Trump pulling out of Paris Climate Accord

Trump defined what his “America First” agenda means with a strong rebuke of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change Thursday, which the president said would have negatively impacted American workers.

Trump Pulls Out of Climate Accord: ‘I Was Elected To Represent Citizens of Pittsburgh, Not Paris’

The leftist rejects are probably bouncing off the walls, GOOD! Imagine that working for the people and not Paris.
That doesn't mean it is all over, they aren't done and will probably pull something without a doubt.
Trump the chuckle head must likely think Pittsburgh. is like it was in the 1950's with steel and coal

Nobody cares what Hillary the Hag thinks of it.
Since when do we care about what "Germany and France" think?
CNN is spreading fear

Trump sends a message to the world

While the rest of the world is willing to sacrifice for the good of the planet......America says...Fuck you, every man for himself!

So you admit that the US doesn't benefit economically from this treaty.

That is the way ecology works

It is cheaper to dump your shit into the rivers and air. You just don't do it because it is damaging in the long run

Then why are all the douche bags who support the treaty acting like we're missing out on something by rejecting it?
We are missing out on being respected by the rest of the world
Trump defined what his “America First” agenda means with a strong rebuke of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change Thursday, which the president said would have negatively impacted American workers.

Trump Pulls Out of Climate Accord: ‘I Was Elected To Represent Citizens of Pittsburgh, Not Paris’

The leftist rejects are probably bouncing off the walls, GOOD! Imagine that working for the people and not Paris.
That doesn't mean it is all over, they aren't done and will probably pull something without a doubt.
Trump the chuckle head must likely think Pittsburgh. is like it was in the 1950's with steel and coal

Maybe he can bring it back because after all those steel mills were shut down because of another Presidential a hole who sold us out and started giving our jobs to overseas, many of those cities went under, thousands lost their jobs and the big steel industries went under real fast.
steel mills started closing long before President Obama was elected, do some reading and get an education, ignorant rube

From 1974 to 1986, the American steel industry was mired in a deep depression. The primary cause was the ten-year economic downturn sparked by the OPEC oil embargo and the Iranian revolution. During these recessions consumer markets contracted significantly and demand for steel weakened considerably. With markets for steel shrinking, America’s integrated steel manufacturers were forced to cut their production and sell steel at unprofitable prices.

Lessons from the steel crisis of the 1980s

Where does it say Obama?
Trump sends a message to the world

While the rest of the world is willing to sacrifice for the good of the planet......America says...Fuck you, every man for himself!

So you admit that the US doesn't benefit economically from this treaty.

That is the way ecology works

It is cheaper to dump your shit into the rivers and air. You just don't do it because it is damaging in the long run

Then why are all the douche bags who support the treaty acting like we're missing out on something by rejecting it?
We are missing out on being respected by the rest of the world
I would rather have cash in my hand than the "respect" of European globalist douche bags.
Trump sends a message to the world

While the rest of the world is willing to sacrifice for the good of the planet......America says...Fuck you, every man for himself!

So you admit that the US doesn't benefit economically from this treaty.

That is the way ecology works

It is cheaper to dump your shit into the rivers and air. You just don't do it because it is damaging in the long run

Then why are all the douche bags who support the treaty acting like we're missing out on something by rejecting it?
We are missing out on being respected by the rest of the world
I would rather have cash in my hand than the "respect" of European globalist douche bags.
I'm sure you would

Anarchists are every man for himself

Just like our President
If we let trump get away with all his bs America will soon lose it's leadership position in the world

He was hired to do a job and now he's doing it. What do you mean "get away" with? He's not getting away with anything. This is what we want him to do.
I don't really think we have them "By the balls" at this point. France and Germany have come out and said they'll be moving on without the US and the treaty is non-negotiable. Canada's minister even came out and said he's disappointed in us.

At this point it seems more like they're just shaking their heads and walking away.

And besides, Trump couldn't give two shits about a good climate plan. It's been coal coal coal since day one. I guarantee you, when we're out of the accord by 2020, coal businesses and power plants are gonna go hog wild and nobodies gonna do a thing about it.

They can say whatever they want, but they know the truth. USA is of vital importance.

The plan as it stands right now is a scam:

100 trillion for 3/10 of a Celsius? The predicted cost of all climate change is less than that ROFLMAO! We need some cost effective - not retarded plan to deal with the climate change. As it stands right now, the plan is clearly to enrich euro-bureaucrats and nothing else.

Again, I'm not saying that the Paris Accords was a fullproof plan. I'd feel better and more victorious if I believed that Trump was at all focused on getting a better deal than the Paris Accords. But he's not.

I don't want to wake up 15 years down the road from now and putting on a gas mask so I can survive the trip to work. He doesn't have any interest in replacing the accords. Because as well all know, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, Climate change is a Chinese hoax.

You get what I'm saying? I don't care about the damn accords. I care that we're not gonna pursue anything better and we're just gonna let the Billionaire CEO's of Coal companies wreck the land and the air around us so we can make just a few more dollars on coal.

Trump was willing to negotiate a better deal, it was the Euro-clowns that said it was non-negotiable.

Great spin!
Why do you think we have to wait four years to pull out of something that was never approved?
Because our president and leader made a promise through this accord. Just as Trump aims to make some bilateral trade agreements with other countries, it would be outright irresponsible for new leadership that may come into power in 2020 to not honor his agreements... It weakens trust and the value that our government has when making agreements with foreign powers. Do you really not see that?

Too bad. If other countries don't realize that we can do that with our electoral system, then they shouldn't be making deals with us in the first place. When we change leadership, we do so to change policies as well as the leadership. Trump did a great thing today, and I hope he continues doing greater things in the future. We'll run our country our way because that's why we vote in the first place.
That's a dangerous precedent you're setting. I don't wanna hear you bitching in 5 years when the New Democratic president rolls back on Trumps agreements. I'll still be voicing my opposition to it if they do so in the same way Trump is going about it. There is an art to diplomacy that Trump needs serious lessons in.
Dangerous is letting a president do any actions like this on his own whim without ratification through the proper channels.
I agree with that. We need to move closer to bipartisan collaboration rather than authoritarian control by one person or party

Yeah, starting when, in January?

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