Trump pulling out of Paris Climate Accord


The funniest thing about it the left can't blame it on big oil like ExxonMobil, they are against Trump pulling out


Nope. The only person to blame is Trump himself. What an ignorant old man he is turning out to be.
what is the plan to stop the earth from warming? got anything? If you got nothing, then that is the reason.

I'd love it to get warmer. I'm tired of freezing half the year
Or enter into the agreement and join North Korea?

And every other single country in the world. But you intentionally left that out because it doesn't fit your narrative.

If everyone jumps off a cliff, will you?


Is this agreement "Jumping off a Cliff"? Nope


Ask me how I know you don't have the first clue what this issue is about.

OK, how do you know I don't have the first clue what this issue is about?
" I'm going to be an accessory for the planet to heat up faster and ultimately destroy it to please my base."

Base: you're our guy
how does backing out of this do that?
^^ needs a course in climate change 101.!
so you think spending 100 trillion to reduce the temperature by only 0.3 degrees by the end of the century is worth it....?
you lefties are on more than crack....
Read the link you stupid SOB
Ditching the Paris Agreement Risks the Economy Even As It Harms the Planet
companies can become green as they see fit......why do they need to join a group that dictates to them.....?
We're not an isolated country. We're all part of the same planet.
Be honest. You're a science denier.
And every other single country in the world. But you intentionally left that out because it doesn't fit your narrative.

If everyone jumps off a cliff, will you?


Is this agreement "Jumping off a Cliff"? Nope


Ask me how I know you don't have the first clue what this issue is about.

OK, how do you know I don't have the first clue what this issue is about?

I'm glad you asked.

Please scroll up and look at the drivel you posted in this thread.

The funniest thing about it the left can't blame it on big oil like ExxonMobil, they are against Trump pulling out


Nope. The only person to blame is Trump himself. What an ignorant old man he is turning out to be.
what is the plan to stop the earth from warming? got anything? If you got nothing, then that is the reason.

I'd love it to get warmer. I'm tired of freezing half the year
You're one stupid MF. The oceans are already rising. You obviously don't care about future generations or your grand children if heaven forbid you've breeded..
how does backing out of this do that?
^^ needs a course in climate change 101.!
so you think spending 100 trillion to reduce the temperature by only 0.3 degrees by the end of the century is worth it....?
you lefties are on more than crack....
Read the link you stupid SOB
Ditching the Paris Agreement Risks the Economy Even As It Harms the Planet
companies can become green as they see fit......why do they need to join a group that dictates to them.....?
We're not an isolated country. We're all part of the same planet.
Be honest. You're a science denier.
no i'm not....real science is a good thing...... you're just a typical socialist groupie.....

The funniest thing about it the left can't blame it on big oil like ExxonMobil, they are against Trump pulling out


Nope. The only person to blame is Trump himself. What an ignorant old man he is turning out to be.
what is the plan to stop the earth from warming? got anything? If you got nothing, then that is the reason.

I'd love it to get warmer. I'm tired of freezing half the year
You're one stupid MF. The oceans are already rising. You obviously don't care about future generations or your grand children if heaven forbid you've breeded..

don't forget your rubber duckie.....and your water wings too....!
To my friends on the right: Don't forget you won. Enjoy the taunting and rubbing their noses in it but remember these liberal arguments are now moot. We won and the Paris accords are passe.
he hasn't publically stated it yet.

True. But I do expect it and I do expect we will be leaving this treaty no matter how many billionaire CEOs and celebrities come out against it.
you have yet to give logical reasons as to why
you have yet to address how this would even help our environment. Just a few percent..
What you have done is ignore reality and envelope yourself in emotion and partisan talking points.
Not to mention the accord is UNCONSTITUTIONAL that's why the supreme court put it on hold. article 2 clearly states treaties must be ratified by congress. Also, any time money is brought up, it must involve congress.
I'm super busy this afternoon, so I haven't got time to argue, but I'm gonna say this:
ADMIT that even if it were ratified or kissed by the SC or whatever, you STILL would hate it because you don't think it will have any effect. So don't ramble on about the legalities of a VOLUNTARY agreement which as far as I know is not the same thing as a TREATY, but I could be wrong and it doesn't matter because you wouldn't care anyway YOU WOULD STILL BE SAYING IT WAS WRONG HEADED and STUPID.
It is humiliating to be in the basket with Syria and Nicaragua while most of the educated world (and even a lot of the world that isn't very educated) recognize that if we're going to keep this planet anywhere near stable and livable in the foreseeable future, we need to use as much knowledge and foresight and brains as we can muster to do that.
Trump can revise our involvement if he doesn't want to pay big bucks. But he should still participate. We will see. I think it is money well spent, but that's not up to me to say.
And one more thing, if you don't quit with that hack insult "enveloping yourself in emotion and partisan talking points" I'm gonna actually get emotional. I don't do partisan talking points and you know it. Aping that shit like .... well never mind, just don't.
It will slow global warming which will slow the negative effects of global climate change which are already being observed and measured in many ways you are already aware of. And you don't need to shout. I remembered my hearing aids. But you already know that, so why are you asking?

