Trump pulling out of Paris Climate Accord

The AGW scam is a left wing power grab supported by pseudoscience like James Hansen,

It has never been about the earth or its climate..

Time to get the hell out and let it die..
I will now give both points of view from the left and right regarding the consensus that the Paris Accord is an absolute scam.

First from the left

James Hansen, father of climate change awareness, calls Paris talks 'a fraud'

The changes being suggested will do next to nothing to reduce the threat of increasing global warming.

Now from the right.

Paris Accord on Climate Change: a UN Scam to Redistribute Wealth by Policy - Live Trading News

This UN policy is about social engineering, central planning, redistribution of wealth, and empowering bureaucrats. It is all about collectivism and a one world order.

Not sure about any of that.

What bothers me about the accord is that it’s easy for a country that isn’t based on the automobile to stop driving so much. It would be very hard for most Americans to be without their cars.

The winning solution would be to have smart, aggressive mass transit in our largest cities, promotion and/or enforcement of staggered workdays for at least half of the largest employers so you have less traffic jams, and increased spending on Nuclear spending. The navy has proven you can have a kick-ass network of reactors that operate in all climates, under extreme stress and have no accidents. As long as the Navy runs them, open 50 new reactors to replace ones that are pumping soot into the air.
Also with Marxism, if the people have to give up their cars, then also they must give up their rural housing and live in the cities in mega-apartments owned by the government, forcing those people to either walk to work or use that mass transit, run by the government. Ah yes, we are talking about the Ole USSR again, and I for one, wont allow that to happen. If the US of America, leaves the Paris agreement, then so be it, I for one, am tired of paying for other people to live like liberals schlobs and need to get off their sorry asses and work for a living. You don't work, you don't eat.
The Paris Accord was ratified by 147 countries.

But the apes who voted for Trump think they know better!


Yet, notice how the rest of the world suggests that the Accord needs America? Why? The rest of the world has been working hard to weaken America, to weaken individual liberty, YOUR liberty. They shouldn't give a damn one way or another what America does.

To me the rest of the world should say, "ok, no big deal, to each their own" and move on with the Accord without America. Citizens of the rest of the world should also grow a pair and ask what exactly this Accord achieves. I have listened to those well versed on this, on CNN at that, and they said, and I'm paraphrasing the exact numbers but "this will decrease warming by .0002% by 2030". He was not convinced of this deal benefiting at all and suggested that America has already been the leader in decreased Greenhouse gases, in the entire world. In that last comment even the tree hugger who was on the panel agreed with him

Bottom line, maintain your sovereignty. These same countries are so willing to tie America down to ridiculous numbers "in perpetuity" according to this speaker on CNN, yet, they can't even pay their 2% NATO obligation as Russia and China expand their military influence.

Is this the kind of deal you really want?

I want to be clear, I am not a climate change denier and certainly decreasing pollution and harm to the planet is a great step. It is the method used in which to go forward with these initiatives. Our former PM Harper once made a simple yet succinct point, "no nation would willingly harm their economy for the sake of addressing climate". Now, I would state this is really over simplified, but, the point is that you want to allow yourself some flexibility in these matters. Cleaner gas (something the U.S is doing now with natural gas), cleaner resources of all kinds, science and innovations that help clean emissions etc.

Look to Ontario and our "clean initiative". It is a disaster. Passing on unneeded burdens on families, massive increases in electricity, people going without food to warm their homes, multi-billion dollar boondoggles without accountability. The bigger the public organization, the worse the results...especially to the average citizen.
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The Paris Accord was ratified by 147 countries.

But the apes who voted for Trump think they know better!

What does it cost those countries? China is in the deal as is India. They do not pay and do not have to do shit until 2030! Why is the left so stupid.
I will now give both points of view from the left and right regarding the consensus that the Paris Accord is an absolute scam.

First from the left

James Hansen, father of climate change awareness, calls Paris talks 'a fraud'

The changes being suggested will do next to nothing to reduce the threat of increasing global warming.

Now from the right.

Paris Accord on Climate Change: a UN Scam to Redistribute Wealth by Policy - Live Trading News

This UN policy is about social engineering, central planning, redistribution of wealth, and empowering bureaucrats. It is all about collectivism and a one world order.

Not sure about any of that.

What bothers me about the accord is that it’s easy for a country that isn’t based on the automobile to stop driving so much. It would be very hard for most Americans to be without their cars.

The winning solution would be to have smart, aggressive mass transit in our largest cities, promotion and/or enforcement of staggered workdays for at least half of the largest employers so you have less traffic jams, and increased spending on Nuclear spending. The navy has proven you can have a kick-ass network of reactors that operate in all climates, under extreme stress and have no accidents. As long as the Navy runs them, open 50 new reactors to replace ones that are pumping soot into the air.

