Trump pulling out of Paris Climate Accord

If it helps working Americans who give a damn about their country.....the Left is patently against it.

  • Immigration
  • Climate
  • Business Regulation
  • Trade
In each of these....the Left favors policies that help NON Americans more than Americans.
Kicking the SOB's out of the country would make America great again instantly.
What the fuck nuts, just like with Nafta will see the effects someday of the shit Trump is doing and as always, you idiots will scratch your heads and vote Democratic....been here before and look forward to your return to common since....its a done deal. Oh and by the way, I want you idiots to come back in a year or two if Trump is still around and do brag about the jobs.
President Trump has always stuck by his core promise to the American people. Jobs,jobs,jobs! He said it during his trip to the Middle Eadt and he said it today. God bless him!
Question? Uh, what jobs, fool? You people are so stupid.
AMERICAN jobs dumb shit. Several hundred thousand in place...and many more coming. Why he will be reelected.
can't wait to the Cuyahoga River catches fire again huh moe moe?

What is Moe Moe? Is that supposed to be some kind of insult or something? Maybe with other kids in your school..........

You see the difference between the Cuyahoga River and Global bullshit is we had empirical evidence that polluting the water had a negative effect. It wasn't a theory, it wasn't a bunch of scientists who lived on government paychecks that did their bidding, it was the fact that water does not start on fire.

It was an experiment that had negative results, and because of those results, we did something about it.
On May 10, in an attempt to influence the president’s thinking, 30 CEOs wrote an open letter to Trump, taking out a full-page ad in the Wall Street Journal. The opening reads, “We are writing to express our strong support for the U.S. remaining in the Paris Climate Agreement.” I won’t reprint the whole letter here, but please read it.

It is, however, worth taking a moment to look at the companies whose CEOs made their views known:

3M Company
Allianz SE
Bank of America Corp.
Campbell Soup Company
Cargill Inc.
Citigroup Inc.
The Coca-Cola Company
Corning Incorporated
Cummins Inc.
Dana Incorporated
The Dow Chemical Company
E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Company
General Electric
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
Harris Corporation
Johnson & Johnson
JP Morgan Chase
Morgan Stanley
Newell Brands Inc.
Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Procter & Gamble Company
Royal DSM
Tesla Inc.
Virgin Group
The Walt Disney Company

This is not a tree-hugger group. And it’s not a list of usual suspects from consumer-facing brands that may want to impress consumers or seem like they don’t have a huge carbon footprint.
Trump sends a message to the world

While the rest of the world is willing to sacrifice for the good of the planet......America says...Fuck you, every man for himself!

So you admit that the US doesn't benefit economically from this treaty.

That is the way ecology works

It is cheaper to dump your shit into the rivers and air. You just don't do it because it is damaging in the long run

Then why are all the douche bags who support the treaty acting like we're missing out on something by rejecting it?
We are missing out on being respected by the rest of the world

The global warming douche bags claim we would benefit economically from the treaty. Which is it? Do we benefit or not?
Because our president and leader made a promise through this accord. Just as Trump aims to make some bilateral trade agreements with other countries, it would be outright irresponsible for new leadership that may come into power in 2020 to not honor his agreements... It weakens trust and the value that our government has when making agreements with foreign powers. Do you really not see that?

Too bad. If other countries don't realize that we can do that with our electoral system, then they shouldn't be making deals with us in the first place. When we change leadership, we do so to change policies as well as the leadership. Trump did a great thing today, and I hope he continues doing greater things in the future. We'll run our country our way because that's why we vote in the first place.
That's a dangerous precedent you're setting. I don't wanna hear you bitching in 5 years when the New Democratic president rolls back on Trumps agreements. I'll still be voicing my opposition to it if they do so in the same way Trump is going about it. There is an art to diplomacy that Trump needs serious lessons in.
Dangerous is letting a president do any actions like this on his own whim without ratification through the proper channels.
I agree with that. We need to move closer to bipartisan collaboration rather than authoritarian control by one person or party

Yeah, starting when, in January?
Starting as soon as we can find a leader that inspires this type of attitude. All we have now are a bunch of partisan schmucks hogging the mic followed by their brainless puppets singing their praises.
This is a major win in the GOP's "f*ck America first" agenda. It's been going on for decades. Even business leaders deserted Trump.