It will slow it?

So you can pat yourself on the back while you can die in peace yet throw the world in a depression?

Again how much is it man made and a natural variation?
Why would it cause a world wide depression? Are all these countries' economies going to go belly up from switching to renewable energy sources? New technologies and massive changes like where we get our power will of course effect our economies. How that is managed is up to us, though, isn't it?
Another thought: At least we can survive a depression. Can we survive uncontrolled rapid climate change?

Take a look at the solutions that are being promulgated to "control" the temperature. They want the entire world to change over from fossil fuels to "renewables". The problem with that is renewables are unreliable. They also want Africa and other third world regions to be held forever as third world areas. They don't want them to develop even though the evidence is overwhelming that as countries develop into First World nations they embrace ecology and pollution control.

They also want to take people out of the suburbs and surrounding countryside and condense them into huge apartment buildings. Single family homes are considered too wasteful except, of course for the very elite. Want to take a flight to Hawaii for vacation? Forget it. Too costly for a mere peon like you when you take into account the various carbon taxes they wish to enact to prevent people from travelling.

How about taking a car to the Grand Canyon? Nope. No gas powered cars are allowed, and guess what there are no charging stations available either. So, the elite will be able to enjoy those areas without all of you smelly peons.

Take a look at every solution they propose and it consists of crowding people into huge buildings, preventing them from travelling and taking all of their money to pay for this new utopia. Great for the elite, but crappy as hell for the middle class. Oh, wait a minute. There will be no middle class! Problem solved! There will be a small ruling elite and the masses. The smelly masses.
To my friends on the right: Don't forget you won. Enjoy the taunting and rubbing their noses in it but remember these liberal arguments are now moot. We won and the Paris accords are passe.
he hasn't publically stated it yet.

True. But I do expect it and I do expect we will be leaving this treaty no matter how many billionaire CEOs and celebrities come out against it.
should be here shortly. I think he said around 3
If everyone jumps off a cliff, will you?


Is this agreement "Jumping off a Cliff"? Nope


Ask me how I know you don't have the first clue what this issue is about.

OK, how do you know I don't have the first clue what this issue is about?

I'm glad you asked.

Please scroll up and look at the drivel you posted in this thread.

Thank you. It is to be hoped that you are not a teacher.
I'm super busy this afternoon, so I haven't got time to argue, but I'm gonna say this:
ADMIT that even if it were ratified or kissed by the SC or whatever, you STILL would hate it because you don't think it will have any effect. So don't ramble on about the legalities of a VOLUNTARY agreement which as far as I know is not the same thing as a TREATY, but I could be wrong and it doesn't matter because you wouldn't care anyway YOU WOULD STILL BE SAYING IT WAS WRONG HEADED and STUPID.
It is humiliating to be in the basket with Syria and Nicaragua while most of the educated world (and even a lot of the world that isn't very educated) recognize that if we're going to keep this planet anywhere near stable and livable in the foreseeable future, we need to use as much knowledge and foresight and brains as we can muster to do that.
Trump can revise our involvement if he doesn't want to pay big bucks. But he should still participate. We will see. I think it is money well spent, but that's not up to me to say.
And one more thing, if you don't quit with that hack insult "enveloping yourself in emotion and partisan talking points" I'm gonna actually get emotional. I don't do partisan talking points and you know it. Aping that shit like .... well never mind, just don't.
It will slow global warming which will slow the negative effects of global climate change which are already being observed and measured in many ways you are already aware of. And you don't need to shout. I remembered my hearing aids. But you already know that, so why are you asking?

It will slow it?

So you can pat yourself on the back while you can die in peace yet throw the world in a depression?

Again how much is it man made and a natural variation?
Why would it cause a world wide depression? Are all these countries' economies going to go belly up from switching to renewable energy sources? New technologies and massive changes like where we get our power will of course effect our economies. How that is managed is up to us, though, isn't it?
Another thought: At least we can survive a depression. Can we survive uncontrolled rapid climate change?

Take a look at the solutions that are being promulgated to "control" the temperature. They want the entire world to change over from fossil fuels to "renewables". The problem with that is renewables are unreliable. They also want Africa and other third world regions to be held forever as third world areas. They don't want them to develop even though the evidence is overwhelming that as countries develop into First World nations they embrace ecology and pollution control.

They also want to take people out of the suburbs and surrounding countryside and condense them into huge apartment buildings. Single family homes are considered too wasteful except, of course for the very elite. Want to take a flight to Hawaii for vacation? Forget it. Too costly for a mere peon like you when you take into account the various carbon taxes they wish to enact to prevent people from travelling.

How about taking a car to the Grand Canyon? Nope. No gas powered cars are allowed, and guess what there are no charging stations available either. So, the elite will be able to enjoy those areas without all of you smelly peons.

