Trump pulling out of Paris Climate Accord

Dangerous is letting a president do any actions like this on his own whim without ratification through the proper channels.
I agree with that. We need to move closer to bipartisan collaboration rather than authoritarian control by one person or party

Yeah, starting when, in January?
Starting as soon as we can find a leader that inspires this type of attitude. All we have now are a bunch of partisan schmucks hogging the mic followed by their brainless puppets singing their praises.

We do? And what did we have under DumBama? Can you name me one negative thing he took responsibility for? How many times has he reached out to Republicans?

We on the right (that elected Donald Trump for President) don't believe in man made global warming. That's it. And because we don't believe in it, we don't expect our leader to abide to what DumBama believed.
Did you ever listen to any of his speeches? He constantly reached out to Republicans and they slammed the door in his face. He then got fed up with the obstruction and went on an Executive Order binge which I didn't like but now it seems to be what Trump is adopting.

You want me to name one bad thing he took responsibility for... I'll do better than one.

1. He took responsibility for the Dems loosing power in congress in 2010
2. He took responsibility for the disaster in Benghazi
3. He took responsibility for the terrible rollout of the ACA and asked for help from both parties to fix it. What did he get from the Reps... "Repeal/Replace"

He never took responsibility for any of those things.

Benghazi? He sent his minions out to lie to the American public that it was a video that nobody seen. During the attack, he went to sleep because he had a fund raiser in Vegas the next day. Some responsibility.

Commie Care? He never had one regret. He bragged about it until his very last day in office. Need any videos, just ask.

He took responsibility for Dems losing Congress? Dems lost Congress because of Commie Care. Did he ever once say he would be willing to rescind it? Of course not. His mission (and the Democrats) was to create as many government dependents as he possibly could.
Trump is hanging on to the 35% who still support him.

Sooooooo? Want to debate "Climate Change"? The origins of it? You talk big but from what I have seen, you perform very must have a GREAT argument as to why "Climate Change" is legit and what is causing it......I know quite a bit about it. I have done radio interviews about it. Has anyone ever asked you to come on a radio show and give your take on the topic? I kinda doubt it.

You're a chemtrail conspiracy one with any sense would "debate" you.
I'm sure you were on radio for either novelty value or as an an "expert" on a RWNJ station.

Debate me on the "Solar Radiation Management" program aka "Stratospheric Aerosol Injection Spraying" of nano-particulates of heavy want "science"? How about soil and water samples proving this? How about your own fucking eyes if you ever bothered to look up into the sky. I have taken THOUSANDS of photos of the spraying and I have a network of people from all over the globe that report when spraying is being done and when it isn't and how it is consistent with approaching weather fronts and the use of ionospheric heaters.......debate me on this....step into the fray instead of being a cyber pussy. I don't belong to either bought and paid for political party but etch this very salient fact in stone and commit it to memory......I would slit the throat of a Fabian socialist demcrat before I would EVER support one. I despise neocons as well but your fuckwad leaders are utterly disgusting. Whenever I see someone like the Hildebeast, Barrypuppet, Donna Brazile, Debbie Wasserman, John Podesta on my computer screen? I have to fight back the urge to puke.
Like I said...

You said nothing.....I can back up my argument while you duck, dodge and deflect.
The Paris Accord committed the US to nothing.
Trump doesn't even understand how it works.
No surprise there of course.
If it was worthless why all the fuss?
Did I say it was worthless?
Yep. Have a grownup explain your words to you.
No point putting your name forward then.
You make no sense at all. Somehow you went downhill when you were snake shit low to start with.
used to be called global warming and when that name didn't work, they deftly changed it to climate change-because it's freezing!
This is NOT a victory for America but a sad day for the earth and the future.

Exxon Mobil and majority of businesses CEO all over America and the world support climate accord.

This is true, but all the whacked out RW's on this board know better than the smartest CEO's in the U.S. Yes, that's right, some of these dumb fucks even claim to have college degrees, master's, phd's, jd's they must all have saved them out of their cracker jack boxes.
For the disciples of global warming, in 150 summers (years) there have been 20 heat waves as bad or worse than current-this has happened before!
I agree with that. We need to move closer to bipartisan collaboration rather than authoritarian control by one person or party

Yeah, starting when, in January?
Starting as soon as we can find a leader that inspires this type of attitude. All we have now are a bunch of partisan schmucks hogging the mic followed by their brainless puppets singing their praises.