You are an idiot and on so many levels. Why would any SANE non globalist leader agree to an accord that allows our trade partners to skirt the same rules that would be applied to America? Go fuck yourself.....I am ever so tired of dealing with the terminally stupid.

The funniest thing about it the left can't blame it on big oil like ExxonMobil, they are against Trump pulling out


Nope. The only person to blame is Trump himself. What an ignorant old man he is turning out to be.
what is the plan to stop the earth from warming? got anything? If you got nothing, then that is the reason.

The Earth has been warming and cooling for 4.5 Billion is a pretty established plan. What in God's name is your fucking point?

First it was Global Ice Age
Then Global Warming
Then Climate Change

All within a span of 40 years up against 4.5 Billion years where the Earth as and will cool, warm, and change.
Trump is hanging on to the 35% who still support him.

Sooooooo? Want to debate "Climate Change"? The origins of it? You talk big but from what I have seen, you perform very must have a GREAT argument as to why "Climate Change" is legit and what is causing it......I know quite a bit about it. I have done radio interviews about it. Has anyone ever asked you to come on a radio show and give your take on the topic? I kinda doubt it.

No, I was never asked to discuss it on Alt-Right radio.

Well, here is your chance to "hip" me to the ways of "Climate Change" and how YOU believe that my perceptions are wrong....and then I will give a rebuttal........what say ye?
It's a non issue, really, all the corporations in America who were in favor of the Paris Climate Accord, to include Exxon Mobil, have pledged to remain committed to reducing their carbon footprint. The Mayor of Pittsburgh publicly declared his town's commitment to the accord ("I represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris" he says in another lame attempt at populism in the face of his stunning lack of leadership), a clear rebuke of the moron who has decided to remove the U.S. from the world stage and align itself with one nation: Syria.

Yes, just when you thought it couldn't get any worse than Bush, we have an even bigger moron in the White House who has given in to the fringe in his cabinet and even Repukes in both the House and Senate are likely wondering aloud…….what does this look like? 195 other nations signing on to the Paris Climate Accord and the U.S. going it alone? The optics are awful, and they know this. Trump hasn't a clue.

Talk about a leadership vacuum. This is truly amazing to watch, a slow motion train wreck. It's time to sit back and just wait this one out. This clown is only going to get so many chances, and he has already used more in 4 months than most use in 4 years.

Win is a relative term, many feel the opposite about his actions with this Paris deal. Since we can't officially withdraw until 2020, It will make for an interesting campaign season.
Why do you think we have to wait four years to pull out of something that was never approved?
Because our president and leader made a promise through this accord. Just as Trump aims to make some bilateral trade agreements with other countries, it would be outright irresponsible for new leadership that may come into power in 2020 to not honor his agreements... It weakens trust and the value that our government has when making agreements with foreign powers. Do you really not see that?

Too bad. If other countries don't realize that we can do that with our electoral system, then they shouldn't be making deals with us in the first place. When we change leadership, we do so to change policies as well as the leadership. Trump did a great thing today, and I hope he continues doing greater things in the future. We'll run our country our way because that's why we vote in the first place.
That's a dangerous precedent you're setting. I don't wanna hear you bitching in 5 years when the New Democratic president rolls back on Trumps agreements. I'll still be voicing my opposition to it if they do so in the same way Trump is going about it. There is an art to diplomacy that Trump needs serious lessons in.

