Trump pulling out of Paris Climate Accord

The fact is that anthropogenic climate change is a theory, a theory that is very popular among uninformed masses and scientist who make a living researching and writing about it. Making dramatic changes to our economic structure which will harm an already stressed and shrinking middle class is very reckless.
How would we ever survive (if we had to have cars that get 40 MPG and free power from the sun)?
Yes, because its that simple..
Well it's not going to get any easier if we don't get started. Norway is now 50% electric cars. 80% of their power is hydroelectric. Now they're a lot smaller than us; I get that. But it can be done.

So what makes you think this will stop anyone from developing more energy tech?

There will be research and development as long as money can be made
Breaking Update

It’s official – “America will withdraw from Paris Accord”

As of today US will cease ALL implementation of non-binding Paris Accord.
Listening to his speech now .. what bullshit.
Finally America has an American first president. Way to go President Trump!!!:banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:
Leo released more c02 flying to receive an environmental award than my entire family does in six months.

as in........."I think your treaty is ghey"

You know.........Im coming to the conclusion that 8 years of getting dicked by Obama was all worth it because I laugh my balls off all the time in here these days thanks to President Trump!
Are you saying that China is going to sign this climate pact? Even if so, what are the requirements?

Here is how their cities look like:


Seems like they have a bit more pressing issues than climate change, which might harm someone in the next 500 years.

Singing the deal will give China every possible advantage.
china has already signed, ratified and stated recently that they are commited to it.

why do you vegetables always voice off about issues without knowing anything about them.

Do you really think the Chinese will live up to this agreement? They will still be building more coal-fired plants for the next 10 years, as will India and many other countries that signed the Paris Accords. To believe otherwise is to ignore reality.
you tards are queefing out of both sides of your mouths.

you claim that china and india will not honor the agreement as an excuse for the US to not honor the agreement.

The agreement is stupid either way. There just isn't a convincing reason why US should sign it, other than to virtue signal like idiot left wingers. Trump isn't about that. Besides, Trump promised to bring back many of these jobs, which is going to be rather difficult if you agree to this sort of thing.

There is no reason he should give in to Euro bureaucrats, he was the anti-globalist candidate, remember? Why would he give something to his enemies? These are basically the same folk who produce mock assassinations of Trump.
the USA already signed and accepted it on September 3, 2016. moron.
Obama had no authority to bind us to any such agreement.

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I will now give both points of view from the left and right regarding the consensus that the Paris Accord is an absolute scam.

First from the left

James Hansen, father of climate change awareness, calls Paris talks 'a fraud'

The changes being suggested will do next to nothing to reduce the threat of increasing global warming.

Now from the right.

Paris Accord on Climate Change: a UN Scam to Redistribute Wealth by Policy - Live Trading News

This UN policy is about social engineering, central planning, redistribution of wealth, and empowering bureaucrats. It is all about collectivism and a one world order.

Not sure about any of that.

What bothers me about the accord is that it’s easy for a country that isn’t based on the automobile to stop driving so much. It would be very hard for most Americans to be without their cars.

The winning solution would be to have smart, aggressive mass transit in our largest cities, promotion and/or enforcement of staggered workdays for at least half of the largest employers so you have less traffic jams, and increased spending on Nuclear spending. The navy has proven you can have a kick-ass network of reactors that operate in all climates, under extreme stress and have no accidents. As long as the Navy runs them, open 50 new reactors to replace ones that are pumping soot into the air.

Your post was kind of good except this candy..when you have 30 people on mass transit how can you prevent one person stopping it for McDonald's and another one stopping it for Walmart a block later? When they can walk the 30 feet?

The winning solution would be to have smart, aggressive mass transit in our largest cities,
It will stay in place for 4 years, as per the conditions for withdrawing from the agreement, and the next President will keep us in the deal.
"In order to fulfill my solemn duty to protect America and its citizens, the United States will withdraw from the Paris climate accord but being negotiations to reenter either the Paris accord or an entirely new transaction under terms that are fair to the United States," Trump said from the White House Rose Garden. "We're getting out.".....Trump

Trump to withdraw from Paris accord -

Why the Paris Agreement Is Good for the United States

The Case for Tackling Climate Change: Why America, and the World, Need the Paris Agreement

Ensuring that the Paris Agreement on climate change is implemented and that countries meet their commitments is in the national interest of all countries around the world. After all, we owe our children and grandchildren the prospect of a safe place to live that is free from the damages of climate change. This agreement benefits Americans. It is in our interest to stay in the agreement and ensure that all countries live up to their commitments.

The United States’ National Climate Assessment documents the dramatic changes already occurring in the U.S. as a result of climate change. Residents of some coastal cities have seen streets flood more regularly during storms and high tides. So have communities near large rivers, especially in the Midwest and Northeast. This has led to higher insurance rates as our communities become more vulnerable to climate-fueled disasters. Hotter and drier weather mean more intense wildfires that burn more acres closer to more people’s homes. Erosion could cause more communities to relocate. The historic commitments secured from all countries by the Paris Agreement are essential for reducing these and many other risks to the U.S. prosperity.

The Paris Agreement significantly lowered global projected temperature rise from 7° Fahrenheit to 5° Fahrenheit (3.9° Celsius to 2.8°Celsius). Less climate devastation will occur thanks to this agreement. While more action is needed, this agreement can further limit disastrous climate damage thanks to the climate commitments it secured.

Why the Paris Agreement Is Good for the United States
Climate change is nothing but a vast swindle. There is no benefit to signing the Paris agreement. It's a red hot poker up our asses

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