Take a look at every solution they propose and it consists of crowding people into huge buildings, preventing them from travelling and taking all of their money to pay for this new utopia. Great for the elite, but crappy as hell for the middle class. Oh, wait a minute. There will be no middle class! Problem solved! There will be a small ruling elite and the masses. The smelly masses.
Just like Norway. Which, Oldlady was nice enough to bring up yesterday :)
With all the incentives on EV cars and shit, manufacturers drove prices up 50%. Then, when half the country bought a car, they couldn't afford the incentive anymore. Now, they are stuck with expensive cars, high road tax, high charging tax ETC
But it wont bother the rich ONE BIT
how does backing out of this do that?
^^ needs a course in climate change 101.!
so you think spending 100 trillion to reduce the temperature by only 0.3 degrees by the end of the century is worth it....?
you lefties are on more than crack....
Read the link you stupid SOB
Ditching the Paris Agreement Risks the Economy Even As It Harms the Planet
companies can become green as they see fit......why do they need to join a group that dictates to them.....?
We're not an isolated country. We're all part of the same planet.
Be honest. You're a science denier.

How does one deny "science"? Science is a very real thing.

The funniest thing about it the left can't blame it on big oil like ExxonMobil, they are against Trump pulling out


Nope. The only person to blame is Trump himself. What an ignorant old man he is turning out to be.
what is the plan to stop the earth from warming? got anything? If you got nothing, then that is the reason.

I'd love it to get warmer. I'm tired of freezing half the year
You're one stupid MF. The oceans are already rising. You obviously don't care about future generations or your grand children if heaven forbid you've breeded..
Survival of the fittest!

The funniest thing about it the left can't blame it on big oil like ExxonMobil, they are against Trump pulling out


Nope. The only person to blame is Trump himself. What an ignorant old man he is turning out to be.
what is the plan to stop the earth from warming? got anything? If you got nothing, then that is the reason.

I'd love it to get warmer. I'm tired of freezing half the year

I agree 100%
I'm super busy this afternoon, so I haven't got time to argue, but I'm gonna say this:
ADMIT that even if it were ratified or kissed by the SC or whatever, you STILL would hate it because you don't think it will have any effect. So don't ramble on about the legalities of a VOLUNTARY agreement which as far as I know is not the same thing as a TREATY, but I could be wrong and it doesn't matter because you wouldn't care anyway YOU WOULD STILL BE SAYING IT WAS WRONG HEADED and STUPID.
It is humiliating to be in the basket with Syria and Nicaragua while most of the educated world (and even a lot of the world that isn't very educated) recognize that if we're going to keep this planet anywhere near stable and livable in the foreseeable future, we need to use as much knowledge and foresight and brains as we can muster to do that.
Trump can revise our involvement if he doesn't want to pay big bucks. But he should still participate. We will see. I think it is money well spent, but that's not up to me to say.
And one more thing, if you don't quit with that hack insult "enveloping yourself in emotion and partisan talking points" I'm gonna actually get emotional. I don't do partisan talking points and you know it. Aping that shit like .... well never mind, just don't.
It will slow global warming which will slow the negative effects of global climate change which are already being observed and measured in many ways you are already aware of. And you don't need to shout. I remembered my hearing aids. But you already know that, so why are you asking?

It will slow it?

So you can pat yourself on the back while you can die in peace yet throw the world in a depression?

Again how much is it man made and a natural variation?
Why would it cause a world wide depression? Are all these countries' economies going to go belly up from switching to renewable energy sources? New technologies and massive changes like where we get our power will of course effect our economies. How that is managed is up to us, though, isn't it?
Another thought: At least we can survive a depression. Can we survive uncontrolled rapid climate change?

Take a look at the solutions that are being promulgated to "control" the temperature. They want the entire world to change over from fossil fuels to "renewables". The problem with that is renewables are unreliable. They also want Africa and other third world regions to be held forever as third world areas. They don't want them to develop even though the evidence is overwhelming that as countries develop into First World nations they embrace ecology and pollution control.

They also want to take people out of the suburbs and surrounding countryside and condense them into huge apartment buildings. Single family homes are considered too wasteful except, of course for the very elite. Want to take a flight to Hawaii for vacation? Forget it. Too costly for a mere peon like you when you take into account the various carbon taxes they wish to enact to prevent people from travelling.

How about taking a car to the Grand Canyon? Nope. No gas powered cars are allowed, and guess what there are no charging stations available either. So, the elite will be able to enjoy those areas without all of you smelly peons.

Take a look at every solution they propose and it consists of crowding people into huge buildings, preventing them from travelling and taking all of their money to pay for this new utopia. Great for the elite, but crappy as hell for the middle class. Oh, wait a minute. There will be no middle class! Problem solved! There will be a small ruling elite and the masses. The smelly masses.

Exactly pal that was one of Obama's plans, that's what he was after..

They also want to take people out of the suburbs and surrounding countryside and condense them into huge apartment buildings


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