Also with Marxism, if the people have to give up their cars, then also they must give up their rural housing and live in the cities in mega-apartments owned by the government, forcing those people to either walk to work or use that mass transit, run by the government. Ah yes, we are talking about the Ole USSR again, and I for one, wont allow that to happen. If the US of America, leaves the Paris agreement, then so be it, I for one, am tired of paying for other people to live like liberals schlobs and need to get off their sorry asses and work for a living. You don't work, you don't eat.

There would be mass famine in many Red States.
I will now give both points of view from the left and right regarding the consensus that the Paris Accord is an absolute scam.

First from the left

James Hansen, father of climate change awareness, calls Paris talks 'a fraud'

The changes being suggested will do next to nothing to reduce the threat of increasing global warming.

Now from the right.

Paris Accord on Climate Change: a UN Scam to Redistribute Wealth by Policy - Live Trading News

This UN policy is about social engineering, central planning, redistribution of wealth, and empowering bureaucrats. It is all about collectivism and a one world order.

Not sure about any of that.

What bothers me about the accord is that it’s easy for a country that isn’t based on the automobile to stop driving so much. It would be very hard for most Americans to be without their cars.

The winning solution would be to have smart, aggressive mass transit in our largest cities, promotion and/or enforcement of staggered workdays for at least half of the largest employers so you have less traffic jams, and increased spending on Nuclear spending. The navy has proven you can have a kick-ass network of reactors that operate in all climates, under extreme stress and have no accidents. As long as the Navy runs them, open 50 new reactors to replace ones that are pumping soot into the air.

Fair warning Candycorn- your greeny left friends are going to black ball your ass if you ever say something reasonable about nuclear energy ever again, you better shut your normally stupid mouth.

Greenpeace has always fought - and will continue to fight - vigorously against nuclear power because it is an unacceptable risk to the environment and to humanity. The only solution is to halt the expansion of all nuclear power, and for the shutdown of existing plants.
The Paris Accord was ratified by 147 countries.

But the apes who voted for Trump think they know better!


Well...any who oppose the Global Governance Scam certainly do know better.

On January 25, 2006........

... while at the Sundance film festival, "politicians and corporations have been ignoring the issue for decades, to the point that unless drastic measures to reduce greenhouse gases are taken within the next 10 years
the world will reach a point of no return, Gore said." 2006: Al Gore Does Sundance 1988, Ted Danson crowed that we had only ten years to save the oceans.

Then, even earlier....there was Chicken Little.....

Makes you look kinda stupid, huh?

Here, the short version of 'Global Warming,' for all ignorant sheep who accept the dogma:

“Mankind faces a crossroads.
One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness.
The other, to total extinction.
Let us pray we have the wisdom to choose correctly.”
Woody Allen
I will now give both points of view from the left and right regarding the consensus that the Paris Accord is an absolute scam.

First from the left

James Hansen, father of climate change awareness, calls Paris talks 'a fraud'

The changes being suggested will do next to nothing to reduce the threat of increasing global warming.

Now from the right.

Paris Accord on Climate Change: a UN Scam to Redistribute Wealth by Policy - Live Trading News

This UN policy is about social engineering, central planning, redistribution of wealth, and empowering bureaucrats. It is all about collectivism and a one world order.

Not sure about any of that.

What bothers me about the accord is that it’s easy for a country that isn’t based on the automobile to stop driving so much. It would be very hard for most Americans to be without their cars.

The winning solution would be to have smart, aggressive mass transit in our largest cities, promotion and/or enforcement of staggered workdays for at least half of the largest employers so you have less traffic jams, and increased spending on Nuclear spending. The navy has proven you can have a kick-ass network of reactors that operate in all climates, under extreme stress and have no accidents. As long as the Navy runs them, open 50 new reactors to replace ones that are pumping soot into the air.

No thanks.
I did my time on public transit for about a year....never again.
It turned a thirty minute drive into a two hour ordeal not to mention all the cretins you had to ride with.
Yet, notice how the rest of the world suggests that the Accord needs America? Why? The rest of the world has been working hard to weaken America, to weaken individual liberty, YOUR liberty. They shouldn't give a damn one way or another what America does.

The USA is one of the biggest polluters in the world, even though it just has 3% of the population.

You skipped that part.
Yep. We will be a 3rd world nation if he has his way. Not just regarding climate control and greenhouse gasses, we have the highest number of guns in the world per 100 people: US guns per 100 people = 112, next comes Serbia with 58 and Yemen with 54. Another 3rd world statistic we fit into. .
Fuck face, the more firearms the better the nation we are… Fact
This is entering my Quotes Hall of Fame. Congrats.
Yet, notice how the rest of the world suggests that the Accord needs America? Why? The rest of the world has been working hard to weaken America, to weaken individual liberty, YOUR liberty. They shouldn't give a damn one way or another what America does.

