'm super busy this afternoon, so I haven't got time to argue, but I'm gonna say this:
ADMIT that even if it were ratified or kissed by the SC or whatever, you STILL would hate it because you don't think it will have any effect. So don't ramble on about the legalities of a VOLUNTARY agreement which as far as I know is not the same thing as a TREATY, but I could be wrong and it doesn't matter because you wouldn't care anyway YOU WOULD STILL BE SAYING IT WAS WRONG HEADED and STUPID.
It is humiliating to be in the basket with Syria and Nicaragua while most of the educated world (and even a lot of the world that isn't very educated) recognize that if we're going to keep this planet anywhere near stable and livable in the foreseeable future, we need to use as much knowledge and foresight and brains as we can muster to do that.
Trump can revise our involvement if he doesn't want to pay big bucks. But he should still participate. We will see. I think it is money well spent, but that's not up to me to say.
And one more thing, if you don't quit with that hack insult "enveloping yourself in emotion and partisan talking points" I'm gonna actually get emotional. I don't do partisan talking points and you know it. Aping that shit like .... well never mind, just don't.
It will slow global warming which will slow the negative effects of global climate change which are already being observed and measured in many ways you are already aware of. And you don't need to shout. I remembered my hearing aids. But you already know that, so why are you asking?
How will it slow "global warming?" I guess you mean man made c02 going in the atmosphere? Since we contribute less than 5% or whatever, how is this distribution plan going to amount to a hill of beans?
People are more worried about "climate change" because that is real and their is actual PROOF of its existence. But you cant stop it. Its natural earth evolution. Like how a gash scabs over on the human body. With climate change, all you can do is prepare.
If we are so worried about our planet, why don't we focus on things we CAN change? Things that ACTUALLY effect people?
"global warming" isn't science. Its partisan talking points.
Here is actual SCIENCE. He even brings up the holes in it that people like to fill with "human made" like people used a god back when they didn't understand things. Like thunder.
How Much of Atmospheric CO2 Increase is Natural? « Roy Spencer, PhD
At the moment, Syria and Nicaragua. That's the company in which Trump wants to put the U.S.
Absolutely the most humiliating moment yet.
you have yet to give logical reasons as to why
you have yet to address how this would even help our environment. Just a few percent..
What you have done is ignore reality and envelope yourself in emotion and partisan talking points.
Not to mention the accord is UNCONSTITUTIONAL that's why the supreme court put it on hold. article 2 clearly states treaties must be ratified by congress. Also, any time money is brought up, it must involve congress.
I'm super busy this afternoon, so I haven't got time to argue, but I'm gonna say this:
ADMIT that even if it were ratified or kissed by the SC or whatever, you STILL would hate it because you don't think it will have any effect. So don't ramble on about the legalities of a VOLUNTARY agreement which as far as I know is not the same thing as a TREATY, but I could be wrong and it doesn't matter because you wouldn't care anyway YOU WOULD STILL BE SAYING IT WAS WRONG HEADED and STUPID.
It is humiliating to be in the basket with Syria and Nicaragua while most of the educated world (and even a lot of the world that isn't very educated) recognize that if we're going to keep this planet anywhere near stable and livable in the foreseeable future, we need to use as much knowledge and foresight and brains as we can muster to do that.
Trump can revise our involvement if he doesn't want to pay big bucks. But he should still participate. We will see. I think it is money well spent, but that's not up to me to say.
And one more thing, if you don't quit with that hack insult "enveloping yourself in emotion and partisan talking points" I'm gonna actually get emotional. I don't do partisan talking points and you know it. Aping that shit like .... well never mind, just don't.

So you are another one who thinks being part of the cool crowd is cool?

This is not high school..

Once more scientists like Judith Curry and her peers are part of the 97% consensus..

Yet people call them a denier ..

Why is that?


I have no idea what you're talking about. If you've got a point, try again.

Once again Judith Curry and her peers are part of the 97% that Obama bragged about ..yet scientists call them deniers..

Once again why is that?

This is just another example of...........when there is a lot of money to be spent, the progressives are fine with it as long as its not their money. Spend......spend......spend..............go............go........go!! They never care about costs...........always melting down about lack of federal funds but are just fine throwing billions at a project that nobody knows what the dick is going to happen. Frauds all...........
So bend over it comes in about an hour or so.:bye1::bye1::bye1::blowup:
If the fuck head would of stayed in Iraq , ISIS would of never got so big

Why wasn't President Bush able to secure a status of forces agreement that keep a US residual force in the country after his negotiated withdrawal by 2012? He had a full years notice that the UN was pulling the plug on the Occupation Mandate. What was his reason for not having that in the SOFA he signed at the end of 2008?

Wasn't Maliki's treatment of the Sunnis the real reason ISIS was able to sweep into the Sunni tribal areas with very little resistance? Isn't he more to blame for them taking that part of Iraq than either Bush or Obama?

Obama had 4 years to re negotiate another one.

Obama sent troops back into Iraq with out a new agreement from Iraqs Parliament.

It was a hand shake that our troops wouldn't be prosecuted .

Iraqs parlement voted on an agreement months later.


