Trump pulling out of Paris Climate Accord

Yep. We will be a 3rd world nation if he has his way. Not just regarding climate control and greenhouse gasses, we have the highest number of guns in the world per 100 people: US guns per 100 people = 112, next comes Serbia with 58 and Yemen with 54. Another 3rd world statistic we fit into. .
Fuck face, the more firearms the better the nation we are… Fact
I'm sure you're proud we lead or are near the top in firearm murders..
No we are not dumb ass.
The Paris Accord committed the US to nothing.

Yes it did you lying fuck it required each member state to provide a framework of how they would combat climate change which Obama had already done and thus it required a 28% carbon reduction from the US by 2025 punishable by suit in the ICJ by anyone, even NGOs like the Sierra club. More importantly it required the US to relinquish sovereignty to unelected global governance without so much as ratification from the Senate as mandated by the Constitution.
Thank you Mr Trump for honoring your word

Global warming is a red herring



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It will stay in place for 4 years, as per the conditions for withdrawing from the agreement, and the next President will keep us in the deal.

According to unelected fuckfaces in Brussels who can get fucked, this was an unconstitutional treaty (yes it was a treaty you fucking tyrannical cock sucker) and is unenforceable so eat shit and choke on my freedom boner bitch.
^ poor snowflake :itsok:

Eat freedom boner faggot.
We don't have to give up economic growth for a phony climate plan. Sounds like it's making America pretty great to Me.

What do you mean giving up economic growth?
Like what? Can you give us an example?
You didn't read the report on lost jobs, and 3 trillion dollars of economic loss, this accord would have set is back?

Consequences of Paris Protocol: Devastating Economic Costs, Essentially Zero Environmental Benefits

$3 trillions? Really? Coming from You've got to be kidding me. Did you really read your link or you just cherry pick? An ultra right wing hard right media also an anti Obama which is about worthless. Give me something else.

Literally what you are saying that ALL the CEOs, businesses, 195 countries including China the worst polluters are wrong? But ignorant Trump is correct.

Give me an exact example of ------- Devastating Economic Cost and Lost --------- Like what? Like what business?
Hey, I'll beleive Heritage ahead of ANY source you'll produce. If don't wish to believe, that is your problem, not mine. The facts remain, this Paris thing was NEVER about climate but about the transfer of American wealth to a world organization along with our giving up sovereignty.

I support what Trump did for this and other reasons. I don't actually have to justify them to you.

You did not even answer any of my questions. Why?

Meaning your link is nothing but anti Obama.
What is that supposed to represent? but bogus and full of crap.

I don't have to produce anything. You have to prove why you think pulling out from this climate accord is good for America? Not me.
I have the CEOs, businesses and around the globe that supports me. The whole world is furious and kicking our ass because of your god.

And YES you need to justify what you are talking about because followers like you don't even know what these means to the whole world.
Go read it. It is NOT anti-Obama, it is a group of people who follow a conservative philosophy. Your answers are in their report and it explains pretty closely why I think its a good thing to pull out of the Paris accords. As for what it means to the whole world, why should their greed affect Me?
China will never abide by the Accords. And when they don't, the "international community" will do nothing. It's a massive ponzi.
To celebrate, buy a gun or rifle or two, primo ammo and get a conceal carry permit. Show the libbies who's boss.


Climate change my *ss!
Trump sends a message to the world

While the rest of the world is willing to sacrifice for the good of the planet......America says...Fuck you, every man for himself!
The Paris Accord committed the US to nothing.

Yes it did you lying fuck it required each member state to provide a framework of how they would combat climate change which Obama had already done and thus it required a 28% carbon reduction from the US by 2025 punishable by suit in the ICJ by anyone, even NGOs like the Sierra club. More importantly it required the US to relinquish sovereignty to unelected global governance without so much as ratification from the Senate as mandated by the Constitution.
No it didn't.
It required each country to name their own target and then report back to the group each five years on how they're getting on.
So the definition of leadership here seems to be follow the crowd and do what everyone else is doing even if you think it's wrong. Not my idea of leadership but hey to each there own.
Lets just do what leftist french sophisticates think we ought to do......
And DiCaprio...... for Mother Earth !!!!!! Lol
The fact is that anthropogenic climate change is a theory, a theory that is very popular among uninformed masses and scientist who make a living researching and writing about it. Making dramatic changes to our economic structure which will harm an already stressed and shrinking middle class is very reckless.
How would we ever survive (if we had to have cars that get 40 MPG and free power from the sun)?
Yes, because its that simple..
Well it's not going to get any easier if we don't get started. Norway is now 50% electric cars. 80% of their power is hydroelectric. Now they're a lot smaller than us; I get that. But it can be done.
Horseshit. Show me where you get this claim that 50% of the cares on the road in Norway are electric.
Trump sends a message to the world

While the rest of the world is willing to sacrifice for the good of the planet......America says...Fuck you, every man for himself!

So you admit that the US doesn't benefit economically from this treaty.
Every foreign leader attacking Pres Trump over Paris -further proves the deal was one sided and better for foreigners than US proves the rest of the countries are willing to sacrifice for the good of the planet and the U.S. Only cares about itself
I was at an airline lounge in a major city with news came up. There were people from all over the world. They all were on one page, Trump is crazy and the US is going the wrong direction.
Ashamed and disgusted by this fools actions, day after he's dismantling this country to please the 25% fools that oted for him? He's hurting them the most, as some rich follks who voted against him say...the poor just love empty promises. Enjoy your trump I guarantee you the whole world is laughing at you.
Trump sends a message to the world

While the rest of the world is willing to sacrifice for the good of the planet......America says...Fuck you, every man for himself!

So you admit that the US doesn't benefit economically from this treaty.

That is the way ecology works

It is cheaper to dump your shit into the rivers and air. You just don't do it because it is damaging in the long run
Trump sends a message to the world

While the rest of the world is willing to sacrifice for the good of the planet......America says...Fuck you, every man for himself!

So you admit that the US doesn't benefit economically from this treaty.

That is the way ecology works

It is cheaper to dump your shit into the rivers and air. You just don't do it because it is damaging in the long run

Then why are all the douche bags who support the treaty acting like we're missing out on something by rejecting it?

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