We do? And what did we have under DumBama? Can you name me one negative thing he took responsibility for? How many times has he reached out to Republicans?

We on the right (that elected Donald Trump for President) don't believe in man made global warming. That's it. And because we don't believe in it, we don't expect our leader to abide to what DumBama believed.
Did you ever listen to any of his speeches? He constantly reached out to Republicans and they slammed the door in his face. He then got fed up with the obstruction and went on an Executive Order binge which I didn't like but now it seems to be what Trump is adopting.

You want me to name one bad thing he took responsibility for... I'll do better than one.

1. He took responsibility for the Dems loosing power in congress in 2010
2. He took responsibility for the disaster in Benghazi
3. He took responsibility for the terrible rollout of the ACA and asked for help from both parties to fix it. What did he get from the Reps... "Repeal/Replace"

He never took responsibility for any of those things.

Benghazi? He sent his minions out to lie to the American public that it was a video that nobody seen. During the attack, he went to sleep because he had a fund raiser in Vegas the next day. Some responsibility.

Commie Care? He never had one regret. He bragged about it until his very last day in office. Need any videos, just ask.

He took responsibility for Dems losing Congress? Dems lost Congress because of Commie Care. Did he ever once say he would be willing to rescind it? Of course not. His mission (and the Democrats) was to create as many government dependents as he possibly could.
Do five minutes of research and you'll see videos of him taking responsibility of all three of those.
Yeah, starting when, in January?
Starting as soon as we can find a leader that inspires this type of attitude. All we have now are a bunch of partisan schmucks hogging the mic followed by their brainless puppets singing their praises.

We do? And what did we have under DumBama? Can you name me one negative thing he took responsibility for? How many times has he reached out to Republicans?

We on the right (that elected Donald Trump for President) don't believe in man made global warming. That's it. And because we don't believe in it, we don't expect our leader to abide to what DumBama believed.
Did you ever listen to any of his speeches? He constantly reached out to Republicans and they slammed the door in his face. He then got fed up with the obstruction and went on an Executive Order binge which I didn't like but now it seems to be what Trump is adopting.

You want me to name one bad thing he took responsibility for... I'll do better than one.

1. He took responsibility for the Dems loosing power in congress in 2010
2. He took responsibility for the disaster in Benghazi
3. He took responsibility for the terrible rollout of the ACA and asked for help from both parties to fix it. What did he get from the Reps... "Repeal/Replace"

He never took responsibility for any of those things.

Benghazi? He sent his minions out to lie to the American public that it was a video that nobody seen. During the attack, he went to sleep because he had a fund raiser in Vegas the next day. Some responsibility.

Commie Care? He never had one regret. He bragged about it until his very last day in office. Need any videos, just ask.

He took responsibility for Dems losing Congress? Dems lost Congress because of Commie Care. Did he ever once say he would be willing to rescind it? Of course not. His mission (and the Democrats) was to create as many government dependents as he possibly could.
Do five minutes of research and you'll see videos of him taking responsibility of all three of those.

Sorry friend, that's not the way discussion groups work. You get called out on a claim, it's up to you to prove your claim--not me to prove it for you.
You are mistaken. I do not think that. I do think that if we don't help the problem in one way or another, other countries have stated they may put pressure on us.
Its funny because Pittsburgh didn't vote for him.
Proof that inner city urban shit holes don't win elections. Democrats forgot that when they made DNC convention a racist BLM rally.
You are mistaken. I do not think that. I do think that if we don't help the problem in one way or another, other countries have stated they may put pressure on us.

I do think that if we don't help the problem in one way or another

What problem?

other countries have stated they may put pressure on us.

So they'll threaten the largest economy with the strongest military if we don't promise, honest injun, to waste billions (trillions?) on windmills and high speed trains to nowhere?
It's an Agreement not a Treaty. Senate does not have to vote. That's why Obama farted in the faces of the Alt Right when he did it. That why Trump farted in the face of decent America when he took America out of it.

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