It was only three years. Combat troops had to be out of the cities by June 30, 2009.

How many combat divisions did Obama send in?

Obama would have intervened and helped the Kurd's in Erbil regardless.

Yeah, I bet those Iraqis in Baghdad were shittin bricks too.
Seems that way but they are anonymous sources
Trump pulling U.S. out of Paris climate deal: Axios report

WASHINGTON U.S. President Donald Trump has decided to withdraw from the Paris climate accord, Axios news outlet reported on Wednesday, citing two unidentified sources with direct knowledge of the decision.

Trump who has previously called global warming a hoax, refused to endorse the landmark climate change accord at a summit of the G7 group of wealthy nations on Saturday, saying he needed more time to decide. He then tweeted that he would make an announcement this week.

Fox News also cited an unidentified source confirming the pullout.
The decision to withdraw from the climate accord was influenced by a letter from 22 Republican U.S. senators, including Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, calling for an exit, Axios reported.
Shit wasn't even voted on. Remember Earnests words in 2015?
I think it’s hard to take seriously from some Members of Congress who deny the fact that climate change exists, that they should have some opportunity to render judgment about a climate change agreement
One of the biggest loads of partisan bullshit I have ever heard. He should have been shunned for that
Oh well

"I will be announcing my decision on Paris Accord, Thursday at 3:00 P.M. The White House Rose Garden. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!"

globalism will fall tomorrow!
I hope it fuckin rains. Hails.
Wow, so unladylike
If we don't invest in infrastructure = third world infrastructure
If we drop below 50th in healthcare = Probably 2nd or 3rd healthcare
IF we Keep dropping in education = we won't be competing with the rest of the first world at all.

I could go on...Trump and conservatives don't care.
How are you going to pay for any of things when we will be sending a trillion a year to the globull warming cult?
What country has to pay out $100 billion for that stupid agreement ? Answer - US

What biggest polluter on the planet doesn't have to pay out anything? Answer - China

6.5 million lost jobs in the US.

Terrible deal. It is a third world welfare scheme and will not do anything to change the climate. Hopefully good riddance.

Piss on the stupid environmental wackos and their fake science.
At the moment, Syria and Nicaragua. That's the company in which Trump wants to put the U.S.

Who cares. The Paris accord is a crock of shit.


According to their own UN model if they implemented their plan they would only lower the temperature by only 0.3 degrees by the end of the the cost of 100 TRILLION dollars.....what a fucking waste..! the only ones who would benefit from this grandiose plan are politicians and enviromentalists.....

Stopping all the hot air produced by politicians would bring down the temps way faster..........
Absolutely the most humiliating moment yet.
you have yet to give logical reasons as to why
you have yet to address how this would even help our environment. Just a few percent..
What you have done is ignore reality and envelope yourself in emotion and partisan talking points.
Not to mention the accord is UNCONSTITUTIONAL that's why the supreme court put it on hold. article 2 clearly states treaties must be ratified by congress. Also, any time money is brought up, it must involve congress.
I'm super busy this afternoon, so I haven't got time to argue, but I'm gonna say this:
ADMIT that even if it were ratified or kissed by the SC or whatever, you STILL would hate it because you don't think it will have any effect. So don't ramble on about the legalities of a VOLUNTARY agreement which as far as I know is not the same thing as a TREATY, but I could be wrong and it doesn't matter because you wouldn't care anyway YOU WOULD STILL BE SAYING IT WAS WRONG HEADED and STUPID.
It is humiliating to be in the basket with Syria and Nicaragua while most of the educated world (and even a lot of the world that isn't very educated) recognize that if we're going to keep this planet anywhere near stable and livable in the foreseeable future, we need to use as much knowledge and foresight and brains as we can muster to do that.
Trump can revise our involvement if he doesn't want to pay big bucks. But he should still participate. We will see. I think it is money well spent, but that's not up to me to say.
And one more thing, if you don't quit with that hack insult "enveloping yourself in emotion and partisan talking points" I'm gonna actually get emotional. I don't do partisan talking points and you know it. Aping that shit like .... well never mind, just don't.
It will slow global warming which will slow the negative effects of global climate change which are already being observed and measured in many ways you are already aware of. And you don't need to shout. I remembered my hearing aids. But you already know that, so why are you asking?

It will slow it?

So you can pat yourself on the back while you can die in peace yet throw the world in a depression?

Again how much is it man made and a natural variation?
Why would it cause a world wide depression? Are all these countries' economies going to go belly up from switching to renewable energy sources? New technologies and massive changes like where we get our power will of course effect our economies. How that is managed is up to us, though, isn't it?
Another thought: At least we can survive a depression. Can we survive uncontrolled rapid climate change?
What country has to pay out $100 billion for that stupid agreement ? Answer - US

What biggest polluter on the planet doesn't have to pay out anything? Answer - China

6.5 million lost jobs in the US.

Terrible deal. It is a third world welfare scheme and will not do anything to change the climate. Hopefully good riddance.