The USA is one of the biggest polluters in the world, even though it just has 3% of the population.

You skipped that part.

Maybe, I will have to take your word for it. It is also 25% of the worlds economy, and the largest debtor to the world so that the global economy chugs along nicely.

I think it was Wilbur Ross who said, "it is not acceptable that America has to shoulder the costs of global expansion by accumulating such high levels of debt". Time for America to stand up and remain sovereign. It requires special even courageous leadership to stand up to these globalists. Globalism is not going to stop, but this is not about global exchange of goods and services, this is about centralized control of nations by leaders, and not citizens. Does anyone really think these socialist, neo-communist nations really have Americas interests at heart?
At the moment, Syria and Nicaragua. That's the company in which Trump wants to put the U.S.
On the other hand, North Korea, Somalia, Zimbabwe, Venezuela, Nigeria, Libya, China, ..............
You are not the first to broach that line of thought. It is no less absurd no matter how often it appears. Indeed, I'm not even going to make the effort to explain why and what about it is just nuts because if you are minors, you'll one one day (one hopes) come to know why, and if you are adults, y'all just ain't worth it.
I will now give both points of view from the left and right regarding the consensus that the Paris Accord is an absolute scam.

First from the left

James Hansen, father of climate change awareness, calls Paris talks 'a fraud'

The changes being suggested will do next to nothing to reduce the threat of increasing global warming.

Now from the right.

Paris Accord on Climate Change: a UN Scam to Redistribute Wealth by Policy - Live Trading News

This UN policy is about social engineering, central planning, redistribution of wealth, and empowering bureaucrats. It is all about collectivism and a one world order.

Not sure about any of that.

What bothers me about the accord is that it’s easy for a country that isn’t based on the automobile to stop driving so much. It would be very hard for most Americans to be without their cars.

The winning solution would be to have smart, aggressive mass transit in our largest cities, promotion and/or enforcement of staggered workdays for at least half of the largest employers so you have less traffic jams, and increased spending on Nuclear spending. The navy has proven you can have a kick-ass network of reactors that operate in all climates, under extreme stress and have no accidents. As long as the Navy runs them, open 50 new reactors to replace ones that are pumping soot into the air.

The left hates nuclear power. Germany is currently scaling back and when McCain ran against Obama, McCain suggested the answer was nuclear and lost to Obama.

I don’t think McCain lost because of the nuclear answer.

He lost because he was tied to Bush.

The “left” needs to get over it. It was one thing back in 1970 and 1980 but the science has been proven. The problem is that when you let ConEd do it, the unions get involved, nepotism takes place, corners are cut, and you end up with some sub-contrctor doing maintenance because they were the lowest bidder. No Thanks. Put the US Navy in charge, these women and men have proven they are more than capable of running a tight ship for DECADES!!!

Either way, telling Americans to stop driving is not going to work. Telling the other 80% of the world probably will. So pulling out is probably a good idea based on the surface of the argument.

A large part of the private sector is way ahead of the public sector on the issue of pollution and its impact on the environment and climate. The only disaster worse than the three major nuclear accidents is Donald Trump, and the Plutocrats he has put into power.

A rational debate on the generation of power, and clean, efficient public transportation needs to be had, here, and on all levels of government. For too long we have kicked the can down the road, and both the left and right when in office are guilty of misfeasance.

Consider: Next Generation Nuclear Power

The article is from 2009, before the disaster in Japan (2011) and the disaster of Trump (2017).

"We have nothing to fear, but fear it self", of course FDR could never have imagined Trump in the Oval Office.
The left hates nuclear power. Germany is currently scaling back and when McCain ran against Obama, McCain suggested the answer was nuclear and lost to Obama.

I don’t think McCain lost because of the nuclear answer.

He lost because he was tied to Bush.

The “left” needs to get over it. It was one thing back in 1970 and 1980 but the science has been proven. The problem is that when you let ConEd do it, the unions get involved, nepotism takes place, corners are cut, and you end up with some sub-contrctor doing maintenance because they were the lowest bidder. No Thanks. Put the US Navy in charge, these women and men have proven they are more than capable of running a tight ship for DECADES!!!

Either way, telling Americans to stop driving is not going to work. Telling the other 80% of the world probably will. So pulling out is probably a good idea based on the surface of the argument.

Name one left winged prominent politician who is advocating nuclear power.


Not sure there is one.

Never said there was one.

As I did say, the “left needs to get over it.”

No, the left needs a lobotomy

On this one topic, I agree with you.
Well, the GOP has the House, the Senate, and the Presidency…. apparently the nation needs a President.

You have to understand, the left is as interested in "fixing" climate change the same they are interested in "fixing" racism. To them, climate change is just a meal ticket for a huge slush fund just as race baiting is for getting votes

Not to worry though Dims, the press will simply repeat the same talking points that Trump and the GOP are destroying the world to win the next election.

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