What diplomacy? He has every right to do what he did. Just because the Commie before him wanted other countries to tell us how to run ours, doesn't mean he has to agree with it because of DumBama. We don't owe anybody anything---get it?
I never claimed that he did anything illegal, of course he has the right to do it. I just think when you have a coalition of nations all coming together to work on environmental issues, it is very short sighted and borderline stupid to say, i'm gonna take my toys and go home... especially when we are supposed to be a world leader. It is petty and small. I'm fine with renegotiating the deal and working on ways to improve it, but just like the "repeal/replace" BS it seems like these partisans are more concerned with ruining Obamas legacy than working on actually common sense ways to make our world better in a unifying way.
Too bad. If other countries don't realize that we can do that with our electoral system, then they shouldn't be making deals with us in the first place. When we change leadership, we do so to change policies as well as the leadership. Trump did a great thing today, and I hope he continues doing greater things in the future. We'll run our country our way because that's why we vote in the first place.
That's a dangerous precedent you're setting. I don't wanna hear you bitching in 5 years when the New Democratic president rolls back on Trumps agreements. I'll still be voicing my opposition to it if they do so in the same way Trump is going about it. There is an art to diplomacy that Trump needs serious lessons in.
Dangerous is letting a president do any actions like this on his own whim without ratification through the proper channels.
I agree with that. We need to move closer to bipartisan collaboration rather than authoritarian control by one person or party

Yeah, starting when, in January?
Starting as soon as we can find a leader that inspires this type of attitude. All we have now are a bunch of partisan schmucks hogging the mic followed by their brainless puppets singing their praises.

We do? And what did we have under DumBama? Can you name me one negative thing he took responsibility for? How many times has he reached out to Republicans?

We on the right (that elected Donald Trump for President) don't believe in man made global warming. That's it. And because we don't believe in it, we don't expect our leader to abide to what DumBama believed.
what's the difference between Bigfoot & Barack Obama's legacy?

Bigfoot might actually exist.
Why do you think we have to wait four years to pull out of something that was never approved?
Because our president and leader made a promise through this accord. Just as Trump aims to make some bilateral trade agreements with other countries, it would be outright irresponsible for new leadership that may come into power in 2020 to not honor his agreements... It weakens trust and the value that our government has when making agreements with foreign powers. Do you really not see that?

Too bad. If other countries don't realize that we can do that with our electoral system, then they shouldn't be making deals with us in the first place. When we change leadership, we do so to change policies as well as the leadership. Trump did a great thing today, and I hope he continues doing greater things in the future. We'll run our country our way because that's why we vote in the first place.
That's a dangerous precedent you're setting. I don't wanna hear you bitching in 5 years when the New Democratic president rolls back on Trumps agreements. I'll still be voicing my opposition to it if they do so in the same way Trump is going about it. There is an art to diplomacy that Trump needs serious lessons in.

What diplomacy? He has every right to do what he did. Just because the Commie before him wanted other countries to tell us how to run ours, doesn't mean he has to agree with it because of DumBama. We don't owe anybody anything---get it?
I never claimed that he did anything illegal, of course he has the right to do it. I just think when you have a coalition of nations all coming together to work on environmental issues, it is very short sighted and borderline stupid to say, i'm gonna take my toys and go home... especially when we are supposed to be a world leader. It is petty and small. I'm fine with renegotiating the deal and working on ways to improve it, but just like the "repeal/replace" BS it seems like these partisans are more concerned with ruining Obamas legacy than working on actually common sense ways to make our world better in a unifying way.

Wait a minute. WTF do we need other countries to do what we want WITH OUR environment? What do we need their permission or blessing for? If we want to do something, we voters will decide; not France, not Italy, not Germany, not Poland. We decide what we wish to do with our country.

Trump elected to not work with other people to tell us what do do or how much to spend. That's up to us and nobody else. DumBama was a surrender-first liberal like most, but we Republicans don't believe in surrendering our country to anybody.
So El Dumpster lied when he said he would renegotiate it. Certainly if Climate Change is a hoax, why would he do it?

No one has said that climate change is a hoax. Our climate has been changing for at least 6 billion years. If you're patient, you can find sea shells on the rim of the Grand Canyon. Now THAT'S climate change.

IF the agreement can be renegotiated so that it includes ALL nations, and there is no requirement for the world environmental whatever to pay India $2 TRILLION before they are required to comply with any restrictions. In other words, it is not simply a transfer of wealth scheme, and it is put before congress to be ratified, I see no problem.

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