Piss on the stupid environmental wackos and their fake science.
That can be revised. No country HAS to pay out $100 billion. But if we want to jump on the new technology and get rich--sure, let's give the world $100 billion in energy technology. Good for them, good for us.
What country has to pay out $100 billion for that stupid agreement ? Answer - US

What biggest polluter on the planet doesn't have to pay out anything? Answer - China

6.5 million lost jobs in the US.

Terrible deal. It is a third world welfare scheme and will not do anything to change the climate. Hopefully good riddance.

Piss on the stupid environmental wackos and their fake science.
That can be revised. No country HAS to pay out $100 billion. But if we want to jump on the new technology and get rich--sure, let's give the world $100 billion in energy technology. Good for them, good for us.
"nobody HAS to pay".....that's what they say now....but we all know how that can change over time.....especially if we lose our sovereignty to act in our own best interest....
That can be revised. No country HAS to pay out $100 billion. But if we want to jump on the new technology and get rich--sure, let's give the world $100 billion in energy technology. Good for them, good for us.

And Germany is leading the way.

"Germany's Energy Poverty
How Electricity Became a Luxury Good
Germany's agressive and reckless expansion of wind and solar power has come with a hefty pricetag for consumers, and the costs often fall disproportionately on the poor...."

High Costs and Errors of German Transition to Renewable Energy - SPIEGEL ONLINE
you have yet to give logical reasons as to why
you have yet to address how this would even help our environment. Just a few percent..
What you have done is ignore reality and envelope yourself in emotion and partisan talking points.
Not to mention the accord is UNCONSTITUTIONAL that's why the supreme court put it on hold. article 2 clearly states treaties must be ratified by congress. Also, any time money is brought up, it must involve congress.
I'm super busy this afternoon, so I haven't got time to argue, but I'm gonna say this:
ADMIT that even if it were ratified or kissed by the SC or whatever, you STILL would hate it because you don't think it will have any effect. So don't ramble on about the legalities of a VOLUNTARY agreement which as far as I know is not the same thing as a TREATY, but I could be wrong and it doesn't matter because you wouldn't care anyway YOU WOULD STILL BE SAYING IT WAS WRONG HEADED and STUPID.
It is humiliating to be in the basket with Syria and Nicaragua while most of the educated world (and even a lot of the world that isn't very educated) recognize that if we're going to keep this planet anywhere near stable and livable in the foreseeable future, we need to use as much knowledge and foresight and brains as we can muster to do that.
Trump can revise our involvement if he doesn't want to pay big bucks. But he should still participate. We will see. I think it is money well spent, but that's not up to me to say.
And one more thing, if you don't quit with that hack insult "enveloping yourself in emotion and partisan talking points" I'm gonna actually get emotional. I don't do partisan talking points and you know it. Aping that shit like .... well never mind, just don't.
It will slow global warming which will slow the negative effects of global climate change which are already being observed and measured in many ways you are already aware of. And you don't need to shout. I remembered my hearing aids. But you already know that, so why are you asking?

It will slow it?

So you can pat yourself on the back while you can die in peace yet throw the world in a depression?

Again how much is it man made and a natural variation?
Why would it cause a world wide depression? Are all these countries' economies going to go belly up from switching to renewable energy sources? New technologies and massive changes like where we get our power will of course effect our economies. How that is managed is up to us, though, isn't it?
Another thought: At least we can survive a depression. Can we survive uncontrolled rapid climate change?

What rapid change?

That's where the propaganda comes along ...there is none

Now you are sounding like Bill Nye

What country has to pay out $100 billion for that stupid agreement ? Answer - US

What biggest polluter on the planet doesn't have to pay out anything? Answer - China

6.5 million lost jobs in the US.

Terrible deal. It is a third world welfare scheme and will not do anything to change the climate. Hopefully good riddance.

Piss on the stupid environmental wackos and their fake science.
That can be revised. No country HAS to pay out $100 billion. But if we want to jump on the new technology and get rich--sure, let's give the world $100 billion in energy technology. Good for them, good for us.

The whole idea of AGW is based upon false science and is bullshit.

The Paris Climate Accord is a Third World welfare scheme and it is a bad deal that will cost millions of American jobs and the redistribution of American money.

Good for Trump for having the courage to say no to another one of Obama's stupid agreements.

It is time to look after American interest and not worrying about kissing the ass of environmental billionaire donors to the Democrat Party like Tom Steyer.
What country has to pay out $100 billion for that stupid agreement ? Answer - US

What biggest polluter on the planet doesn't have to pay out anything? Answer - China

6.5 million lost jobs in the US.

Terrible deal. It is a third world welfare scheme and will not do anything to change the climate. Hopefully good riddance.

Piss on the stupid environmental wackos and their fake science.
That can be revised. No country HAS to pay out $100 billion. But if we want to jump on the new technology and get rich--sure, let's give the world $100 billion in energy technology. Good for them, good for us.

Old lady we are starting to beat up on you and I apologize.. The scientists don't know or have a clue how much man caused it or natural variables..

It's all politics now, for Michael Mann to get a statue some where..

And he is the biggest clown ever.

To my friends on the right: Don't forget you won. Enjoy the taunting and rubbing their noses in it but remember these liberal arguments are now moot. We won and the Paris accords are passe.

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